These DAV Class 6 SST Notes and DAV Class 6 SST Chapter 16 Notes – The Gupta Empire hold significant importance as study material for students.
The Gupta Empire Class 6 DAV Notes
→ The Gupta Empire was established by Sri Gupta in 275 CE. He was succeeded by his son Ghatotkaccha Gupta.
→ Chandragupta I, Samudragupta and Chandragupta II were the three most famous rulers of the Gupta Empire.
→ It was during the reign of Chandragupta I (319 CE – 335 CE) that the Gupta Empire expanded and their authority was established over almost the whole of North India.
→ Samudragupta succeeded his father Chandragupta I in 335 CE. He was known for his long military campaigns to the North, East and South of India. He was also known as the Napoleon of India.
→ Chandragupta II, who assumed the title of Vikramaditya, was not only a great warrior and an able administrator but also a great patron of art and learning.
→ The administration of the Gupta Empire was well managed. The king took great care of his people. He had a council of ministers to advise him.
→ The empire was divided into provinces known as bhuktis or desh. They were governed by Uparika-maharaja or Bhogpati. The provinces were further divided into Vishyas.
→ The village administration was under the village headman or Grameyak.
→ Joint family system was prevalent during the Gupta period. Education was limited to the upper class families.
→ Interstate trade flourished during this time. Trade was carried on by land and river routes. India’s important export items were pearls, diamonds, precious stones, etc. The imports included gold, silver, copper, tin, etc.
→ Agriculture was the main occupation of people. The farmers were the owners of land. They grew crops like wheat, rice, pulses, barley, etc.
→ Vaishnavism or Shaivism was main religion. Buddhism and Jainism also existed. The sun was worshipped by many people. Many Sun Temples were built.
→ Art and architecture during the Gupta period were highly developed in all its branches— sculpture, painting, temple building, metallurgy, music, etc.
→ Temples were deocrated with beautiful and artistic sculptures. Ajanta and Elora caves present the best specimen of paintings and stone cut temples of their period.
→ The Gupta period was the golden period for Sanskrit literature. Kalidasa adorned the court of Chandragupta II. Bhasa wrote 17 plays during this period. Vishakhdatta’s Mudrarakshas (play) is also well-known.
→ Astronomy, astrology, mathematics, medicine, chemistry and many other branches of science were well-developed during this period.
→ Aryabhatta was a great scientist and mathematician of this period. He had written a book Aryabhattiyam on mathematics.
→ Charak, a physican, wrote Charak Samhita. Sushrut, a surgeon, wrote Sushrut Samhita. Nagarjuna was the famous scholar of Chemistry.
→ Samantas : Military leaders.
→ Bhukti : The Gupta Empire was divided into provinces known as bhuktis.
→ Grameyak : Village headman.
→ Vishya : The provinces under the Gupta Empire was divided into vishyas.
→ Metallurgy : The study of metals.
→ Physician : A person who practices medicine.
→ Prashasti : Words written in praise of somebody.
→ Provinces : Administrative units (states) or parts of a country.
→ Sculpture : A person who carves out shapes or statues.
→ Sovereignty : Supreme power.
→ Surgeon : A person who performs operations/surgery.