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My English Reader Class 3 DAV Solutions Unit 2 Nature Cares
DAV Class 3 English Reader Book Solutions Unit 2 Nature Cares
Look carefully at the two pictures given below and then answer some questions. [Textbook Page 31]
(i) Observe the two pictures and tell what these signify?
Forest A seems to be untouched by the humans. Therefore, the natural vegetation is so rich. So far Forest B is concerned human activities have destroyed it. Trees have been cut on a large scale and logs are lying here and there. Forest A looks lush green but Forest B does not.
(ii) Which would you like to visit during your vacation — Forest A or B?
I would like to visit Forest A during my vacation.
(iii) Give one reason as to why you chose the particular forest.
I chose Forest A because it is lush green. The natural vegetation of this forest is so beautiful.
(iv) How can we prevent Forest A from becoming Forest B? Suggest any two ways.
- Human interference should not be allowed in this forest.
- Afforestation should be done on a large scale.
A.1. Some situations are given below. What would you do in these situations? Discuss with your partner before you tick (✓) your choice.
(i) You are sitting on the bank of a river. You have a toffee wrapper in your hand. You would—
(a) throw it in the river.
(b) throw it in the dustbin, kept at some distance.
(c) put it in your pocket.
(b) throw it in the dustbin, kept at some distance.
(ii) You are eating an orange at home. You would throw the pips and peels—
(a) near the bed.
(b) in the dustbin kept in the kitchen.
(c) in the drain near your house.
(b) in the dustbin kept in the kitchen.
(iii) You are sharpening a pencil in the classroom. You will throw the pencil chips—
(a) in the dustbin kept in the class.
(b) throw them under the desk.
(c) keep them in your box to be thrown in the dustbin later.
(a) in the dustbin kept in the class.
A.2. Now read the story given below. [Textbook Pages 33-34]
The God of River
Summary of the Story
Kishan was a farmer who lived in a small cottage in a village called Dhampur. He had an eleven year old son named Ramesh. He used to throw garbage into the river that flowed near their cottage. Soon the place where he and many other families threw the garbage became very dirty and smelly.
One day when Ramesh was about to throw the garbage, a person came out of the river holding a golden pot full of water in his hand. Ramesh asked the person who he was and why he was so sad. The person told Ramesh that he was the Water God and was sad because he and others polluted his water by throwing garbage into it. The Water God also acknowledged him how the chemicals and plastics of the garbage harmed the water animals like fish. Ramesh realised his mistake. He took his garbage and went back to his house.
Next day, he shared his experience with his classmates and his teachers. The teacher gave him more information about water pollution. She also suggested him ways to check it. She advised him to dig a pit outside his house to dump the garbage.
Summary in Hindi
किशन नाम का एक किसान धामपुर गाँव में एक छोटी-सी झोपड़ी में रहता था। उसका ग्यारह साल का एक बेटा था, जिसका नाम था रमेश । वह रोज घर के कचरे को पास की नदी में डाल दिया करता था। बहुत जल्दी वह स्थान जहाँ रमेश और कई अन्य परिवारों के लोग कचरा फेंक दिया करते थे, गंदा हो गया और बदबू देने लगा।
एक दिन जब रमेश नदी में कूड़ा फेंकने ही वाला था कि एक व्यक्ति पानी में से निकला। उसने हाथ में पानी से भरा सोने का बर्तन पकड़ रखा था। रमेश ने उससे पूछा कि वह कौन है और क्यों इतना उदास दिख रहा है। उस व्यक्ति ने रमेश को बताया कि वह पानी का देवता है और वह इतना दुःखी इसलिए है क्योंकि वह तथा अन्य लोग उसके पानी में कूड़ा-कचरा फेंक कर उसे गंदा करते हैं। पानी के देवता ने रमेश को यह भी बताया कि कैसे कचरे में विद्यमान रसायन और प्लास्टिक जलीय जीव जैसे मछली को नुकसान पहुँचाते हैं। रमेश को तुरंत अपनी गलती का एहसास हुआ। वह कूड़ा लेकर सीधा अपने घर चला गया।
दूसरे दिन उसने अपने सहपाठियों और अपनी शिक्षिका को यह बात बतायी। शिक्षिका ने उसे जल प्रदूषण के बारे में और भी महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी दी। उसने जल प्रदूषण को रोकने के उपाय भी बताये। उसने रमेश को घर के बाहर एक गड्ढ़ा खोदकर उसमें कूड़ा-कचरा जमा करने को कहा।
Word Meanings:
Cottage = hut – झोपड़ी,
Garbage = waste material – कूड़ा कचरा,
Smelly = giving foul smell – बदबूदार,
Bothered = cared – ध्यान देना,
Crown = a circular object that a king or queen wears on his or her head – मुकुट,
Scared = afraid – डरा हुआ,
Polluting = making dirty – गंदा करना, प्रदूषित करना,
Contains = keeps – रखता है,
Germs = insects – कीड़े
Typhoid = a disease – एक बीमारी जो गंदा पानी पीने से होती है,
Jaundice = a disease – एक बीमारी जो गंदा पानी पीने से होती है,
Guilty = feeling ashamed – दोषी,
Pit = a hole in the ground – गड्ढ़ा,
Manure = waste matter – खाद।
A.3. Write ‘T’ for true and T’ for false statements. Rewrite the false statements correctly.
(i) Ramesh was thirteen years old.
F – Ramesh was eleven years old.
(ii) Ramesh always threw the garbage in the dusbin.
F – Ramesh always threw the garbage in the river.
(iii) The place where garbage was thrown became dirty.
(iv) Ramesh saw a woman wearing a silver crown, coming out of the river.
F – Ramesh saw a man wearing a golden crown, coming out of the river.
(v) The person who came of the river was very happy.
F – The person who came out of the river was very sad.
(vi) The water of the river had become dirty because of a factory.
F – The water of the river had become dirty because people threw garbage into it.
(vii) The teacher advised Ramesh to throw the garbage into the river.
F – The teacher advised Ramesh to throw the garbage into a pit.
A.4. Answer the questions briefly.
(i) What was Ramesh’s daily routine?
Ramesh’s daily routine was to throw the garbage into the river that flowed near his cottage.
(ii) How did the God of water look?
The God of water looked very sad.
(iii) Why was the God of water sad?
The God of water was sad because people were throwing garbage into his water and thus polluting it.
(iv) What might happen to a person who drinks dirty water?
A person who drinks dirty water may catch diseases like typhoid and jaundice.
A.5. A three-letter word is hidden in all the word below. Work with your partner and underline all those words. In some cases, you may be able to find more than one word. The first one has been done as an example.
(i) FARMER ___________
(ii) VILLAGE ___________
(iii) FLOWERS ___________
(iv) ABOUT ___________
(v) GOLDEN ___________
(vi) WATER ___________
(vii) YEARS ___________
(viii) DISEASE ___________
(ix) START ___________
(x) INSTEAD ___________
A.6. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box below.
(i) Dust and smoke ___________ the air.
(ii) I can carry the suitcase myself. Please don’t ___________.
(iii) Mother said she wanted to give me a ___________.
(iv) Your socks are dirty and ___________. Why don’t you change them?
(v) You should take juice ___________ of Coke or Pepsi.
(vi) It was dark outside but the child did not feel ___________.
A.7. Life Skills
How do we all knowingly or unknowingly contribute to water pollution? How can children help in curbing water pollution?
Water is life. We cannot think of life without water. Still we don’t bother about its safety. We make it dirty by our own mischievious activities. We throw domestic and industrial wastes, flowers and so many other things into the river. Many a time we also throw plastics/wrappers, etc. into the water bodies. These things pollute the water and make it unfit for use.
We children can help in curbing water pollution to a great extent. First of all, we take a vow not to throw rubbish into the water. Then, we can spread awareness among others not to do so. We can also make catchy posters on water pollution and stick them at prominent places.
A.8. The teacher solves Ramesh’s problem by suggesting to him the correct way of garbage disposal. Ramesh recollects the instructions to convey them to his father. Help him in doing so.
(i) Dig a pit outside the house.
(ii) Put the ___________.
Put the garbage into it.
(iii) Cover the ___________.
Cover the pit with leaves.
(iv) Leave the ___________.
Leave the pit for a few days.
(v) The garbage ___________.
The garbage will turn into manure.
(vi) Use the manure ___________
Use the manure in the fields.
Now frame a set of instructions for sowing a sapling. You may use the words given below.
- Dig a pit in the ground.
- Remove the soil.
- Place sapling into it.
- Cover it with soil.
- Water the sapling.
- Protect the sapling from hot sun, birds and animals.
A.9. Read the given poster carefully.
Prepare a similar poster on Water Pollution.
Do it yourself.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
Who was Ramesh?
Ramesh was an eleven-year-old son of a farmer named Kishan.
Question 2.
What did Ramesh’s mother tell him?
Ramesh’s mother told him to collect the household garbage and throw it away.
Question 3.
Where did he throw the garbage?
He threw the garbage into the river that flowed near his cottage.
Question 4.
What happened to the place where the garbage was being thrown?
The place became very dirty and smelly.
Question 5.
What introduction did the person give about himself to Ramesh?
The person said to Ramesh that he was the God of Water. He had been living in that river for many years but he was sad because he (Ramesh) was always throwing garbage into his water and polluting it.
Question 6.
Why did Ramesh feel guilty?
Ramesh felt guilty for polluting the river water flowing near his cottage.
B.1. There are various things that we get from trees. Work in pairs. Underline and then write the names of five such things hidden in the groups of letters given below. The first one has been done for you.
(i) fjdfjwooderst ___________
(ii) khjfruitsjfdjlk ___________
(iii) bnmedicinesh ___________
(iv) oodhooxygendj ___________
(v) ojlmvegetables ___________
(vi) yrlkhpaperkfjnn ___________
B.2. Now read this well known poem on trees. [Textbook Page 35]
Trees are the Kindest Things I know
Summary of the Poem
Trees are the kindest of the things. They don’t harm anyone. They grow peacefully and spread their branches all around. Cows sleep in their shade and birds gather to rest in their boughs. The trees catch the first beam of the sun and hold its light till the evening. During the night, the moon floats on the sky, and the leaves move about silently humming a drowsy lullaby to help the children sleep. Trees are undoubtedly the kindest of the things that we know.
Summary in Hindi
वृक्ष सभी चीजों में सबसे ज्यादा दयालु होते हैं। वे किसी को नुकसान नहीं पहुँचाते हैं। वे शांति से बढ़ते हैं और चारों तरफ अपनी शाखाएँ फैला देते हैं। गायें उनकी छाया में सोती हैं और पक्षीवृंद अपने घोंसलों में आराम करते हैं। वृक्ष सूर्य की पहली किरण को अपनी तरफ खींचते हैं और उसकी रौशनी को शाम तक पकड़े रहते हैं। रात में चाँद आकाश में तैरता है। और पत्तियों की सरसराहट की आवाज लोरी बनकर बच्चों को सुलाने में मदद करती है। वृक्ष सचमुच सभी चीजों में सबसे अधिक दयालु होते हैं।
Word – Meanings:
Boughs = branches – शाखाएँ
Beam = light – रौशनी,
Float = move slowly – तैरना,
Hum = to sing in a low tone – गुनगुनाना,
Drowsy = sleepy – सोया सोया सा,
Lullaby = a song that is sung to put a baby to sleep – लोरी।
B.3. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the poem.
Trees are the ___________ of all things that we know because they do not ___________ anyone. They grow peacefully and spread their branches all around. Cows rest in their ___________ and birds gather to rest in their ___________. When the day begins, the first beam of the ___________ falls on the trees. They are the last to hold the ___________ of the sun when the day turns into ___________. During the night, the moon on ___________ the sky, and the leaves move about silently humming a ___________ to help the children sleep.
The trees have been serving mankind selflessly for ages, hence they are the kindest things that we know.
Trees are the kindest of all things that we know because they do not harm anyone. They grow peacefully and spread their branches all around. Cows rest in their shade and birds gather to rest in their nests. When the day begins, the first beam of the sun falls on the trees. They are the last to hold the light of the sun when the day turns into night. During the night, the moon on floats the sky, and the leaves move about silently humming a lullaby to help the children sleep.
The trees have been serving mankind selflessly for ages, hence they are the kindest things that we know.
B.4. Describe the three acts of kindness shown by trees.
- They don’t harm anyone.
- They give cool shade to men and animals.
- They are homes of numerous birds and animals.
B.5. Complete the following table of rhyming words. Pick out one rhyming words from the text and one of your own choice.
know | grow | sow | row |
cows | boughs | arouse | house |
begun | sun | none | run |
light | night | bright | sight |
B.6. Find out from the poem the words which mean the same as the words given below.
(i) The branches of a tree b _ _ _ _ _
(ii) A song that is sung to put a baby to sleep l _ _ _ _ _ _
(iii) Sleepy d _ _ _ _ _
(iv) To sing in a low tone h _ _
(v) Rays b _ _ _ _
B.7. Value Based Questions
(i) Why does the poet call the trees kind? Choose from the following:
(a) they give us many things.
(b) they do not ask for anything in return.
(c) they do not harm anyone.
(d) all the above.
Explain with reasons.
(d) all the above.
Trees give us many things, such as fruits, vegetables, medicines, timber, paper, etc. They give us oxygen without which we cannot live even for a moment. They purify air, attract rain and reduce soil erosion. They don’t expect anything in return. They are giver only.
(ii) What do trees teach us?
Trees teach us to be kind. They teach us to work silently and not to harm anyone. Like trees, we also do not ask for anything in return. We should be patient and peaceful. We should be helpful likes trees.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
What does the poet tell in the first stanza of the poem?
In the first stanza, the poet tells that trees are always kind to humans. They don’t harm anyone. Instead they give man and animals its cool shade.
Question 2.
What does the poet tell in the second stanza?
In the second stanza, the poet tells that when the day begins, the first beam of the sun falls on the trees. They are the last to hold the light of the sun.
Question 3.
What does the poet tell in the third stanza?
In the third stanza, the poet tells that during the night, the moon floats in the sky and the leaves move about silently humming a lullaby for the children.
C.1. Have you ever visited a museum? Write below the names of five things that you saw there.
Yes, I have visited the Nehru Memorial Museum. I saw there many personal things of Nehru out of which five are given below:
- The Amaltash tree where the ashes of Pt. Nehru are placed.
- The Jawahar Jyoti which goes on burning.
- Nehru’s letters.
- Nehru’s manuscripts.
- The books that Nehru used to read.
C.2. Now read this dialogue between a young girl Minu and a dinosaur kept in a museum. [Textbook Pages 40-42]
Minu and Dino
Summary of the Dialogue
Minu, a ten year old girl, went to a museum and saw there many strange things. She saw a big dinosaur on a table. Suddenly the dinosaur started speaking to Minu. Minu felt scared and tried to run away, but Dino, the dinosaur called her back. He told Minu that she should not be afraid of him because he loved children too much. Children do not harm anyone like the dinosaurs. He told Minu how they became extinct. They lived on the earth thousands of years ago. But many atmospheric changes pushed their species to extinction. Hence, it is important to save other species from extinction. Minu asked him how she could do it.
Dino told her that once there was enough of everything on the earth. But slowly the number of people grew and their needs too grew. As a result, they started cutting trees and killing animals. This caused many birds and animals disappear from the earth. The dinosaur told Minu that many more animals are endangered. Minu was really sad. She asked the dinosaur the ways to save those animals. The dinosaur said that man must stop cutting forests and killing animals.
Summary in Hindi
दस साल की मीनू अजायबघर गयी और वहाँ उसने बहुत सी विचित्र चीजें देखी। उसने मेज पर एक विशाल डायनासोर भी देखा। अचानक डायनासोर मीनू से बात करने लगा। मीनू डर गयी और वहाँ से भागने की कोशिश की। किन्तु डायनासोर ने उसे वापस बुला लिया। उसने मीनू से कहा कि उसे डरने की जरूरत नहीं है क्योंकि वह बच्चों को बहुत प्यार करता है। बच्चे डायनासोर की तरह कभी किसी को कुछ नुकसान नहीं पहुँचाते। उसने मीनू को बताया कि कैसे वे विलुप्त हो गए। हजारों साल पहले वे धरती पर रहते थे। लेकिन वायुमण्डलीय परविर्तनों ने उसकी प्रजाति को विलुप्त कर दिया। इसलिए दूसरी प्रजातियों को विलुप्त होने से बचाना अति आवश्यक है। मीनू पूछती है कि वह इस काम को कैसे कर सकती है।
दीनू उसे बताता है कि एक समय था जब धरती पर सब कुछ पर्याप्त मात्रा में उपलब्ध था। लेकिन धीरे-धीरे लोगों की संख्या बढ़ने लगी और इसी के साथ उनकी आवश्यकताएँ भी। परिणामस्वरूप वे अंधाधुंध पेड़ काटने लगे और जानवरों को मारने लगे। इससे धरती पर से पक्षी और जानवर खत्म होने लगे। डायनासोर ने मीनू को बताया कि अभी भी बहुत से जानवर ऐसे हैं जो संकटापन्न हैं। मीनू वास्तव में बहुत दुःखी हो गई। उसने डायनासोर से लुप्तप्राय जानवरों को बचाने का तरीका पूछा। डायनासोर ने कहा कि इसके लिए आदमी को पेड़ों की कटाई को रोकनी होगी और जानवरों को मारना बंद करना होगा।
Word – Meanings:
Museum = a place where old things are kept – संग्रालय, अजायबघर,
Admire = praise – प्रशंसा करना,
Huge = very big – विशाल,
Twinkling = (of the eyes) move rapidly – मिचकाते हुए,
Attractive = beautiful – आकर्षक,
Scared = afraid – डरा हुआ,
Roam = wander – इधर-उधर घूमना,
Extinction = not in existence विलुप्त,
Endangered = in danger – संकट में,
Pity = sad, state of affair – खेद का विषय |
C.3. Complete the following statements using words from the box.
(i) Minu went to a ___________.
(ii) She saw a ___________ in the museum.
(iii) Animals who are in danger of becoming extinct are known as ___________ animals.
(iv) Animals that have disappeared from the earth are known as ___________ animals.
(v) ___________ and ___________ are examples of extinct animals.
Dodo, dinosaur
(vi) ___________ and ___________ are two endangered animals.
Tiger, elephant
C.4. Answer the following questions.
(i) What did Minu get scared of?
Minu got scared of Dino, the dinosaur.
(ii) How did the dinosaur in the museum look?
The dinosaur in the museum looked very big. It had a huge body, long neck and twinkling eyes.
(iii) How did Minu react when the dinosaur began to speak?
Minu could not believe her ears. She felt very scared and tried to run away.
(iv) Why do men kill animals?
Men killed animals because their number grew and with it their needs too grew.
C.5. Complete the following table with the information from the text.
Statement | Who said it? | Whom it was said to? | Why was it said? |
Don’t be afraid of me. | Dino, the dinosaur | Minu | It was said because Minu got scared of the dinosaur |
I have heard you harm others. | Minu | Dino, the dinosaur | Minu thought that dinosaurs are kept in the museum as they harm others. |
We used to live on the earth. | Dino, the dinosaurs | Minu | Because dinosaur have become extinct now. |
That’s really sad! | Minu | Dino, the dinosaur | Because Minu is hurt to know man ‘s cruel attitude towards animals. |
C.6. Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box.
(i) Trees looked ___________ in the darkness of the night.
(ii) We should ___________ the courage shown by the little girl.
(iii) When the sun rises, the fog will ___________.
(iv) She ___________ asked the teacher to explain the poem again.
(v) There is a ___________ banyan tree in front of our house.
(vi) Dresses displayed in the showroom looked very ___________.
C.7. Given below are the names of a few places having various purposes to serve. Match the places with their names.
(i) An area with lots of trees where wild animal and birds live. It is their. natural home. | (b) forest |
(ii) A place where wild animals are kept for the public to see. | (c) zoo |
(iii) A place where people can see old and interesting things. | (d) museum |
(iv) A place where wild animals and birds are protected. | (a) sanctuary |
C.8. When we visit a zoo, we see various animals. Write a conversation between yourself and a lion whom you happen to meet in the zoo. You can use the words and phrases given for your for help.
Myself : Hello Toughy, I am Ritu. How are you?
Lion : Fine. Welcome to you in the zoo. Myself: I have heard you harm others. That’s why you are kept in this cage.
Lion : We don’t harm anyone. We just want to live free in the forest.
Myself : What do you eat?
Lion : I eat meat.
Myself : What do you dislike most?
Lion : I dislike those children/people who laugh and disturb me.
C.9. Life Skills
Find out how we all, especially children, can help in saving endangered species.
We must stop cutting forests and killing animals. Afforestation should be encouraged. Children should not harm animals. Instead they should take care of them. Forests and animals play an important role in the ecological system. Hence, they must be protected.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
Where does Minu go one day?
One day Minu goes to see a museum.
Question 2.
What does she see in the museum?
She sees many strange things in the museum. She also comes across a big dinosaur.
Question 3.
What has Minu heard about dinosaurs?
She had heard that dinosaurs harm others. And therefore they are not allowed to roam.
Question 4.
Why did people start cutting trees?
People started cutting trees to fulfil their growing needs.
Question 5.
Name the animals which are endangered?
Pandas, gorillas, grizzly bears, elephants, tigers and copper butterfly.
D.1. Match the given parts of the tree with the benefit that we get out of them.
Parts of a tree | Benefit that we get |
(i) Leaves | (d) Used to make cups and plates |
(ii) Stem | (a) Wood for furniture |
(iii) Fruits | (b) Eaten for taste and energy |
(iv) Branches | (c) Provide place for birds to rest |
D.2. Read the following story. [Textbook Page 46]
Summary of the Story
There was a little boy. He used to play in the shade of a tree. One day the boy sat leaning against the trunk of the tree, crying. He was very hungry. The tree offered the boy its fruits to eat. The boy grew up with the passage of time. One day he sat under the tree with an anxious look on his face. The tree asked him the reason. The young man told the tree that he needed a house for his family. The tree allowed him to cut its branches. The young man was happy to built a house with the branches of the tree.
One day the young man expressed his wish to have a ship. The tree offered him his trunk to build a ship.
The young man had grown old now. On a cold winter’s day he came where the tree once was. He was trembling with cold. The tree offered him his stump to make a fire. The old man burnt the stump of the tree to warm himself.
Summary in Hindi
एक छोटा लड़का था। वह एक पेड़ की छाया में खेला करता था। एक दिन वह उस पेड़ की धड़ से लगकर बैठ गया और रोने लगा। दरअसल उसे भूख लगी थी। पेड़ ने उसे खाने के लिए अपने फल दिए । समय के साथ लड़का बढ़ता गया और जवान आदमी बन गया। एक दिन वह पेड़ के नीचे काफी चिंतित मुद्रा में बैठ गया। पेड़ ने उससे चिंता का कारण पूछा। जवान आदमी ने बताया कि उसे अपने परिवार के लिए एक घर चाहिए। पेड़ ने फौरन उसे अपनी शाखाएँ काटने का आदेश दे दिया। आदमी पेड़ की शाखाओं से घर बनाकर काफी खुश हो गया। एक दिन उस आदमी ने एक नाव बनाने की इच्छा जाहिर की। पेड़ ने उससे कहा कि वह उसके धड़ को काटकर नाव बना ले आदमी ने ऐसा ही किया।
जवान आदमी अब बूढ़ा हो गया था। कड़ाके की सर्दी वाले दिन वह उस जगह पर आया जहाँ कभी पेड़ हुआ करता था। वह ठंड से काँप रहा था। पेड़ ने उसे अपना ठूंठ दे दिया। बूढ़े व्यक्ति ने ठूंठ को जलाकर गर्मी प्राप्त की।
Word – Meanings:
Lovely = beautiful – सुंदर,
Trunk = main part of the tree – पेड़ की धड़,
Bending = leaning – झुका हुआ,
Anxious = worried – दुखी,
Sailor = one who sails ship boat – नाविक
Trembling = shaking with cold – ठंड से कांपते हुए,
Stump = the bottom part of the tree left in the ground – ठूंठ
Humming = to sing in a low voice – गुनगुनाना,
Tune = music – संगीत ।
D.3. Now answer the following questions by completing the sentences. Work in pairs.
(i) Why was the boy crying?
He was crying ___________
He was crying because he was hungry.
(ii) Where did the boy play?
He played ___________
He played in the shade of a tree.
(iii) What did the tree give to the boy?
It gave him ___________
It gave him its fruit to satisfy his hunger.
(iv) Why did the tree allow the boy to cut its branches?
It did so because ___________
It did so because he wanted to build a ship.
(v) Why did the young man need a boat?
He needed it because ___________
He needed it because he was a sailor and wanted to have his own boat.
(vi) Why did the old man look helpless?
He looked helpless because ___________
He looked helpless because he had lost his ship.
(vii) How did the tree help the old man?
He asked the old man ___________
He asked the old man to bum its stump to get warmth.
D.4. The sentences given below tell the sequence of the story, however, they are in a jumbled order. Number them correctly in their proper order.
A young boy used to play in the shade of a tree.
The old man burnt the stump of the tree to escape cold weather.
The young man cut the branches of the tree to build his house.
The young boy ate the fmit of the tree to satisfy his hunger.
The young man used the trunk of the tree to build a ship of his own.
1 A young boy used to play in the shade of a tree.
2 The young boy ate the fruit of the tree to satisfy his hunger.
3 The young man cut the branches of the tree to build his house.
4 The young man used the trunk of the tree to build a ship of his own.
5 The old man burnt the stump of the tree to escape cold weather.
D.5. Here are some statements given below. Write who said these to whom and when?
(i) The tree said to the little boy when he was hungry.
(ii) The young man said to the tree when he was going to marry.
(iii) The young man said to the tree when he (sailor) needed a ship of his own.
(iv) The stump of the tree said to the old man when he was trembling with cold.
D.6. Find words in the story which mean the same given below. First work individually and then discuss with your partner.
(i) bending ___________
(ii) strong part of the tree ___________
(iii) worried ___________
(iv) a person who works on ships or boats ___________
(v) a person who is not kind ___________
D.7. Write the opposites of the following words. Follow the example.
Words | Opposites |
(i) lovely | ugly |
(ii) little | more |
(iii) cry | laugh |
(iv) happy | saf |
(v) love | hate |
(vi) young | old |
(vii) cruel | kind |
(viii) lost | found |
(ix) selfish | unselfish |
D.8. Value Based Question
Look at this picture. The tree says someone is killing it.
If we cut a tree with an axe, it get killed. But we harm the trees in many more ways.
- We cut away too many branches of a tree along with the leaves on them.
- The ground close to the tree is cemented.
- We dig the earth near the root of the tree.
- We put advertisements on tree with nails.
Trees gives us so much. Should we not express our gratitude to them? Discuss in the class how we can repay for the kindness of the trees. One example is given below.
We can water the saplings planted near our home.
- We can protect it from direct sun.
- We can watch its growth regularly.
- If necessary, we can put some manure into the soil.
D.9. Think of a slogan on the importance of trees and write in the box provided. You may use the words given in the box.
- Grow more trees
- Save plant
- Don’t cut trees
- Each one plant one
- Don’t bum wood
D.10. Request your teacher to allot a corner for your class either in the classroom or in the school ground. Maintain it as a ‘Green Corner’. Water and nurture the plants kept there. Regularly observe and discuss with your friends the changes that you observe in the plants every week.
Do it yourself.
Additional Questions:
Question 1.
What did the tree offer the boy?
The tree offered the boy its fruits to eat.
Question 2.
One day the boy sat under the tree with an anxious look on his face. What was the reason behind it?
He was going to marry but he had no house to live in.
Question 3.
What type of a fellow his captain was?
His captain was a cruel fellow.
Question 4.
What happened to the sailor’s ship?
The sailor lost his ship.
Question 5.
How did the stump help the old man?
The old man burnt the stump and felt warmth on a cold winter’s day.
E.1. Listen to the tape script carefully and complete the following statements.
(i) ___________and ___________ often use poly bags to pack things.
Vegetable sellers, grocers
(ii) Poly bags are used to supply ___________ also.
(iii) Poly bags are made of ___________. It is a kind of ___________ and ___________ plastic.
polythene, thin, soft
(iv) Poly bags are both useful and ___________.
(v) Instead of poly bags we should use ___________, ___________ or ___________ bags to pack things.
paper, clothes, jute.
E.2. What happens in the following situations? Complete the statements.
(i) If we throw a poly bag in a drain, ___________
If we throw a poly bag in a drain, the drain will get choked.
(ii) If an animal eats a poly bag, ___________
If an animal eats a poly bag, the bag will get stuck to his throat and it will not be able to breathe. It may even die.
(iii) If we bum a poly bag, ___________
If we bum a poly bag, it will produce poisonous gases, which will pollute the air.
Read it yourself [Textbook Pages 53]
Chipko Movement
Summary of the Lesson
Chipko Movement was started in March 1974 when a contractor went to the forest in the Chamoli district of the Uttar Pradesh to cut trees. Gaura Devi and a group of 26 women protested it. They hugged the trees there so that woodcutters could not cut them. Thus, they saved trees.
The main leaders of the Chipko Movement were Sundar Lai Bahuguna and Chandi Prasad Bhatt.
Summary in Hindi
चिपको आंदोलन मार्च 1974 में प्रारंभ हुआ जब एक कन्ट्रैक्टर उत्तर प्रदेश के चमोली जिला के जंगल में पेड़ो की कटाई के लिए जा पहुँचा। गौरा देवी और 53] 26 महिलाओं के एक समूह ने इसका विरोध किया | वे वहाँ के पेड़ों से चिपक गईं ताकि लकड़ी काटने वाले पेड़ों को काट न सके। इस प्रकार, उन्होंने पेड़ों को बचा लिया।
चिपको आंदोलन के मुख्य नेता सुंदरलाल बहुगुणा 26 और चाँदी प्रसाद भट्ट थे।
Word – Meanings:
Clasp = to hold firmly – कसकर पकड़ना,
Contractor = a person who ment has a contract to do work – ठेकेदार,
Hugged = embraced – आलिंगन किया (यहाँ – चिपक गईं),
Valuable = important – महत्त्वपर्ण,
Fodder = food for animals – चारा ।