These DAV Class 8 SST Notes and DAV Class 8 SST Chapter 1 Notes – Resources: Utilization and Development hold significant importance as study material for students.
Resources: Utilization and Development Class 8 DAV Notes
→ All the things on the earth necessary for our existence are resources, for example, soil, minerals, vegetation, wildlife, etc.
→ Human beings are also considered as a resource because it is only with the help of human skill that the other resources can be developed.
→ Utility and value of a resource varies from time to time and place to place. Resources become usable when they are processed in several ways.
→ Utilisation of resources depends upon various factors, such as availability of resources, skill of human beings, availability of capital, advancement of technology, availability of transport and communication facilities, availability of water, etc.
→ Earlier availability of resources played a very important role. But nowadays availability of capital and skilled labour have become necessary for the utilisation of resources.
→ Renewable resources can be renewed either naturally or by human efforts. Solar energy, water and air come under this category. However, the quality of these resources can be affected by improper usage.
→ Non-renewable resources cannot be renewed. Coal, petroleum etc. come under this category. Since these resources are limited on the earth’s surface, we should be careful about their usage.
→ The biotic resources provide a variety of useful products, for example, birds, animals, fish, etc. All biotic resources are renewable.
→ All non-living resources such as land, water, etc. are abiotic resources. These are not renewable except water which is inexhaustible.
→ Resources available from nature in the form of water, minerals, forests, etc., and used by human beings are natural resources.
→ Roads, buildings, machines, etc. are man-made resources. These resources are developed from natural resources.
→ Human resources is determined by the quality and the quantity of people of a country.
→ Resources are well-developed in Japan as people are skilled and technically developed.
→ Potential resources are those whose utility is not known at present or those which are not used despite having utility. They may be useful at some time in future.
→ Actual resources are those which have been thoroughly surveyed and their quantities are ascertained.
→ Resources should be utilised judiciously so that after fulfilling our present requirements, they are also preserved for the future generations.
→ There is a necessity to maintain proper balance between population and utilization of resources. They should be used judiciously otherwise mankind will have to face dire consequences.
→ We can contribute to sustainable development by recycling things and using them again, by switching off length when not needed and in many more ways.
→ Resource: All the things on the earth which are necessary for our existence are called resources.
→ Utility: A substance has utility if it can be used in any possible way to satisfy our needs.
→ Value: Worth of a substance assessed on the basis of utility.
→ Natural resource: Resources taken from nature.
→ Human resource: A human being who can contribute to his family, society or economy is called a human resource.
→ Renewable resource: Resources that can be used without any risk of their ending up because they exist in unlimited quantity.
→ Non-renewable resource: Resources that are available in limited quantity.
→ Biotic resources: Resources, which are obtained from biosphere and have life.
→ Abiotic resource: All non-living resources.
→ Potential resource: Resources whose utility is not known at present or which are not used despite having utility; instead they may be useful at some time in future.
→ Actual resource: Resources which are used currently and whose quantity is known.
→ Resource conservation: The concept of using resources carefully so that they do not end up quickly.
→ Sustainable development: The concept of using resources in a balanced way so that our purpose is solved, as well as they are also conserved for the future generations.
Classification of Resources