Report Writing for Class 10 CBSE Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

A report is a factual description of an issue or a problem. A report is written for a clear purpose and for a particular audience. Various forms of reports are: newspaper reports, inquiry reports, progress or action taken report, a police report, a report of a meeting, etc., each having a distinct character and format.

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Report Writing for Class 10 Format, Examples, Topics, Samples, Types

Purpose of Formal Report

  1. To pass on relevant information asked for.
  2. To analyse the information.
  3. To make certain observations and predictions on the basis of the analysis of information.
  4. To offer suggestions relating to the observations and predictions.


Opening sentence: (You recently asked me to submit a report on … . The following are my findings and recommendations/As desired by you, I submit my report on … . The following are my findings and recommendations):Findings:

  1. The current problem
  2. Reasons why this problem has arisen
  3. Recommendations
    3.1. top priority
    3.2. action needed
    3.3. no action needed
  4. Conclusions


Report Writing Sample Example With Answer for Class 10 CBSE

Here is a table listing the literate population of Mahanagar Pradesh over the last 40 years. Though the literacy rate has shown an improvement (see table given) it still leaves a lot to be desired. You are Education Director, Mahanagar Pradesh, submitting a report on this issue to Mr Pramod Patil, Education Minister of Mahanagar Pradesh.

Years Male (%) Female (%) Total (%)
1961 35 12 18
1971 43 18 26
1981 56 22 35
1991 59 33 43
2001 63 43 52

Diagnostic Test – 8

The following report on the condition of the Indian Bustard was submitted to Minister for Environment, Rajasthan.

The Bustards comprise a group which is the most threatened species of birds. Of these, the Indian Bustard is approaching a critical situation and is now on the brink of extinction with an estimated population possibly as low as 600-700. It has become locally extinct in almost 90 per cent of its former range and, ironically, it has disappeared from two sanctuaries created especially to protect the species. Previously, it was mainly poaching and habitat destruction that resulted in such a pitiful situation, but now mismanagement of the habitat, sentimental protection of certain problem animals and apathy are creating havoc.

Worried about the declining population of the Indian Bustard, Ms Shukla writes to Director of Horticulture, Rajasthan, desiring him to study the present condition of the Indian Bustard and its future. Based on the information given above, and your own ideas and tips from the unit Environment in your Main Course Book, complete the director’s report.

From: Name, Director Horticulture, Rajasthan
To: Ms Shukla, (a) ………………………………………..
19-March, 2011
(b) : ………………………………………..
(c) ……………………………………….. the endangered Indian Bustard. The following are my findings and recommendations:

1. The Current Problem:
The Bustard population (d) ………………………………………. . Till 1995, flocks of more than 20 birds were a common sight on Indian grasslands, but today it is hard to spot a single individual. Sightings of the Bustard are rare and their last count was a mere 87.\

2. Reasons whv this problem has arisen:
2.1 (e) ……………………………………….. and conversion of grasslands into crop fields
2.2 (f) Widespread ……………………………………….. in parts of the Thar desert in Rajasthan
2.3 Increase in Blackbuck and Nilgai numbers
2.4 Corruption (g) ……………………………………….. in Bustard sanctuaries

3. Recommendations:
3.1 To establish (h) ………………………………………..
3.2 To supervise and coordinate management of (i) ………………………………………..
3.3 To coordinate long-term studies (j) ………………………………………..

I strongly feel that immediate efforts should be made for their protection and conservation, name

Director of Horticulture
(a) Minister for Environment, Rajasthan
(b) Critical Condition of the Indian Bustard
(c) This here is my report on
(d) is declining rapidly
(e) Habitat destruction
(f) Poaching
(g) and mismanagement
(h) more Bustard conservation areas
(i) Bustard conservation areas
(j) on Bustards and their habitats

Report Writing Practice Example for Class 10 CBSE

3.7.1 Concerned by the report given below Mr Ram Gopal, Health Minister, Delhi, asked Ms Teena Saikia, Research Scientist, National Health Institute, to submit her report. As Teena Saikia, submit the report in not more than 120 words. You may use ideas from the unit Environment in your Main Course Book, the information given above and your own ideas.

Climate Change Leading to Diseases: WHO

Rahul Verma
New Delhi

A news report by the World Health Organization (WHO) says climate change is adversely affecting the health of millions of people across the world, leading to the death of thousands, and fuelling diseases like diarrhoea and malaria.

The study released in Milan in Italy last week, estimates that in the year 2000, 150,000 deaths were caused because of climate change. It says climate change is responsible for 2.4 per cent of all cases of diarrhoea worldwide, and for 2 per cent of all malaria cases in the world.

3.7.2 Around 26 per cent of Indian girls between the ages of 6 to 14 are not in school. Gunjpur accounts for a large portion of this percentage with more than 40 per cent of its women being illiterate. The male-female literacy ratio is skewed as only 58.6 per cent women of Gangapur are literate as against 80.5 per cent of men.

Shri Hiten Desai, Education Minister, Gunjpur, wrote to Ms Malti Patel, the Education Director, enquiring about the reason for the high illiteracy rate among the women of Gunjpur. As Malti Patel, write your report in about 120 words, using the hints given below, your own ideas and ideas from the unit Education in your Main Course Book.

  • traditional and orthodox attitude
  • few schools for women
  • early marriage
  • poverty
  • gender discrimination

3.7.3 St. Stephen’s School has started a night shelter in the school. The school has received both bouquets and brickbats because of this. The graph given provides figures revealed during an opinion poll conducted by the school authorities among the students and parents. Using the graph given below, your own ideas and ideas from the unit Education in your Main Course Book, submit your report to the Education Director. You are Sampath Kumar, Inspector, Directorate of Education. Do not exceed 120 words.

3.7.4 Read the two graphs given below showing the relationship between the carbon dioxide content in the air and temperature of Purab Pradesh. Mr Arvind Menon, Minister for Environment, Purab Pradesh, wants the Environment Secretary, Mr Vaidyanathan, to study the trends and submit a report. As Mr Vaidyanathan, write a report in about 150-175 words suggesting how the presence of carbon dioxide in the air increases the temperature. Use the information given, your own ideas and ideas from the unit Environment in your Main Course Book to write the report.

3.7.5 It is the year 2001. You are Harihar Nandan, the District Education Officer of Gangapur, Purab Pradesh. You have been told by the Minister for Human Resources and Development of your state to submit a report on the changes that have taken place in the status of women in your district. Look at the table given below and write a report using the information given below, your own ideas and ideas from the unit Education in your Main Course Book. Do not exceed 120 words.

Status of Women in Gangapur 1990 2001
Number of illiterate women 30,000 5,000
Number of schools for girls 3 12
Number of degree colleges for women 1 4
Number of colleges providing professional courses for women 0 3
Number of dowry deaths 250 12