A Red Red Rose Summary

Robert Burns’s “A Red, Red Rose” is a lyrical poem that expresses the speaker’s deep love for his beloved. The poem is written in a simple but effective style, and it uses vivid imagery and metaphors to convey the speaker’s intense emotions. Read More 1st Year English Summaries.

A Red Red Rose Summary

Robert Burns image

Robert Burns is a great lyrical poet. He became truly the national poet of Scotland. The last years of his life were fruitful in the lyrical songs that gave him not merely a national but a universal reputation. In the present poem “A Red Red Rose” he describes his love for his beloved. This is a simple, but sincere poem in which he pours out his intense love for his beloved. He describes his pious and ardent love in a heart-rending and picturesque manner.

The poet points out that love is newly emerging feeling fully bloomed like a pretty rose in lovely spring. It is filled with the warmth of June, the summer. He says that his love is fully grown, bloomed like a lovely rose, sprung in June. It is like a sweet melody played in a passionate tune.

He endows his emotion with a concrete form he sees vividly in his beloved’s image. He declares the immortality of his love. He says that his love will remain till the seas get dried, till the rocks melt with the sun, and till death snatches him away from his sweetheart.

Finally, he overcomes all his grief. It is because he realizes and convinces the beloved that this parting is not an end. And they will be united again after crossing the path of death covering a distance of ten thousand miles. Thus the ravages of time will fail to bring any change upon his pious feelings. He bids his beloved farewell physically. He bids it only temporarily as he is sure to get united with her immortally in the other world beyond the limits of life and death-the physical concepts. Burns very convincingly assures, his beloved that he will reach her through the distance between them were ten thousand miles, symbolically.


Burns’s poem is a reminder that love is one of the most powerful forces in the world. It is a force that can bring people together, overcome obstacles, and create happiness and joy. “A Red, Red Rose” is a celebration of love in all its forms, and it is a poem that will continue to be enjoyed by readers for generations to come.