The DAV Class 3 Science Book Solutions and DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer – Feeding Habits of Animals are essential study tools for DAV public school students in Class 3.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 6 Question Answer – Feeding Habits of Animals
DAV Class 3 Science Ch 6 Question Answer – Feeding Habits of Animals
Something To Know
A. Fill in the blanks.
Question 1.
Snakes ______ their prey.
Question 2.
Giraffe feeds on ______ only.
Question 3.
Frog has a ______ tongue.
Question 4.
Buffaloes ______ their food first and then chew it.
Question 5.
Butterfly ______ its food.
Question 6.
Squirrel has sharp front ______ like teeth.
B. Match the following.
Column I | Column II |
(1) Snake | (a) Sugarcane |
(2) Monkey | (b) Frog |
(3) Lion | (c) Banana |
(4) Elephant | (d) Deer |
Column I | Column II | |
(1) Snake | b | (a) Sugarcane |
(2) Monkey | c | (b) Frog |
(3) Lion | d | (c) Banana |
(4) Elephant | a | (d) Deer |
C. Tick (✓) the correct option.
1. The animal, that eats both plants and animals, is the
(a) Tiger
(b) Cow
(c) Rat
(d) Horse.
(c) Rat
2. Dog tears the flesh with
(a) Chisel teeth
(b) Grinding teeth
(c) Pointed teeth
(d) Tube.
(c) Pointed teeth
3. Poultry birds should be fed with
(a) Green grass
(b) Fresh fruits
(c) Milk
(d) Grains.
(d) grains
4. It is a herbivorous animal.
(a) Fox
(b) Cow
(c) Rat
(d) Snake.
(b) cow.
D. Answer the following Questions in brief.
Question 1.
What are carnivorous animals?
Some animals eat flesh of other animals. Such animals are called carnivorous animals.
Question 2.
Name the kind of teeth that help a cow to chew the grass.
Grinding teeth.
Question 3.
Name two animals which gnaw their food.
Squirrels and rats.
Question 4.
Name the type of teeth that squirrels have. Name two more animals having the same type of teeth.
Squirrels have chisel teeth. Two other animals having the same type of teeth are; rabbit and rat.
E. Answer the following Questions.
Question 1.
State one difference between herbivorous and omnivorous animals. Give one example of each type.
Herbivorous animals eat only plants, while omnivorous animals eat both animals and plants. Cow is herbivorous, while crow is omnivorous.
Question 2.
How does a lizard take its food?
A lizard uses its sticky tongue to catch its prey. Then the lizard swallows its prey.
Question 3.
Explain the term ‘chewing the cud’.
Some animals first nibble the food and swallow. After that, while relaxing, these animals bring back the food from inside and chew properly. This is called ‘chewing the cud’.
Question 4.
Write any two ways that can help us in taking care of domestic animals.
Two ways by which we can take care of domestic animals are as follows:
(a) Give them good food and lots of water.
(b) Give them clean and airy shelter.
Question 5.
How do butterfly and mosquito have their food?
Butterfly and mosquito have long tube like structure to suck food. This structure is called proboscis.
Value Based Questions
Question 1.
State the values displayed by Shalu’s parents and by Shalu herself.
Shalu and her parents showed concern for freedom of animals.
Question 2.
Give in your own words, the reasons explained by Shalu’s mother, for their decision.
Shalu’s mother feels that birds should enjoy the freedom to fly in the sky. She does not like to put a bird inside a cage. So, she did not want to buy the birds.
Question 3.
Suggest the kind of food that can be given to birds like pigeons.
Grains and bread crumbs.
Something To Do
Find the names of animals from the given ‘puzzle box’. Put them in the correct columns.
Chewing food | Tearing food | Sucking food | Gnawing food | Swallowing food |
Goat, cow, camel | Fox | Mosquito, leech | Rabbit | Frog,snake |
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 6 Solutions – Feeding Habits of Animals
I. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. Which of the following is a carnivorous animal?
(a) Lion
(b) Cow
(c) Bear.
(a) Lion
2. Which of the following is an example of herbivore?
(a) Tiger
(b) Deer
(c) SQuestion uirrel.
(b) Deer
3. Which of the following is an example of omnivore?
(a) Fox
(b) Camel
(c) Rat.
(c) Rat
4. Which of the following is a cud chewing animal?
(a) Buffalo
(b) Goat
(c) Both of the above.
(c) Both of the above
5. Which of these animals has sticky tongue to catch prey?
(a) Snake
(b) Frog
(c) Giraffe.
(b) Frog
6. Which of these animals has long tube like mouth part?
(a) Leech
(b) Cockroach
(c) SQuestion uirrel.
(a) Leech
7. Which of the following is an example of gnawing animal?
(a) Rabbit
(b) Camel
(c) Monkey.
(a) Rabbit.
II. Fill in the Blanks:
Question 1.
Vulture eats ______ animals, (live/ dead)
Question 2.
A tiger tears flesh with sharp ______ teeth, (front/back)
Question 3.
The front teeth of rabbit are ______ shaped, (hammer/chisel)
Question 4.
A ______ can open its mouth very wide to swallow a large prey, (snake/ lion)
Question 5.
A ______ should be given lot of green fodder to eat. (hen/cow)
III. Match The Animal with Correct Feeding Habit:
Animal | Feeding habit |
1. Lion | (a) Gnawing |
2. Mosquito | (b) Cud chewing |
3. Snake | (c) Tears flesh |
4. Cow | (d) Sucks blood |
5. Rabbit | (e) Swallows prey |
Animal | Feeding habit | |
1. Lion | c | (a) Gnawing |
2. Mosquito | d | (b) Cud chewing |
3. Snake | e | (c) Tears flesh |
4. Cow | b | (d) Sucks blood |
5. Rabbit | a | (e) Swallows prey |
IV. Very Short Answer Questions
Answer the following in one word:
Question 1.
Animals with this type of eating habit eat only plants. What is the name of this eating habit?
Question 2.
Animals with this type of eating habit eat flesh of other animals. What is the name of this eating habit?
Question 3.
Animals with this type of eating habit eat both animals and plants. What is the name of this eating habit?
Question 4.
What is the name of mouth part of a butterfly?
Question 5.
This animal is domesticated for meat and eggs. Name this animal.
V. Short Answer Questions
Question 1.
What is the difference between herbivorous and carnivorous animals? Give two examples of each.
Herbivorous animals eat only plants, while carnivorous animals eat flesh of other animals. Cow and goat are examples of herbivorous animals. Lion and tiger are examples of carnivorous animals.
Question 2.
Why do we need to separate a sick animal from healthy ones?
A sick animal can spread the disease to other animals. We need to separate the sick animal so that other animals do not fall ill.
Question 3.
How does a lion eat its food?
A lion first tears the flesh with its sharp front teeth. Then the lion chews the flesh with its grinding teeth.
Question 4.
How do frogs and lizards take their food?
Frogs and lizards have sticky tongues. They catch their prey with their sticky tongue. After that, they swallow their food.
VI. Picture Based Questions
Question 1.
Look at the following figures and help an animal to reach its food:
Do it yourself.
DAV Class 3 Science Chapter 6 Notes – Feeding Habits of Animals
→ Herbivorous Animals: Some animals eat small plants or other parts of a tree. Such animals are called herbivorous animals. Examples: cow, goat, giraffe, monkey, elephant, etc.
→ Carnivorous Animals: Some animals eat the flesh of other animals. Such animals are called carnivorous animals. Examples: lion, hyena, snake, frog, fox, vulture, etc.
→ Omnivorous Animals: Some animals eat both animals and plants. Such animals are called omnivorous animals. Examples: bear, crow, rat, jackal, etc.
→ Feeding Habits:
- Swallowing the food: Frogs, lizard and snake swallow their prey as a whole. Frog and lizard have sticky tongue to catch the prey. A snake can open its mouth very wide to swallow its prey.
- Chewing the cud: Some animals nibble their food first. When they relax, they bring back part of the food from inside. Then they chew the food properly. This is called ‘chewing the cud’. Examples: Cow, buffalo, camel, horse, etc.
- Tearing the food: Carnivores first tear the flesh with their sharp and pointed front teeth. Then they chew it with their grinding teeth.
- Gnawing animals: Some animals have sharp front teeth which are shaped like chisel. Such animals are called gnawing animals. Examples: rabbit, squirrel and rat.
- Proboscis: Some animals have long tube like structure to suck food. This structure is called proboscis. Examples: butterfly, mosquito, leech, etc.
→ Care of Animals:
- Milk animals should be fed with grains, green fodder and lots of clean water.
- Poultry birds should be fed with grains and lots of water.
- The shelter of domestic animals should be clean and airy.
- A sick animal should be separated from healthy ones and should be treated immediately.