Julius Caesar Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Literature

In this page you can find Julius Caesar Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Literature, Extra Questions for Class 10 English will make your practice complete.

Julius Caesar Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English Literature

Julius Caesar Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What is your impression about Julius Caesar’s character?
Julius Caesar stands out as a brave and powerful man in the whole of Rome. He fought many wars. His conquests expanded his kingdom. His arrogance and overconfidence turn out to be his weaknesses. He loved flattery that is why Decius manages to take him to the senate on that fateful day.

Question 2.
What had the senators decided to do that day?
According to Decius Brutus, the senators had decided to crown Caesar, the king of Rome. If Caesar did not go, then they might change their mind. Decius informs Caesar and he agrees to go.

Question 3.
What was Metellus Cimber’s plea?
Cimber wanted a repeal of his brother’s banishment from Rome. He wanted his brother to be forgiven and once again allowed to come back as a rightful citizen of Rome.

Question 4.
Why is Antony ‘meek and gentle’ with the ‘butchers’?
Antony knew he was alone, and the conspirators were so many. But he was clever, he is biding for time. Outwardly, he appears ‘meek’ and ‘gentle’ but inside he is outrageous, wants a revenge anyhow.

Question 5.
Why does Cassius caution Brutus against allowing Antony to speak in the funeral of Caesar?
Cassius was very well aware of Antony’s skills as an orator. He also knew Antony was very clever and was capable of turning the tables against them. He fears he might incite the people against them. His fears turn out to be true.

Question 6.
How did Brutus convince Cassius?
Brutus assured Cassius that nothing of the sort would happen, as Antony would tell the people that he was there with their permission. First, Brutus himself would go to the pulpit and speak and he would also see that Antony does not say anything against them

Question 7.
How did Antony prove Brutus wrong?
Antony, true to his words, does not blame Brutus or the conspirators directly. But he uses all possible rhetoric devices and gradually unfolds the truth in front of the people and exposes the murderers very cleverly.

Question 8.
How does Antony show them the cuts and the most unkindest cut of all?
Antony shows them the mantle with slits made at different places by the conspirators, then the cut through which Brutus had stabbed Caesar. This was the most unkindest cut as Brutus was his loved one and his betrayal was the cause of Caesar’s death.

Question 9.
Why did Brutus kill Caesar?
He loved Caesar but he loved Rome more. If Caesar lived, the Romans would have become slaves. Caesar was ambitious so he had to be killed. In the interest of the Romans, Caesar had to be assassinated.

Question 10.
What was Antony’s purpose behind the funeral speech?
The purpose was to rouse the sentiments of the fickle-minded people to take revenge by fighting the conspirators. He gets success as the crowd gets ready for mutiny and rises in revolt to burn the traitors’ houses.

Question 11.
Do you think the people were fickle-minded? Why do you think so?
When Brutus speaks they readily agree with all that he says without questioning or doubting. Antony comes and changes their mind… believe whatever they hear … are truly gullible… don’t have a mind of their own.

Question 12.
How was Caesar’s murder avenged?
The incited mob becomes mad and they rush to seek the conspirators. There is civil strife. Later, in a battle Brutus and Cassius are defeated by Antony and Octavius. Left with no choice, they commit suicide. Thus Caesar’s murder was avenged.

Question 13.
How does Decius Brutus interpret Calpumia’s dream?
Decius Brutus says that the dream has been misinterpreted. He very skillfully and cleverly gives a new meaning to the dream by calling it auspicious. He explains that Caesar’s blood would give new life and energy to the Romans. They would dip their handkerchiefs in the noble blood and preserve it for posterity. They would be used to add colour to their coat of arms, mementoes, and service badges.

Question 14.
What argument did Brutus put forward in defence of Caesar’s murder?
Brutus a man of noble ideas and a true patriot was very close to Caeser. Unfortunately, he believed the conspirators who accused Caeser of being too ambitious and a threat to the democracy and freedom of the people of Rome. Thus he puts forward to the Romans the argument,” not that he loved Caeser less but that he loved Rome more”, to justify the assassination.

Question 15.
Why is Cassius not in favour of Antony addressing the Roman mob?
Cassius, one of the conspirators, was not in favour of Antony addressing the Romans. He feared that Antony, a loyal friend of Ceaser and an excellent orator would sway the mob against the conspirators, and instigate them to rise in mutiny to avenge Caesar’s death.

Question 16.
What arguments does Antony put forward to refute the charge that Caesar was an ambitious man?
Mark Antony puts forward very convincing arguments to refute the conspirators claim that Caesar was ambitious.He reminded the Romans about how Caesar filled the coffers after every victory. He was offered the crown on three occasions, which he had refused to accept. He also impressed upon the crowd the benevolence of their leader who had bequeathed his belongings to the people of Rome.

Julius Caesar Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type

Question 1.
What does Antony say in his speech? Why is it more effective than that of Brutus?
After making peace with the conspirators and getting their permission, Antony speaks directly to the Roman mob. He pretends that he has not come to praise Caesar and speak against Brutus and the others. However, he does just the opposite. He starts narrating the conquests, glories and trophies that Caesar brought to Rome. He brought many captives, received ransoms and tributes. He wept for the poor and for their cause.

In his will, he left his private garden and parks for their use. They were his heirs. Caesar was not at all ambitious as he turned down the crown offered to him thrice. He conclusively proved that Brutus and the other conspirators were liars and murderers. He succeeded in arousing the mob’s sympathy for Caesar and directing their anger against the conspirators.

Question 2.
Caesar’s end was tragic. He did a lot for the people of Rome but still he was murdered by his friends. How did they justify his murder?
A number of powerful and influential people were jealous of Caesar’s growing power and popularity. They all decided to finish him off. They had their personal grudges and jealousies. Being the scheming kind, they were not respected by the people. They hatch a plot to kill Caesar.

To give credence to their act and to justify themselves, they poisoned the mind of Brutus, the noble and most trusted and respected man in Rome. They made him believe, Caesar was ambitious and in the interest of Rome, he should be finished. Brutus, who loved Rome more than anything else, agreed and joined the conspirators. Caesar was murdered by his own friends.

Question 3.
How did Antony manage to sway the minds of the people of Rome in his funeral speech?
Value Points:

  • Funeral speech is a master piece of oratory, very persuasive, gains his objective, convinces every member of the mob of Caesar’s innocence and the brutality of the conspirators
  • Enters with Caesar’s body to win sympathies of the crowd and addresses them as ‘Friends’
  • Repeatedly called Brutus noble and honourable to convey a sense of sarcasm
  • Praises Caesar and highlights his refusal to accept the crown. (Shows and tells that he was not greedy/ambitious)
  • Refers to Caesar’s will and tells them Caesar had left money to each one of them
  • Makes the crowd believe that Brutus was telling lies and whatever he has said may be questionable
  • Brutus convinces the people that Caesar was killed/assassinated in the interest of the Romans but Antony plays upon the emotions of the crowd who rise in the revolt against Brutus, Cassius and others. Mob very angry, causes widespread death and destruction
  • Antony is an emotional and sincere speaker. Avenges Caesar’s death

Question 4.
How did Antony pay his last tribute to Caesar?
Antony’s tribute to Julius Caesar

  • Antony gets permission to take Caesar’s body to the marketplace by showing loyalty towards the conspirators.
  • In his soliloquy, he calls Caesar ‘bleeding piece of earth’.
  • He also asks pardon for showing allegiance towards the butchers.
  • He exhibits his reverence to Caesar by referring to him as ‘the ruins of the noblest man.’
  • He pledges to avenge the death of Caesar by turning the tide against the conspirators.
  • He takes Caesar’s body to the marketplace and makes an emotional speech on Caesar’s funeral.
  • He employs rhetorical devices to win the hearts and sympathy of the mob.
  • He shows Caesar’s wounds and speaks for Caesar.
  • He inflamed the mob to anger and succeeded in taking revenge, which is a growing tribute to Caesar.

Question 5.
Loyalty is inherent in friendship. A friend is expected to avenge the hurt caused to his friend. Describe how Antony proves his loyalty to Julius Caesar by bringing the conspirators to justice.
Caesar was a victim of a conspiracy. Mark Antony a very close friend and confidant, a true patriot in his own right, was shocked and grieved when he got to know about the brutal crime. Delivering a very eloquent funeral speech, he proves to the Romans that the charges levied against Caesar by the conspirators were wrong.

He incited, enraged and instigated the fellow Romans to revolt against the conspirators. Violence and civil war follows and the conspirators were killed. As for Brutus and Cassius, faced with bitter disillusionment, they commit suicide. Thus Caesar’s death was avenged by Antony. He proves that loyalty is inherent in friendship, and that as a true friend it was his moral responsibility to bring the conspirators to justice.

Question 6.
Why did Calpumia try to prevent Caesar from going to the senate house? Did she succeed in her attempts? Why/Why not?
Value Points:

  • Calpurnia saw a horrible dream
  • Saw Caesar’s statue with a hundred spouts or openings – gushing out blood like fountain
  • Romans bathing their hands in Caesar’s blood
  • She tried to prevent Caesar from going to the Capitol
  • Didn’t succeed
  • Brutus deliberately gave a flattering interpretation of the dream
  • Said the dream was auspicious
  • Caesar’s blood would give new life, vigour and vitality to Rome
  • Romans would worship Caesar
  • Caesar’s ego and ambition were touched
  • Decius told Caesar – Senate would present him the crown that day.

Question 7.
We want to know what are the basic rights of an individual, but what are the fundamental duties of every citizen?
What contribution can we as individuals make towards preserving peace and harmony in the state?
It is the moral duty of every citizen to love his country, respect its constitution, the rules and regulations and abide by them for the smooth running of the country.

Our country had been a slave for a long time. We must not forget those people (and their ideals) who sacrificed their lives for the country. This country of ours is a multicultural, multilingual land with so many religions. This multihued aspect has to be preserved at any cost. Unity and universal brotherhood are the key characteristics to be preserved and practised at any cost.

Women have always been revered and it should be the motto of every individual to protect the honour of their women folk. A rich and diverse land; culturally, India stands unparalleled in the world. Its ancient culture, traditions and age-old values give to the nation an extraordinary flavour. The message of spirituality has been giving solace to the people all over the world.

It is the duty of every citizen that the natural environment has to be protected, maintained and improved. For this, the flora and fauna, both have to be looked after and taken care of. These include the forests, lakes, rivers, wildlife all.

In the field of technology we must see we are not left behind. Along with the spiritual growth and development, technological advancement cannot be ignored. A scientific temper and humanism has to be nurtured side by side, a spirit of inquiry and constant reform of ourselves and our country will take us a long way.

Julius Caesar Extra Questions and Answers Reference-to-Context

Read the extracts and answer the following questions briefly.

Question 1.
“Nor heaven nor earth have been at peace to night. Thrice hath Calpumia in her sleep cried out. ”

(i) Who is the speaker?
(ii) Who is Calpumia?
(iii) How has the night been?
(iv) What had Calpumia done in her sleep?
(i) Caesar is the speaker.
(ii) Calpumia is Caesar’s wife.
(iii) The night has been quite disturbing. Neither heaven nor earth have been at peace.
(iv) Calpurnia has cried out thrice in her sleep.

Question 2.
Do not go forth today: call it my fear
That keeps you in the house, and not your own,
Let me, upon my knee prevail in this.

(i) Who is the speaker of these lines?
(ii) Who is being addressed?
(iii) What does she mean by saying ‘Let me, upon my knee prevail’.
(iv) What does Calpurnia request of her husband?
(i) Calpurnia, the wife of Caesar, is the speaker.
(ii) She is addressing Caesar, her husband.
(iii) She wants Caesar to obey her and listen to her.
(iv) She requests her husband not to go to the capitol that day.

Question 3.
Your wisdom is consumed in self confidence
Do not go forth today: call it my fear
That keeps you in the house, not your own.

(i) Who is speaking to whom?
(ii) What is the speaker’s fear?
(iii) Explain: “Your wisdom is consumed in self confidence”.
(iv) Why does Calpurnia feel the Caesar’s wisdom is consumed in confidence?
(i) Calpurnia is speaking to Caesar.
(ii) The speaker fears that Caesar might get killed, if he went out of the house that day.
(iii) According to the speaker, Caesar was not thinking wisely but behaving recklessly due to his overconfidence in himself.
(iv) She feels that Caesar is ignoring all the ill omens and horrible portents as he is overconfident about his power and strength.

Question 4.
When beggars die, there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes

(i) Who speaks these lines and to whom?
(ii) How does the speaker differentiate between the death of beggars and that of princes?
(iii) How has the night been?
(iv) Why is Calpurnia giving these explanations?
(i) Calpurnia speaks these lines to Caesar.
(ii) Nothing unusual happens when beggars die, but the death of princes is foretold by the heavens.
(iii) It has been very disturbing, an indication of something bad to happen.
(iv) Calpurnia doesn’t want Caesar to venture out to make him understand her genuine concerns she gives these explanations

Question 5.
This dream is all amiss interpreted;
It was a vision fair and fortunate:
Your statue spouting blood in many pipes,
In which so many smiling Romans bathed.

(i) Who is the speaker?
(ii) According to him how has the dream been interpreted.
(iii) Whose dream is all misinterpreted?
(iv) How is the vision fair and fortunate?
(i) Decius Brutus is the speaker.
(ii) According to Brutus the dream has been wrongly interpreted.
(iii) Calpurnia’s dream is all misinterpreted.
(iv) According to Decius, Rome would derive new energy from Caesar’s brave deeds. He would be an inspiration to all the Romans.

Question 6.
“CAESAR: How foolish your fears seem now, Calpurnia ? I am ashamed I did yield to them. Give me my robe, for I will go,

(i) Who made Calpurnia’s fear seem foolish?
(ii) What were her fears?
(iii) How did Caesar yield to Calpumia’s dream?
(iv) Name the drama and the dramatist from which these lines are taken.
(i) Decius Brutus made Calpurnia’s dream seem foolish by interpreting it in his own way.
(ii) Her fears were that if Caesar went out of the house that day, he might get killed.
(iii) Caesar decided not to go to the senate house.
(iv) These lines are taken from the drama Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare.

Question 7.
“This was the unkindest cut of all”

(i) Who is speaking?
(ii) What is the occasion?
(iii) Whom is he speaking to?
(iv) What does he want to show to the Roman Mob?
(i) Antony is speaking.
(ii) The funeral speech after Julius Caesar’s death.
(iii) He is speaking to the crowd of the Roman citizens.
(iv) He wants to tell them that they loved Caesar without reason. Now what reason is holding them back from mourning his death.

Question 8.
O, Pardon me, thou bleeding piece of earth
That I am meek and gentle with these butchers!

(i) Who is the speaker?
(ii) Who is being addressed as ‘bleeding piece of earth’?
(iii) Who are these butchers?
(iv) How was he with butchers?
(i) Antony is the speaker of these lines.
(ii) Julius Caesar’s dead body lying in a pool of blood is being addressed as bleeding piece of earth.
(iii) These butchers are the conspirators who assassinated Caesar.
(iv) He was meek and gentle with the butchers.

Question 9.
These couchings and these lowly courtesies
Might fire the blood of ordinary men,
And turn pre-ordinance and first decree
Into the law of children.
Thy brother by decree is banished:
If thou dost bend and pray, and fawn, for him,
I spurn thee, like a cur, out of my way.

(i) Who is the speaker of these lines?
(ii) Who is being addressed and why?
(iii) What fails to influence Caesar?
(iv) What does he warn him of?
(i) Julius Caesar is the speaker.
(ii) Metellus Cimber is being addressed as he is asking for a repeal for his brother’s banishment.
(iii) The couching and lowly courtesies fail to influence Caesar.
(iv) He warns Cimber to stop his low courtesies or he will spurn him away like a dog.

Question 10.
Antony: Good friends, sweet friends, let me not Stir you up
To such a sudden flood of mutiny.
They that have done the deed are ‘honourable’

(i) Who are the ‘Good friends’?
(ii) Who are ‘They’?
(iii) What doesn’t he want them to do?
(iv) How does he present these men who have done the deed?
(i) People of Rome are being addressed as ‘Good friends’.
(ii) ‘They’ are the conspirators who have murdered Caesar.
(iii) He doesn’t want them to rise in mutiny.
(iv) He presents them as honourable.

Question 11.
“Cowards die many times before their deaths The valiant never taste of deaths but once”.

(i) Who is the speaker of the above lines?
(ii) Which characteristic feature of the speaker is revealed in the above line?
(iii) Whom is he speaking to ? Why does he say these words?
(iv) Explain the above lines.
(i) Julius Caesar is the speaker of the above lines.
(ii) Julius Caesar is brave and fearless.
(iii) He is speaking to Calpurnia. He says it in response to Calpurnia’s horrible dream and bad omens.
(iv) Caesar says that cowards die many times by worrying about death. But the brave dies only once.

Question 12.
“This was the most unkindest cut of all For when the noble Caesar saw him stab.
Ingratitude, more strong than traitors’ arms,
Quite vanquish’d him: then burst his mighty heart”.

(i) Who speaks these lines? To whom does he speak?
(ii) Who made the most unkindest cut?
(iii) What vanquished Caesar?
(iv) How does Antony consider ingratitude to be?
(i) These lines are spoken by Mark Antony to the Roman mob at Caesar’s funeral.
(ii) Brutus made the “most unkindest cut” by stabbing Julius Caesar.
(iii) Ingratitude of Brutus vanquished Caesar and he died.
(iv) He considers ingratitude to be stronger let down than traitors’s arms.

Not Just a Teacher, but a Friend Question and Answers