The DAV Class 7 Maths Book Solutions and DAV Class 7 Maths Chapter 14 Worksheet 2 Solutions of Visualising Solids offer comprehensive answers to textbook questions.
DAV Class 7 Maths Ch 14 WS 2 Solutions
Question 1.
Can the following be used as nets to make a cube?
It cannot be folded into cube.
Yes, it can be made a cube.
Yes, it can be made a cube.
Question 2.
Fold the net to get a solid. What is this solid known as?
This solid figure is called as pyramid.
Question 3.
A dice is a cube ivith dots or numbers on its faces in such a way that the sum of the dots on its opposite faces is always even. If there are four dots on one face, then on the opposite there will be 3 dots. Given below are two nets to make a dice. Put the numbers in the blanks to get a dice in each case.