Incorporating DAV Class 8 English Reader Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 1 Changing Times into study routines can lead to better overall language proficiency.
My English Reader Class 8 DAV Solutions Unit 1 Changing Times
DAV Class 8 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 1 Changing Times
A. I, II, III for Self-attempt.
A. 1. Do you want to know the ‘real you’? Check out what you would do in each of the following situations. Tick (✓) your circle. If you would do something different, write your response in the space provided.
(a) If your friends have planned a party your parents don’t approve of, you would
(i) not attend the party.
(ii) lie about it and attend.
(iii) keep pestering your parents till they are forced to say “yes’.
(i) not go to the party.
(b) If you saw a classmate of yours cheating in an exam, you would
(i) ignore it.
(ii) tell the teacher.
(iii) talk to the classmate about it after the exam.
(ii) tell the teacher.
(c) If you saw an old lady standing at the end of a queue while you were right ahead, you would
(i) ignore the lady’s presence.
(ii) exchange places with her.
(iii) ask someone to stand in the queue for her.
(ii) exchange places with her.
(d) If your friend gave you a T-shirt that was not of your liking, you would
(i) say something nice and put it in a closet when he/she has left.
(ii) say frankly that you didn’t like it.
(iii) say thank you and wear it.
(i) say something nice and put it in a closet later.
A. 2. People you meet have different traits, some desirable and others undesirable. Read some of the traits given below and tick (✓) the ones you have heard of. Look up a dictionary to find the meaning of others.
See My English Reader, page 3.
Now write words whose meanings are given below. Also list them as desirbale or undesirable.
(a) One who shows politeness or honour and someone or something. _________
(b) One who has the intelligence to form reasoned judgements. _________
(c) One who is excessively fond of raising objections. _________
(d) One who is willing to adapt. _________
(e) One who deliberately refuses to obey authority. _________
(f) One who possesses an exaggerated sense of self-importance. _________
(g) One who is rough, unpleasant and often violent. _________
(h) One who shows a bias. _________
(i) One who is easily upset by things people say or do. _________
(j) One who complies with an order or law. _________
A.3 The following extracts from ‘Give Me a Break’ have some words that are probably unfamiliar to you. Don’t look up these words in the dictionary. Instead ‘puzzle out’ the meanings with the help of clues/other words or phrases in the extract. One has been done for you as an example. Consult a ‘dictionary later to check whether you are right or wrong.
Give me a Break Summary
Pranoy enters the counsellor’s room. He wants that the counsellor should talk to her parents. According to him, his parents make contradiction in every thing and stop him from doing everything of his choice. Pranoy tells the counsellor that he knows what to do and what not to do. They most often scold him. They do not allow him to take his decisions. Pranoy uses mobile and when his card gets finished, he then only uses landline. He is scolded by his father badly. Pranoy tells that his mother never scolds him but she never stops his father for scolding him.
Then the counsellor speaks to Pranoy’s mother. She is a gentle lady. She tells his mother about Pranoy’s stress at home. His mother tells her that he is disobedient and never respects anyone at home. He has made rich friends and spends a lot of money. But his sisters are too much adjusting. They are quite different to him. Pranoy thinks that his parents are partial to his sisters. He is also very insensitive. He demands a lot of money and never studies properly. The counsellor suggests her to be more assertive.
प्रणय सलाहकार के कमरे में प्रवेश करता है। वह चाहता है कि सलाहकार उसके अभिभावकों से बात करें। उसके अनुसार, वे हर बात में उसे टोकते हैं तथा हर काम करने से उसे रोकते हैं। प्रणय सलाहकार को बताता है कि वह जानता है कि उसे क्या करना चाहिए और क्या नहीं करना चाहिए। वे उसे हमेशा डाँटते रहते हैं। प्रणय अपने मोबाइल का प्रयोग करता है उसका कार्ड खत्म हो जाने पर वह घर का फोन प्रयोग करता है। उसके पिता उसे बुरी तरह डाँटते हैं। प्रणय कहता है कि हालाँकि उसकी माँ उसे कभी नहीं डाँटती परन्तु वह उसके पिता को भी डाँटने से नहीं रोकती है।
फिर सलाहकार प्रणय की माँ से बात करती है। वह बहुत शालीन महिला है। वह प्रणय की माँ को बताती है कि प्रणय घर पर बहुत तनाव महसूस करता है । उसकी माँ सलाहकार को बताती है कि वह बहुत अनुशासनहीन है तथा घर में किसी का आदर नहीं करता। उसने अमीर बच्चों को अपना मित्र बनाया है तथा काफी खर्चीला है । परन्तु उसकी बहनें ऐसी नहीं है। प्रणय का मानना है कि उसके अभिभावक उसकी बहनों का भी नहीं करता। सलाहकार प्रणय की माँ को अधिक सुदृढ होने पक्ष लेते हैं। वह बहुत पैसा खर्च करता है एवं ठीक से पढ़ाई की सलाह देती है।
Lanky = tall and thin – लम्बा और पतला;
Disobedient = one who does not obey – अवज्ञाकारी;
Disrespectful = one who never respects – अशिष्ट;
Accommodating = agreeing to do what somebody wants – किसी की इच्छा पूरी करने को तैयार;
Disagreement = people having different opinion – असहमति;
Critical = saying what’s wrong with somebody – आलोचनात्मक;
Buffer = a person who lessens the impact of harmful effects – किसी घटना आदि के दुष्प्रभाव को कम करना;
Extravagances = spending too much – फ़िज़ूलख़र्च;
Immune = naturally resistant to an infection (not affected) – प्रतिरक्षित;
Brutish = violent or cruel person – निर्दयी व्यक्ति ।
A.4. Complete the following statements on the basis of your reading of the passage.
(a) Pranoy went to the counsellor because ___________
Pranoy went to the counsellor because he wanted her to speak to his parents.
(b) The cause of Pranoy’s anger and being upset was ___________
The cause of Pranoy’s anger and being upset was that he was being contradicted by his parents on everything his parents did at home.
(c) Pranoy thought his mother was better than his father because ___________
Pranoy thought his mother was better than his father because she never scolded him like his father.
(d) However, she too added to Pranoy’s stress by ___________
However, she too added to Pranoy’s stress by not stopping father from scolding him.
(e) Pranoy’s friends added to the misery of his parents because ___________
Pranoy’s friends added to the misery of his parents because they were rich and Pranoy tried to copy them by spending more and more money.
(f) Things were difficult for Pranoy’s mother because she had to face both his ___________ and ___________.
Things were difficult for Pranoy’s mother because she had to face both his disobedience and disrespect towards family.
(g) The mother thought Pranoy misused the facilities given to him. This is evident from the fact that ___________
The mother thought Pranoy misused the facilities given to him. This is evident from the fact that firstly he finished his card in mobile within 10 days and then started using land line excessively.
(h) ‘My poor girls’ is what Pranoy’s mother feels for her daughters. She feels so because ___________
‘My poor girls’ is what Pranoy’s mother feels for her daughters. She feels so because they are very adjusting and accommodating unlike Pranoy.
A.5. Complete the table taking information from the conversation. Produce evidence from the text.
Pranoy | Mother |
(a) Causes of Stress:
(a) Causes of Stress:
(b) What he thinks of:
(b) What she thinks of:
(c) How he feels about himself:
(c) How he feels about himself:
(d) How he feels about his studies:
(d) What she thinks about his studies:
A.6. Suppose you come across a child grappling with a situation similar to that of Pranoy and decide to extend the best possible help to them. How would you go about mentoring them in such a scenario.
Apparently the parents of a child who doesn’t respect anyone have difficult time to face at home. The reason being they both are at loggarheads with each other. The parents say their child is not ready to listen to them, the child on the other hand feels that, his parents don’t understand him. The best thing to do in such a situation would be to give ample time to your kid and listen attentively to the kind of problems he is facing in the school and outside. It is very important to be a friend first.
Try to win his heart through sympathy and compassion, so that he can trust you and brings his day to day problems to you. Children by nature are very inquisitive they can be handled gracefully only when you lend them a patient ear. Do not be harsh with words, be polite and find a perfect solution and give them sound advice, that now by keeping bad company they can spoil their future. Teach them the importance of time; slowly but surely they will develop into a balanced and matured human being.
A.7. Life Skills
‘He has also got a set of high-flying friends, who have a lot of money to spend. My son tries to keep us with the same standard, ………………’ laments Pranoy’s mother.
Peer influence or peer pressure is part and parcel of growing up and can be daunting to deal with. Constant comparisons by parents and teachers along with the desire to ‘fit in’ make children imitate the actions, ambitions and lifestyle of certain peers.
How, in your opinion, can this situation be handled?
Perfection is something we all aspire for but hardly reach it. Being a teenager is difficult, as many people expect you to be perfect in many different things – be it at school, home or otherwise First and foremost thing to remember is never compare yourself with anyone. Each individual has his/her own distinctive style. Focus on things which are well within your control-like your studies, career goals and lifestyle.
Do not in anyway tiy to imitate your rich friends. Money can buy you things but inner satisfaction can only be reached through hardwork and strong will power. Don’t ever forget that. Always remember the kind of family you belong to, stick to your roots and achieve things one at a time. Set goals for yourself and work accordingly. Eating out, going for late night parties might appeal initially but in the long run, such things do not pay. Self-control and discipline is extremely necessary to live a happy, stressfree and successful life.
A.8. Values
‘Pranoy’s mother had a hard time keeping up with the incessant and unreasonable demands of her teenaged son. She could no longer cope with his ‘defiant’ and ‘disrespectful’ disposition.
Do you also think that Pranoy is defiant and disrespectful? How would you have behaved had you been in Pranoy’s position?
Yes, Pranoy in the story is defiant and disrespectful towards his parents. It is seen that he makes unnecessary demand on his parents. Even though he belongs to a middle class family, he tries to copy his rich friends who have plenty of money. He does not care a bit about his two younger sisters. He fails to understand that excess of everything is bad. His undue expenditure needs to be cut down.
If I would have been in this situation, I would have made sure that I listen to my mother because she always has a healthy advice to give. She will never want ill for her children. No mother wants to see their child in difficulty. I would have certainly looked upto my mother for any kind of eventuality.
A.9. The following extracts from ‘Give Me a Break’ have some words that are probably unfamiliar to you. Do not look up these words in a dictionary. Instead ‘puzzle out’ the meanings with the help of clues/other words or phrases in the extract. One has been done for you as an example. Consult a dictionary later to check whether you are right or wrong.
(a) He has also got a set of high-flying friends, who have a lot of money to spend. My son tries to keep up the same standard, which is not possible because we are not that affluent.
Possible meaning : rich
Clue(s) : a lot of money to spend
What the dictionary says : rich
(b) They are so critical about everything that living at home is like hell. They are impossible. According to them, I don’t do anything right. For God’s sake, give me a break.
Possible meaning : who always seeks fault.
Clue(s) : I don’t do anything right.
What the dictionary says : fault finding.
(c) I do provide the essentials, but extravagances and undue expenditure have to be cut down.
Possible meaning : spending beyond limits.
Clue(s) : undue expenditure have to be cut down.
What the dictionary says : spending or costing too much money.
(d) I am afraid that will be like throwing water on a duck’s back. He is immune to things beyond himself. It is amazing that the girls who are much younger than him understand things so much better and are so accommodating.
Possible meaning : a person who does not understand any thing.
Clue(s) : the girls who are much younger than him understand things,
What the dictionary says : not understanding/un-adjusting.
(e) Children do not like being compared. They feel it is unfair. Sometimes it gets their back up when they encounter real or imagined partiality. This could be one of the reasons why Pranoy is being difficult.
Possible meaning : support
Clue(s) : children do not being compared.
What the dictionary says : support
A.10. Given below are some phases from the text. Use them in the sentences of your own.
(a) To be a buffer between: A buffer of security personnel protected the celebrity as they walked the red carpet.
(b) To be immune to things: She is immune to our problems.
(c) To make some headway: The prime investigation team made some headway in the case.
(d) To be at the end of one’s tether: By six’s clock after a busy day, I’m at the end of my tether.
A.11. Imagine that you are the counsellor. Charu, a student of Class-VIII, is undergoing a lot of stress because at home she is being constantly compared with her brother, Write a letter to Charu’s father to be more sensitive towards Charu’s feelings. Use some of the points that emerge from the discussion in A.7.
Mr. Rangnath Mishra A-5,
Kings way Kamp
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Hope this letter of mine finds you in good spirits. As per our discussion when we met on last parents-teachers meeting this month I would like to share my viewpoints with you. I had a long healthy discussion with your daughter Charu after the school hours. I have felt that the child is going through a lot of stress at home. I would as a counsellor like to advise you that try and give a healthy environment to your kid at home. You should behave like her friend to her, so that she can come upto you and speak about her problems. You should always remember that a home is the first school of a child from where she learns a lot many things. Give her love and affection and see how things would take a healthy turn. I hope you won’t disappoint me and take my words sincerely.
Yours true well-wisher
Ramit Goel
B. 1. What is your definition of a holiday? With changing times, the concept of a fun- filled vacation has changed too. Fill up the blank spaces with the activities you would like to engage in during your vacation. This will help you to understand the change.
B.2. Listen to the audio CD titled Listen and Comprehend (Class-VIII). After listening, answer the questions asked in the audio CD orally. Listen to the tape script once again and attempt the given questions. The tape script is given on page no. 27.
Jhanvi : I’m so excited about the summer break. What are you going to do, Bineet?
Bineet : I’ve some good news! I’ve been selected for a modelling assignment. So I’ll be joining grooming lessons.
Chirag : Oh, that’s great!
Bineet : Yes, the assignment is great but the lessons are hard, very time-consuming and expensive too.
Jhanvi : Sure, but they are worth every penny. What’s with you, Chirag?
Chirag : Nothing yet. But I’ve got a couple of summer jobs that sound exciting. One is working as an intern for a record company – mostly swer1ng phones. Or I can get a landscaping job again.
Bineet : Being an intern sounds more interesting and probably not so hard.
Chirag : Yeah, but a landscaper earns more money than an intern.
Bineet : What exactly do you do as a landscaper?
Chirag : Aa, a landscaper has to beautify a given area by enhancing the natural scenery.
Bineet : You said you were excited, Jhanvi. What are your plans?
Jhanvi : No summer job this time. My parents have a beach house in Kupala. So I’m planning to go for long walks and do a lot of swimming there.
Chirag : Sounds great but won’t you miss your age group?
Jhanvi : I have a couple of cousins who have a lot of friends I know. So, it’s going to be a lot of parties, music and movies.
Chirag : That makes me envious.
Jhanvi : The best part is, there’s going to be no nagging for studies and I’ll be allowed to have my kind of food.
Bineet : That’s a lot to look forward too.
On the basis of your listening to the conversation about the summer vacation plans of the three friends, complete the following statements.
(a) Bineet is excited about his _________ but a little worried about the _________ he has to put in and the money he has to pay.
modelling assignment and grooming session, hard work
(b) Chirag had taken up the job of a _________ earlier. The job of _________ is more paying than that of _________ he says.
record company’s intern, a landscaper, working as an intern
(c) Jhanvi is looking forward to her visit to Kupala because she will be able to go for _________ and do _________ .
fun, entertainment with her cousins, food she prefers
B.3. Organise yourselves into groups of four. Two students should go around the school and ask two teenagers what they plan to do during their next summer vacation and what did they enjoy/did not enjoy doing last year.
The other two should put the same questions to any two adults (parents/ neighbours/teachers) and complete the following table.
For self-attempt.
B. 4. After completing the table, study the results and discuss the following points:
- What do teenagers/adults enjoy most?
- Why do they enjoy/do not enjoy a particular thing?
- What is the difference in likes/ dislikes of the two age groups?
- What are the probable reasons for these variations?
Based on the discussion, one student from each group will deliver a speech on the topic- ‘My Idea of a Perfect Vacation for Teenagers/Adults’. (Choose either of the two.)
For self-attempt.
B.5. Imagine you are a press reporter. Based on the survey you conducted in B-3. and the discussion you had with your group in B.4., write a newspaper report based on your findings. You may organise your report in the following way. (See My English Reader, P-16).
Why are Adults and Teenagers Pole apart?
By: Riya
New Delhi, 10th June, 20XX. Over 50 people in the city were surveyed by us. Both adults and teenagers were involved in this survey. Our aim was to find what teenagers and adults enjoy and some interesting results were found.
About 80% teenagers were interested in sports, adventures and freaking out with friends, 20% teenagers like watching TV while only 5% teenagers like reading books. Almost 95% teenagers like company of their friends and do not like the company of relatives and family members.
When the adults were interviewed, the results were different. About 50% adults were spending holidays with their family members. They do not prefer adventures, sports etc. But they like relaxation in peaceful atmosphere. The adults like enjoying parties only with family and friends together. Both the results were compared. It was found that both the adults and teenagers like moving out but teenagers like company of their friends and avoid family whereas adults are mature. So they prefer outing with their families. Teenagcrs enjoy company of people with whom they share common interests.
It is concluded that in likes and dislikes adults and teenagers are pole apart.
C.1. Work in pairs.
At what age do you think people tend to behave in these ways? Talk with your partner and tick (✓) one or more age groups for each behaviour.
Use the following language for your discussion.
A : I think, people in their teens tend to be more…
B : Yes, but I think people in their thirties and forties can be…
A. adventurous
B. domineering in nature.
C.2. Summary
This is the poem showing generation gap between Raghu and his father. Raghu seeks permission from his father to go for mountain climbing. But his father simply declines. He scolds him for his hair style and clothing. After some days Raghu informs his father that he wants to join a band for singing. But again he is denied by his father and he got advice to choose better career options.
Days passed and summer came. Raghu got a computer. He thought his grandfather would be happy. He called him genius, Raghu says to his grandfather that his father does not understand modern way of life. His grandfather replies that all go through this stage. When his own son grows up, he will also repeat the same words.
यह कविता रघु और उसके पिता के बीच की पीढ़ी के अन्तर को दर्शाती है। रघु अपने पिता से पहाड़ पर चढ़ाई की अनुमति माँगता है। परन्तु उसके पिता उसे इस काम के लिए मना कर देते हैं। उसे वे उसके कपड़ों, बालों आदि पर डाँटते हैं। कुछ दिन बीत जाने के बाद रघु अपने पिता से म्यूजिक बैण्ड का भाग बनने की अनुमति चाहता है । परन्तु उसके पिता चाहते हैं कि वह किसी बेहतर कार्य के विषय में सोचे जो उसका भविष्य बना सके।
दिन गुजर गए और गर्मी का मौसम आ गया। रघु को एक कंप्यूटर मिला। उसने सोचा कि इससे उसके दादाजी खुश होंगे। दादाजी उसे बहुत प्रतिभाशाली कहते हैं। वह दादाजी से पूछता है कि उसके पिता आधुनिक जीवन शैली के बारे में क्यों नहीं समझते हैं दादाजी उत्तर देते हैं कि वे इस परिस्थिति से निकल चुके हैं। जब उसका बेटा बड़ा होगा, वह भी उससे यही शब्द दुहराएगा।
Seek = to try to find or get something – कुछ पाने की कोशिश करना;
Advice = suggestion – सलाह;
Scream = to cry – चिल्लाना;
Yelled = cried loudly – चिल्लाया, चीखा।
C.3. On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the web given below.
C.4. Complete the following statements on the basis of your reading of the poem.
(a) For any two of the answers written in C.3, write a reason given by Raghu’s father for rejecting it.
(i) He wants him to join a proper career.
(ii) He thinks that there is a risk in mountain climbing.
(b) Write the line that suggests that Raghu is confused.
With some confusion as you will see.
(c) Do you think Raghu is stubborn? Give a reason for your answer.
Yes, Raghu is stubborn. He wants to live in his own style and adapts modernity.
(d) Is Raghu’s father reasonable or unfair? Give a reason for your answer.
No, not at all. He wanes good for Raghu and he is worried about him.
(e) Raghu’s father does not allow him to join the band because….
he wants to choose him a decent career option.
(j) Raghu’s grandpa is different from his father. The difference is…
that he accepts modernity unlike his father.
(g) Grandpa feels that Raghu should not worry about dad’s attitude because…
everyone goes through this stage.
(h) Write the word in the poem that suggests the same meaning as ‘connection’.
My bridge.
C.5. Give an appropriate title to the poem.
Accept me for what I am a teenaged boy
Teenage woes
Caught in a vicious web of life-being a teenager
Develop a short story (150 – 200 words) either beginning or ending with ;he following prompt from the poem.
‘Am I the perfect at school? or the baby home?
I always felt elated for my best performance in the school. I was the apple of all teachers’ eyes for I always completed all tasks given by the teachers first among all my classmates. Not only that even outside the school I was overconfident that no task would be difficult for me as I was intelligent. I was the captain of my cricket team. I was the head boy of my school. In everything I found myself to be the perfect.
But to my dismay, when I once expressed my willingness to climb the mountain, my father enumerated a number of shortcomings in me. He told me that I even didn’t know how to take care of my clothes, hair, study room and books. I could not spend even a single day without the help of their parents. Then a question arose in my mind, ‘Am I the perfect at school? Or the baby at home?’
C.7. Life Skills
Imagine you are Raghu. You made Grandpa your confidant and sought solace in him. Grandpa’s wise words began to impact your positively and eventually brought about a better understanding of your age and thoughts.
A friend of yours is distressed and often finds himself in a personal psychological conflict. How would you help him overcome this conflict? Discuss in your group.
We all know that Teenage is the best part of one’s life. It is a time of life when one wants to reach out to the stars. But in recent times we have noticed that due to our hectic routine the children of this age are feeling mentally stressed. The kind of life in personal and psychological conflict; which is not a healthy sign. The thoughts of “who am I’ constantly afflicts them. They feel identify crisis because nobody is there to guide them in a proper way.
At this point of time they need a friend, philospher and guide who can be a torch-bearer in their life. Somebody who can give them healthy tips on how to live a successful life. As there is sudden gush of fiery hormones, there are a lot of physical and mental changes which can be handled well only if you channelize your energy in a positive way. So, go and speak your heart out to someone you trust in your family, who knows he might just turn out to be your best friend for life.
C.8. Values
Generation Gap refers to the differences in actions, beliefs, interests, and opinion that exist between individuals from different generations.
Given the accelerating rate of change in the society, generation gap is inevitable. Disagreements over taste in music, fashion, values, personality and mannerisms between parents and children are common and affect their interaction.
(a) Write down what changes in traditional values have contributed to generation gap (any four to fire).
(i) One of the main reason being in our way of thinking. Today’s kids are far more smarter than their counterparts. We can see that people are their to outdo each other, in their respective fields.
(ii) Loss of traditional values – in olden days kids use to grow up in a joint family system, they were more respectful towards their parents and elder persons in the family. Now, things have changed we hardly see kids with that kind of lore and affection for other family members.
(iii) Our way of dressing up has changed dramatically with changing times. Earlier men and women used to dress up in more traditional attire. Sarees, dhoti-kurta being the most loved one. Nowadays, people wear what they feel comfortable in.
(iv) Initially people used to hear to traditional music – folk, sufi, ghazals and soft, music. Things have taken a huge twist. Now people listen to loud music and jazz. Teenagers of today are more into hip-hop kind of music. So, we can notice various kinds of changes in and around us.
(b) How can the adverse effects of these changes be reduced?
We can reduce the adverse effect by developing a healthy attitude towards life. Whatever circumstances we are in we should always have a positive outlook. We should look towards brighter things in life. Only then we can say that we have lived a worthy life.
C.9. Imagine you are the teenager’s mother, who goes to his hostel room. You are shocked. Write a letter to your child suggesting the changes that you would like him to make and the reasons for your saying so. Remember CODER (refer to B.5).
B – 25,
J – Block
New Delhi,
13th July, 20XX
Dear Parth
I visited your hostel room. I found it was a mess. How do you live in such a chaos? I am suggesting you to make certain changes in your room. You must keep your room neat and clean. If you keep it clean, you will always remain healthy and it would improve your concentration in studies. Keep your things in proper order. In this way it will be easy for you to find your things easily. You will feel free of stress. I want you to set an example for other kids.
Yours affectionately
D. Summary
Braving The Odds Summary
The narrator has made up her mind to leave her teaching post. She did not want to suffer any more. Everyone was wondered and shocked at her decision. The writer had been suffering for many months. She was able to do every thing ten years ago. Students were also obedient and respectfully behaved. She found herself unable to manage with changing methods of teaching. But she liked her subject and kids. She did not want this all to continue any more. The writer was unable to cope with situations.
The children were also going through a changing phase. There was a huge pressure on them. But they were changing. The girls began to keep make up material in their pencil boxes. The children kept giggling in their classroom. They read magazine in the class. Some children came from different houses.
The writer was thinking about a mess class after a lunch break. She did not want to continue. It was her decision.
लेखिका ने अपनी पुरानी नौकरी छोड़ने का निश्चय कर लिया था। वह और अधिक प्रताड़ित होना नहीं चाहती थी। सभी उसके इस फैसले से हैरान थे । लेखिका कई महीनों से यह तनाव झेल रही थी। दस वर्ष पूर्व वे सब कुछ कर पाती थी । विद्यार्थी भी आज्ञाकारी थे और अच्छी तरह बातें करते थे।
अध्यापन के बदले हुए तरीकों के साथ लेखिका का सामंजस्य बिठा पाना कठिन हो रहा था । परन्तु वह बच्चों और अपने विषय को पसन्द करती थी। अब वह इन सब बदले हुए तरीकों के साथ आगे नहीं बढ़ना चाहती थी।
बच्चे भी बदल रहे थे। उनके ऊपर अत्यधिक दवाब था। लड़कियों ने अपने पास मेकअप का सामान पेंसिल बॉक्स में रखना शुरु कर दिया था। कक्षा में बच्चे हमेशा खिलखिलाते रहते थे। वे पत्रिकाएँ पढ़ते थे। कुछ बच्चे मुश्किल घरों से आ रहे थे।
लेखिका कक्षा में ब्रेक के बाद हुई गंदगी के विषय में सोच रही थी जो प्रतिदिन का काम था। वह अब इसे जारी नहीं रखना चाहती थी। यह उसका निर्णय था।
Lonely = alone – अकेला;
Conceal = to hid – छिपाना;
Tranquillizers = medicines – दवाईयाँ;
Recuperation = recovery – बीमारी या चोट के बाद पुनः स्वस्थ होना;
Enormously = hugely – विशालकाय;
Stimulated = instigated – सक्रिय करना;
Remonstrate = to protest or complain about something – विरोध करना;
Sniggering = to laugh in a quiet unpleasant way – अप्रिय और उपहासात्मक हंसी ।