Incorporating DAV Class 6 English Reader Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 4 Performing Arts into study routines can lead to better overall language proficiency.
My English Reader Class 6 DAV Solutions Unit 4 Performing Arts
DAV Class 6 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 4 Performing Arts
I. Look at the pictures in the film/photographic reel. What do they show? Discuss with your partner.
II. Do you know?
Art refers to the various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, dance, etc.
III. Classify the pictures given in part I into the following categories.
Performing Arts | Fine Arts |
Vocal Music, Ballet, Performing magic, Rock band, Classical Dance – Oddissi, Performing drama | Sketching, Sculpture, Painting |
IV. Conduct a survey in your class to find out what your friends like in performiig arts. Talk to six students of your class and fill the required information. Some of you could include your teachers too!
Name of the Student/Teacher | Name of the art they like | Artists whom they know | Male/Female |
1. Sarthak | Boxing | Undertaker | Male |
2. Parth | Acting | Kate Vinslet | Female |
3. Shantanu | Singing | Udit Narayan | Male |
4. Richa | Classical Dance | Sudha Chandran | Female |
5. Nanay | Pop Music | Michael Jackson | Male |
6. Kumud | Tabla | Zakir Hussain | Male |
V. Pool the information collected by students in the class and find out the following:
(a) Are there any differences in the choices of girls and boys in your class?
Yes, the choices of girls and boys are different in some cases.
(b) The most popular performing art in your class is _______
(c) Is there any student in your class who would like to adopt any form of art as a means of livelihood?
Yes, there are many students in my class who want to adopt their art as a means of livelihood.
(d) The budding artists of your class are _______, _______, _______, _______, _______, _______
Sarthak, Parth, Richa, Shantanu and Pragya.
A.1. Read the following details about Vanessa-Mae who is an internationally renowned violinist.
See My English Reader, page 84.
What do you understand by the phrase ‘Fusion Music*?
The word ‘Fusion Music’ means the combination of classical and pop music which makes it more melodious and interesting.
Twin Melodies Summary
This story is written by Phukan Mitra. The story is about a girl named Shruti whose dream was to become a member of Fusion Band and play at the concert. But her father Nabin Sharma was strictly against the western music. Shruti was the best violinist of the Sangeetika Music School. Her father Guru Nabin Sharma was the principal of the school. Guru Nabin Sharma had gifted Shruti a baby violin when she was just six years old and now after nine years she had been playing so well that the listeners always wanted more from her.
Shruti wanted to tell her father about her dream of playing in a Fusion Band and she decided to tell this tonight to her father. That night when Shruti, her father Nabin Sharma and her mother Leela Devi were having their dinner, Shruti told her father that she wanted to participate in the concert. Her father reminded her that she could not have a public performance more than once in six months and she has had her performance a few weeks ago. Nabin Sharma asked her about the concert. Shruti hesitatingly told her father that it was a fusion group and she wanted to play in that group. Nabin Sharma was very strict as he wanted his music to be as pure as possible.
Shruti told that she had lied to her mother that she was going to attend the science classes. In fact she was in her practice session and the whole group depended upon her for the concert. Nabin Sharma refused Shruti to take part in the concert. The next day she went to tell the members of her band who were in fact her friends that she could not take part in the concert. When she reached there everybody was practising for the concert. Shruti wanted to play once for the last time. As they finished up they heard a sound of applause. Shruti was astonished when she saw that her parents Nabin Sharma and Leela Devi were standing there and clapping to their performance.
Nabin was very excited that Shruti has kept the spirit of their raga alive. She has not mixed both the music. Everybody in Shruti’s band was very excited to hear their praise. Shruti wondered about change in her father’s mind. Nabin Master confessed before Shruti that it was her mother Leela Devi who reminded him that once Nabin Sharma himself had argued with his father to take up a western instrument just like Shruti. But now after listening to band Nabin Sharma was confident that their show is going to be a great success. He invited all the members of Shruti’s group to come and practice in their school as all his fears of losing Shruti were baseless.
यह कहानी फुकान मित्रा द्वारा लिखी गयी है। यह कहानी श्रुति नाम की लड़की के बारे में है जो Fusion Band का सदस्य बनना चाहती है। उसके पिता नवीन शर्मा पाश्चात्य संगीत के विरोधी थे। श्रुति संगीतिका स्कूल की बहुत ही अच्छी वायलिन वादक थी। उसके पिता नवीन शर्मा उसी स्कूल के प्रधानाध्यापक थे। नवीन शर्मा ने श्रुति को छह वर्ष की उम्र में ही वायलिन भेंट किया था और अब नौ साल के बाद वह इतनी कुशल हो चुकी थी कि श्रोता उसे सुनने के बाद पुन: सुनना चाहते थे।
आज वह अपने पिता को अपनी इच्छा के बारे में बताना चाहती है। उस रात जब उसके पिता नवीन शर्मा, माँ लीला देवी और श्रुति खाना खा रहे थे तब श्रुति ने उनके सामने सामूहिक संगीत में हिस्सा लेने की इच्छा व्यक्त की। इस बार उसके पिता याद दिलाते हैं कि वह छह महीने में केवल एक बार ही प्रदर्शन कर सकती है और कुछ हफ्ते पहले ही उसने संगीत प्रदर्शनी में भाग लिया था। नवीन शर्मा ने श्रुति से प्रदर्शन के बारे में पूछा। इस पर श्रुति ने बताया कि यह एक फ्यूजन समूह है जिसमें वह भाग लेना चाहती है।
श्रुति ने बताया कि वह बहुत हफ्तों से इसमें अभ्यास करने जा रही है। उसने नवीन शर्मा को यह भी बताया कि उसका पूरा समूह उस पर निर्भर करता है। नवीन शर्मा बहुत ही कठोर व्यक्ति थे। नवीन शर्मा ने श्रुति से उसमें भाग लेने से साफ इन्कार कर दिया। अगले दिन श्रुति ने फैसला किया कि वह अपने दोस्तों को बता देगी कि वह उनके समूह में हिस्सा नहीं ले सकती। जब वह अपने समूह के सदस्यों के बीच पहुँची तो उसने पाया कि सभी तन्मयता से अभ्यास कर रहे थे। उसने सोचा कि वह भी आखिरी बार वायलिन बजा ले। उसने तन्मयता से चिकारा बजाया ।
अभ्यास खत्म होने पर उन्होंने देखा कि नवीन शर्मा और लीला देवी तालियाँ बजाकर उनके प्रदर्शन की सराहना कर रहे थे। श्रुति को हैरान देखकर नवीन शर्मा ने बताया कि यह सब उसकी माँ लीला देवी के कारण हुआ है। लीला देवी ने उन्हें अहसास करवाया कि वे भी एक बार पाश्चात्य संगीत बजाना चाहते थे। अब नवीन शर्मा को इस बात का विश्वास था कि उनका प्रदर्शन जरूर सफल होगा। उन्होंने श्रुति के समूह के सभी सदस्यों को अपने संगीत विद्यालय में अभ्यास करने के लिए बुलाया। नवीन शर्मा श्रुति से बहुत प्रसन्न थे, क्योंकि अब उनके सभी तरह के भय खत्म हो चुके थे।
Word – Meanings:
Rendition = performance – प्रदर्शन;
Petered = loss of power gradually – धीरे-धीरे शक्ति क्षीण होना;
Dreadful = terrible – भयंकर;
Mingle = a mixture – मिला-जुला;
Dawdling = wasting time – समय बर्बाद करना;
Gratified = thankful – एहसानमंद;
Defied = disobeyed – अवहेलना करना ।
A.3. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
(i) ‘It seems to me that you should have got your gum ’s permission before committing yourself.’
(a) What do the words ‘me’ and “you’ refer to?
‘We refers to Leela Devi — Shruti’s mother and ‘you’ refers to Shruti.
(b) Name the listener’s guru. How is he related to him/her?
Nabin master. He was Shruti’s father as well as principal of the school in which Shmti studied.
(c) What had the listener committed herself to?
Shruti had committed to play violin in an orchestra – a fusion group.
(ii) ‘I hope you won’t say no.’
(a) Who was expected an affirmative reply and from whom?
Shruti was expecting a positive reply from her father.
(b) What would the listener possibly say a no to and why?
Nabin master was a person who believed in keeping the tradition, of classical music as pure as possible.
(c) Describe the speaker’s feeling when the given statement was made by her.
The speaker, i.e., Shruti was apprehensive about telling this tmth to her father. She had lain awake for many nights wondering how she would tell her father.
A.4. Find the hidden sentences.
There are seven sentences hidden in the grid given on the next page. See if you can find them. Write your answers in the given space to form the summary of the chapter. The first one is done for you.
Beginning of each sentence has been marked with a number.
Place your answers here
- Shruti Sharma was the best in the class of senior violinists of Sangeetika Music School.
- Guru Nabin Sharma was the Principal of the school.
- She told her father of her decision to play in a fusion band.
- The father was very angry at Shruti’s decision.
- Shruti’s father appreciated the efforts of the band.
- Nabin Master invited Shurti’s friends to school for more practice of the band.
- Nabin Sharma confessed that Shruti had kept the spirit of the raga alive.
A.5. Imagine you are Shruti and you have already made a commitment to play in the fusion band. How would you convince your father to give you permission for the same.
As Shruti, I would try to convince my father that idea of fusion music is not that bad. I would request him to watch our show and then decide for himself if anything was wrong playing in a fusion band. I am sure that after listening to our music he would be convinced and allow me to go ahead with it.
A.6. In pairs, read the following statements made by Shruti, Nabin Master and Leela Devi in the context of the fusion band.
What do these statements tell us about the speakers? Write the correct words to decorate the kites.
Nabin Master | Leela Dev | Shruti |
Orthodox | Polite | Frank |
Rigid | Considerate | Outspoken |
Sarcastic | Wise Ad uisor | Flexible |
A.7. Find synonyms of the following words from the text.
(a) greatly surprised, amazed _______
(b) praise expressed by clapping _______
(c) recognisably different _______
(d) smiling broadly _______
(e) loving, warm-hearted _______
B.1. Read the advertisements given below.
Now work individually and complete the following:
Similarities in Advertisements A and B
(a) Both advertisements are about _______
Both advertisements are about the dance classes.
(b) Both have a _______ number.
Both have a telephone number.
(c) Both classes are meant for _______.
Both classes are meant for children and adults
(d) Both have a/an _______ slogan.
Both have a/an attractive slogan.
Differences in Advertisements A and B
(a) The dance classes mentioned in Advertisement A are meant for kids, teens and adults. In Advertisement B, the coaching caters to the age group 8 – 14 years.
(b) In Advertisement A, the number of venues mentioned are four whereas Advertisement B has only one venues.
(c) For dance classes in Advertisement A, the contact number is 2331900-05 while in Advertisement B the contact numbers are 022-26325041. and 26325620.
My First Visit to The Ballet Summary
This is an interesting poem of a girl who went to see ‘the Ballet’ for the first time. At that time she was hardly ten. She went to the theatre with her friend Lyuba. They took their tickets and settled into their seats. The girl was very excited. She only wanted to see the ballet caring about nothing. She always had the desire of watching a ballet. Her dream was going to come true that day. She wanted to see a lovely fairy who would come on the stage wearing a golden crown and a white dress. She sat with her eyes wide, opened, holding the ticket very tightly in her hand.
Suddenly, the trumpets and drum started beating. Hearing this both of them fell down on their seats. The girl realised that she didn’t have the tickets in her hand. The fairies had already come on the stage. They were dancing but she didn’t look at them. She was only searching the tickets everywhere on the floor. She crawled on the floor to the seventh row. The people wondered about who is crawling on the floor. She found the ticket but by then the ballet was over. Every one was going outside saying that it was a lovely ballet. She also decided to say the same to the school girls who would ask her about the ballet.
यह एक लड़की के बारे में रोचक कविता है जो पहली बार नृत्य देखने गयी। उस समय वह सिर्फ दस वर्ष की थी। वह अपनी मित्र ल्यूवा के साथ थियेटर गयी। टिकटें खरीदकर वे अपनी सीटों पर बैठ गयी। लड़की नृत्य देखने के लिए बहुत उत्सुक थी। उसकी नृत्य देखने की इच्छा पूरी होने जा रही थी। टिकट को हाथ में पकड़कर वह अपनी आँखें खोलकर मंच पर आने वाली परी का इंतजार करने लगी जिसे सफेद कपड़ों एवं सुनहरे मुकुट में होना चाहिए था।
अचानक तुरही और ढोल बजने लगे जिसे सुनकर वे दोनों अपने सीट से नीचे गिर गयी। लड़की ने महसूस किया कि टिकट उसके हाथ में नहीं था। परियाँ मंच पर आ चुकी थी। वे नृत्य कर रही थी लेकिन उसने उनको नहीं देखा। वह केवल अपनी टिकट ढूंढ रही थी। वह रेंगकर सातवीं कतार तक पहुँच गयी। लोगों को आश्यर्च हो रहा था कि फर्स पर कौन रेंग रहा है। नृत्य समाप्त होने के बाद उसको टिकट मिली। सभी दर्शक बाहर निकलते हुये नृत्य की प्रशंसा कर रहे थे। उसने भी स्कूल में लड़कियों को ऐसा ही बताने का निर्णय किया कि नृत्य बहुत अच्छा था।
Word – Meanings:
Blared = sounded loudly – तेज आवाज करना;
Tripping = moving with quick, gentle steps – जल्दी परन्तु सहजता से कदम उठाना;
Rumbled = made a low heavy grumbling or rolling noise – किसी वस्तु के लुढ़कने से होने वाला शोर;
Cotillion = a sort of country dance – एक प्रकार का ग्रामीण नृत्य ।
B.3. Given below is the flow chart of sequence of events as explained in the poem. Complete the flow chart. The first and the last sentences have been done for you.
B.4. On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the following:
(a) Initially, the girl was excited to enter the theatre but the last part of the poem suggests that _______.
Initially, the girl was excited to enter the theatre but the last part of the poem suggests that she was disappointed as she could not enjoy the ballet.
(b) ‘Fairies on the stage’ refers to _______.
Fairies on the stage’ refers to the girls dancing on the stage.
(c) The speaker kept looking for _______
The poetess kept looking for the tickets which she had dropped on the floor.
B.5. Solve this crossword puzzle with the help of the clues given below.
Across →
4. a kind of dancing that tells a story with music but no words
5. to make a long deep sound
6. to take a light, short step
7. a kind of country dance
8. to make a noise like a very long ‘s’; the sound made by a snake
1. to make a loud, unpleasant noise
2. out of breath
3. foremost
B.6. You must have heard and read about dance festivals held from time to time. When was the last time you went to a dance festival organised in school or in your town, etc.? Describe your experience in a few sentences and share it with the class.
The last time I went to the dance festival when I was six years old.
I went with my parents arid my best friend.
There I saw a ballet.
I watched / listened to the music, drum and trumpets.
I thought it was an earthquake.
I enjoyed the festival a lot.
Listen to the audio CD titled ‘Listen & Comprehend’ (Class-VI). After listening, answer the questions asked in the audio CD verbally. Listen to the tape script once again and attempt the given question. The tape script is also given on page no. 115.
B.7. Listen to a beautiful, thought-provoking song by Michael Jackson. While you listen, complete the lines.
Do it yourself.
B.8. Work in groups and discuss the following points.
(a) The need of healing the world.
There is a great need to heal the world so that everybody can live peacefully.
(b) The different ways of healing the world.
The different ways of healing the world are by loving each other and by living a selfless life.
(c) The contribution and dedication required.
We should never get scared and let our spirit down. We should live like brothers. We should try to make everybody happy.
B.9. After the discussion, hold an actual class debate on the motion:
In today’s time, there is a great need to heal the world. We all should live with harmony and love. We should try to help each other in the hour of need. Today we all are so ignorant that we hardly bother about others’ ambitions and desire. We all are busy in fulfilling our ambition. We don’t know why people have become so single-minded. Why do they forget that by helping each other they can achieve their ambition properly. If we don’t understand each other’s problem then how we can expect that our next generation will help each other. I would like to say that this is not a right way to live. In this way we are only inviting frustration and mental stress. At last I will only say that in order to live peacefully and successfully we should help each other, love each other and support each other. Only then this world can become a better place to live in.
C.1. Work with your partner. Write down what your views are about magic as a performing art. Is it a reality or an illusion?
If you ask me about magic, I am of the opinion that magic is nothing but an illusion. Magic is not a reality, it just creates a psychic balance with the environment which makes the audience think that the magician is doing a magic in reality. It is nothing but a science that controls our mind and will-power. But people think that the magician has some supernatural power which is not the reality. Thus magic is merely an illusion of the mind.
C.2. Below you can see a few cartoons on Great P.C. Sorcar. Match them with their details by writing the correct number in the space provided.
He Really is the World’s Greatest Magician Summary
P.C. Sorcar is a very famous magician who is known for his magic in the country and abroad. He was having a show in the New Empire Theatre, Calcutta. We changed our flight to see his show as we could not afford to miss the show. When we reached the theatre we saw that P.C. Sorcar was rehearsing on back stage. The rehearsal took him 40 hours. P. C. Sorcar made us sit in the box office where we saw that all the advance booking seats were full. We walked around the city and found that everybody knew P.C. Sorcar there.
On the opening night the house was full and all types of people from all the regions had come to see the show. The show was two and half hours long and was the best show we had ever seen in our lives. Sorcar has an ability to make people laugh even in the most unlikely situation which holds the audience for a long time. Water from India’ which is produced by Sorcar with a large number of assistants is also a beautiful show. In this, a priest, wearing an orange robe comes in with a silver pitcher on a tray and calls Sorcar that it was a water from India.
Sorcar then calls upon people from Indian region and fills up their glass. His ‘Broomstick’ is also mind blowing. In this, there is the scene of the street in the city. It is dawn and people are just moving round. There is a little boy who is sculling newspaper on crutches. Sorcar took the boys’ crutches and put the boy upon it. Then he took another boy’s hula hoop and put it over the boy. In the end, the same boy threw the crutches away and skipped off the stage. Such shows are beautifully presented by Sorcar. Everything Sorcar does is done by putting his best efforts into the show which makes his show the best in the magic world.
पी०सी० सरकार बहुत ही मशहूर जादूगर हैं जिन्हें उनके जादू के कारण देश तथा विदेश में जाना जाता है। इस बार उनका कार्यक्रम कलकत्ता के New Empire Theatre में था। उनका कार्यक्रम देखने के लिए हमने अपनी हवाई यात्रा में परिवर्तन किया, क्योंकि हम उनके कार्यक्रम को किसी भी तरह देखना चाहते थे। थियेटर पहुँचने पर हमने देखा कि वहाँ सभी लोग अपने काम में लगे हुये थे। जादूगर सरकार को अभ्यास करने में 40 घंटे लगते हैं। जब उन्होंने हमें बॉक्स ऑफिस में बैठने के लिए कहा तो हमने देखा कि सारी टिकटें बिक चुकी थी।
बाहर जाकर जब हमने लोगों से पी०सी० सरकार के बारे में पूछा तो पाया कि सभी लोग उन्हें जानते हैं। उनका शो देखने के लिए हर तरह के लोग भिन्न-भिन्न जगहों से आये हुये थे। सरकार में लोगों को विपरीत परिस्थितियों में भी हँसाने की क्षमता है और इसे देख कर दर्शक मंत्रमुग्ध हो जाते हैं। उनका पहला शो ढाई घण्टे का था। Water from India’ उनका एक खूबसूरत शो है जिसमें एक पंडित उनके पास एक चाँदी का लोटा लेकर आता है और सरकार को बताता है कि यह भारत का पानी है। इसके बाद भारत के विभिन्न क्षेत्रों से संबंधित लोग सरकार के द्वारा बुलाये जाते हैं और उनके खाली गिलास भरे जाते हैं।
उनका ‘Broomstick’ भी बहुत अच्छा शो है। इसमें शहर के किसी गली का दृश्य है । सुबह का समय है और लोग इधर-इधर घूम रहे है। इसमें एक छोटा-सा बालक बैसाखियों के सहारे अखबार बेचता हुआ आता है। सरकार उससे उसकी बैसाखियाँ लेकर बैठा देता है। वह दूसरे लड़के से उसका hula hoop लेकर उसके ऊपर डाल देता है। उसके बाद वह लंगड़ा लड़का बिना बैसाखियों के अपने पैरों पर चलता हुआ बाहर चला जाता है। सरकार अपना हर शो दिलोजान से करते हैं। यही कारण है कि उनका हर शो सफल होता है।
Word – Meanings:
Alley = a narrow passage – संकरी गली;
Orchestra = a band of musicians गाना बजाने वालों की मंडली;
Evidence = a sign or token – प्रमाण;
Automobile = motor car – मोटर कार ;
Pageant = a dramatic scene – तमाशा ।
C.4. Word Chop
The following words have been chopped in two pieces by the magician. Put them back together.
Place your answers here:
1. Poised | 5. Orchestra |
2. Pageant | 6. Alley |
3. Personnel | 7. Garb |
4. Equipment | 8. Theatre |
C.5. Examine the newspaper headlines below. Expand each headline into a sentence or two so as to recover the full meaning.
1. Sawing Sorcar Alarms Viewers
England : _________________
England : P.C. Sorcar arrives England today. All the people who believe in magic are really excited to know about his new magic.
2. An aircraft disappears in Hamamata
Japan : _________________
Japan : Yet another milestone has been achieved by P.C. Sorcar by making an aircraft disappear in the city of Hamamata. Now the people are really confused about it’s reality.
C.6. Work in pairs to write short, eye-catching headlines for the following news items.
- Be concise.
- Normally use the simple present tense.
- Headlines are not grammatically complete
- Use initials instead of names.
1. Pirated CD’s Seized
Fourteen hundred pirated CDs were seized by the police from a house in Gali Wajivada, Darya Ganj on Friday evening. Two persons were held and a case has been registered under the Copyright Act. – HT
2. Ricky Kej Neela Vaswani Shine at Annual Grammy Awards.
India-based Ricky Kej’s collaborated album Winds of Samsara won the Best New Age Album trophy at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards here.
Another Indian artist to make it big at the awards this year was Neela Vaswani. She won the trophy in the Best Children’s Album category for I Am Malala: How One Giri Stood Up for Education and Changed The World (Malala Yousafzai). – The Hindu
C.7. Below you can see two examples of posters. Read them carefully.
See My English Reader, page 112.
C.8. Now tick (✓) the right options.
(a) A poster is a large notice or picture to advertise something. Yes/No
(b) A poster is attractive and colourful. Yes/No
(c) It is displayed in public places to attract attention. Yes/No
C.9. You are Raman, the Secretary of the Cultural Club of your school. Your club has invited the famous magician P.C. Sorcar, Junior, for a magic show In your school. Design a colourful poster to be put up at different places In the clty/ town about the same. You may use slogans. [Do not exceed 50 words.] Mention the name of the magician, date, place, time and rates of tickets.
Entertainment Summary
This poem is about a monkey show which is done for the entertainment of people. The monkey show is going on. A small girl is holding a string of the monkeys in one hand and a little baby in other hand. There are two tiny monkeys who are wearing red and purple coloured clothes. Their master starts the show beating the drums and calling various tricks to attract the crowd and gather money. As the show proceeds the crowd also increases. Everybody watches the show happily. The little baby starts crying and the game comes to an end. Now the time comes to collect the money but as the crowd realises that it is time for giving money, everybody starts moving. Only a few give a petty amount. Nobody is ready to part with their money.
यह कविता एक बन्दर के तमाशे की है जो लोगों के मनोरंजन के लिए आयोजित किया जाता है । बन्दर का तमाशा शुरू हो गया है। एक छोटी सी लड़की एक हाथ में बंदर की डोर पकड़े हुये है और दूसरे हाथ में एक छोटा सा बच्चा है। दो छोटे से बंदर लाल एवं बैंगनी रंग के कपड़े पहने हुये हैं। उनका मालिक दर्शकों को आकर्षित करने के लिए ड्रम बजाता है ताकि वे तमाशे को देखकर उसे कुछ पैसे दें। तमाशा शुरू होता है, भीड़ एकत्रित होती है। सभी लोग तमाशे को खुशी से देखते हैं। छोटे बच्चे के रोने के साथ तमाशा समाप्त हो जाता है। अब समय पैसे इकट्ठे करने का है। भीड़ को आभास हो जाता है। केवल कुछ लोग पैसे देते हैं और अन्य लोग वहाँ से निकल लेते हैं।
Word – Meanings:
Applause = to praise – प्रशंसा करना;
Ceremony = a formal public or religious event – सामाजिक समारोह या धार्मिक अनुष्ठान ।