A Birthday Letter Summary

The lesson “A Birthday Letter” was written by Jawaharlal Nehru. He wrote a letter to his daughter, Indira from the Central prison on October 26, 1930. In the letter, he mentioned that Indira was in the habit of receiving gifts on her birthdays. Read More 5th Class English Summaries.

A Birthday Letter Summary

A Birthday Letter images

The lesson is in the form of a letter. It is a letter written by Jawaharlal Nehru to his daughter Indira Prayadarshini (Indira Gandhi). This is a letter written on the occasion of Indira Gandhi’s birthday.

In his letter, Jawaharlal Nehru tells his daughter certain important facts. He was unable to send her any presents because he was in prison.

Nehru did not believe in giving out good advice. He was in favour of talking and discussing to find the truth. He felt that no one has learnt everything.

Nehru told Indira that Gandhi’s message has stolen millions of hearts. At that time, they were making history. It was fortunate to see that history with their own eyes. They were fortunately taking some part in it.

It was not easy to decide what is right and what is wrong. We should not do anything secretly. We should not do anything we wish to hide. Fear is a bad thing. We should be brave and the rest follows. He hoped that Indira will grow up as a brave woman.

Nehru felt that there is a lot to tell her. A letter cannot contain the whole. He hoped that she would grow up as a brave soldier and serve India.


In the letter, he mentioned that Indira was in the habit of receiving gifts on her birthdays. But he couldn’t send any materialistic gifts on her birthday.