DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

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My English Reader Class 4 DAV Solutions Unit 1 Sports

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 1 Sports


Read the given words and write the name of the sports with which they are associated. Take help from the Aid Box.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 1

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 2

(i) Relay ___________

(ii) Deuce ___________

(iii) Cue ___________

(iv) Checkmate ___________

(v) Knock-out ___________

(vi) Hat-trick ___________

(vii) Bull’s eye ___________

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

A.1. You are good in sports and wish to become a successful sports person, Discuss with your partner and write down the qualities you should develop to achieve your dream. [Textbook Page 2]

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 3

Sportsmanship: Punctuality, Obedience, Leadership, Team Spirit.

A.2. Have you ever felt jealous of your best friend? Share any one experience with your partner.
No. I have never felt jealous of any of my friends. I just try to inculcate their good qualities in myself. I am very
friendly with all of my classmates. I admire them whole-heartedly when they do some good work and want to be admired when I do the same.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

A.3. Now read the story.

A True Friend [Textbook Pages 5-5]

Summary of the Story

Rahul and Raj were best friends. But Rahul grew jealous of Raj because he always won in cycling. The sports day was near. Everyone was practising for it. Rahul and Raj were good athletes too. Rahul was determined to win but he was not sure of his win over Raj. Gradually he started avoiding Raj out of jealousy.

Rahul wanted to defeat Raj by all means. So, one day before the sports day, he dug a small pit on the path where Raj was supposed to run and covered it with leaves. On the day of sports, the race started. Raj was ahead of Rahul but after some time he (Raj) stepped on the pit and fell down.

Rahul was happy as his plan worked well. He overtook Raj and won the trophy. His parents and friends were happy but Rahul wasn’t. His conscience awoke and he started feeling that he had hurt his best friend by foul play. He went to the principal and admitted that he had dug the pit in which Raj had fallen down. The Principal expressed his happiness over Rahul’s realisation of his fault. He told Rahul to work hard for good results. He also told him to go to Raj and apologise to him. Rahul did the same. Raj forgave Rahul. Now they were best friends again.

Rahul followed the Principal ‘s advice and worked hard for the term-end examination. Raj also helped him in every way he could. When the term-end examination result was announced, everyone was surprised to see that Rahul had topped in the class. It was the happiest day of his life.

Summary in Hindi

राहुल और राज सबसे अच्छे दोस्त थे। लेकिन राहुल राज से ईर्ष्या करने लगा क्योंकि राज हमेशा ही साइकिल दौड़ में जीत जाता था। खेल दिवस नजदीक था। सभी अभ्यास में लगे थे। राहुल और राज अच्छे धावक थे। राहुल जीतने के लिए दृढ़ संकल्प था। लेकिन उसे इस बात का हमेशा डर रहता था कि वह राज को हरा पाएगा कि नहीं। धीरे-धीरे ईर्ष्यावश वह राज की अनदेखी करने लगा।

राहुल किसी भी तरह से राज को हराना चाहता था । इसलिए खेल दिवस के ठीक एक दिन पहले उसने उस रास्ते पर गड्ढ़ा खोद दिया जिस पर राज को दौड़ना था। उसने गड्ढे को पत्तियों से ढँक दिया ताकि किसी को पता नहीं चले। खेल के दिन, दौड़ शुरू हुआ। राज; राहुल से आगे था लेकिन कुछ देर बाद उसने दौड़ते हुए गड्ढे पर अपना पैर रख दिया और गिर गया।

राहुल अपनी योजना की कामयाबी पर बहुत खुश था। उसने दौड़ में राज को पीछे छोड़ दिया और ट्रॉफी जीत ली। राहुल की इस सफलता पर उसके माता – पिता और दोस्त सभी खुश थे। लेकिन राहुल खुश नहीं था। उसका विवेक जाग उठा और वह यह सोचकर दु:खी होने लगा कि उसने गलत ढंग से राज को हराकर उसके दिल को ठेस पहुँचाया है। वह फौरन प्रिंसिपल के पास गया और उन्हें बताया कि उसने ही गड्ढा खोद दिया था जिसमें राज गिर गया था। प्रिंसिपल ने अपनी खुशी जाहिर की कि उसने ( राहुल ने अपनी गलती का एहसास स्वयं कर लिया। उन्होंने राहुल से अच्छे परिणाम लाने के लिए मेहनत करने को कहा। उन्होंने राहुल से यह भी कहा कि वह राज के पास जाकर अपनी गलती पर खेद जताए । राहुल ने ऐसा ही किया। राज ने उसे माफ कर दिया। अब दोनों फिर से अच्छे दोस्त बन गए।

राहुल ने प्रिंसिपल की सलाह पर अमल किया और वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए जी तोड़ मेहनत किया। राज ने भी जितना संभव हो सकता था उतनी राहुल की मदद की। जब वार्षिक परीक्षा का परिणाम घोषित हुआ तो सभी यह देखकर खुश हुए कि राहुल कक्षा में सर्वोत्तम आया था। राहुल के लिए यह सबसे खुशी का दिन था।

Word – Meanings:

Contest = competition – प्रतियोगिता,
Jealous = feeling unhappy because you wish you had something that somebody else has – ईर्ष्यालु,
Athletics = sports that people compete in such as running – दौड़ प्रतियोगिता,
Determined = a firm decision to do something – दृढ़ संकल्प,
Put off = to move something to a later time – किसी काम को स्थगित करना,
Defeat = to beat – हराना,
Pit = hole in the ground – गड्ढ़ा,
Stepped on = put foot on – पैर रखना,
Overtook = went ahead – आगे निकल गया,
Cheated = defeated through foul play – धोखा से हरा देना,
Admitted = accepted – स्वीकार किया,
Betray = to cheat – धोखा देना।
Secure = obtain – पाना,
Apologised = said sorry – खेद व्यक्त किया
Core = inner part- अंदर से,
Ashamed = felt shame शर्म महसूस किया,
Announced = declared घोषित हुआ,
Beaten = defeated – हरा दिया।

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

A.4. Tick (✓) the appropriate answer.

(i) Rahul was jealous of Raj because he—
(a) always won in cycling
(b) always stood first.
(c) was good at heart.
(a) always won in cycling

(ii) Rahul dug a small pit on the path because he wanted to—
(a) dirty the track,
(b) hurt Raj
(c) win the race
(c) win the race

(iii) Rahul worked hard for the term-end examination because—
(a) he was competing with Raj.
(b) the Principal had given him a warning.
(c) he was feeling guilty.
(b) the Principal had given him a warning.

A.5. Read the given extract and answer the questions that follow.

‘Do not worry’, This is just a class test. ’

(i) Who is the speaker of the above line? Whom is he talking to?
Raj is the speaker of the above line. He is talking to his friend, Rahul.

(ii) Why is the listener worried?
The listener is worried because he is not good in studies.

(iii) What does the statement tell you about the speaker’s character?
The speaker (Raj) is a good-natured boy. He believes in ‘forgive and forget’.

A.6. Complete the dialogue between Raj and Rahul, where Rahul apologises to Raj for his act.
Rahul : ___________, Raj
Raj : What are you sorry for?
Rahul : You don’t know but I had where you were supposed to mn.
Raj : Why did you do that?
Rahul : I wanted to ___________, but now ___________ my mistake and apologise to you from ___________.
Raj : I am happy that you have ___________ your mistake. I ___________ you. Let’s be again.
I am sorry, dug a pit on the path, win the race, I have realised, the core of my heart, admitted, forgive, friends.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

A.7. Answer the given questions.

(i) Why was Rahul not happy even after winning the race?
Rahul was not happy because he had won the race by using foul play. He started feeling that he didn’t deserve the trophy.

(ii) Do you think Rahul deserved the trophy? Give a reason for your answer.
No. I don’t think so. Rahul overtook Raj by foul play. If he had not cheated Raj, Raj would have won the trophy.

(iii) What warning did the Principal give Rahul?
The Principal warned Rahul that it was his last chance. If he didn’t perform well in the term end examination he would be punished.

(iv) Why was everyone surprised to see the term-end examination result?
When the term-end examination result was announced, everyone was surprised to see that Rahul had not only topped in the class but beaten Raj as well.

A.8. Match words having opposite meanings.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 4


(i) rivals (d) friends
(ii) good (a) bad
(iii) happy (b) sad
(iv) hard (e) soft
(v) bitter (c) sweet

Now use the words given in the balloon ‘A’ to fill in the blanks below.

(i) The Principal congratulated Rahul for his ___________ performance.

(ii) Shiela is very ___________ as her brother is coming from America today.

(iii) The mechanic hit the bolt ___________ with his hammer and broke it.

(iv) India and Pakistan are great ___________ in cricket.

(v) Travelling in a ship was a ___________ experience for Sunita, for she oftten suffered from sea sickness.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

A.9. Work in pairs and find out the hidden names of the games played in Olympics. One has been done for you.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 5


DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 6

(ii) TENNIS;
(v) JUDO;

A.10. Work with your partner and correct the spellings of the words given and write them in the space provided.

(i) teachor ___________

(ii) jealos ___________

(iii) determinned ___________

(iv) gilty ___________

(v) biterly ___________

(vi) desserve ___________

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

A.11. In the lesson, we have read about Rahul. He went to Raj and apologised to him from the core of his heart. ‘From the core of his heart’ is an idiomatic expression. It means ‘with an honest feeling.’ With the help of your teacher, consult a dictionary and match the following idiomatic expressions with their meanings.

Idiomatic Expression Meaning
at a stone’s throw very near
stone – hearted cruel

A.12. Now use the expressions as given in A.11 in the blanks given below.

(i) The new garment store is ___________ from my house.
at a stone’s throw;

(ii) Mr. Pal is ___________. He does not take care of his pets.

A.13. Write words which are pronounced in the same or similar way as the ones given in the boxes.

WON – _ N _

MADE – M _ I _



NO – _ N _ W

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

A.14. Life Skills

Have you ever cheated anyone to win a game? If yes, how did you feel afterwards? Could you gather courage to confess your fault to the person concerned? Share your experience, feelings and thoughts in the class.
I was in class III when I had cheated my best friend to win a race competition. Although I won the race, I was not happy at all. Everyone was cheering me, but I was too sad to give back a smile. My heart was becoming so heavy that finally I decided to confess my fault 1 gathered courage and went to my friend and apologised to him from the core of my heart. I also promised him that I would never commit the same mistake in future. My friend forgave me and assured me that their friendship would not be affected by this incident. They would remain true friends as usual. I thanked God that everything was now okay.

A.15.Value Based Question

What does the word ‘sportsmanship’ mean to you? Is it important to win every game you play or is fair participation enough? Discuss in the class.
Sportsmanship means fair, generous and polite behaviour, especially when playing a sport or game.

It is not important to win every game that one plays. What is important is fair participation in it. Each game is played under certain rules which are to be obeyed by all the players. There should not be any scope of foul play. Every player should remain fair and important till the end of the game and accept the result whole-heartedly. Even though you are beaten, you should remain cool and calm and show satisfaction over your effort. Such behaviour/attitude brings a lot of appreciation for you. You will be elevated in everyone’s eyes.

A.16. Imagine you are Rahul. You are feeling sorry for what you did to defeat Raj. Write a letter to Raj apologising for your behaviour and asking him to be your best friend again.
A-212, Dev Nagar
Karol Bagh
New Delhi
18 May 20XX

Dear Raj

I am ashamed of my behaviour with you on the day of sports. What I did to defeat you was not just. I played trick on you to win the trophy by leaving you behind. I am so sorry for my behaviour that I cannot express it to you. My heart is burdened with a feeling of guilt. Therefore I somehow gathered courage to confess my fault to you. I am very hopeful for positive response from you. My dear friend, please forgive me. I promise you that I will not betray you again and remain your best friend for ever. Once again I am sorry for what I did to you.

Yours sincerely

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

Additional Questions:

Question 1.
What was Rahul good at?
Rahul was good at sports.

Question 2.
Why did Rahul become jealous of Raj?
Rahul became jealous of Raj because he was good at both sports and studies. They often had a cycling contest and Raj always managed to win.

Question 3.
Why did Rahul start talking lesser and lesser with Raj?
Rahul was as good at athletics as Raj. But he was not sure whether he could beat him (Raj) out of jealousy he started talking lesser and lesser with him.

Question 4.
What did Rahul do one day before the sports day?
What did Rahul do to defeat Raj?
One day before the sports day, Rahul dug a small pit on the path where Raj was supposed to run. He covered the pit with leaves and went back to his classroom.

Question 5.
How can you say that Rahul’s plan worked well?
When the race began, Raj was ahead of Rahul but after some time, Raj stepped on the pit and fell down. He got serious injuries. Rahul was waiting for these moments. He took advantage of the opportunity and beat Raj to win the trophy.

Question 6.
How can you say that Rahul was not bad at heart?
Everyone was happy at Rahul’s success but Rahul himself was sad. He started feeling that he had won the race by foul play. His heart was so heavy with guilt that he went to his Principal without a moment’s delay and disclosed the truth. He admitted his fault and apologised to Raj from the core of his heart. This shows that Rahul was not bad at heart. He was a good boy who realised his fault.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

B.1. Given below are the pictures of some sportspersons. Recognise them and write their names in the space provided. [Textbook Page 12]

  1. Narayan Kartikeyan;
  2. P.T.Usha;
  3. Sunil Gavaskar;
  4. Vishwanathan Anand.

B.2. How different would your life have been, if you were born in a different family, say, in a different state or a different country? Read to find out what happened when Sunil Gavaskar got mixed up at birth.

Mix-up at Birth [Textbook Page 12]

Summary of the Story

This is an extract from Sunny Days by Sunil Gavaskar, a great cricketer of India. He would probably have been a fisherman if Nan-kaka, (his uncle) had not visited the hospital. He had come to see him in the hospital on his first day in this world, and noticed a little hole near the top of his left ear-lobe. When he came the next day, he discovered that the boby did not have the hole on his left ear-lobe. After a frantic search, Sunil Gavaskar was located sleeping beside a fisherwoman. Later, it was found out that the babies got exchanged while they were being given a bath. Sunil Gavaskar is grateful to his uncle.

Summary in Hindi

यह उद्धरण भारत के महान क्रिकेटर सुनील गावस्कर द्वारा लिखित किताब सन्नी डेज़ से लिया गया है। वे शायद एक मछुआरा होते यदि उनके चाचा नान- काका अस्पताल में नहीं आए होते। नान- काका, उनके (सुनील गावस्कर ) जन्म के दिन अस्पताल उन्हें देखने के लिए आए थे। फौरन उनकी नज़र नवजात बच्चे के बाएँ कान की कर्णपालि पर पड़ी जिस पर एक छोटा छेद था। लेकिन जब वे दूसरे दिन आए तो उन्होंने बच्चे के बाएँ कान की कर्णपालि पर छेद नहीं देखा। तुरंत खोज शुरू हुई और सुनील गावस्कर को एक मछुआरिन के पास सोया हुआ पाया गया। बाद में पता चला कि स्नान के समय बच्चों की अदला-बदली हो गई थी। सुनील गावस्कर अपने चाचा के कृतज्ञ हैं।

Word – Meanings:

Famous = well-known – विख्यात
Recognise = identify – पहचानना,
Noticed = saw – देखा,
Hole = छेद,
Ear – lobe – कर्णपालि कान के नीचे का गोल कोमल भाग,
Crib = cot – चारपाई,
Utter = complete – पूर्ण.
Horror = fright – डर, भय,
Discovered = found out – पाया,
Frantic = marked by hurried activity – व्यग्र उन्मत्त
Located = found out – पाया गया,
Ignorant = unaware – अनभिज्ञ,
Commotion = great noise – शोरगुल,
Appears = seems – ऐसा लगता है,
Spell = moment – क्षण।

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

B.3. On the basis of your reading, complete the following table with information about Sunil Gavaskar.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 7

Sunil Manohar Gavaskar;
Playing cricket;
July 10, 1949;
Mr Narayan Masuvekar.

B.4. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements.

(i) Sunil Gavaskar would probably have been a fisherman if Nan-kaka had not visited the hospital. DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 8

(ii) Sunil has a hole in his right ear-lobe. DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 8

(iii) The babies got exchanged while they were being given a bath. DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 8

(iv) Sunil was located sleeping beside his mother. DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 8

B.5. Find words from the passage which mean the same as the following:

(i) find out about something ___________

(ii) disturbance or fuss ___________

(iii) wildly excited ___________

(iv) lacking knowledge ___________

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

B.6. Now fill in the blanks with an appropriate form of the word from the listed ones in B.5

(i) The mother made a ___________ search for her lost baby in the market.

(ii) The accident caused a ___________ in the market.

(iii) Mr Sharma’s dog was ___________ sleeping behind the big tree.

(iv) Mr Verma is ___________ of his son’s report.

B.7. Read the following extract and answer the questions given.

“I am grateful to my uncle for noticing the hole, for I have often wondered what would have happened if nature had not ‘marked’ me out”.

(i) Who is ‘I’ in the above line?
Sunil Gavaskar.

(ii) Why is the speaker grateful to his uncle?
The speaker is grateful to his uncle because if he had not visited the hospital he would probably have been a fisherman.

(iii) What does the expression ‘nature marked me out’ mean?
Sunil Gavaskar was bom with a little hole near the top of his left ear-lobe. It was this hole that saved him from being a fisherman.

B.8. Answer the following questions.

(i) What did Mr Narayan Masuvekar notice on his first visit to hospital?
On his first visit to hospital, Mr Narayan Masuvekar noticed a little hole near the top of baby Sunil Gavaskar4 s left ear-lobe.

(ii) Why was Mr Narayan Masuvekar horrified on his second visit to the hospital?
Mr Narayan Masuvekar was horrified on his second visit to the hospital because he discovered that the baby did not have the hole on his left ear-lobe.

(iii) Where was the baby found?
The baby was found sleeping beside a fisher-woman.

(iv) What would have happened if Nan-kaka had not visited the hospital again on second day?
If Nan-kaka had not visited the hospital again on second day Sunil Gavaskar would have grown up to be a fisherman working somewhere along the West Coast.

(v) When did the new born babies get mixed up?
The new bom babies got mixed up while they had been given a bath.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

B.9. Life Skills

Gavaskar was reunited with his family only because of the sharp observation skills of his uncle. Discuss in the class how the simple power of observation is an absolutely essential skill for life.
The power of observation enables one to catch very minute points/things. This power is rare. But anyone who is blessed with it, is great because it can prove to be very helpful in life. It can avert some mishappenings to occur. It can save someone’s life. ;

B.10. Get into groups of four. Go on a ‘Fact¬Finding Safari’. Collect information on your favourite sports personality. Prepare a collage and hang it in your class. Celebrate the ‘Sports Safari’ in your class.
Information on one sports personality is given here.

Sachin Tendulkar

  • He is the most favourite personality in the World of cricket.
  • He was born on 24 April, 1973 in Mumbai. He got early tining by Ramakant Achrekar at Sardashram Vidyamandir.
  • Early fame came to him when he made 664 run stand with Vinod Kambli in Lord Harris Shield inter-school competition.
  • His Test debut was against Pakistan it 1989 in Karachi.
    He reached at peak during 1994 to 1999
  • He is greatly admired by his fans.
  • He was awarded the Bharat Ratna fly his outstanding contribution in the field of sports.

B.11. Rohit has won the Chess Championship of his school. After coming bad home, he writes his feelings in hi personal diary. Read what he ha
Read the diary given on Textbook Page 16.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports 9

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

B.12. Suppose the baby with whom Suni was exchanged reads this story. Whal would be his reaction?

Imagine you arc that baby, now grown into a successful businessmar with many fishing boats for the deer sea fishing. Taking cues froni th above diary extract, describe voui feeling about the incident in the space given below.
May 9, 20XX

I was surprised to read the book written by Sunil Gavaskar. But I am contented with my position. If Sunil Gavaskar is an eminent cricketer of India. I am also a successful businessman of the country. Although I don’t have fans like him. I have achieved good name in mv community. I have great admiration for Sunil Gavaskar. I liked his batting the most. It will be a great pleasure if! get an opporrnnitv to meet him. I would like to request him to please call me some day. I wish to see you and talk to you.

Additional Questions:

Question 1.
Why did Nan-kaka come to the hospital?
Nan-kaka came to the hospital to see baby Sunil Gavaskar on his first day in this world.

Question 2.
Why was a frantic search made? What happened after that?
A frantic search was made to locate the baby with a little hole near the top of his left ear-lobe. The baby was located sleeping peacefully beside a fisher- woman.

Question 3.
What was the fisher-woman ignorant of?
The fisher-woman was ignorant of the commotion that had occurred due to the exchange of the babies.

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

C.1. Do you know that Kabaddi is one of the oldest but the most famous games of rural India? To know more about this game, let us listen to Ms Dutta, who is telling her students about the game. Before you listen to the conversation, study the picture at C.2. carefully. Fill up the spaces provided in exercise C.2. as you listen to Ms Dutta.

Listen to the audio CD titled Listen & Comprehend (class – IV). After listening, answer the questions verbally. Thereafter, complete the blanks in the exercise given below. The script is also given on page no. 21.
Listen to the audio CD attached with the Textbook.

C.2. Fill in the blanks with correct information.

(i) Number of players on each side is ___________
five to ten

(ii) The team that ___________ is the winner.
catches maximum members of the opposing team

(iii) The magic word to be chanted is ___________

DAV Class 4 English Reader Book Solutions Chapter 1 Sports

C.3. Get into groups of four. Imagine that a famous sports personality (of the group’s choice) visits your school. Collect relevant information about the personality. One student (D) assumes the role of the famous personality. He/She answers the questions asked by the other three students (A, B, C). The questions are given below.
Decide upon the answers to make your interview as interesting as you can!
A : Welcome Mr/Ms ___________
I feel honoured ___________
D : ___________
B : When did you first become interested in the sport?
D : ___________
C : How many matches/meets have you played/participated in so far?
D : ___________
A : What are your hobbies and interests?
D : ___________
B : How much time should the students devote to sports?
D : ___________
C : Would you like to say something to our friends at school?
D : ‘Yes, work ___________,
A, B, C: ‘ Thank you very much, Mr/Ms ___________
A : Welcome Mr/Ms D in our school.
I feel honoured to greet you.
D : Thank you, all of you.
B : When did you first become interested in the sport?
D : I was about ten years when my interest in the sport became visible.
C : How many matches/meets have you played/participated in so far?
D : At least thirty matches so far.
A : What are your hobbies and interests?
D : I take keen interest in music. I love gardening too much.
B : How much time should the students devote to sports?
D : At least one to two hours daily.
C : Would you like to say something to our friends at school?
D : ‘Yes, work hard. Success will be yours.
A, B, C: ‘Thank you very much, Mr/Ms D.