DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

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DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 4 E-Generation


Science has brought with it countless inventions which have made us efficient and comfortable. Think of some such inventions and complete the ‘Invention Web’ given below. [Textbook Page 78]

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DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

A.1. Use the clues and solve the crossword that tells us about different inventions.

Across →
2. It looks like a box but we can see and hear news, movies, games, serials on it. (10 letters)
3. You can get any information from it by accessing various websites. (8 letters)
6. A machine that looks and works automatically like a man. (5 letters)
7. A game played on the television by attaching a machine to it. (9 letters)

Down ↓
1. Looks like a small television and has a keyboard attached to it. (8 letters)
4. You use it to talk to someone in any part of the world. (9 letters)
5. You can hear (but not see) songs, news, dramas, commentary, advertisements, announcements on it. (5 letters)

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DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

A.2. Some words are given in the box below. Write them against their meanings.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 5

(i) A funny name used instead of real name. _________

(ii) causing pity or sadness. _________

(iii) room or space at the top of a building just below the roof. _________

(iv) a person who works on a computer network without permission. _________

(v) close friends. _________

(vi) microscopic organism able to cause diseases. _________

(vii) trick to catch a person. _________

(viii) human figure used for frightening birds away from crops. _________

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

A.3. Now read the following story.

Five Chums and the Hacker [Textbook Pages 81-86]

Summary of the Story

Nishat informed Bill that Aunt Stephanie had fainted. On reaching the scene of action, they found that Aunt Stephanie, a plump, ever-smiling woman, was being taken into the ambulance. She was muttering under her breath which the five chums (friends) could not understand.

The next day the five chums held a meeting to find out the reason for Aunt Stephanie’s worry. They made several guesses but could not arrive at a concrete result. After a long discussion, they began their investigation. They first went to the gatekeeper, then questioned Mr and Mrs Bose, who stayed next-door. But they didn’t give any clue.

The five chums arrived at a conclusion that someone must have threatened Aunt Stephanie over the phone. Without wasting a minute, they visited her in the hospital. They asked her whether she was worried about something. She then told the children that someone was keeping a close watch on her. That person knew all the details about her and ranged her up to tell her what all he knew about her. He also knew what she was going to do with the money which she asked her son to send her.

The children then went to Aunt Stephanie’s flat and started searching on her computer. Very soon they found out that someone was reading Aunt Stephanie’s e-mail messages by infecting her computer with a virus, called syseditexe. The hacker was hearing all that Aunt Stephanie said. He then traced her phone number and started calling her up. Now the five chums made a plan to trap the hacker and finally got success. The culprit was caught as soon as he entered Aunt Stephanie’s flat. The boy hung his head. He confessed that he had hacked Aunt Stephanie’s account, for sheer fun. He begged for pardon which she granted.

Summary in Hindi

निशात ने बिल को आंट स्टेफनी के बेहोश हो जाने के बारे में सूचित किया। वे फौरन घटनास्थल पर पहुँच गए। वहाँ उन्होंने देखा कि आंट स्टेफनी, जो एक मोटी, सदा मुस्कान बिखेरने वाली महिला थीं, को ऐंबुलेंस में बैठाया जा रहा था। वे अस्पष्ट शब्दों में कुछ-कुछ बोल रही थीं जिसे पाँच दोस्त समझ नहीं पा रहे थे।
दूसरे दिन पाँच दोस्तों ने मीटिंग रखी ताकि आँट स्टेफनी की परेशानी का कारण पता लगाया जा सके। उन्होंने कई अटकलें लगाईं लेकिन कुछ खास परिणाम तक नहीं पहुँच पाए | लम्बे विचार-विमर्श के बाद उन्होंने जाँच-पड़ताल करना शुरू किया। वे सबसे पहले दरबान के पास गए, फिर मि० और मिसेज बोस से पूछताछ की। लेकिन कुछ भी सुराग नहीं मिला । पाँचों दोस्तों ने निष्कर्ष निकाला कि जरूर किसी ने

आंट स्टेफनी को फोन पर धमकाया है। बिना एक क्षण गँवाए वे अस्पताल में उनके पास पहुँच गए। उन्होंने आंट से पूछा कि क्या वे किसी बात से चिंतित हैं। आंट ने तब बताया कि कोई आदमी उस पर बहुत नजदीक से नजर रख रहा है। वह व्यक्ति उसके बारे में सबकुछ जानता है उसे यह भी पता है कि उसके (आंट) पुत्र ने उसके लिए जो पेसे भेजे हैं, उनका वह क्या करने वाली है।

बच्चे तब आंट स्टेफनी के घर पर पहुँच गए और उनकी कम्प्युटर पर खोज करने लगे। बहुत जल्दी उन्हें पता लग गया कि कोई तो है जो आंट स्टेफनी के ई-मेल संदेशों को पढ़ रहा था। हैकर (Hacker ) आंट स्टेफनी की कही हुई हर एक बात सुनता था । तभी उसने उनका फोन नंबर पता कर लिया और फोन करने लगा।

अब पाँचों दोस्तों ने हैकर को जाल में फँसाने की योजना बनाना शुरू किया और आखिरकार उन्हें सफलता मिल ही गई। दोषी ने जैसे ही आंट स्टेफनी के घर में कदम रखा, पकड़ लिया गया। लड़के ने सिर झुका लिया। उसने अपनी गलती मान ली। आट स्टेफनी ने उसे माफ कर दिया।

Word – Meanings:

Chum = friend – मित्र, दोस्त,
Thrashing = moving violently – छटपटाना,
Muttering = speaking in low tone – भुनभुनाना
Screamed = shouted – चीख पड़ी.
Attic = a room in the top storey of a house – अटारी,
Stunned = surprised – हैरान रह जाना,
Investigation = search for truth – जाँच- पड़ताल, खोजबीन
Rushed = ran – दौड़ पड़े,
Threatened = put in risk धमकाया,
Robe = dress पोशाक
Engrossed = concentrated लीन | हो जाना,
Fiddling = making small restless | movements खुराफात
Hacker = one who attempts to gain unauthorised access to other people’s computer system – हैकर,
Mystery = a matter that remains unexplained – रहस्य,
Script = the text of a play – आलेख
Stranger = unknown person – अजनबी,
Strated = astonished – चकित रह गया.
Fumbling = groping – टटोलना
Whispered = said something in low voice – फुसफुसाया
Prank = a piece of mischief – शरारत।

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

A.4. Given below are eight incidents from the story, but their order is mixed up. Decide on the order in which they occur in the story and number them accordingly.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 The Five Chums have a meeting.
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 Mrs Stephanie pretends to leave her flat.
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 The culprit is caught.
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 The Five Chums visit Mrs Stephanie.
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 Nishat informs Bill that Mrs Stephanie has fainted.
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 Basanti hits upon a plan to trap the hacker.
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 Bill shuts off the computer.
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 6 The Five Chums make a plan.
1 Nishat informs Bill that Mrs Stephanie has fainted.
2 The Five Chums have a meeting.
3 The Five Chums visit Mrs Stephanie.
4 Basanti hits upon a plan to trap the hacker.
5 The Five Chums make a plan.
6 Mrs Stephanie pretends to leave her flat.
7 Bill shuts off the computer.
8 The culprit is caught.

A.5. Tick (✓) the appropriate answers.

(i) It took Mrs Stephanie’s neighbours a full ten minutes to get her to the ambulance because—
(a) she was plump.
(b) she was muttering under her breath.
(c) she screamed when others tried to take her to the ambulance.
(a) she was plump.

(ii) The reason for Mrs Stephanie’s worry was that she—
(a) had lost her dear friend.
(b) had lost all her savings.
(c) was afraid someone would kill her.
(c) was afraid someone would kill her

(iii) Mrs Stephanie asked her son to send her some money. She did so by—
(a) writing a letter to him.
(b) sending him an e-mail.
(c) telephoning him.
(b) sending him an e-mail

(iv) The hacker even knew what Mrs Stephanie was thinking. This was because she was always muttering and—
(a) the hacker was outside her door to listen.
(b) the hacker had placed a transmitter in her flat.
(c) the virus activated the microphone that picked up whatever she muttered.
(c) the virus activated the microphone that picked up whatever she muttered.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

A.6. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.

(i) ‘Aunt Stephanie has just fainted in Mr Subramanium’s flat.’

(a) Who speaks these words and to whom?
Nishat speaks these words to Bill.

(b) What has made Aunt Stephanie faint?
She was afraid someone would kill her.

(c) What does Mr Subramanium do after Aunt Stephanie faints?
He rings up two dozen ambulances.

(ii) ‘You are even younger than my grandson. ’

(a) Who is the speaker of this line?
Aunt Stephanie is the speaker of this line.

(b) What is the speaker’s reaction towards the person spoken to?
She turned soft and forgives the hacker.

(c) What has just happened?
The hacker confesses his guilt.

A.7. Answer the following questions.

(i) Name the Five Chums.
Bill, Nishat, Basanti, Noddy and Arya.

(ii) How did the Five Chums know that the threats to Mrs Stephanie came by phone?
Mrs Stephanie didn’t go out. Nor did she have any visitors. Suddenly, she rushed to the opposite flat, and fainted. The five chums were sure that some one had threatened her over the phone.

(iii) What happened after Mrs Stephanie asked her son to send her money?
After Mrs Stephanie asked her son to sent her money, the call came. The caller asked her that he knew what she was going to do with all that money.

(iv) What plan did Basanti make to trap the hacker?
Basanti hit upon a plan to trap the hacker. The five chums sat around the computer with the scripts in their hands. Arya was told to play the role of a salesman from a bank who would come to Mrs Stephanie to deliver the money she had asked her son to sent her. Mrs Stephanie would tell Arya in loud voice to leave the money on the table. Arya would do so and Noddy would open and close the door loudly.

Mrs Stephanie would mutter that she was late for church and she would just shut the door tight because she had no time to make a search for the keys. Noddy would again open and close the door. After a few minutes, Bill would switch off the computer. The hacker, after hearing the fake conversation, would come to take the money and would be caught easily.

(v) Next morning the Five Chums and Stephanie had scripts in their hands—
(a) What are these scripts?
(b) Why are they being read?
(a) These scripts are—
‘From the bank, Ma’am,’ said Arya in salesman a like voice, ‘You called up for money at your doorstep service?’
‘Oh, yes, thanks,’ said Aunt Stephanie. ‘Just leave it there on the table, will you?’
‘Yes, Ma’am,’ said Arya.
Aunty now muttered under her breath,
‘Now, now, let me see …………….. oh! I’m late for church. Where ar the keys? Never mind, I’ll just shut the door tight.’

(b) The scripts are being read so that the hacker hears everything and comes to Mrs Stephanie’s flat to take the money. While he does so, the five chums would catch him.

(vi) Who is the hacker and what does Stephanie say to him?
The hacker is a young boy, a little older than Arya. Mrs Stephanie tells him that he is even younger than her grandson. Then why he wants to kill her. She addresses him as her child and tells him that she does not know who he is but she forgives him. She prays that God guides him and stops him from being bad.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

A.8. Value Based Question

What do you think the term ‘Net Ethics/Net Etiquettes’ mean? Find out more about some basic Net Etiquettes and discuss in class their necessity and importance.
Net Ethics or Net Etiquettes means not to harm anyone else or the system by misusing net. Today there are a lot of ways of expressing oneself. It is called social networking. Facebook, Twitter, Blog, etc. are some of the systems. One can spread any message to a large mass of people in no time. Just a click on the computer, laptop, smartphone can create a revolution. This message can be positive or negative. Net ethics allows us and prompts us not to create negative environment. We have seen a number of cases recently which have created mass appeal in a positive way and we have also a number of example which have harmed the society in a dangerous way.

A.9. Read the following sentence.

Aunt Stephanie was heaving and thrashing about.
The bold words are ‘strong words’. They can carry more meaning than a group of weaker words. For example,

  • ‘heaving’ has been used intead of ‘uttering with effort’.
  • ‘thrashing’ has been used instead of ‘moving limbs violently’.

Now pick a strong word from the box to replace the bold words in each sentences given below.

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(i) The police found out by investigation the thief’s hide-out.

(ii) The children looked fixedly in surprise at the stranger.

(iii) The frightened girl nervously and clumsily searched for the money.

(iv) The sound of the bells died gradually.

(v) Old people often keep speaking in a manner that cannot be heard clearly.

A.10. Life Skills

(i) Get into groups of six and discuss— did Aunt Stephanie do the right thing by forgiving the boy? Had you been in her place, what decision would you have made? While forming your opinion, keep in mind that—

  • the hacker was just a young boy.
  • he had committed a crime.
  • he had upset Mrs Stephanie so much that she had even fainted once.
  • he seemed to be apologetic of his mistake.
  • if given a second chance, the hacker could improve.

One person from your group must act as Mrs Stephanie. Others should take the roles of the Five Chums. Basanti should note down the points as others discuss and report the final views to the whole class. While reporting, you must give reasons for your decision.
Had I been in Mrs Stephanie’s place, I too would have made the same decision. I too would have forgiven the boy.

(ii) Which of the following qualities do you think helped the Five Chums in solving the mystery of the hacker?

presence of mind, observation skills, logical reasoning.

Discuss how important it is for us to develop these skills.
All the above qualities helped the five chums in solving the mystery of the hacker.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

A.11. Read the sentence taken from the story in A.3 and note the phrase in bold.

‘Perhaps someone is reading your mail,’ Noddy put in.

Now using phrases beginning with ‘put’, fill in the blanks given below. Pick the phrases from the box given below.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 8

(i) The librarian ordered the students to _________ the books they had taken.
put away

(ii) The fire brigade _________ the fire.
put out

(iii) She _________ her best dress.
put on

(iv) She _________ her ideas very clearly.
put together

(v) The reading quiz has been _________.
put off

(vi) The children _________ the pieces of the puzzle.
put across.

A.12. Imagine you are Mrs Stephanie. Your son David, who was informed about your ill-health and mental state, is extremely worried. He sends you the following e-mail.
Read the e-mail given on Textbook page 91.

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A.13. Imagine you are Mrs Stephanie. By the time you receive the e-mail given in A.12, the Five Chums have traced the hacker. Write an e-mail to your son, David, to tell him about the hacker.
Subject—want to tell you about the hacher
Attach files

Dear David
The hacker has been traced. He is even younger than your son. He was sweating out of fear. He hung his head. With a trembling voice, he confessed his guilt. When I asked him why he wanted to kill me, he assured to me that he never intended to so. He had hacked my account, for sheer fun. He told me that he had never thought that his prank would harm someone that much. He begged for pardon which I granted. After all he is just a young boy and should be given a chance to improve his ways.

With love
Your Mom

Send                                Save as a Draft                          Cancel

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

Additional Questions:

Question 1.
What was Bill busy at when the phone was ringing?
When the phone was ringing, Bill was busy at computer. She was developing a new programme.

Question 2.
What had happened to Mrs Stephanie?
She has fainted in Mr Subramanium’s flat.

Question 3.
What did the children find on reaching the scene of action?
On reaching the scene of action, they found that Aunt Stephanie was heaving and thrashing about, muttering under her breath . And her neighbours were trying to put her into the ambulance.

Question 4.
What did the children do afterwards?
They held a meeting to discuss about the possible reasons that put Aunt Stephanie in trouble.

Question 5.
What did Mrs Stephanie tell the children in hospital?
She told them that someone was keeping a close watch on her. That person knew all the details like what she cooked, what she said to whom and even what she thought.

Question 6.
Bill found a virus in Aunt Stephanie’s computer. What did this mean?
It meant that someone had infected her computer with a virus. With its help he could read all the e-mail messages that Aunt Stephanie sent and received.

Question 7.
Why was the stranger startled?
The stranger was startled because the packet, with which he was fumbling fell down. He wanted to runaway, but the five chums surrounded him.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

B.1. Computer has become an indispensable part of our life. Look at the web given below and fill in the boxes by writing how computer has helped us in various ways.

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B.2. You have written an e-mail in A.13. Do you think sending an e-mail is more beneficial than sending a letter by post? Why or why not? Discuss.
In my opinion, sending an e-mail is more beneficial than sending a letter by post. Sending a letter means use of papers which should be avoided as far as possible to conserve our forests. Since paper is not involved in sending e-mails, hence it should be encouraged, e-mail is also beneficial because it is speedy in comparison to sending letter by post.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

B.3. Now read a poem about the e-mail.

I’ve Got e-mail [Textbook Page 93]

Summary of the Poem

The poetess thinks that having a pincode is an outdated fashion. In this age of computer and internet people have lost interest in writing letters. The poetless herself admits that she has not written a letter for one year but she has been able to communicate with her near and dear. No one finds a mail box outside hie/her house. The poetess’s brother lives in Florida with whom she can communicate simply by clicking the mouse of her computer. It is nice to establish instant communication. The poetess now highlights the disadvantages of e-mail. If a virus gets into your computer, you will be unable to get any mail.

The poetess is unable to figure out whether e-mail is a boon or a bane. But she is sure that life would never be the same without it. Her mother does not like this new mode of communication because it makes her daughter (the poetess) lazy. But for the poetess e-mail is the best creation of God. Getting an e-mail is the best part of her day. It gives her immense pleasure.

Summary in Hindi

B.4. Given below is a summary of the peom. Complete it by writing a suitable word/words in the blank spaces.

The poetess thinks that having a pincode is _________ fashioned. She has not written a letter for _________ year but she has been able to _________ with all her relatives. The poetess’s brother lives in _________ with whom she can communicate simply by clicking the _________ of her computer.
The poetess thinks that having a pincode is old fashioned. She has not written a letter for one year, but she has been able to communicate with all her relatives. The poetess’s brother lives in Florida with whom she can communicate simply by clicking the mouse of her computer.

B.5. How do you think the poetess feels about the e-mail? Tick (✓) the appropriate word(s) given below.

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DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

B.6. Given below is an incomplete list of the disadvantages related to the e-mail. Complete the list.

(i) A wrong address can get you the wrong kind of questions.
(ii) _______________________
(iii) _______________________
(ii) If a virus gets into your computer, you will be unable to get any mail.
(iii) E-mail makes you lazy.
(iv) It leads children to waste their precious time.

B.7 Life Skill

Talk to your elders about how they communicated with their friends and relatives living in distant places. How do they find this transition from letter-writing to e-mails? Discuss with them some advantages of letter-writing over e-mail.
Letter writing is a detailed message. It creates an emotional bonding.

B.8 Have you heard of the terms ‘phrase’ and ‘word’? Read the following description to note the difference.

Phrase: Mouse Potato
Sentence in the poem ‘Mouse Potato.’ Dad will often say.
Definition/Meaning One who is always working on the computer.
New sentence In the e – generation, most children have turned into mouse potatoes.
Word: Mode
Sentences in the poem That, anyway, is a fashion out of mode.
Definition/Meaning A way of doing something.
New sentence E mail is the latest mode of communication.

Now use the space to write down the new words/phrases you came across as you read the poem.

(i) Word/Phrase : _________
Sentence in the poem : _________
Definition/Meaning : _________
New sentence : _________
Word/Phrase : Communicate.
Sentence in the poem : Yet I communicate with all those who are dear.
Definition/Meaning : To exchange information, news, ideas, etc. with somebody.
New sentence : Deaf and dumb children communicate in sign language.

(ii) Word/Phrase : _________
Sentence in the poem : _________
Definition/Meaning : _________
New sentence : _________
Word/Phrase : Cherished.
Sentence in the poem : Getting messages is my cherished dream.
Definition/Meaning : Lovely.
New sentence : Small children need to be cherished.

(iii) Word/Phrase : _________
Sentence in the poem: _________
Definition/Meaning : _________
New sentence : _________
Word/Phrase : Mess up.
Sentence in the poem : A wrong address could mess up one’s life.
Definition/Meaning : To make something dirty or untidy.
New sentence : Please don’t mess up my bookshelf.

(iv) Word/Phrase : _________
Sentence in the poem: _________
Definition/Meaning : _________
New sentence : _________
Word/Phrase : Boon.
Sentence in the poem : I can’t figures out if e-mail is a boon or a bane.
Definition/Meaning : A benefit.
New sentence : His presence proved to be a boon for me.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

B.9. You have heard of the word ‘Brunch’. This word is a combination of the meaning and sound of two words – ‘Breakfast’ and ‘Lunch’.
Find out which words are combined to create the words listed below. Pick one word from Column A and the Column B given below.

Column A Column B
smoke pedal
fourteen mash
splash night
motor hotel
smack fog
motor man
confidence scatter

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation 15

(i) smoke + fog = Smog
(ii) fourteen + night = Fortnight
(iii) splash + scatter = Moped
(iv) motor + pedal = Moped
(v) smack + mash = Smash
(vi) motor + hotel = Motel
(vii) confidence + man = Conman

B.10. (i) Read the following advertisement that appears on the internet. [Textbook Page 97]

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(ii) Read this advertisement which appears in newspapers/magazines.

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Having pest control problems in your home?
Well worry no more—now there’s new Oust Bug Spray.
With just one spray of this miracle, the little villains will be out of your home.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

B.11. Now look at the following pictures. By taking ideas from B.10, write advertisements.

(i) Write an advertisement for a website, http://www. roadkingtvre. com

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(ii) Write an advertisement for a toothpaste called ‘Shinestar’ for a newspaper or a magazine.

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  • Shinestar for a Brighter Smile
  • Shinestar for Healthy Teeth and Strong Gum
  • Shinestar – the only all care product for your teeth.
  • Use and Smile.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

C.1. Punctuate the following passage.

credit cards are a blessing by carrying a credit card the person does not have to carry money and feels safe too moreover he need not pay immediately for the things bought by him.
Credit cards are a blessing. By carrying a credit card the person does not have to carry money and feels safe too. Moreover, he need not pay immediately for the things bought by him.

C.2. You must have heard that these days most people don’t carry money. Still they can buy things by showing a card to the seller. Amazing! Isn’t it?
Have you seen any advertisement of credit cards on television?
Discuss with your partner any two advertisements that mention a credit card.
Do it yourself.

C.3. You will listen to a radio talk in the ‘Step into the World to Technology’ series. The topic today is ‘What is a Credit Card?’ As you listen, complete the table given below.

Listen carefully to the audio CD, title Listen & Comprehend (Class-V). After listening, answer the questions verbally. Thereafter, complete the given table. The tape script is also given on Textbook page no. 106.

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DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

C.4. Nowadays internet is in every home. Although it is a source of both information and entertainment, it also has its disadvantages. Get into groups of four. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the internet. In your discussion, include points, such as-

  • cheap source of entertainment.
  • very informative.
  • children do not go out of the house.
  • takes up too much time.
  • children neglect studies/reading/games.

Advantages of Internet

  1. By sitting at home, a person can send letters and cards to the family members and friends.
  2. We can chat with our friends on any particular topic.
  3. Students can get information on various subjects on internet for their studies.
  4. One can do even shopping by sitting at home.

Disadvantages of Internet

  1. Children neglect studies because they are too engrossed in internet.
  2. They have lost their interest in games and like to work on the computer for long hours.
  3. They waste time in surfing the internet.

C.5. Now write a letter to your friend, telling her what you think about the internet.
Colfarm House
Dreamland City
June 25, 20xx

Dear Urvi

How are you? How are you spending your vacation? We did not go out anywhere this year, so I’m really bored. All I do is watch the television or surf the internet. Internet, no doubt, is one of the best inventions made so far, yet it has many disadvantages. Having internet at home, children do not want to go out of the house. They waste their precious time in either surfing the internet or playing games. As a result, their studies are neglected. They also avoid reading general books of their standard. Thus, reading habit is vanishing among the children due to this internet.

Do write back soon. Looking forward to hearing from you.

With love

Yours lovingly

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

Additional Questions:

Question 1. Which fashion, does the poetess call out of mode?
Having pincode and sending or receiving letters through post have become outdated.

Question 2.
How is communication established today?
Today we communicate through e-mail. We can send or receive messages with a click of a mouse.

Question 3.
How could a wrong address mess up one’s life?
When one wishes to know about science, one may get tips on beauty. What this means is that a wrong address would never give us the information that we want to gather.

Question 4.
What happens when a virus is released in your computer?
In such a situation your mail inside the computer will freeze.

Question 5.
What is the poetess’s opinion about the e-mail?
She keeps high opinion about the e-mail. She consider it God’s best creation because, so far she thinks, life would never be the same without it. Getting e-mail is the best part of her day.

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

D.1. Read it yourself.

You have read many scripts/stories/ letters written by humans. Now read this letter written by a Robonaut—a robot astronaut.

A Letter from a Robonaut [Textbook Pages 102-105]

Summary of the letter

Archit is a sixteen year old robot. He is writing a letter sitting in a time machine. The letter is in two parts.

Part I

The first part of his letter tells us how the efforts made by the Space Research Organisation (SRO) were always thwarted by the Taitak Community of aliens living on Mars.

After a hot of research, the scientists at SRO discovered that they could be successful in their mission only if they used a Robonaut. This means that a human would have to be converted into a robot who would act as an astronaut. For this, they needed a volunteer of my age. When he came to know about this, he met Professor Gazi, the head of this mission. Finally, he was selected. He was taken into a room which had machines. There he was made unconscious. When he gained consciousness, he was no longermade up of skin. He was covered with metal. A computer with a keyboard was attached to his body.

Part II

Sitting in the aircraft going to the moon he had to see any danger in space and report to the scientists at the SRO. His spacecraft landed on what seemed like earth. There were lots of robot like people. There seemed to be no trees anywhere. In the distance, from the window of his spacecraft, he could see an area that had short, unhealthy trees. He got nervous.

Soon a message flashed across his computer screen. ‘You have reached the year 3000.’ He could not understand anything. Suddenly Professor Gazi appeared on the computer screen who informed him that Leezok, the head of the ‘Taitak Community’ changed the function of his spacecraft and converted it into a time machine. Professor Gazi told him that his spacecraft would take about forty-five minutes to land on the earth. Finally, he was back to earth and was happy.

Summary in Hindi

अचिंत सोलह साल का रोबोट है। वह टाइम मशीन में बैठकर पत्र लिख रहा है। उसका पत्र दो भागों में है।

भाग- एक

उसके पत्र का पहला भाग हमें बताता है कि कैसे स्पेश रिसर्च ऑर्गनाइजेशन (एस०आर०ओ०) के प्रयासों को मंगल ग्रह पर रहने वाला ‘टैटक समूह’ विफल कर दिया करता था।
बहुत शोध के बाद एस०आर०ओ० के वैज्ञानिकों ने पता लगाया कि वे रोबोनॉट का इस्तेमाल करके अपने अभियान में सफलता हासिल कर सकते हैं। इसका अर्थ है कि एक व्यक्ति को रोबोट में बदल दिया जाएगा जो अंतरिक्ष यात्री की तरह काम करेगा। इसके लिए उन्हें सोलह साल का लड़का चाहिए।

जब अर्चित को इसका पता चला तब वह फौरन अभियान के प्रधान प्रो० गाजी से मिला। अंततोगत्वा उसका चयन हो गया। उसे एक कमरा में ले जाया गया जिसमें मशीन रखे हुए थे। वहाँ उसे बेहोश कर दिया गया। जब उसे होश आया तो पाया कि उसके चमड़े गायब हो गए थे और उसे धातु से ढँक दिया गया था। उसके शरीर से एक कम्प्युटर लटका दिया गया था, जिसके साथ कीबोर्ड भी था।


अंतरिक्ष यान में बैठकर उसे देखना था कि अंतरिक्ष में कोई खतरा है और इसके बारे में एस०आर०ओ० के वैज्ञानिकों को बताना था। उसका यान जहाँ रुका वह धरती जैसा लगा रहा था। वहाँ रोबोट जैसे बहुत-से लोग थे और पेड़-पौधे नहीं थे। अर्चित डर गया। तुरंत |

एक संदेश उसके कम्प्युटर पर झलक गया ‘तुम तीन हजार ईस्वी में पहुँच गए। वह कुछ भी समझ नहीं सका। अचानक प्रो० गाजी उसके कम्प्युटर स्क्रीन पर अवतरित हो गए। उन्होंने उसे बताया कि ‘टैटक समूह’ का प्रधान लीजॉक ने उसे अंतरिक्ष यान को टाइम मशीन में बदल दिया। उन्होंने उसे यह भी बताया कि उसका अंतरिक्ष यान करीब 45 मिनट में धरती पर उतरेगा। अंत में अर्चित धरती पर आ गया और वह खुश था।

DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 4 E-Generation

Word – Meanings:

Alien = foreign, different – विदेशी, भिन्न,
Thwarted = failed – विफल कर दिया,
Discovered = found out – पता लगाया,
Attached = enclosed संलग्न,
Flashed = appeared कौंध जाना, चमक जाना,
Nervous = afraid – डरा हुआ।