Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T S Summary

“Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T S” story is a satirical take on the social dynamics and hypocrisy within a typical middle-class Indian society. It revolves around the preparation and execution of a farewell party for the unassuming and modest character, Miss Pushpa T.S., who works as a secretary in a small organization. Read More Inter 2nd Year English Summaries.

Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T S Summary

About Author

Nissim Ezekiel image

Nissim Ezekiel (16 December 1924 – 9 January 2004) [I] was an Indian Jewish poet, actor, playwright, editor and art critic.

He was a foundational figure in postcolonial India’s literary history, specifically for Indian Poetry in English. He was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award in 1983 for his collection, “Latter-Day Psalms”, by the Sahitya Akademi, India’s National Academy of Letters.

Ezekiel enriched and established Indian English language poetry through his modernist innovations and techniques, which enlarged Indian English literature, moving it beyond purely spiritual and orientalist themes, to include a wider range of concerns and interests, including familial events, individual angst and skeptical societal introspection

The poem ‘Goodbye Party for Miss.Pushpa T.S” is wrtitten by misson Ezekivel, a famous Indo Anglian poet. there is no record of any two verses seing written in the same way the present poem is taken from his volume of poems, “Hymns Darkness”. This is a perfect medium English Poem. It is a very humorous and and rational metaphor. It tells all about Indian’s English pronunciation and english phrases. When someone learns a foreign language, it is definiteley influenced by their mother tongue. It is invented very humorously. Moreover, It shows how invented very humorously. Moreover, It shows how indians mostly prefer to use present progressive. The poet, has used this present progressive in many places in this poem. This poem is in the form of a speech. Miss pushpa T.S. is going abroad on the occassion of it a farewell meeting is orgar sed and a person gives a speech. On the occassion the speaker forest adresses his coleagues as friends and miss pushpa as sister. He says “Friendly our dear sister is going abroad in two or three days. We have gathered here to say good bye to the purpose of their gathering.”

He tells them of the sweetness which is in pushpa and which they are all knowing. He says that he is not referring only to Miss.Pushpa’s external swetness but her informal sweetness. Miss pushpa keeps smiling and smiling, even when there is no reason for her to smile, he further says the speaker goes on to say that Pushpa is coming from very high family and that her father was a well known advocate in surat, though he is not now remembering which place exactly.

The speaker then remembers the place and says that it was surat when he stayed once only with the members of his zenele’s very old friend. The housemaker was cooking nicely, but that was long time ago. coming back to Miss Pushpa, the speaker says that she is most popular lady with men also and ladies also. When he asked her anything, she never said no. She never says ‘No’ to any request by him or anybody. She is alwasy saying ‘Yes’; and today she is going to improve her prospects and they are wishing her a happy voyage.

At the end the speaker asks others to speak, telling them that words Miss Pushpa will speak and do the summing up.


In “Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S.,” Nissim Ezekiel the story prompts reflection on the authenticity of our social interactions and the contrast between appearance and reality. It serves as a humorous yet thought-provoking commentary on the complexity of human nature and the facades we often maintain in our daily lives.