In this page you can find keeping Quiet Extra Questions and Answers Class 12 English Flamingo, Extra Questions for Class 12 English will make your practice complete.
Keeping Quiet Extra Questions and Answers Class 12 English Flamingo
Keeping Quiet Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type
Question 1.
In the poem ‘Keeping Quiet’, what is the appeal made by the poet?
The poet appeals the people to keep quiet for a short time. This would help them take stock of their mindless activities and conduct self-analysis. All this will help save mankind from its imminent doom.
Question 2.
“Under the apparent stillness there is life.” Justify this statement giving an example from the poem, ‘Keeping Quiet’.
The poet says that just as there will be life below the snow once it melts, similarly, there will be life even in the apparent stillness.
Question 3.
What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem? What is Neruda’s attitude towards these wars?
Green wars – cutting the trees, war with environment; war with gas—chemical or nuclear; war with fire, and war with ammunition. Every type of war is useless and must be given up. Whenever there is victory after a war, there are no survivors. War is only destructive.
Question 4.
When everything seems dead, what remains alive?
When everything seems dead, only the earth remains alive.
Question 5.
What is ‘the fisherman’ symbolic of?
The fisherman symbolises man’s indiscriminate exploitation of nature for his vested interests.
Question 6.
How can suspension of activities help?
The poet believes that suspension of activities will allow men to introspect, which can help them by solving many of the problems based on caste, religion and nationality.
Question 7.
According to the poet, what is that human beings can learn from nature?
Life under apparent stillness in attitude is important. Just like nature carries on its work even when there is stillness all around, similarly, stillness in attitude will help in retrospection.
Question 8.
‘Life is what it is all about; How is keeping quiet related to life?
Keeping quiet helps people pursue their goals single-mindedly. They need to understand that silence is productive and stillness is progress.
Question 9.
Why does one feel ‘a sudden strangeness’ on counting to twelve and keeping quiet?
The absence of hustle and bustle of life would create feeling of peace and quietness, which would make us united in our natural commitment. It will create a strange feeling of universal brotherhood.
Question 10.
How will ‘keeping quiet’ protect our environment?
Keeping quiet will stop man’s indiscriminate exploitation of nature for his vested interests. In this moment of inactivity, fishermen will not harm the whales.
Question 11.
How would keeping quiet affect life in and around the sea?
Keeping quiet will prevent sea life from being harmed and the person collecting salt would look at his hurt hands. It will thus, help in maintaining an ecological balance and give everyone some time to introspect.
Question 12.
How is the earth a source of life when all seems dead on it?
The seeds that lie dormant throughout winter germinate or spring to life with the arrival of spring. It appears as if nature is celebrating life.
Question 13.
According to Pablo Neruda, how would keeping quiet be an exotic moment?
According to Pablo Neruda, when everything comes to a standstill, it would be a rare moment. No one would rush, no engines running. No one would harm any other organism. All would be calm and quiet reflecting upon their lives and introspecting.
Question 14.
What are green wars? Who wage them and with what result?
Green wars mean war against environment or environmental degradation. It is waged by the people who exploit the nature for commercial use and the soldiers. It results in damage to the environment and ultimately harming humans.
Question 15.
According to Pablo Neruda, what do we not do when we keep quiet?
When we keep quiet, we will not be in any rush, the people will not harm any other living organisms and will not harm the environment. When we keep quiet, we will not do anything.
Keeping Quiet Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type
Question 1.
Write in brief the summary of the poem.
The poet wants everyone to count up to twelve in their mind. He wants every one of us to be calm and still. The poet wants that one should not talk in any language. He means to say that every person of the world should be quiet for few seconds. There would not be any rush. There would not be the jarring sounds of machines. The poet wants that the fishermen should not hunt whales in the sea. He also wants that the persons who gather salt should suspend their activities for a few seconds.
The poet says that the people who destroy forests also wage a war against their own coming generations. There are wars with fire, chemical weapons and poisonous gases. The was bring so much destruction that no side could be called victorious. The poet knows that the soldiers have to follow the orders. He implores them to leave the army and instead of uniforms wear clean clothes. They should walk with their civilian brothers and suspend their all war-related activities and walk idly under the shade.
The poet wants that we should not be self-centred. The poet says that the people are rushing to complete their tasks. But he says that by keeping quiet for a few seconds, they can understand the true purpose of life. The poet wants that we should not be self-centred. The poet says that the people are rushing to complete their tasks. The poet says that by keeping quiet for a few seconds they can understand the true purpose of life. The poet says that the earth can provide us all type of guidance.
He says that it appears dead and lifeless in winter. But when the summer season comes everything again comes to life. Similarly, after taking a short pause we can restart our activities in a new way. Therefore, the poet asks the people to take a pause, count to twelve and walks out of the scene.
Question 2.
Write the central idea of the poem.
In this poem, the poet tells us about the value of quiet introspection. He wants us to keep quiet for twelve seconds and stop every movement of the body. He implores the fishermen not to harm the whales. He also wants the man gathering salt to stop his activities for a few minutes, since he has hurt his hands. The poet says that wars are useless. These wars leave no survivors. However the poet doesn’t advocate total inactivity. He says that something that appears to be dead now later proves to be alive. Total inactivity is death, the poet just wants us to suspend our activities for a few seconds.
Question 3.
What are the different types of wars mentioned in the poem?
What is Neruda’s attitude towards these wars?
The poet says that there are green wars. He means t to say that the people who destroy forests also wage a war against their own coming generations. There are wars with fire, chemical weapons and poisonous gases. The wars bring so much destruction that no side could be called victorious. The poet wants that all these wars should be stopped. These wars bring nothing but destruction.