Determiners are words that come before nouns. They contain several classes of words, including pronouns and adjectives. They determine or limit the noun by giving some additional information about it. Determiners show whether a noun refers to is a general or a specific object, person, or place. They indicate which or how many things the noun refers to. Determiners define or limit a noun to the singular or plural. They indicate the amount or quantity. Determiners and nouns together make noun phrases. They make noun phrases with adjectives too. Determiners may precede numerals too.
Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.
We also providing Extra Questions for Class 9 English Chapter wise.
Determiners Exercises With Answers for Class 9 CBSE PDF
Determiners are words that precede and modify nouns. They tell us how many or how much. Selecting the correct determiner depends on your understanding of the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns.
Determiners Solved Exercises Examples for Class 9 CBSE
Diagnostic Test 8
Fill in the blanks using suitable determiners.
Bon Appetit – With Flowers
Flowers are not only beautiful and fragrant, they are often also edible. Indians have always relished eating flowers and (a) …………………………… (some/one) of the delicacies of Bengali cuisine is fritters made of pumpkin flowers. (b) …………………………… (one/another) flower widely eaten in the north-east is the banana flower which is made into a number of dishes.
Today, eating flowers is catching on in a big way. Apart from the cauliflower and broccoli, there are (c) …………………………… (various/some) other edible flowers too. In (d) …………………………… (any/some) western countries, crystallized flowers are used as decoration for cakes and puddings. Lavender flowers have (e) …………………………… (much/many) uses. They are used for making lavender water as well as in custards and ice creams.
(f) …………………………… (many/any) herbs like rosemary, thyme, and basil are used for garnishing and flavor.
(a) one
(b) Another
(c) various
(d) some
(e) many
(f) Many
Score yourself for each diagnostic test: For each correct answer award yourself 1 mark. 5-6 – good 4 or less – You need to develop your grammar skills through adequate practice. |
Determiners Practice Exercises for Class 9 CBSE
Question 1.
Look at the phrases given below in the box. Place them in the correct trees as shown.
Question 2.
In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with one of the following determiners.
much – many |
(a) It seems to me that we’ve had …………………………… assignments in English this term, (b) How …………………………… material can we be expected to read in one week?
(c) …………………………… of the books you asked us to read are not in the library.
(d) I’ve called …………………………… of my colleagues over for dinner.
(e) …………………………… of the anger you experience can be attributed to being overworked.
Question 3.
Fill in the blanks with suitable determiners. More than one answer is possible in certain cases.
(a) Do you remember ………………….. of the questions asked in the interview?
(b) I know very ………………….. about him.
(c) Shakespeare wrote ………………….. plays.
(d) ………………….. citizen should vote.
(e) She has not bought ………………….. new books recently.
(f) ………………….. one can go and collect the prize.
(g) I collected all the marbles but I think ………………….. are still left.
(h) ………………….. watches have you got?
(i) ………………….. trees were cut yesterday.
(j) These cheques can be deposited in ………………….. branch of the bank.
(k) ………………….. vehicle is parked in front of of gate?
(l) They have planted trees on ………………….. side of the road.
(m) It was not a good match ………………….. team played well.
(n) ………………….. side of the square has the same length.
(a) some/any
(b) little
(c) many/several
(d) Every
(e) any
(f) Every
(g) a few
(h) How many
(i) Many/A few/ Few/ Some
(j) any
(k) Whose
(l) either
(m) neither
(n) Each
Question 4.
In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with one of the following determiners.
a little – little – a few – few |
(a) They say …………………………… knowledge is a dangerous thing.
(b) I know of …………………………… instances where that has proved to be true.
(c) …………………………… people know as much about computers as Subhash does.
(d) But it does him …………………………… good when the whole system goes down.
Question 5.
In the following sentences, fill in the blanks with one of the following determiners.
a few – a little – a lot – a lot of – a majority of – enough – many – much of – plenty – several of – some |
(a) I’m having …………………………… of trouble passing my driving exam.
(b) …………………………… the movies were rated PG.
(c) …………………………… of the information proved to be outdated.
(d) We’re close to the project deadline, but there is still …………………………… time left.
(e) Although there are …………………………… brilliant students in this state, only …………………………… will choose to remain in the state after graduation.
(f) We were able to destroy …………………………… the parasites with our antigen, but …………………………… of them survived to cause trouble.
(g) …………………………… a student has passed through these doors.
(h) Although …………………………… of the lawn is open to the sun, there are …………………………… of shady trees to make it comfortable.
(i) I think he drank …………………………… wine last night.
(j) …………………………… of the evidence was stolen from the police safe last night.
Question 6.
Fill in the blanks using suitable articles, quantifiers, and demonstratives.
(a) …………………………… very next day …………………………… new manager arrived. He was …………………………… ambitious, bad-tempered …………………………… man and …………………………… of us took …………………………… instant dislike to him.
(b) …………………………… man standing by …………………………… lamp post seems suspicious. I have seen him …………………………… times loitering around my house. I wonder if he has anything to do with …………………………… robbery last night.
(c) Mandarin is …………………………… of …………………………… more widely spoken languages. This is because almost 25 percent of the world’s population is concentrated in China alone.
(d) The Chinese language does not use …………………………… alphabet. Instead, it has over 50,000 characters which are adapted from pictures of …………………………… objects they represent. Although there is …………………………… or no resemblance now, so people simply have to learn what each character means.
CBSE Class 9 English Grammar
- Articles Exercises for Class 9
- Tenses Exercise for Class 9
- Modals Exercises for Class 9
- Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 9
- Subject Verb Concord Exercises for Class 9
- Reported Speech Exercises for Class 9
- Clauses Class 9
- Determiners Class 9
- Preposition Exercise for Class 9
- Adjectives Exercises for Class 9
- Gap Filling Exercises for Class 9
- Editing Exercises for Class 9
- Connectors Exercises for Class 9
- Pronoun Exercise for Class 9
- Sentence Completion Exercises for Class 9
- Dialogue Completion Exercises for Class 9
- Cloze Passage Exercises Class 9
- Omission Exercises for Class 9
- Jumbled Sentences for Class 9
- Sentence Transformation Class 9