Incorporating DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Pdf Chapter 1 Growing Up into study routines can lead to better overall language proficiency.
My English Reader Class 5 DAV Solutions Unit 1 Growing Up
DAV Class 5 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 1 Growing Up
Read the following cartoons. [Textbook Page 1]
Now guess
(a) Discuss why teachers get a headache while dealing with children?
Dealing with children is not an easy task. With forty to forty-five students in a class, it is very tough to pay attention to all the students equally. Class management is another problem because all the students are not of the same nature. Some are self-disciplined and don’t create problems but a great number of them are naughty and require constant attention. Teachers have to face this situation everyday and so frequently become victims of headache.
(b) Do you create any problem for your teacher?
Honestly speaking I don’t create problems for my teachers. Perhaps therefore all my teachers love me and value my words. I also adore them from the core of my heart.
A.1. Read what some of the children have to say about their school life. [Textbook Page 2]
Work with your partner. Write down what you like or dislike about your school life.
I fully agree with Sachin. School is that place where we get opportunities to exhibit our hidden talent. We come
across so many children of our age group, learn many new things, play our favourite games, make friends and sometimes fight too, for which our teacher punish us. These sweet and sour experiences of school add beauty to our life.
A.2. Now read the following story. [Textbook Pages 3 – 5]
Monday Morning Blues Summary of the Story
Tom Sawyer did not want to get up on Monday mornings because it meant going back to school. And school was such a painful place for him. He lay in bed late thinking about some excuses. Suddenly he discovered that one of his upper front teeth was loose. He decided to use it as an excuse for not going to school. He began to groan loudly. Aunt Polly hurried upstairs. She was treambling with fear. She loved Tom too much and did not see him in troubles. She asked him what was going wrong with him. Tom changed his excuse immediately and told his aunty that his sore toe was going to fall off.
Aunt Polly instead of becoming panicked began to laugh. Tom felt foolish because his act was caught. He then shifted to his previous excuse and told aunty that he had a severe toothache. Aunt Polly asked for a silk thread and a chunk of fire to take out his loose tooth. Tom got panicked to think about the dental instruments and admitted that he was just making excuses for not going to school because he loved fishing too much. Now he would not stay at home and will go to school. By this time Aunt Polly was ready with her dental instruments. She took out Tom’s loose tooth inspite of his resistance.
Summary in Hindi
टॉम सॉयर सोमवार की सुबह में उठना नहीं चाहता था क्योंकि इस दिन स्कूल जाने का सिलसिला शुरु हो जाता था । और स्कूल उसके लिए बहुत ही तकलीफदायक स्थान था। वह बहाने सोचता हुआ देर तक बिछावान में पड़ा रहा। अचानक उसने पाया कि उसके ऊपर का आगे वाला एक दाँत ढीला हो गया है। उसने फौरन उसे स्कूल नहीं जाने का बहाना बना लिया। वह खूब जोर-जोर से कराहने लगा । आंट पोली तेजी से ऊपर आयी। वे डर से काँप रही थीं। वह टॉम को बहुत प्यार करती थीं और उसे दुःख में नहीं देख सकती थीं। उन्होंने टॉम से पूछा कि वह क्यों कराह रहा है।
टॉम ने फौरन अपना बहाना बदल दिया और चाची से कहा कि उसके पैर की ऊँगली में बहुत तेज दर्द हो रहा है। और पोली थोड़ा भी घबराई नहीं बल्कि हँसने लगी। टॉम को अपनी मूर्खता का एहसास हुआ क्योंकि उसकी करतूत पकड़ी गयी थी। वह फिर से पहले वाले बहाने पर आ गया। उसने चाची से कहा कि उसके दाँत में बहुत तेज दर्द है। चाची ने उसके ढीले दाँत को निकालने के उद्देश्य से सिल्क का धागा और आग का एक गोला मँगवाया। टॉम दाँत निकालने के उपकरणों के बारे में सोचकर घबरा गया। उसने मान लिया कि उसे मछली पकड़ना बहुत पसंद है, इसलिए वह स्कूल नहीं जाने के लिए बहाने बना रहा था। अब वह स्कूल कभी नहीं छोड़ेगा । इस समय तक आंट पोली दंत उपकरणों के साथ तैयार हो चुकी थी और टॉम के मना करने के बावजूद उन्होंने उसका दाँत निकाल ही दिया।
Word – Meanings:
Blues = a state of depression – दु:खी अवस्था,
Miserable = unhappy – दु:खी,
Suffering = pain – पीड़ा, दु:खी,
Attempts = efforts – प्रयास,
Detect = to find out – पता करना,
Symptom = sign – लक्षण,
Discovered = found out – पता कर लिया,
Excuse = a reason put forward to justify a fault, etc. – बहाना,
Moaning = differing kinds of sounds expressing pain – कराहना,
Fake = false – झूठ, Sore pain- दर्द,
Groaning = moaning – कराहना,
Stretched = expanded – फैलाया
Snort = a sound made by forcing breath through the nose in sleep – खर्राटा,
Stare = look – देखना,
Frightened = afraid – भयभीत,
Joggle = shake slightly – हिलाना,
Rubbish = nonsense – बकवास,
Trembled = quivered- काँप रहा था,
Worried = concerned- दु:खी,
Ache = pain – दर्द करना,
Awfully = badly – बुरी तरह से,
Outrageousness = shocking behaviour – उग्र व्यवहार,
Fastened = tied – बाँधा,
Bedpost = the feets (wooden blocks) on which bed stands – पलंग के पाए,
Seized = caught – पकड़ा,
Chunk = a thick piece – बड़ा टुकड़ा, गोला,
Thrust = pushed – धकेल दिया,
Dangling = hanging or swinging loosely – झूलता हुआ।
A.3. Tick (✓) the appropriate answer.
(i) Tom Sawyer did not want to get up on Monday mornings because-
(a) it meant going back to school.
(b) he wanted to work at home.
(c) he did not like Mondays.
(d) none of these.
(a) it meant going back to school.
(ii) Tom began to groan loudly because –
(a) his tooth was loose.
(b) his feet hurt.
(c) his toe was sore.
(d) none of these.
(a) his tooth was loose.
(iii) Aunt Polly was angry with Tom because-
(a) she did not like Tom.
(b) she knew he was telling a lie.
(c) she was being unkind to him.
(d) none of these.
(b) she knew he was telling a lie.
(iv) Aunt Polly asked for a silk thread because-
(a) she wanted to sew a tom shirt.
(b) she wanted to tie it around Tom’s toe.
(c) she wanted to take out Tom’s tooth.
(d) none of these.
(b) she wanted to tie it around Tom’s toe.
A.4. Mark the following statements with a (✓) if true and a (✗) if false.
(i) Tom held up his toe for inspection because he wanted to make sure that he could use it as an excuse for not going to school.
(ii) Tom was groaning loudly because he wanted to tell everyone that he was enjoying himself.
(iii) The dental instruments that Aunt Polly used were a silk thread and a chunk of fire.
(iv) Aunt Polly loved Tom a lot.
(v) Tom felt foolish because his act was caught.
A.5. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
(i) ‘Well, one of them’s loose and it aches awfully. ’
(a) Who is the speaker?
The speaker is Tom Sawyer.
(b) What is loose?
One of his teeth is loose.
(ii) ‘It makes my flesh crawl to hear you. What is the matter?’
(a) Who is the speaker?
The speaker is Sid.
(b) ‘makes my flesh crawl’—what does it mean?
It means to make me feel afraid or full of disgust.
(c) What is the matter?
Tom does not want to go to school. He makes toothache an excuse and starts groaning loudly.
A.6. Life Skills
Why do you think Tom did not like going to school? If you were Tom’s friend, how would you counsel/ convince him to attend the school regularly?
If I were Tom’s friend, I would try my best to make him ready to attend the school regularly. I would tell him about the benefits of going to school regularly. School is the place where children get opportunities to exhibit their talent. They learn good manners, human values and rules of polite behaviour. They participate in a lot of competitions under the guidance of their teachers and build up confidence. They should not think that going to school is a boring task. It is rather a sacred duty that makes life beautiful and enjoyable.
A.7. Work with your partner. Find words from the story whose synonyms are
(i) Crying in pain m _ _ _ _ _ _
(ii) pretend f _ _ _
(iii) terrible a _ _ _ _
(iv) excitedly e _ _ _ _ _ _
(v) efforts a _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A.8. Aunt Polly told Tom, ‘You always break my heart’. The word ‘break’ can be used in many ways when it is succeeded by words like up, down, into, out, etc.
Discuss with your partner (or look up a dictionary) and try to understand what the expressions in the Aid Box mean.
Then fill in the blanks in the sentences given on the next page. You will have to alter the expressions slightly.
(i) Un his way to the ottice, Mr Pal’s car ________. There was no one to help him.
broke down
(ii) The robbers __________ the safe and escaped with a lot of money.
broke open
(iii) ‘Let’s _______ for lunch. We’ll meet again after an hour at the same place,’ the Principal announced.
break up
(iv) The thieves ______ the house at night when everyone was fast asleep.
broke into
(v) The Municipal Corporation swung into action when they heard that malaria had ______ in the city.
broken out.
A.9. Some pairs of words look so similar that they get confused with each other. Four such pairs are given below.
lay, laid farther, further lose, loose heel, heal
Discuss the meanings of these words with your partner and fill in the blanks appropriately.
(i) The wound took a long time to ________.
(ii) I think this point needs _______ discussion.
(iii) The mother gently _______ the baby on the grass.
(iv) Where did you _______ that beautiful pen of yours?
A.10. Imagine Tom could not attend the school because he had to go to the dentist to get his tooth extracted. He needed to send an application to the Principal to get a leave. Help Tom write an application for leave.
The Principal
Sabath-Sunday School
St. Petersburg
15 April 20_ _
Subject: Application for leave Sir
Most humbly I beg to say that one of my upper front teeth is loose and it aches awfully. My aunty wants to take me to a dentist. I, therefore, request you to please grant me at least two days’ leave so that I may get my tooth extracted. I would be grateful to you for this act of kindness.
Thanking you Yours
Tom Sawyer
A.11. Have you ever been to a dentist? Read what some of the children have to say about their experiences. [Textbook Page 10]
Now write down in the space below how you feel when you have to go to a dentist. Do you look forward to it? Give a reason for your answer.
I feel scared when I have to go to a dentist. The equipments/tools that the dentists use are really terrifying. I always pray to God to keep me away from dental problems.
Since I am very careful about my teeth, I don’t think that I would need a dentist in a near future.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
What did Tom suddenly discover? What did he decide?
Suddenly Tom discovered that one of his upper front teeth was loose. He decided to use it as an excuse for not going to school.
Question 2.
Why did he decide to use the tooth as an excuse some other day?
Suddenly he remembered that if his aunt came to know, she would pull the aching tooth out and that would hurt.
Question 3.
What another excuse did Tom find?
He drew his sore toe from under the sheet and held it up for inspection. Et seemed worthwhile to change it, and without wasting a moment he began to groan on the bed.
Question 4.
How did Aunt Polly react when Sid informed her about Tom’s condition?
She became upset. She came hurriedly to Tom and asked him what the matter was with him. Torn told her that his sore toe was going to fall off. This made the old lady feel better. She had thought something serious but was relieved to know the real situation.
B.1. Shruti and Rohan are best friends. They are always together. Read what they have to say about each other.
[Textbook Page 11]
Do you fight with your friends? Discuss with your partner and write some reasons why you sometimes get angry with your friends. First read what Ritwik has to say.
I get very angry when my friends take my things without asking me.
I get angry when my friends don’t bring their own water bottle and drink from mine. | I also get angry when they start playing during the recess leaving me in the class. |
B.2. Now read the following story about Swaminathan who gets very angrywith his friends for something. Is he able to solve his problem or does it lead to another light? [Textbook Pages 12 – 15]
The Tale of a Tail Summary of the Story
Swaminathan was a V-Grade student. One day, as soon as he entered his classroom, all the students started laughing quietly. He, however, remained hopeful that he was not the cause of the laughing. He took his seat but the giggling was on. Suddenly his eyes fell on the blackboard on which a word ‘Tail’ was written in huge letters. Swaminathan was out of control due to anger. He approached Pea and gave him a fierce slap on his cheek. Pea burst into tears and swore that he did not do it. Then Swaminathan turned to Shankar and slapped his face also. Soon the three boys (Swaminathan, Shankar and Pea) began to fight.
The bell rang. Just then Raj am, Somu and Mani entered. The teacher came in thereafter and stood aghast. He could do nothing to silent the class and let all the five friends (Swaminathan, Mani, Rajam, Shankar and Pea) go out.
The five friends came to a lonely spot to settle the dispute. Swaminathan wanted to know who among them had written the word ‘Tail’ on the blackboard. But no one was ready to admit his fault. When Mani asked him what was a tail anyway, Swaminathan began to sob. He told Mani that they called him Rajam’s tail. Mani and Rajam were not on good terms. So, he (Mani) could not help Swaminathan. Since he thought too much of himself and his powers he began to shout at Pea, Shankar and Somu. This led to a fierce fighting again which continued till the Headmaster arrived there. He separated Somu and Mani and restored peace.
Summary in Hindi
स्वामीनाथन पाँचवी कक्षा का छात्र था। एक दिन जैसे ही उसने कक्षा में प्रवेश किया, सभी छात्र अशिवट ढंग से हँसने लगे। फिर भी वह इस उम्मीद में था कि वह हँसी का पात्र या कारण नहीं होगा। वह अपनी जगह पर बैठ गया किन्तु हँसी अभी भी जारी थी। अचानक उसी आँखे ब्लैकबोर्ड पर बड़े अक्षरों में लिखे शब्द ‘Tail ‘ पर चली गईं। स्वामीनाथन का क्रोध के कारण अपने ऊपर नियंत्रण नहीं रहा। वह पी के पास गया और उसके गाल पर एक थप्पड़ जड़ दिया। पी रोने लगा और उसने कसम खायी कि उसने कुछ नहीं किया है। तब स्वामीनाथन शंकर की ओर बढ़ा और उसे भी एक थप्पड़ जड़ दिया। और इस तरह तीनों लड़कों (स्वामीनाथन, पी और शंकर) में झगड़ा शुरु हो गया ।
घंटी बजी। तभी राजम, सोमू और मणि ने कक्षा में प्रवेश किया। शिक्षक उनके बाद आए और भौचक्के रह गए। उन्होंने कक्षा शांत कराने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं किया और पाँचों दोस्तों (स्वामीनाथन, मणि, सोमू, शंकर और पी ) को बाहर जाने दिया ।
पाँचों दोस्त झगड़ा सुलझाने के लिए एक सुनसान जगह पर आ गए। स्वामीनाथन जानना चाहता था कि उनमें से किसने Tail’ शब्द ब्लैकबोर्ड पर लिखा था। लेकिन कोई भी अपना दोष स्वीकार करने के लिए तैयार नहीं था। जब मणि ने स्वामीनाथन से पूछा कि अखिर यह ‘ Tail ‘ है क्या चीज। स्वामीनाथन सुबकने लगा। उसने मणि को बताया कि वे सभी उसे राजम की दुम कहकर पुकारते है। मणि और राजम के आपसी संबंध अच्छे नहीं थे। अत: वह (मणि) स्वामीनाथन की मदद नहीं कर पाया। चूँकि वह अपने आपको को बहुत शक्तिशाली समझता था, वह पी, शंकर और सोमू पर चीखने लगा । इस वजह से उनके बीच मल्ल युद्ध छिड़ गया जो तबतक चलता रहा जबतक प्रधानाध्यापक वहाँ नहीं पहुँचे। उन्होंने जब मणि और सोमू को अलग किया तब जाकर शांति बहाल हो पायी।
Word – Meanings:
Giggle = laughter – हँसी,
Huge = very big – बहुत बड़ा,
Rub = clean – पोछना, मिटाना,
Embarrassed = felt ashamed – शर्मिंदा महसूस किया,
Approached = went near – नजदीक गया,
Swore = promise on oath – शपथ लिया,
Pandemonium = a situation in which there is a lot of noise and confusion – कोलाहल,
Scratching = scraping with fingernails – नाखून से नोंचते हुए,
Entered = came in – प्रवेश किया,
Aghast = filled with horror – भौंचक्का,
Parted = separated – अलग किया,
Spot = place – स्थान,
Adjoining = lying near – नकटस्थ,
Rogues = mischevious horror – भौंचक्का,
Parted = separated – अलग किया,
Spot = place – स्थान,
Adjoining = lying near – नकटस्य,
Rogues = mischevious persons – धूर्त बदमाश,
Screamed = shouted loudly – चीखा,
Rascal = mischievous/dishonest person दुर्जन, बदमाश,
Howled = shouted – चीखा,
Sobbed = wept – सुबकने लगा,
Dare = be bold enough to say something – साहस करना,
Fellow = friend – दोस्त,
Sarcastic = ironic language – व्यंग्यात्मक भाषा,
Aimed = made target – निशाना बनाया,
Set off = went – गए,
Astonishment = surprise – आश्चर्य,
Strength = the quality of being strong – ताकत ।
B.3. Swaminathan has many friends. Complete the following web chart by filling the names of all his friends that you have read about in the lesson.
B.4. Who said and to whom?
‘Sir, please let us go out.’
Somu to the teacher.
‘What is wrong with you, you little rogues?’
Mani to his friends.
‘No—I didn’t, you—’
Pea to Swaminathan.
‘They call me Rajam’s tail.’
Swaminathan to Mani.
‘He, Pea—wrote – TAIL—Big Tail— on the blackboard.’
Swaminathan to Mani.
B.5. Complete the following ladder.
B.6. Answer the following questions.
(i) Do you think Shankar or Pea had written the word ‘Tail’ on the blackboard? Give a reason for your answer.
Do it yourself.
(ii) How did Swaminathan feel when he saw the word ‘Tail’ written on the blackboard?
Do it yourself.
B.7. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow.
(i) ‘What is wrong with you,,little rogues?’
(a) Who are rogues?
Swaminathan, Somu, Shankar and Pea.
(b) Why are they fighting with each oher?
They are fighting because Swaminathan has slapped them in anger.
(c) Where is the fight going on?
The fight is going on at a lonely spot in the field adjoining the school.
(ii) ‘And who dares to talk about Rajam here?’
(a) Who is Rajam?
Rajam is a newcomer to the class.
(b) Who talked about Rajam?
Swaminathan talked about Rajam.
(c) How are Mani and Rajam related?
They are sworn enemies.
B.8. Life Skills
Do you think Swami was right in slapping Pea and Shankar? Had you be in his place, how would you have reacted? Would you have—
(i) ignored the word ‘Tail’ written on the board?
(ii) laughed along to avoid argument or fight?
(iii) talked to your classmates and resolved the matter peacefully?
(iv) complained to your teacher?
Explain with reasons.
(ii) laughed along to avoid argument or fight.
I think such things should be laughed out. Swaminathan committed a mistake by reacting so sharply over trifles. It was not a serious matter. Even if it was a serious matter, one should always avoid argument or fight because it leads to violence. I believe in peace and do my best to maintain it.
B.9. Value Based Questions
In Indian Culture, the teacher /guru is considered next only to God. Do you approve of Somu and Mani’s attitude towards their Tamil teacher? How should students behave with their teachers?
No, I don’t approve of Somu and Mani’s attitude towards their Tamil teacher. There should be a cordial relation discipline in the classroom especially in front of their teachers. Talking and laughing loudly and getting involved in fighting are undoubtedly bad manners. Students show their indecency by doing these activities. They should be well behaved and adore their teachers. They should pay proper respect to them by obeying their words.
B.10. Find out words from the passage which mean the same as the following. You may unjumble the words given in the Aid Box to help you.
(i) to feel confused and ashamed ______
(ii) a place of lawlessness ______
(iii) to laugh softly ______
(iv) violent, angry ______
B.11. Swaminathan told Mani that everyone called him ‘Rajam’s tail’. This is an idiomatic expression. It means that he always followed Raj am whenever he went like a tail. Given on the next page are some idiomatic expressions. Match them with their meanings and use them in the sentences given below appropriately.
(i) Raminder and Subhash are ______
They never even look in each others direction.
sworn enemies
(ii) The fox _______ at the bird and hid in the bushes.
cast a sly look
(iii) _______, the contestant answered the question after a long pause.
scratch his chin.
B.12. Project Work
(i) Work in groups. Talk to your friend about words that convey positive\ feelings of love, respect, admiration and consideration. As a class effort, hang a big chart, titled ‘Power of Words’ in the class. Add to the list as often as possible. [Textbook Page 19]
(ii) Helping Hands—Encourage and guide the children to work in pairs and trace their hands on colourful glazed papers. Discuss what we can do with our hands to help others and our friends.
Do it yourself.
B.13. Read aloud these expressions and notice when we use them.
Excuse me | When you pass in front of someone, or when you want to get someone’s attention. When you did not hear someone properly and you want him to say it again. |
I beg your pardon | When you have made a mistake or perhaps accidentally bumped into someone. |
Thank you very much | When someone has given you something or done some kind deed to you. |
No at all It’s a pleasure You re welcome | When someone thanks you for domg something for him. |
Now work with your partner. Complete the conversation given below using expressions from above.
Student : Excuse me, did you drop this money’?
Lady : What?
Student : I said. ‘Did you drop this money?’
Lady : Drop what?
Student : I’ve found this money. Is it yours?
Lady : I’m a little deaf. I could not hear what you said. Some money? Yes, that’s mine. I must have dropped it.
Student : Please take the packet.
Lady : Oh! Thank you very much.
Student : You ’re welcome.
B.14. (i) Look at the words given in the box and complete the following word webs by matching the names of the characters with the qualities they show through their behaviours in the story. Some words may go in both the webs. Some words may not be used at all.
(ii) Describe the fight between Mani and Somu in your own words.
Mani was a sort of bully. He thought much of himself and his powers. The moment Somu challenged his authority, he lost his temper and rushed to fight with him (Somu). Soon the fighting between the two turned to be violent. They rolled and rolled over one another. It seemed that they would kill each other. In great panic Shankar, Pea and
Swami rushed to the Headmaster and told him that the two murders were being committed in the school-field. The Headmaster came to the vpot and parted the two boys.
(iii) At the end of the story, all the friends follow the Headmaster to his room. What do you think happened after this? Discuss with your partner.
The Headmaster would have either punished them or given them a piece of advice for not fighting in future.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
What happened when Swaminathan entered the classroom?
When Swaminathan entered the class-room, all the students started laughing.
Question 2.
How did Swaminathan react when he saw the word ‘Tail’ written on the blackboard?
His face turned red with anger. He ran to the blackboard and rubbed the word off with his hands. He then went to Pea and gave him a fierce slap on his cheek.
Question 3.
Who were Swaminathan’s friends? Who among them was the most powerful?
Shankar, Pea, Somu, Mani and Raj am were Swaminathan’s friend. Mani was the most powerful among them.
Question 4.
What happened between Somu and Mani?
A hot talk occurred between Somu and Mani. Suddenly Mani swing his hand and brought it down on Somu’s neck. Somu pushed it away with a heavy blow. And next moment they were fighting.
Question 5.
How did the Headmaster react when he was told about the fierce fight between Mani and Somu?
He laughed it off at first. But then he became serious to see the boys’ excitement and seriousness. Immediately he called a peon and set off to the scene of action.
C.1. Dear children, it is Ms Roma’s birthday today. She has promised to sing a song from her favourite movie, The Sound of Music. Read the incomplete song. Complete the blanks as you listen to the tape script. [Textbook Page 22]
Listen to the audio CD, titled Listen & Comprehend (Class-V). After listening, answer the questions verbally. Thereafter, complete the song given below. The tape script is also given on Page No. 28.
My Favourite Things [Textbook Page 22]
Raindrops of roses and whiskers on kittens, White _ _ _ _ _ _ kettles and warm woollen m _ _ _ e _ _. Brown paper packages tied up with _ tr_ _ gs, These are a few of my favourite things.
Cream coloured ponies and crisp a _ _ _ e struddles, Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles.
_ _ ld geese that fly with a m _ _ n their wings, These are a few of my favourite things.
Girls in white ribbons and blue satin sashes, _ _ o _ f _ _ k _ _ that stay on my nose and eyelashes. Silver white winters that melt into _ p _ _ n _ s, These are a few of my favourite things.
When the dog bites, When the bee s _ _ _ _ _, When I am feeling _ a _, I just remember my favourite things, And then I don’t feel so bad!
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, white copper kettles and warm woollen m it tens. Brown paper packages tied up with strings, These are a few of my favourite things.
Cream coloured ponies and crisp apple struddles, Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles. Wild geese that fly with a moon on their wings, These are a few of my favourite things.
Girls in white ribbons and blue satin sashes, snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes. Silver white winters that melt into springs.
These are a few of my favourite things. When the dog bites, When the bee slings, When I am feeling sad, I just remember my favourite things, And then I don’t feel so bad!
—by Maria
C.2. Class-V children in Ms Roma’s class are discussing their favourite things after listening to the song. One of the groups has written a very sweet little poem. Read it carefully.
mangoes on trees
with my hair moving in breeze
lots of nice toffees
and cups of coffee
playing in the garden
happily on swings
these are a few of my
favourite things.
C.3. Now get into groups of four. List your favourite things and complete the web chart.
For the Teacher: Let the students brainstorm themselves to identify their favourite things in a set time frame. Encourage them to use these words to complete the activity that follows.
Add another stanza to the song by talking about your favourite things with your partner.
Do it yourself.
D.1. Read it Yourself.
Read this poem where a child thinks what he wants to be when he grows up. I wish I were ……….. [Textbook Pages 26-27]
Summary of the Poem
The poet here describes what a child wants to be when he grows up. In the morning while going to school the child sees a hawker selling crystal bangles. He wants to become a hawker. It is because a hawker’s life is very smooth. He is never in hurry. He goes where he wishes to go. While coming back from the school in the afternoon, he comes across the gardener digging the ground.
The child now wants to become a gardener because he finds him better than him. He (gardener) does what he likes to do with his spade. At bed time the child saw through his open window the watchman walking up and down holding lantern in his hand. Now he tempt to become a watchman so that he may walk the streets all night, chasing the shadows with his lantern. Thus, the child wants to lead a carefree life.
Summary in Hindi
प्रस्तुत कविता में कवि वर्णन करता है कि एक बच्चा बड़ा होकर क्या बनने की इच्छा रखता है। सुबह के समय स्कूल जाते हुए वह एक फेरीवाले को काँच की चूड़ियाँ बेचते हुए देखता है। बच्चे की इच्छा होती है कि वह फेरीवाला बन जाए क्योंकि उसे लगता है कि फेरीवालों का जीवन बहुत ही सहज और सुकून देने वाला होता है। वह (फेरीवाला) कभी भी जल्दी में नहीं होता है। वह वहीं जाता है जहाँ उसकी मर्जी होती है। अपराह्न में स्कूल से लौटते समय जब वह माली को जमीन खोदते हुए देखता है तो वह माली बन जाना चाहता है।
उसे ( बच्चे को ) लगता है कि माली का जीवन उससे बेहतर है क्योंकि वह (माली) कुदाल से वही काम करता है जो वह चाहता है। रात में सोने जाते समय वह खिड़की से चौकीदार को हाथ में लालटेन लिए हुए गली में इधर से उधर घूमते हुए देखता है। अब बच्चा चौकीदार बन जाना चाहता है ताकि वह उसकी तरह पूरी रात हाथ में लालटेन लेकर गली में घूमता रहे। इस तरह बच्चा चिंता मुक्त जीवन जीना चाहता है।
Word – Meanings:
Gong = a metal plate that resounds when struck – घंटा,
Hawker = one who sells things from door to door – फेरीवाला
Crystal = high quality glass – काँच,
Bangle = bracelet – चूड़ी,
Gardener = one who looks after a garden – माली,
Spade = a tool for digging – कुदाल,
Soil (V) = make or become dirty – गंदा करना,
Lane = street – गली,
Giant = very big – बहुत बड़ा,
Chasing = running after – पीछा करते हुए,
Shadow = shade – छाया,
Lantern = a transparent case for holding and shielding a light – लालटेन ।