DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 3 Notes – Locating Places on the Earth

These DAV Class 6 SST Notes and DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 3 Notes – Locating Places on the Earth hold significant importance as study material for students.

Locating Places on the Earth Class 6 DAV Notes

→ Features like a temple, a hill or a river help us in locating places. These features are called the reference points or landmarks.

→ The earth has no edges which can be used as reference points in locating the places. In such a condition the end points of the earth’s axis provide us two basic points of reference. These are called North Pole and South Pole.

→ Using the two poles, an imaginary circle is drawn around the earth midway between the two poles. This Great Circle divides the earth into two halves, and is known as the equator.

→ The latitude of a place on the earth’s surface is its angular distance in the north or in the south of the equator. The distance of latitude is always expressed in degrees.

DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 3 Notes - Locating Places on the Earth

→ The lines of latitude are imaginary lines which encircle the earth. They are parallel to the equator. While writing the parallels of latitudes, it is essential to write either N or S with them. The latitude of the equator is 0°.

→ Beside the equator and two poles, other important lines of latitude are- The Tropic of Cancer, the Tropic of Capricorn, the Arctic Circle and the Antarctic Circle.

→ There are three heat zones- Torrid zone, Temperate zone and Frigid zone.

→ The longitudes are a set of imaginary vertical lines. They intersect at the equator and other parallels of latitude at right angles.

→ The line of longitude passing through the Royal British Observatory at Greenwich near London, has been adopted as the Prime Meridian or 0° longitude. Thus, the longutide of a place is its angular distance, east or west of the Prime Meridian. It is measured in degrees.

→ The lines of latitude and longitude intersect each other and form a network, called a grid.

→ The earth rotates from west to east and completes one rotation in 24 hours.

→ All the places located on the same meridian have the same local time. The local time of one meridian differs from the other.

→ The local time will be ahead at all the places on the east of a given meridian and it will be behind at all places on the west of a given meridian.

→ If people of a country follow the different local times, it would create problems. To avoid their problems and maintain its uniformity all over a country, it was decided to adopt the local time of a central meridian of a country as the Standard Time.

→ India passes through a place near Allahabad. Its local time is the Indian Standard Time (1ST).

→ Reference Points: Features that help us in locating places.

→ Equator: The great circle that divides the earth into two halves.

→ Northern Hemisphere: The half portion of the earth to the north of the equator.

→ Southern Hemisphere: The half portion of the earth to the south of the equator.

DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 3 Notes - Locating Places on the Earth

→ Latitudes: They are imaginary lines lying parallel to the equator.

→ Longitudes: They are a set of imaginary vertical lines.

→ Grid: The lines of latitude and longitude intersect each other and form a network called grid.

→ Schedule : It is a plan for carrying out a process or procedure.

→ Subtended : Form an angle at a particular point.

→ Variation : It is a slight difference in condition or amount in certain limits.