Class 6 Science Chapter 2 MCQs Questions With Answers NCERT
We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Components of Food with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Components of Food Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.
Components of Food Class 6 MCQ
Choose the correct option.
Question 1.
A substance which is essential for maintaining life and growth is called
(a) nutrient
(b) starch
(c) scurvy
(d) vitamin
Answer: (a) nutrient
Question 2.
Which of the following is not a nutrient?
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Fats
(c) Water
(d) Vitamins
Answer: (c) Water
Question 3.
Carbohydrates are found in
(a) rice
(b) carrot
(c) lemon
(d) pulses
Answer: (a) rice
Question 4.
Composition of fats are
(a) carbon, sulphur and hydrogen
(b) carbon, sulphur and nitrogen
(c) oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen
(d) carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
Answer: (d) carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
Question 5.
Starch can be tested by using
(a) iodine solution
(b) caustic soda
(c) copper sulphate
(d) Fehling’s solution
Answer: (a) iodine solution
Question 6.
Which of the following are ‘energy-giving foods’?
(a) Fats
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
Answer: (c) Both (a) & (b)
Question 7.
Ghee and butter are also called as
(a) vegetable fat
(b) animal fat
(c) mixed fat
(d) natural fat
Answer: (b) animal fat
Question 8.
Protein helps us in
(a) body building
(b) making skin soft
(c) building immunity
(d) none of these
Answer: (a) body building
Question 9.
Which carbohydrate is present in sugar cane?
(a) Simple carbohydrate
(b) Complex carbohydrate
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
Answer: (a) Simple carbohydrate
Question 10.
Which of the following are the good sources of plant proteins?
(a) Nuts
(b) Fish
(c) Milk
(d) Eggs
Answer: (a) Nuts
Question 11.
Vitamins and minerals are
(a) protective food
(b) energy giving foods
(c) body building foods
(d) roughage
Answer: (a) protective food
Question 12.
Which of the following are the good sources of animal proteins?
(a) Almond
(b) Soybean
(c) Cheese
(d) Walnut
Answer: (c) Cheese
Question 13.
Which of the following nutrients helps us to fight diseases?
(a) Proteins
(b) Carbohydrates
(c) Vitamins
(d) Roughage
Answer: (c) Vitamins
Question 14.
Percentage of water in our body is
(a) 50%
(b) 60%
(c) 70%
(d) 100%
Answer: (c) 70%
Question 15.
Diseases caused due to the deficiency of vitamins are called
(a) dietary diseases
(b) chronic diseases
(c) deficiency diseases
(d) transmitted diseases
Answer: (c) deficiency diseases
Question 16.
All the deficiency diseases can be prevented by
(a) cleanliness
(b) taking antibiotics
(c) vaccination
(d) taking balanced diet
Answer: (d) taking balanced diet
Question 17.
Deficiency of vitamin A causes
(a) night blindness
(b) beriberi
(c) scurvy
(d) rickets
Answer: (a) night blindness
Question 18.
Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin D
Answer: (c) Vitamin C
Question 19.
Which of the following food items is rich in iron?
(a) spinach
(b) sea fish
(c) milk
(d) all of these
Answer: (a) spinach
Question 20.
Vegetable that contains water is
(a) cabbage
(b) brinjal
(c) potatoes
(d) all of these
Answer: (d) all of these
Question 21.
Which salts are important for various body functions?
(a) Roughage
(b) Vitamin
(c) Vegetable
(d) Mineral
Answer: (d) Mineral
Question 22.
Deficiency of iodine leads to
(a) goitre
(b) rickets
(c) balanced diet
(d) scurvy
Answer: (a) goitre
Question 23.
A young child needs to take more as they help in body building.
(a) diseases
(b) proteins
(c) minerals
(d) none of these
Answer: (b) proteins
Question 24.
Over-nutrition results in
(a) balanced diet
(b) scurvy
(c) obesity
(d) none of these
Answer: (c) obesity
Question 25.
Which of the following diseases is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C.
(a) Rickets
(b) Beri-beri
(b) Anaemia
(d) Scurvy
Answer: (d) Scurvy
Question 26.
Rickets is a disease of the
(a) bones
(b) skin
(b) blood
(d) hair
Answer: (a) bones
Question 27.
Which of the following is necessary to make haemoglobin present in the red blood cells?
(a) Iodine
(b) Red phosphorus
(c) Iron
(d) Sodium
Answer: (c) Iron
Question 28.
Which of the following is necessary for keeping gum and teeth healthy?
(a) Vitamin B
(b) Vitamin A
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin D
Answer: (c) Vitamin C
Question 29.
Which of the following will provide maximum roughage to your diet?
(a) Egg
(b) Tomato
(c) Cabbage
(d) Wheat
Answer: (c) Cabbage
Question 30.
Which of the following is considered to be a body building food?
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Proteins
(c) Fats
(d) Vitamins
Answer: (b) Proteins
Fill in the blanks with suitable word/s.
Question 1.
Food substances that provide nourishment to the body are …………….
Answer: nutrients
Question 2.
For proper ……………. and ……………. of our bodies we need adequate food.
Answer: growth; functioning
Question 3.
Mango contains ……………. carbohydrate.
Answer: complex
Question 4.
Starch is a ……………. of sugar.
Answer: polymer
Question 5.
……………. gives blue colour with iodine.
Answer: Starch
Question 6.
Meat and eggs are rich in ……………. and …………….
Answer: fats; proteins
Question 7.
The main carbohydrates found in our food are in the form of ……………. and …………….
Answer: starch; sugars
Question 8.
A violet colour with copper sulphate and caustic soda indicates presence of ……………. in the food items.
Answer: proteins
Question 9.
Food containing fats and carbohydrates are called …………….
Answer: energy giving foods
Question 10.
……………. are needed for growth and repair of our body.
Answer: Proteins
Question 11.
A diet that has the right amount of all the nutrients is called a …………………. diet.
Answer: balanced
Question 12.
Deficiency of iron in the diet causes a disease called ………………….
Answer: anaemia
Question 13.
The deficiency of calcium in the diet of an adult person causes a disease called ………………….
Answer: osteomalacia
Question 14.
Carbohydrate which produces blue-black colour with dilute iodine solution is ………………….
Answer: starch
Question 15.
The edible substance which w’e eat to get energy is called ………………….
Answer: food
Question 16.
Deficiency of vitamin B causes a disease known as ………………….
Answer: beri-beri
Question 17.
Iodine solution changes the colour of starch into ………………….
Answer: blue-black
Question 18.
Proteins are needed for growth and …………………. of our body.
Answer: repair
Question 19.
Scurvy is the diseases caused by the deficiency of vitamin ………………….
Answer: C
Question 20.
The amount of food taken by an organism at a time is called the …………………. of that organism.
Answer: diet
True or False
Question 1.
Protective foods are vitamins and minerals.
Answer: True
Question 2.
Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy in our diet.
Answer: True
Question 3.
Deficiency of Vitamin A makes our bone weak.
Answer: False
Question 4.
Calcium is necessary for strong bones and teeth.
Answer: True
Question 5.
Body building foods are proteins.
Answer: True
Question 6.
Good fat helps our body to fight cancer.
Answer: True
Question 7.
An oily patch on paper shows that food item contains fat.
Answer: True
Question 8.
Carbohydrates and fats give us energy.
Answer: True
Question 9.
Foods containing proteins are often called energy giving foods.
Answer: False
Question 10.
Fats help in protecting our body against diseases.
Answer: False
Question 11.
Excessive intake of fats causes obesity.
Answer: True
Question 12.
Starch is a complex carbohydrate.
Answer: True
Question 13.
Excess carbohydrates are normally stored in body as roughage.
Answer: False
Question 14.
Fats are the sources of more energy.
Answer: True
Question 15.
Fats act as fuels in our body.
Answer: True
Question 16.
Too much of fat deposition is beneficial to the body.
Answer: False
Question 17.
Proteins are required for growth and repair in our body.
Answer: True
Question 18.
Proteins are called energy-giving food.
Answer: False
Question 19.
Vitamins and minerals protect our body from diseases.
Answer: True
Question 20.
The components of food that are needed by our body are called nutrients.
Answer: True
Match the following
Column I | Column II |
1. Dietary fibres | (a) Vitamins and minerals |
2. Protective foods | (b) Provide highest energy |
3. Proteins | (c) Obesity |
4. Test for proteins | (d) Necessary to get rid of wastes |
5. Water | (e) Prevent constipation |
6. Test for fats | (f) Needed for growth |
7. Carbohydrates | (g) Copper sulphate and caustic soda |
8. Excessive fat rich food | (h) Oily patch on paper sheet |
9. Iodine | (i) Loss of water |
10. Dehydration | (j) Present in sea food like lobsters |
Column I | Column II |
1. Dietary fibres | (e) Prevent constipation |
2. Protective foods | (a) Vitamins and minerals |
3. Proteins | (f) Needed for growth |
4. Test for proteins | (g) Copper sulphate and caustic soda |
5. Water | (d) Necessary to get rid of wastes |
6. Test for fats | (h) Oily patch on paper sheet |
7. Carbohydrates | (b) Provide highest energy |
8. Excessive fat rich food | (c) Obesity |
9. Iodine | (j) Present in sea food like lobsters |
10. Dehydration | (i) Loss of water |
Column A | Column B |
1. Minerals | (a) Disease of bones |
2. Rickets | (b) No energy value |
3. Vitamin C | (c) Thyroid gland |
4. Iodine | (d) Healing wound |
5. Vitamin A | (e) Healthy skin and good vision |
Column A | Column B |
1. Minerals | (b) No energy value |
2. Rickets | (a) Disease of bones |
3. Vitamin C | (d) Healing wound |
4. Iodine | (c) Thyroid gland |
5. Vitamin A | (e) Healthy skin and good vision |
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