An interview summary introduction paragraph should introduce the interviewee, their position or expertise, and the main topic of the interview. It should also provide some context for the interview, such as why it was conducted or what new information it reveals. Read More Inter 2nd Year English Summaries.
An Interview Summary
About Author
Richard Gordon (born Gordon Stanley Benton, 15 September 1921 -11 August 2017, also known as Gordon Stanley Ostlere), was an English ship’s surgeon and anaesthetist. As Richard Gordon, Ostlere wrote numerous novels, screenplays for film and television and accounts of popular history, mostly dealing with the practice of medicine. He was best known for a long series of comic novels on a medical theme beginning with Doctor in the House, and the subsequent film, television, radio and stage adaptations.
Gordon’s wife Mary Ostlere was also a physician, and the couple had four children. He died on 11 August 2017.
Richard Gordon was an anesthetist and specialist from England. His PCP books, a progression of eighteen comic works, were extremely fruitful in Britain during the 1960s and 1970s.
The storyteller portrays his gathering with the dignitary of St. Swithin’s Medical School. He sits in the sitting area, apprehensively arranging his meeting with the senior member and noting his made up survey. He is then moved toward by a more established man, the clinical school’s secretary, who cautiously examines him and poses a couple of nquiries.
I intellectually prepared myself by collapsing my hands agreeably. Did you go to a state funded school? Do you take part in rugby or affiliation football? He answered with rugby. Do you accept you will actually want to pay the charge? He answered in the affirmative. He snorted and pulled out without saying anything. The dignitary was late in light of the fact that he went to a posthumous and grabbed a chair.
The dignitary is keen on rugby and asked what your situation in the game is. “WING THREE QUARTER,” he answered, and Dean started to draw a stack of paper toward himself, spotting fifteen specks in rugby development on it. The senior member poses no clinical inquiries, rather zeroing in on his rugby experience, which dazzles the dignitary. The storyteller is confessed to St. Swithin’s, however it is subsequently uncovered that the senior member by and large concedes understudies whose appearance the secretary endorses and dismisses those whose appearance the secretary doesn’t support.
An interview summary conclusion paragraph should summarize the main points of the interview and leave the reader with something to think about. It can also be used to restate the thesis statement of the interview or to make a call to action.