These DAV Class 7 Social Science Book Solutions and DAV Class 7 SST Chapter 9 Question Answer – Medieval Period are thoughtfully prepared by experienced teachers.
DAV Class 7 SST Ch 9 Question Answer – Medieval Period
DAV Class 7 SST Ch 9 Solutions – Medieval Period
Something To Know
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
The period from eighth to eighteenth century CE in India is known as
(a) prehistoric period
(b) ancient period
(c) medieval period
(d) modern period
(c) medieval period
Question 2.
Prithviraj Raso was written by
(a) Tulsidas
(b) Chand Bardai
(c) Aiya Bhatt
(d) Abul Fazl
(b) Chand Bardai
Question 3.
Name the language in which Ain-i-Akbari was written.
(a) Arabic
(b) Persian
(c) Urdu
(d) Hindi
(b) Persian
Question 4.
The significant achievement of the medieval period was the popularity and availability of
(a) autobiographies
(b) literature
(c) paper
(d) manuscripts
(d) manuscripts
Question 5.
Tahqiq-i-Hind is a famous
(a) document
(b) drama
(c) story
(d) travel account
(d) travel account
B. Match the following:
1. Purana | (a) source of information |
2. Ain-i-Akbari | (b) a foreign visitor |
3. Inscriptions | (c) digging underground |
4. Marco Polo | (d) a book |
5. Excavation | (e) Abul Fazl |
1. Purana | (d) a book |
2. Ain-i-Akbari | (e) Abul Fazl |
3. Inscriptions | (a) source of information |
4. Marco Polo | (b) a foreign visitor |
5. Excavation | (c) digging underground |
C. Answer the following questions.
Question 1.
Which period is known as the medieval period in Indian history?
In Indian history, the period from 5th to 15th century CE is known as the medieval period.
Question 2.
Which period is known as the medieval period in European history?
In European history, the period from 5th to 15th century CE is known as the medieval period.
Question 3.
List the well-known literary sources of information of the medieval period.
- Autobiographies
- Orders of the rulers
- Letters written during that period.
Question 4.
Name the foreign visitors who wrote travel accounts of medieval period of India.
Ibn Battutah, Marco Polo and Bernier.
Question 5.
List the technological developments of the medieval period.
The movement of people in search of opportunities became fast. This resulted in exchange of ideas regarding agriculture, weaving, food, etc. Many ranks and differentiations emerged in the society. Technological developments also took place in that period. The Persian wheel, spinning wheel, etc. began to be used.
Map Skill
On a political map of the world, identify and locate the countries visited by Marco Polo.
DAV Class 7 Social Science Chapter 9 Question Answer – Medieval Period
A. Tick (✓) the correct option.
Question 1.
History is divided into
(a) two periods
(b) three periods
(c) four periods
(d) five periods
(b) three periods
Question 2.
Which of the following books is written by Al-Biruni?
(a) Tcihqiq-i-Hind
(b) Aind-Akbari
(c) Prithviraj Raso
(d) None of these
(a) Tcihqiq-i-Hind
Question 3.
The term ‘Hindustan’ was first used by
(a) Al-Biruni
(b) Abul Fazl
(c) Minhaj-i-Siraj
(d) Marco Polo
(c) Minhaj-i-Siraj
B. Very Short Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What are the main sources of information of the medieval period?
The main sources of information of the medieval period are literature and archaeological findings.
Question 2.
Who wrote Prithviraj Raso? What is it about?
Chand Bardai wrote Prithviraj Raso. The book throws light on the administration and life of the people in north India during the reign of Prithviraj Chauhan.
Question 3.
Give examples to highlight how meanings of words and terms have changed with time.
The word ‘Hindustan’ is referred to by somepeople. asaplacewhere ‘Hindus’ live. But many people take it as an exception and want to refer it as ‘India’ only.
C. Short Answer Type Questions
Who encouraged the writing of historical accounts? Mention some well known works of history of the medieval period. In which language were they written?
Muslim rulers encouraged the writing of historical accounts. Some well known works of history of this period are-Tahqiq-i-Hind by Al- Biruni, Ain-i-Akbari by Abul Fazl, etc. These historical accounts were written mainly in Persian.
Question 2.
What is the most important achievement of the medieval period?
The availability of paper and the popularity that it gained was the most important achievement of that period. This encouraged the writing of records. Rulers, temples and monasteries began to collect those manuscripts which provided valuable information about the medieval period.
Question 3.
Who was considered a ‘foreigner’ in the past?
The term ‘foreigner’ is used in the sense of a person who is not an Indian. In the medieval period it was applied to any stranger who appeared, say in a given village, someone who was not a part of that society or culture. In this sense a forest-dweller was a foreigner for a city-dweller. But two peasants living in the same village were not foreigners to each other, even though they may have had different religious or caste backgrounds.
D. Long Answer Type Questions
Question 1.
What were some of the major development and achievement of the medieval period?
The period from fifth to fifteenth century CE is known as the medieval period. In this period, several important development took place in the social, economic and political structures of Europe, America and Asia. Though in the ancient period, Indian culture had remained aloof from the outside world. Indian culture was highly influenced by changes that took place in other countries.
These influences are evident in the culture, administration, economy, language and religious beliefs of the people even today. The main sources of information of the medieval period are literature and archaeological findings. The significant achievement of this period was the popularity and availability of paper, which encouraged the writing of records.
Question 2.
In what ways had the meaning of the term ‘Hindustan’ changed over the centuries?
It has been observed that language and its interpretation change with time. The term ‘Hindustan’ was used for the first time by Minhaj-i Siraj, a thirteenth-century Persian chronicler. He, with this term, meant the areas of Punjab, Haryana and the lands between the Ganga and Yamuna. It was used in a political sense for lands constituting a part of the dominions of the Delhi Sultan. Though the term shifted with the extent of the Sultanate but it never included South India.
Later in the sixteenth century. Babur, while using this term, meant the geography, the fauna and the culture of the inhabitants of the subcontinent. A fourteenth-century poet Amir Khusrau also used the term ‘Hind’ almost in the same sense. The remarkable point is that while the idea of a geographical and cultural entity like ‘India’ did exist, the term ‘Hindustan’ did not carry the political and national meanings that we associate with it today.
Question 3.
What was the process of copying the manuscript? What were its drawbacks?
As there was no printing press during the period between 700 and 1750, Scribes used to copy down manuscripts that were hand-written. Sometimes it was difficult to recognize the original script. So the Scribes used their own way of interpreting the facts. Consequently, there were differences found in the copies written by different Scribes. As all the copies were handwritten, it was difficult to recognize which was the original one. It was the drawback of such copying.