Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.6

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.6

Question 1.
Find the factors of the polynomials given below:
i. 2x2 + x – 1
ii. 2m2 + 5m – 3
iii. 12x2 + 61x + 77
iv. 3y2 – 2y – 1
v. √3x2 + 4x + √3
vi. \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)x2 – 3x + 4
i. 2x2 + x – 1
= 2x2 + 2x – x – 1
= 2x(x + 1)- 1(x + 1)
= (x + 1)(2x – 1)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.6 1

ii. 2m2 + 5m – 3
= 2m2 + 6m – m – 3
= 2m(m + 3) – 1(m + 3)
= (m + 3)(2m – 1)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.6 2

iii. 12x2 + 61x + 77
= 12x2 + 28x + 33x + 77
= 4x(3x + 7) 4 + 11(3x + 7)
= (3x + 7)(4x + 11)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.6 3

iv. 3y2 – 2y – 1
= 3y2 – 3y + y – 1
= 3y(y – 1) + 1 (y – 1)
= (y – 1)(3y + 1)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.6 4

v. √3×2 + 4x + √3
= √3×2 + 3x + x + √3
= √3×2 + √3 x √3x + x + √3
= √3x(x + √3) + 1 ( x + √3 )
= (x + √3)(√3x + 1)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.6 5

vi. \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) x2 – 3x + 4
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) x2 – 2x – x + 4
= \(\frac{1}{2} x^{2}-\frac{2 \times 2}{2} x-x+4\)
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) x(x – 4) – 1 (x – 4)
= (x – 4) (\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) x – 1)
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Alternate method
\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) x2 – 3x + 4 = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) (x2 – 6x + 8)
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) (x2 – 4x – 2x + 8)
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) [x(x – 4) – 2(x – 4)]
= \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) (x – 2)(x – 4)
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Question 2.
Factorize the following polynomials.
i. (x2 – x)2 – 8(x2 – x) + 12
iii. (x2 – 6x)2 – 8(x2 – 6x + 8) – 64
v. (y + 2) (y – 3) (y + 8) (y + 3) + 56
vii. (x – 3) (x – 4)2 (x – 5) – 6
i. (x2 – x)2 – 8(x2 – x) + 12
= m2 – 8m + 12 …[Putting x2 – x = m]
= m2 – 6m – 2m + 12
= m(m – 6) – 2(m – 6)
= (m – 6)(m – 2)
= (x2 – x- 6) (x2 – x- 2) …[Replacing m = x2 -x]
= (x2 – 3x + 2x – 6) (x2 – 2x + x – 2)
= [x(x – 3) + 2(x – 3)] [x(x – 2) + 1 (x-2)]
= (x – 3) (x + 2) (x – 2) (x + 1)

ii. (x – 5)2 – (5x – 25) – 24
= (x – 5)2 – (5x – 25) – 24
= (x – 5)2 – 5(x – 5) – 24
= m2 – 5m – 24 … [Putting x – 5 = m]
= m2 – 8m + 3m – 24
= m(m – 8) + 3(m – 8)
= (m – 8) (m + 3)
= (x – 5 – 8) (x – 5 + 3) … [Replacing m = x – 5]
= (x – 13) (x – 2)
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iii. (x2 – 6x)2 – 8(x2 – 6x + 8) – 64
= m2 – 8(m + 8)-64 …[Putting x2 – 6x = m]
= m2 – 8m – 64 – 64
= m2 – 8m – 128
= m2 – 16m + 8m- 128
= m(m – 16) + 8(m – 16)
= (m – 16)(m + 8)
= (x2 – 6x – 16) (x2 – 6x + 8) … [Replacing m = x2 – 6x]
= (x2 – 8x + 2x – 16) (x2 – 4x – 2x + 8)
= [x(x – 8) + 2(x – 8)] [x(x – 4) – 2(x – 4)]
= (x – 8) (x + 2) (x – 4) (x – 2)

iv. (x2– 2x + 3) (x2 – 2x + 5) – 35
= (m + 3) (m + 5) – 35 … [Putting x2 – 2x = m]
= m (m + 5) + 3(m + 5) – 35
= m2 + 5m + 3m + 15 – 35
= m2 + 8m – 20
= m2 + 10m – 2m – 20
= m(m + 10) – 2(m + 10)
= (m + 10) (m – 2)
= (x2 – 2x + 10) (x2 – 2x – 2) … [Replacing m = x2 – 2x]
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v. (y + 2) (y – 3) (y + 8) (y + 3) + 56
= (y + 2)(y + 3)(y – 3)(y + 8) + 56
= (y2 + 3y + 2y + 6) (y2 + 8y – 3y – 24) + 56
= (y2 + 5y + 6) (y2 + 5y – 24) + 56
= (m + 6) (m – 24) + 56 … [Putting y2 + 5y = m]
= m (m – 24) + 6 (m – 24) + 56
= m2 – 24m + 6m – 144 + 56
= m2 – 18m – 88
= m2 – 22m + 4m – 88
= m(m – 22) + 4(m – 22)
= (m – 22) (m + 4)
= (y2 + 5y – 22)(y2 + 5y + 4) … [Replacing m = y2 + 5y]
= (y2 + 5y – 22) (y2 + 4y + y + 4)
= (y2 + 5y – 22) [y(y + 4) + 1(y + 4)]
= (y2 + 5y – 22) (y + 4) (y + 1)

vi. (y2 + 5y) (y2 + 5y – 2) – 24
= (m)(m – 2) – 24 … [Putting y2 + 5y = m]
= m2 – 2m – 24
= m2 – 6m + 4m – 24
= m(m – 6) + 4(m – 6)
= (m – 6) (m + 4)
= (y2 + 5y – 6) (y2 + 5y + 4) … [Replacing m = y2 + 5y]
= (y2 + 6y – y – 6) (y2 + 4y + y + 4)
= [y(y + 6) – 1(y + 6)] [y(y + 4) + 1(y + 4)]
= (y + 6) (y – 1) (y + 4) (y + 1)

vii. (x – 3) (x – 4)2 (x – 5) – 6
= (x – 3) (x – 5) (x – 4)2 – 6
= (x2 – 5x – 3x + 15) (x2 – 8x + 16) – 6
= (x2 – 8x + 15) (x2 – 8x + 16) – 6
= (m + 15) (m+ 16) – 6 … [Putting x2 – 8x = m]
= m (m + 16) + 15 (m + 16) – 6
= m2 + 16m + 15m + 240 – 6
= m2 + 31m + 234
= m2 + 18m + 13m + 234
= m(m + 18) + 13(m + 18)
= (m + 18) (m + 13)
= (x2 – 8x + 18) (x2 – 8x + 13) … [Replacing m = x2 – 8x]

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.5

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.5

Question 1.
Find the value of the polynomial 2x – 2x3 + 7 using given values for x.
i. x = 3
ii. x = -1
iii. x = 0
i. p(x) = 2x – 2x3 + 7
Put x = 3 in the given polynomial.
∴ p(3) = 2(3) – 2(3)3 + 7
= 6 – 2 x 27 + 7
= 6 – 54 + 7
∴ P(3) = – 41

ii. p(x) = 2x – 2x3 + 7
Put x = -1 in the given polynomial.
∴ p(- 1) = 2(- 1) – 2(-1)3 + 7
= – 2 – 2(-1) + 7
= -2 + 2 + 7
∴ p(-1) = 7

iii. p(x) = 2x – 2x3 + 7
Put x = 0 in the given polynomial.
∴ p(0) = 2(0) – 2(0)3 + 7
= 0 – 0 + 7
∴ P(0) = 7

Question 2.
For each of the following polynomial, find p(1), p(0) and p(- 2).
i. p(x) = x3
ii. p(y) = y2 – 2y + 5
ii. p(y) = x4 – 2x2 + x
i. p(x) = x3
∴ p(1) = 13 = 1
p(x) = x3
∴ p(0) = 03 = 0
p(x) = x3
∴ p(-2) = (-2)3 = -8

ii. p(y) = y2 – 2y + 5
∴ p(1) = 12 – 2(1) + 5
= 1 – 2 + 5
∴ P(1) = 4
p(y) = y2 – 2y + 5
∴ p(0) = 02 – 2(0) + 5
= 0 – 0 + 5
∴ p(0) = 5
p(y) = y2 – 2y + 5
∴ p(- 2) = (- 2)2 – 2(- 2) + 5
= 4 + 4 + 5
∴ p(-2) = 13

iii. p(x) = x4 – 2x2 – x
∴ p(1) = (1)4 – 2(1)2 – 1
= 1 – 2 – 1
∴ p(1) = -2
∴ p(x) = x4 – 2x2 – x
∴ p(0) = (0)4 – 2(0)2 – 0
= 0 – 0 – 0
∴ p(0) = 0
p(x) = x4 – 2x2 – x
∴ p(-2) = (-2)4 – 2(-2)2 – (-2)
= 16 – 2(4) + 2
= 16 – 8 + 2
∴ p(-2) = 10

Question 3.
If the value of the polynomial m3 + 2m + a is 12 for m = 2, then find the value of a.
p(m) = m3 + 2m + a
∴ p(2) = (2)3 + 2(2) + a
∴ 12 = 8 + 4 + a … [∵ p(2)= 12]
∴ 12 = 12 + a
∴ a = 12 – 12
∴ a = 0

Question 4.
For the polynomial mx2 – 2x + 3 if p(-1) = 7, then find m.
p(x) = mx2 – 2x + 3
∴ p(- 1) = m (- 1)2 – 2(- 1) + 3
∴ 7 = m(1) + 2 + 3 …[∵ p(-1) = 7]
∴ 7 = m + 5
∴ m = 7 – 5
∴ m = 2

Question 5.
Divide the first polynomial by the second polynomial and find the remainder using remainder theorem.
i. (x2 – 1x + 9); (x + 1)
ii. (2x3 – 2x2 + ax – a); (x – a)
iii. (54m3 + 18m2 – 27m + 5); (m – 3)
i. p(x) = x2 – 7x + 9
Divisor = x + 1
∴ take x = – 1
∴ By remainder theorem,
∴ Remainder =p(-1)
p(x) = x2 – 7x + 9
∴ p(-1) = (- 1)2 – 7(- 1) + 9
= 1 + 7 + 9
∴ Remainder =17

ii. p(x) = 2x3 – 2x2 + ax – a
Divisor = x – a
∴ take x = a
By remainder theorem,
Remainder = p(a)
p(x) = 2x3 – 2x2 + ax – a
∴ p(a) = 2a3 – 2a2 + a(a) – a
= 2a3– 2a2 + a2 – a
∴ Remainder = 2a3 – a2 – a

iii. p(m) = 54m3 + 18m2 – 27m + 5
Divisor = m – 3
∴ take m = 3
∴ By remainder theorem,
Remainder = p(3)
p(m) = 54m3 + 18m2 – 27m + 5
∴ p(3) = 54(3)3 +18(3)2 – 27(3) + 5
= 54(27) + 18(9) – 81 + 5
= 1458 + 162 – 81 + 5
∴ Remainder = 1544

Question 6.
If the polynomial y3 – 5y2 + 7y + m is divided by y + 2 and the remainder is 50, then find the value of m.
p(y) = y3 – 5y2 + 7y + m
Divisor = y + 2
∴ take y = – 2
∴ By remainder theorem,
Remainder = p(- 2) = 50
P(y) = y3 – 5y2 + 7y + m
∴ P(-2) = (- 2)3 – 5(- 2)2 + 7(- 2) + m
∴ 50 = -8 – 5(4) – 14 + m
∴ 50 = -8 – 20 – 14 + m
∴ 50 = – 42 + m
∴ m = 50 + 42
∴ m = 92

Question 7.
Use factor theorem to determine whether x + 3 is a factor of x2 + 2x – 3 or not.
p(x) = x2 + 2x – 3
Divisor = x + 3
∴ take x = – 3
∴ Remainder = p(-3)
p(x) = x2 + 2x – 3
∴ p(-3) = (-3)2 + 2(- 3) – 3
= 9 – 6 – 3
∴ p(-3) = 0
∴ By factor theorem, x + 3 is a factor of x2 + 2x – 3.

Question 8.
If (x – 2) is a factor of x3 – mx2 + 10x – 20, then find the value of m.
p(x) = x3 – mx2 + 10x – 20 x – 2 is a factor of x3 – mx2 + lOx – 20.
∴By factor theorem,
Remainder = p(2) = 0
p(x) = x3 – mx2 + 10x – 20
∴ p(2) = (2)3 – m(2)2 + 10(2) – 20
∴ 0 = 8 – 4m + 20 – 20
∴ 0 = 8 – 4m
∴ 4m = 8
∴ m = 2

Question 9.
By using factor theorem in the following examples, determine whether q(x) is a factor of p(x) or not.
i. p(x) = x3 – x2 – x -1 ; q(x) = x – 1
ii. p(x) = 2x3 – x2 – 45 ; q(x) = x – 3
i. p(x) = x3 – x2 – x – 1
Divisor = q(x) = x – 1
∴ take x = 1
Remainder = p(1)
p(x) = x3 – x2 – x – 1
∴ P(1) = (1)3 – (1)2 – 1 – 1
= 1 – 1 – 1 – 1
= -2 ≠ 0
∴ By factor theorem, x – 1 is not a factor of x3 – x2 – x – 1.

ii. p(x) = 2x3 – x – 45
Divisor = q(x) = x – 3
take x = 3
Remainder = p(3)
p(x) = 2x3 – x2 – 45
P(3) = 2(3)3 – (3)2 – 45
= 2(27) – 9 – 45
= 54 – 9 – 45
= 0
∴ By factor theorem, x – 3 is a factor of 2x3 – x2 – 45.

Question 10.
If (x31 + 31) is divided by (x + 1), then find the remainder.
p(x) = x31 + 31
Divisor = x + 1
∴ take x = – 1
∴ By remainder theorem,
Remainder = p(-1)
p(x) =x31 + 31 …
∴ p(-1) = (-1)31 + 31
= -1 + 31 = 30
∴ Remainder = 30

Question 11.
Show that m – 1 is a factor of m21 – 1 and m22 – 1. [3 Marks]
i. p(m) = m21 – 1
Divisor = m – 1
∴ take m = 1
Remainder = p(1)
p(m) = m21 – 1
∴ P(1) = 121 – 1 = 1 – 1 = 0
∴ By factor theorem, m -1 is a factor of m21 -1.

ii. p(m) = m22 – 1
Divisor = m – 1
∴ take m = 1
Remainder = p(1)
p(m) = m22 – 1
∴ P(1) = 122 – 1 = 1 – 1 = 0
∴ By factor theorem, m -1 is a factor of m22 – 1.

Question 12.
If x – 2 and x – \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) both are the factors of the polynomial nx2 – 5x + m, then show that m = n = 2.
p(x) = nx2 – 5x + m
(x – 2) is a factor of nx2 – 5x + m.
∴ By factor theorem,
P(2) = 0
∴ p(x) = nx2 – 5x + m
∴ p(2) = n(2)2 – 5(2) + m
∴ 0 = n(4) – 10 + m
∴ 4n – 10 + m = 0 …(i)
Also, ( x = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) ) is a factor of nx2 – 5x + m.
∴ By factor theorem,
p(\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)) = 0
p(x) = nx2 – 5x + m
∴ p(\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)) = n(\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\))2 – 5\(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\) + m
0 = \(\frac { n }{ 4 }\) – \(\frac { 5 }{ 2 }\) + m
∴ 0 = n- 10 +4m … [Multiplying both sides by 4]
∴ n = 10 – 4m ……(ii)
Substituting n = 10 – 4m in equation (i),
4(10 – 4m) – 10 + m = 0
∴ 40 – 16m – 10 + m = 0
∴ -15m+ 30 = 0
∴ -15m = -30
∴ m = 2
Substituting m = 2 in equation (ii),
n = 10 – 4(2)
= 10 – 8
∴ n = 2
∴ m = n = 2

Question 13.
i. If p(x) = 2 + 5x, then find the value of p(2) + p(- 2) – p(1).
p(x) = 2 + 5x
∴ P(2) = 2 + 5(2)
= 2 + 10
= 12
p(x) = 2 + 5x
P(- 2) = 2 + 5(- 2)
= 2 – 10 = – 8
p(x) = 2 + 5x
P(1) = 2 + 5(1)
= 2 + 5 = 7
∴ P(2) + P(- 2) – p(1) = 12 + (- 8) – 7
∴ P(2) + p(- 2) – p(1) = – 3

ii. If p(x) = 2x2 – 5√3 x + 5, then find the value of p(5√3 ).
p(x) = 2x2 – 5√3 x + 5
∴ p(5√3) = 2(5√3)2 – 5√3 (5√3 ) + 5
= 2 (25 x 3) – 25 x 3 + 5
= 150-75 + 5
∴ p( 5√3 ) = 80

Question 1.
1. Divide p(x) = 3x2 + x + 7 by x + 2. Find the remainder.
2. Find the value of p(x) = 3x2 + x + 7 when x = – 2.
3. See whether remainder obtained by division is same as the value of p(-2). Take one more example and verify. (Textbook pg. no. 50)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.5 1
∴ Remainder = 17

2. p(x) = 3x2 + x + 7
Substituting x = – 2, we get
p(-2) = 3(2)2 + (-2) + 7
= 12 – 2 + 7
∴ p(-2) = 17

3. Yes, remainder = p(-2)

Another Example:
If the polynomial t3 – 3t2 + kt + 50 is divided by (t – 3), the remainder is 62. Find the value of k.
When given polynomial is divided by (t – 3) the remainder is 62. It means the value of the polynomial when t = 3 is 62.
p(t) = t3 – 3t3 + kt + 50
By remainder theorem,
Remainder = p(3) = 33 – 32 + k x 3 + 50
= 27 – 3 x 9 + 3k + 50
= 27 – 27 + 3k + 50
= 3k + 50
But remainder is 62.
∴ 3k + 50 = 62
∴ 3k = 62 – 50
∴ 3k = 12
∴ k = 4

Question 2.
Verify that (x – 1) is a factor of the polynomial x3 + 4x – 5. (Textbook pg. no. 51)
Here, p(x) = x3 + 4x – 5
Substituting x = 1 in p(x), we get
p(1) = (1)3 + 4(1) – 5
= 1 + 4 – 5
P(1) = 0
∴ By remainder theorem,
Remainder = 0
∴ (x -1) is the factor of x3 + 4x – 5.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1

Question 1.
Identify, with reason, which of the following are Pythagorean triplets.
i. (3,5,4)
ii. (4,9,12)
iii. (5,12,13)
iv. (24,70,74)
v. (10,24,27)
vi. (11,60,61)
i. Here, 52 = 25
32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25
∴ 52 = 32 + 42
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ (3,5,4) is a Pythagorean triplet.

ii. Here, 122 = 144
42 + 92= 16 + 81 =97
∴ 122 ≠ 42 + 92
The square of the largest number is not equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ (4,9,12) is not a Pythagorean triplet.

iii. Here, 132 = 169
52 + 122 = 25 + 144 = 169
∴ 132 = 52 + 122
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ (5,12,13) is a Pythagorean triplet.

iv. Here, 742 = 5476
242 + 702 = 576 + 4900 = 5476
∴ 742 = 242 + 702
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ (24, 70,74) is a Pythagorean triplet.

v. Here, 272 = 729
102 + 242 = 100 + 576 = 676
∴ 272 ≠ 102 + 242
The square of the largest number is not equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ (10,24,27) is not a Pythagorean triplet.

vi. Here, 612 = 3721
112 + 602 = 121 + 3600 = 3721
∴ 612 = 112 + 602
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ (11,60,61) is a Pythagorean triplet.

Question 2.
In the adjoining figure, ∠MNP = 90°, seg NQ ⊥ seg MP,MQ = 9, QP = 4, find NQ.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 25
In ∆MNP, ∠MNP = 90° and [Given]
seg NQ ⊥ seg MP
NQ2 = MQ × QP [Theorem of geometric mean]
∴ NQ = \(\sqrt { MQ\times QP }\) [Taking square root of both sides]
= \(\sqrt { 9\times 4 } \)
= 3 × 2
∴NQ = 6 units

Question 3.
In the adjoining figure, ∠QPR = 90°, seg PM ⊥ seg QR and Q – M – R, PM = 10, QM = 8, find QR.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1 2
In ∆PQR, ∠QPR = 90° and [Given]
seg PM ⊥ seg QR
∴ PM2 = OM × MR [Theorem of geometric mean]
∴ 102 = 8 × MR
∴ MR = \(\frac { 100 }{ 8 } \)
= 12.5
Now, QR = QM + MR [Q – M – R]
= 8 + 12.5
∴ QR = 20.5 units

Question 4.
See adjoining figure. Find RP and PS using the information given in ∆PSR.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1 3
In ∆PSR, ∠S = 90°, ∠P = 30° [Given]
∴ ∠R = 60° [Remaining angle of a triangle]
∴ ∆PSR is a 30° – 60° – 90° triangle.
RS = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) RP [Side opposite to 30°]
∴6 = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) RP
∴ RP = 6 × 2 = 12 units
Also, PS = \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\) RP [Side opposite to 60°]
= \(\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}\) × 12
= \(6 \sqrt{3}\) units
∴ RP = 12 units, PS = 6 \(\sqrt { 3 }\) units

Question 5.
For finding AB and BC with the help of information given in the adjoining figure, complete the following activity.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1 4
AB = BC [Given]
∴ ∠BAC = ∠BCA [Isosceles triangle theorem]
Let ∠BAC = ∠BCA = x (i)
In ∆ABC, ∠A + ∠B + ∠C = 180° [Sum of the measures of the angles of a triangle is 180°]
∴ x + 90° + x = 180° [From (i)]
∴ 2x = 90°
∴ x = \(\frac { 90° }{ 2 } \) [From (i)]
∴ x = 45°
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1

Question 6.
Find the side and perimeter of a square whose diagonal is 10 cm.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1
Let ꠸ABCD be the given square.
l(diagonal AC) = 10 cm
Let the side of the square be ‘x’ cm.
In ∆ABC,
∠B = 90° [Angle of a square]
∴ AC2 = AB2 + BC2 [Pythagoras theorem]
∴ 102 = x2 + x2
∴ 100 = 2x2
∴ x2 = \(\frac { 100 }{ 2 } \)
∴x2 = 50
∴ x = \(\sqrt { 50 }\) [Taking square root of both sides]
= \(=\sqrt{25 \times 2}=5 \sqrt{2}\)
∴side of square is 5\(\sqrt { 2 }\) cm.
= 4 × 5 \(\sqrt { 2 }\)
∴ Perimeter of square = 20 \(\sqrt { 2 }\) cm

Question 7.
In the adjoining figure, ∠DFE = 90°, FG ⊥ ED. If GD = 8, FG = 12, find
i. EG
ii. FD, and
iii. EF
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1 6
i. In ∆DEF, ∠DFE = 90° and FG ⊥ ED [Given]
∴ FG2 = GD × EG [Theorem of geometric mean]
∴ 122 = 8 × EG .
∴ EG = \(\frac { 144 }{ 8 } \)
∴ EG = 18 units

ii. In ∆FGD, ∠FGD = 90° [Given]
∴ FD2 = FG2 + GD2 [Pythagoras theorem]
= 122 + 82 = 144 + 64
= 208
∴ FD = \(\sqrt { 208 }\) [Taking square root of both sides]
∴ FD = 4 \(\sqrt { 13 }\) units

iii. In ∆EGF, ∠EGF = 90° [Given]
∴ EF2 = EG2 + FG2 [Pythagoras theorem]
= 182 + 122 = 324 + 144
= 468
∴ EF = \(\sqrt { 468 }\) [Taking square root of both sides]
∴ EF = 6 \(\sqrt { 13 }\) units

Question 8.
Find the diagonal of a rectangle whose length is 35 cm and breadth is 12 cm.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1 7
Let ꠸ABCD be the given rectangle.
AB = 12 cm, BC 35 cm
In ∆ABC, ∠B = 90° [Angle of a rectangle]
∴ AC2 = AB2 + BC2 [Pythagoras theorem]
= 122 + 352
= 144 + 1225
= 1369
∴ AC = \(\sqrt { 1369 }\) [Taking square root of both sides]
= 37 cm
∴ The diagonal of the rectangle is 37 cm.

Question 9.
In the adjoining figure, M is the midpoint of QR. ∠PRQ = 90°.
Prove that, PQ2 = 4 PM2 – 3 PR2.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1 8
In ∆PQR, ∠PRQ = 90° [Given]
PQ2 = PR2 + QR2 (i) [Pythagoras theorem]
RM = \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 } \) QR [M is the midpoint of QR]
∴ 2RM = QR (ii)
∴ PQ2 = PR2 + (2RM)2 [From (i) and (ii)]
∴ PQ2 = PR2 + 4RM2 (iii)
Now, in ∆PRM, ∠PRM = 90° [Given]
∴ PM2 = PR2 + RM2 [Pythagoras theorem]
∴ RM2 = PM2 – PR2 (iv)
∴ PQ2 = PR2 + 4 (PM2 – PR2) [From (iii) and (iv)]
∴ PQ2 = PR2 + 4 PM2 – 4 PR2
∴ PQ2 = 4 PM2 – 3 PR2

Question 10.
Walls of two buildings on either side of a street are parallel to each other. A ladder 5.8 m long is placed on the street such that its top just reaches the window of a building at the height of 4 m. On turning the ladder over to the other side of the street, its top touches the window of the other building at a height 4.2 m. Find the width of the street.
Let AC and CE represent the ladder of length 5.8 m, and A and E represent windows of the buildings on the opposite sides of the street. BD is the width of the street.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1 9
AB = 4 m and ED = 4.2 m
In ∆ABC, ∠B = 90° [Given]
AC2 = AB2 + BC2 [Pythagoras theorem]
∴ 5.82 = 42 + BC2
∴ 5.82 – 42 = BC2
∴ (5.8 – 4) (5.8 + 4) = BC2
∴ 1.8 × 9.8 = BC2
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Pythagoras Theorem Practice Set 2.1

CE2 = CD2 + DE2 [Pythagoras theorem]
∴ 5.82 = CD2 + 4.22
∴ 5.82 – 4.22 = CD2
∴ (5.8 – 4.2) (5.8 + 4.2) = CD2
∴ 1.6 × 10 = CD2
∴ CD2 = 16
∴ CD = 4m (ii) [Taking square root of both sides]
Now, BD = BC + CD [B – C – D]
= 4.2 + 4 [From (i) and (ii)]
= 8.2 m
∴ The width of the street is 8.2 metres.

Question 1.
Verify that (3,4,5), (5,12,13), (8,15,17), (24,25,7) are Pythagorean triplets. (Textbook pg. no. 30)
i. Here, 52 = 25
32 + 42 = 9 + 16 = 25
∴ 52 = 32 + 42
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ 3,4,5 is a Pythagorean triplet.

ii. Here, 132 = 169
52 + 122 = 25 + 144 = 169
∴ 132 = 52 + 122
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ 5,12,13 is a Pythagorean triplet.

iii. Here, 172 = 289
82 + 152 = 64 + 225 = 289
∴ 172 = 82 + 152
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ 8,15,17 is a Pythagorean triplet.

iv. Here, 252 = 625
72 + 242 = 49 + 576 = 625
∴ 252 = 72 + 242
The square of the largest number is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two numbers.
∴ 24,25, 7 is a Pythagorean triplet.

Question 2.
Assign different values to a and b and obtain 5 Pythagorean triplets. (Textbook pg. no. 31)
i. Let a = 2, b = 1
a2 + b2 = 22 + 12 = 4 + 1 = 5
a2 – b2 = 22 – 12 = 4 – 1 = 3
2ab = 2 × 2 × 1 = 4
∴ (5, 3, 4) is a Pythagorean triplet.

ii. Let a = 4,b = 3
a2 + b2 = 42 + 32 = 16 + 9 = 25
a2 – b2 = 42 – 32 = 16 – 9 = 7
2ab = 2 × 4 × 3 = 24
∴ (25, 7, 24) is a Pythagorean triplet.

iii. Let a = 5, b = 2
a2 + b2 = 52 + 22 = 25 + 4 = 29
a2 – b2 = 52 – 22 = 25 – 4 = 21
2ab = 2 × 5 × 2 = 20
∴ (29, 21, 20) is a Pythagorean triplet.

iv. Let a = 4,b = 1
a2 + b2 = 42 + 12 = 16 + 1 = 17
a2 – b2 = 42 – 12 = 16 – 1 = 15
2ab = 2 × 4 × 1 = 8
∴ (17, 15, 8) is a Pythagorean triplet.

v. Let a = 9, b = 7
a2 + b2 = 92 + 72 = 81 + 49 = 130
a2 – b2 = 92 – 72 = 81 – 49 = 32
2ab = 2 × 9 × 7 = 126
∴ (130,32,126) is a Pythagorean triplet.

Note: Numbers in Pythagorean triplet can be written in any order.

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.4

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.4

Question 1.
For x = 0, find the value of the polynomial x2 – 5x + 5.
p(x) = x2 – 5x + 5
Put x = 0 in the given polynomial.
∴ P(0) = (0)2 – 5(0) + 5
= 0 – 0 + 5
∴ p(0) = 5

Question 2.
If p(y) = y2 – 3√2 + 1, then find p( 3√2 ).
p(y) = y2 – 3√2 y + 1
Putp= 3√2 in the given polynomial.
∴ p( 3√2 ) = (3√2 )2 – 3√2 (3√2 ) + 1
= 9 x 2 – 9 x 2 + 1
= 18 – 18 + 1
∴ p( 3√2 ) = 1

Question 3.
If p(m) = m3 + 2m2 – m + 10, then P(a) + p(-a) = ?
p(m) = m3 + 2m2 – m + 10
Put m = a in the given polynomial.
∴ p(a) = a3 + 2a2 – a + 10 …(i)
Put m = -a in the given polynomial.
p(-a) = (-a)3 + 2(-a)2 – (-a) +10
∴ p (-a) = -a3 + 2a2 + a + 10 …(ii)
Adding (i) and (ii),
p(a) + p(-a) = (a3 + 2a2 – a + 10) + (-a3 + 2a2 + a + 10)
= a3 – a3 + 2a2 + 2a2a + a + 10 + 10
∴ p(a) + p(-a) = 4a2 + 20

Question 4.
If p(y) = 2y3 – 6y2 – 5y + 7, then find p(2).
p(y) = 2y3 – 6y2 – 5y + 7
Put y = 2 in the given polynomial.
∴ p(2) = 2(2)3 – 6(2)2 – 5(2) + 7
= 2 x 8 – 6 x 4 – 10 + 7
= 16 – 24 – 10 + 7
∴ P(2) = -11

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3

Question 1.
Divide each of the following polynomials by synthetic division method and also by linear division method. Write the quotient and the remainder.
i. (2m2 – 3m + 10) ÷ (m – 5)
ii. (x4 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 4x + 5) ÷ (x + 2)
iii. (y3 – 216) ÷ (y – 6)
iv. (2x4 + 3x3 + 4x – 2x2) ÷ (x + 3)
v. (x4 – 3x2 – 8) ÷ (x + 4)
vi. (y3 – 3y2 + 5y – 1) ÷ (y – 1)
i. Synthetic division:
(2m2 – 3m + 10) ÷ (m – 5)
Dividend = 2m² – 3m + 10
∴ Coefficient form of dividend = (2, -3, 10)
Divisor = m – 5
∴ Opposite of -5 is 5.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3 1
Coefficient form of quotient = (2, 7)
∴ Quotient = 2m + 7,
Remainder = 45
Linear division method:
2m2 – 3m + 10
To get the term 2m2, multiply (m – 5) by 2m and add 10m,
= 2m(m – 5) + 10m- 3m + 10
= 2m(m – 5) + 7m + 10
To get the term 7m, multiply (m – 5) by 7 and add 35
= 2m(m – 5) + 7(m- 5) + 35+ 10
= (m – 5) (2m + 7) + 45
∴ Quotient = 2m + 7,
Remainder = 45

ii. Synthetic division:
(x4 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 4x + 5) ÷ (x + 2)
Dividend = x4 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 4x + 5
∴ Coefficient form of dividend = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Divisor = x + 2
∴ Opposite of + 2 is -2.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3 2
Coefficient form of quotient = (1, 0, 3, -2)
∴ Quotient = x3 + 3x – 2,
Remainder = 9

Linear division method:
x4 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 4x + 5
To get the term x4, multiply (x + 2) by x3 and subtract 2x3,
= x3(x + 2) – 2x3 + 2x3 + 3x2 + 4x + 5
= x3(x + 2) + 3x2 + 4x + 5
To get the term 3x2, multiply (x + 2) by 3x and subtract 6x,
= x3(x + 2) + 3x(x + 2) – 6x + 4x + 5
= x3(x + 2) + 3x(x + 2) – 2x + 5
To get the term -2x, multiply (x + 2) by -2 and add 4,
= x3(x + 2) + 3x(x + 2) – 2(x + 2) + 4 + 5
= (x + 2) (x3 + 3x – 2) + 9
∴ Quotient = x3 + 3x – 2,
Remainder – 9

iii. Synthetic division:
(y3 – 216) ÷ (y – 6)
Dividend = y3 – 216
∴ Index form = y3 + 0y3 + 0y – 216
∴ Coefficient form of dividend = (1, 0, 0, -216)
Divisor = y – 6
∴ Opposite of – 6 is 6.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3 3
Coefficient form of quotient = (1, 6, 36)
∴ Quotient = y2 + 6y + 36,
Remainder = 0

Linear division method:
y3 – 216
To get the term y3, multiply (y – 6) by y2 and add 6y2,
= y2(y – 6) + 6y2 – 216
= y2(y – 6) + 6ysup>2 – 216
To get the, term 6 y2 multiply (y – 6) by 6y and add 36y,
= y2(y – 6) + 6y(y – 6) + 36y – 216
= y2(y – 6) + 6y(y – 6) + 36y – 216
To get the term 36y, multiply (y- 6) by 36 and add 216,
= y2 (y – 6) + 6y(y – 6) + 36(y – 6) + 216 – 216
= (y – 6) (y2 + 6y + 36) + 0
Quotient = y2 + 6y + 36
Remainder = 0

iv. Synthetic division:
(2x4 + 3x3 + 4x – 2x2) ÷ (x + 3)
Dividend = 2x4 + 3x3 + 4x – 2x2
∴ Index form = 2x4 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x + 0
∴ Coefficient form of the dividend = (2,3, -2,4,0)
Divisor = x + 3
∴ Opposite of + 3 is -3
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3 4
Coefficient form of quotient = (2, -3, 7, -17)
∴ Quotient = 2x3 – 3x2 + 7x – 17,
Remainder = 51

Linear division method:
2x4 + 3x3 + 4x – 2x2 = 2x2 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x
To get the term 2x4, multiply (x + 3) by 2x3 and subtract 6x3,
= 2x3(x + 31 – 6x3 + 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x
= 2x3(x + 3) – 3x3 – 2x2 + 4x

To get the term – 3x3, multiply (x + 3) by -3x2 and add 9x2,
= 2x3(x + 3) – 3x2(x + 3) + 9x2 – 2x2 + 4x
= 2x3(x + 3) – 3x2(x + 3) + 7x2 + 4x

To get the term 7x2, multiply (x + 3) by 7x and subtract 21x,
= 2x3(x + 3) – 3x2(x + 3) + 7x(x + 3) – 21x + 4x
= 2x3(x + 3) – 3x2(x + 3) + 7x(x + 3) – 17x

To get the term -17x, multiply (x + 3) by -17 and add 51,
= 2x3(x + 3) – 3x2(x + 3) + 7x(x+3) – 17(x + 3) + 51
= (x + 3) (2x3 – 3x2 + 7x- 17) + 51
∴ Quotient = 2x3 – 3x2 + 7x – 17,
Remainder = 51

v. Synthetic division:
(x4 – 3x2 – 8) + (x + 4)
Dividend = x4 – 3x2 – 8
∴ Index form = x4 + 0x3 – 3x2 + 0x – 8
∴ Coefficient form of the dividend = (1,0, -3,0, -8)
Divisor = x + 4
∴ Opposite of + 4 is -4
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3 5
∴ Coefficient form of quotient = (1, -4, 13, -52)
∴ Quotient = x3 – 4x2 + 13x – 52,
Remainder = 200

Linear division method:
x4 – 3x2 – 8
To get the term x4, multiply (x + 4) by x3 and subtract 4x3,
= x3(x + 4) – 4x3 – 3x2 – 8
= x3(x + 4) – 4x3 – 3x2 – 8
To get the term – 4x3, multiply (x + 4) by -4x2 and add 16x2,
= x3(x + 4) – 4x2 (x + 4) + 16x2 – 3x2 – 8
= x3(x + 4) – 4x2 (x + 4) + 13x2 – 8
To get the term 13x2, multiply (x + 4) by 13x and subtract 52x,
= x3(x + 4) – 4x2(x + 4) + 13x(x + 4) – 52x – 8
= x3(x + 4) – 4x2(x + 4) + 13x(x + 4) – 52x – 8
To get the term -52x, multiply (x + 4) by – 52 and add 208,
= x3(x + 4) – 4x2(x + 4) + 13x(x + 4) – 52(x + 4) + 208 – 8
= (x + 4) (x3 – 4x2 + 13x – 52) + 200
∴ Quotient = x3 – 4x2 + 13x – 52,
Remainder 200

vi. Synthetic division:
(y3 – 3y2 + 5y – 1) ÷ (y – 1)
Dividend = y3 – 3y2 + 5y – 1
Coefficient form of the dividend = (1, -3, 5, -1)
Divisor = y – 1
∴Opposite of -1 is 1.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.3 6
∴ Coefficient form of quotient = (1, -2, 3)
∴ Quotient = y2 – 2y + 3,
Remainder = 2

Linear division method:
y3 -3y2 + 5y – 1
To get the term y3 , multiply (y – 1) by y2 and add y2
= y2 (y – 1) + y2 – 3y2 + 5y – 1
= y2 (y – 1) – 2y2 + 5y – 1
To get the term -2y2, multiply (y – 1) by -2y and subtract 2y,
= y2 (y – 1) – 2y(y – 1) – 2y + 5y – 1
= y2 (y – 1) – 2y(y – 1) + 3y – 1
To get the term 3y, multiply (y – 1) by 3 and add 3,
= y2 (y – 1) – 2y(y – 1) + 3(y- 1) + 3 – 1
= (y – 1)(y2 – 2y + 3) + 2
∴ Quotient = y2 – 2y + 3,
Remainder = 2.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions


Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.2

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.2

Question 1.
Use the given letters to write the answer.
i. There are ‘a’ trees in the village Lat. If the number of trees increases every year by ’b‘. then how many trees will there be after ‘x’ years?
ii. For the parade there are y students in each row and x such row are formed. Then, how many students are there for the parade in all ?
iii. The tens and units place of a two digit number is m and n respectively. Write the polynomial which represents the two digit number.
i. Number of trees in the village Lat = a
Number of trees increasing each year = b
∴ Number of trees after x years = a + bx
∴ There will be a + bx trees in the village Lat after x years.

ii. Total rows = x
Number of students in each row = y
∴ Total students = Total rows × Number of students in each row
= x × y
= xy
∴ There are in all xy students for the parade.

iii. Digit in units place = n
Digit in tens place = m
∴ The two digit number = 10 x digit in tens place + digit in units place
= 10m + n
∴ The polynomial representing the two digit number is 10m + n.

Question 2.
Add the given polynomials.
i. x3 – 2x2 – 9; 5x3 + 2x + 9
ii. -7m4+ 5m3 + √2 ; 5m4 – 3m3 + 2m2 + 3m – 6
iii. 2y2 + 7y + 5; 3y + 9; 3y2 – 4y – 3
i. (x3 – 2x2 – 9) + (5x3 + 2x + 9)
= x3 – 2x2 – 9 + 5x3 + 2x + 9
= x3 + 5x3 – 2x2 + 2x – 9 + 9
= 6x3 – 2x2 + 2x

ii. (-7m4 + 5m3 + √2 ) + (5m4 – 3m3 + 2m2 + 3m – 6)
= -7m4 + 5m3 + √2 + 5m4 – 3m3 + 2m2 + 3m – 6
= -7m4 + 5m4 + 5m3 – 3m3 + 2m2 + 3m +√2 – 6
= -2m4 + 2m3 + 2m2 + 3m + √2 – 6

iii. (2y2 + 7y + 5) + (3y + 9) + (3y2 – 4y – 3)
= 2y2 + 7y + 5 + 3y + 9 + 3y2 – 4y – 3
= 2y2 + 3y2 + 7y + 3y – 4y + 5 + 9 – 3
= 5y2 + 6y + 11

Question 3.
Subtract the second polynomial from the first.
i. x2 – 9x + √3 ; – 19x + √3 + 7x2
ii. 2ab2 + 3a2b – 4ab; 3ab – 8ab2 + 2a2b
i. x2 – 9x + √3 -(- 19x + √3 + 7x2)
= x2 – 9x + √3 + 19x – √ 3 – 7x2
= x2 – 7x29x + 19x + √3 – √3
= – 6x2 + 10x

ii. (2ab2 + 3a2b – 4ab) – (3ab – 8ab2 + 2a2b)
= 2ab2 + 3a2b – 4ab – 3ab + 8ab2 – 2a2b
= 2ab2 + 8ab2 + 3a2b – 2a2b 4ab – 3ab
= 10ab2 + a2b – 7ab

Question 4.
Multiply the given polynomials.
i. 2x; x2 – 2x – 1
ii. x5 – 1; x3 + 2x2 + 2
iii. 2y +1; y2 – 2y + 3y
i. (2x) x (x2 – 2x – 1) = 2x3 – 4x2 – 2x

ii. (x5 – 1) × (x3 + 2x2 + 2)
= x5 (x3 + 2x2 + 2) -1(x3 + 2x2 + 2)
= x8 + 2x7 + 2x5 – x3 – 2x2 – 2

iii. (2y + 1) × (y2 – 2y3 + 3y)
= 2y(y2 – 2y3 + 3y) + 1(y2 – 2y3 + 3y)
= 2y3 – 4y4 + 6y2 + y2 – 2y3 + 3y
= -4y4 + 2y3 – 2y3 + 6y2 + y2 + 3y
= -4y4 + 7y2 + 3y

Question 5.
Divide first polynomial by second polynomial and write the answer in the form ‘Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder’.
i. x3 – 64; x – 4
ii. 5x5 + 4x4 – 3x3 + 2x2 + 2 ; x2 – x
i. x3 – 64 = x3 + 0x2 + 0x – 64
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.2 1
∴ Quotient = x2 + 4x + 16, Remainder = 0
Now, Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder
∴ x3 – 64 = (x – 4)(x2 + 4x + 16) + 0

ii. 5x5 + 4x4 – 3x3 + 2x2 + 2 = 5x5 + 4x4 – 3x3 + 2x + 0x + 2
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.2 2
∴ Quotient = 5x3 + 9x2 + 6x + 8,
Remainder = 8x + 2
Now, Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder
∴ 5x5 + 4x4 – 3x3 + 2x2 + 2 = (x2 – x)(5x3 + 9x2 + 6x + 8) + (8x + 2)

Question 6.
Write down the information in the form of algebraic expression and simplify.
There is a rectangular farm with length (2a2 + 3b2) metre and breadth (a2 + b2) metre. The farmer used a square shaped plot of the farm to build a house. The side of the plot was (a2 – b2) metre. What is the area of the remaining part of the farm? [4 Marks]
Length of the rectangular farm = (2a2 + 3b2) m
Breadth of the rectangular farm = (a2 + b2) m
Area of the farm = length x breadth = (2a2 + 3b2) x (a2 + b2)
= 2a2(a2 + b2) + 3b2(a2 + b2)
= 2a2 + 2a2b2 + 3a2b2 + 3b4
= (2a4 + 5a2b2 + 3b4) sq. m … (i)
The farmer used a square shaped plot of the farm to build a house.
Side of the square shaped plot = (a2 – b2) m
∴ Area of the plot = (side)2
= (a2 – b2)2
= (a4 – 2a2b2 + b4) sq m… .(ii)

∴ Area of the remaining farm = Area of the farm – Area of the plot
= (2a4 + 5a2b2 + 3b4) – (a4 – 2a2b2 + b4) … [From (i) and (ii)]
= 2a4 + 5a2b2 + 3b4 – a4 + 2a2b2 – b4
= 2a4 – a4 + 5a2b2 + 2a2b2 + 3b4 – b4
= a4 + 7a2b2 + 2b4
∴ The area of the remaining farm is (a4 + 7a2b2 + 2b4) sq. m.

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1

Question 1.
Select the appropriate alternative.
i. In ∆ABC and ∆PQR, in a one to one correspondence \(\frac { AB }{ QR } \) = \(\frac { BC }{ PR } \) = \(\frac { CA }{ PQ } \), then
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 1
(A) ∆PQR – ∆ABC
(B) ∆PQR – ∆CAB
(C) ∆CBA – ∆PQR
(D) ∆BCA – ∆PQR

ii. If in ∆DEF and ∆PQR, ∠D ≅ ∠Q, ∠R ≅ ∠E, then which of the following statements is false?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 2
(A) \(\frac { EF }{ PR } \) = \(\frac { DF }{ PQ } \)
(B) \(\frac { DE }{ PQ } \) = \(\frac { EF }{ RP } \)
(C) \(\frac { DE }{ QR } \) = \(\frac { DF }{ PQ } \)
(D) \(\frac { EF }{ RP } \) = \(\frac { DE }{ QR } \)
∆DEF ~ ∆QRP … [AA test of similarity]
∴ \(\frac { DE }{ QR } \) = \(\frac { EF }{ RP } \) = \(\frac { DF }{ PQ } \) …[Corresponding sides of similar triangles]

iii. In ∆ABC and ∆DEF, ∠B = ∠E, ∠F = ∠C and AB = 3 DE, then which of the statements regarding the two triangles is true?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 3
(A) The triangles are not congruent and not similar.
(B) The triangles are similar but not congruent.
(C) The triangles are congruent and similar.
(D) None of the statements above is true.

iv. ∆ABC and ∆DEF are equilateral triangles, A(∆ABC) : A(∆DEF) = 1 : 2. If AB = 4, then what is length of DE?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 4
(A) 2√2
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 4√2
Refer Q. 6 Practice Set 1.4

v. In the adjoining figure, seg XY || seg BC, then which of the following statements is true?
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 5
(A) \(\frac { AB }{ AC } \) = \(\frac { AX }{ AY } \)
(B) \(\frac { AX }{ XB } \) = \(\frac { AY }{ AC } \)
(C) \(\frac { AX }{ YC } \) = \(\frac { AY }{ XB } \)
(D) \(\frac { AB }{ YC } \) = \(\frac { AC }{ XB } \)
∆ABC ~ ∆AXY … [AA test of similarity]
∴ \(\frac { AB }{ AX } \) = \(\frac { AC }{ AY } \) …[Corresponding sides of similar triangles]
∴ \(\frac { AB }{ AC } \) = \(\frac { AX }{ AY } \) …[Altemendo]

Question 2.
In ∆ABC, B-D-C and BD = 7, BC = 20, then find following ratios.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 6
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 7
Draw AE ⊥ BC, B – E – C.
BC = BD + DC [B – D – C]
∴ 20 = 7 + DC
∴ DC = 20 – 7 = 13

i. ∆ABD and ∆ADC have same height AE.
\(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{ABD})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{ADC})}=\frac{\mathrm{BD}}{\mathrm{DC}}\) [Triangles having equal height]
∴ \(\frac{A(\Delta A B D)}{A(\Delta A D C)}=\frac{7}{13}\)

ii. ∆ABD and ∆ABC have same height AE.
\(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{ABD})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{ABC})}=\frac{\mathrm{BD}}{\mathrm{BC}}\) [Triangles having equal height]
∴ \(\frac{A(\Delta A B D)}{A(\Delta A B C)}=\frac{7}{20}\)

iii. ∆ADC and ∆ABC have same height AE.
\(\frac{A(\Delta A D C)}{A(\Delta A B C)}=\frac{D C}{B C}\) [Triangles having equal height]
∴ \(\frac{A(\Delta A D C)}{A(\Delta A B C)}=\frac{13}{20}\)

Question 3.
Ratio of areas of two triangles with equal heights is 2 : 3. If base of the smaller triangle is 6 cm, then what is the corresponding base of the bigger triangle?
Let A1 and A2 be the areas of two triangles. Let b1 and b2 be their corresponding bases.
A1 : A2 = 2 : 3
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 8

∴ The corresponding base of the bigger triangle is 9 cm.

Question 4.
In the adjoining figure, ∠ABC = ∠DCB = 90°, AB = 6, DC = 8, then \(\frac{\mathbf{A}(\Delta \mathbf{A} \mathbf{B} \mathbf{C})}{\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{\Delta D C B})}=?\)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 9
∆ABC and ∆DCB have same base BC.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 10

Question 5.
In the adjoining figure, PM = 10 cm, A(∆PQS) = 100 sq. cm,
A(∆QRS) = 110 sq. cm, then find NR.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 11
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 12
∴ NR = 11 cm

Question 6.
∆MNT ~ ∆QRS. Length of altitude drawn from point T is 5 and length of altitude drawn from point S is 9. Find the ratio \(\frac{A(\Delta M N T)}{A(\Delta Q R S)}\)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 13
∆MNT- ∆QRS [Given]
∴ ∠M ≅ ∠Q (i) [Corresponding angles of similar triangles]
In ∆MLT and ∆QPS,
∠M ≅ ∠Q [From (i)]
∠MLT ≅ ∠QPS [Each angle is of measure 90°]
∴ ∆MLT ~ ∆QPS [AA test of similarity]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 14

Question 7.
In the adjoining figure, A – D – C and B – E – C. seg DE || side AB. If AD = 5, DC = 3, BC = 6.4, then find BE.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 15
In ∆ABC,
seg DE || side AB [Given]
∴ \(\frac { DC }{ AD } \) = \(\frac { EC }{ BE } \) [Basic proportionality theorem]
∴ \(\frac { 3 }{ 4 } \) = \(\frac { 6.4-x }{ x } \)
∴ 3x = 5 (6.4 – x)
∴ 3x = 32 – 5x
∴ 8x = 32
∴ x = \(\frac { 32 }{ 8 } \) =4
∴ BE = 4 units

Question 8.
In the adjoining figure, seg PA, seg QB, seg RC and seg SD are perpendicular to line AD. AB = 60, BC = 70, CD = 80, PS = 280, then find PQ, QR and RS.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 16
seg PA, seg QB, seg RC and seg SD are perpendicular to line AD. [Given]
∴ seg PA || seg QB || seg RC || seg SD (i) [Lines perpendicular to the same line are parallel to each other]
Let the value of PQ be x and that of QR be y.
PS = PQ + QS [P – Q – S]
∴ 280 – x + QS
∴ QS = 280 – x (ii)
Now, seg PA || seg QB || seg SD [From (i)]
∴ \(\frac { AB }{ BD } \) = \(\frac { PQ }{ QS } \) [Property of three parallel lines and their transversals]
∴\(\frac { AB }{ BC+CD } \) = \(\frac { PQ }{ QS } \) [B – C – D]
∴ \(\frac { 60 }{ 70+80 } \) = \(\frac { x }{ 280-x } \)
∴ \(\frac { 60 }{ 150 } \) = \(\frac { x }{ 280-x } \)
∴ \(\frac { 2 }{ 5 } \) = \(\frac { x }{ 280-x } \)
∴ 5x = 2 (280 – x)
∴ 5x = 560 – 2x
∴ 7x = 560
∴ x = \(\frac { 560 }{ 7 } \) = 80
∴ PQ = 80 units
QS = 280 – x [From (ii)]
= 280 – 80
= 200 units
But, QS = QR + RS [Q – R – S]
∴ 200 = y + RS
∴ RS = 200 – y (ii)
Now, seg QB || seg RC || seg SD [From (i)]
∴\(\frac { BC }{ CD } \) = \(\frac { QR }{ RS } \) [Property of three parallel lines and their transversals]
∴ \(\frac { 70 }{ 80 } \) = \(\frac { y }{ 200-y } \)
∴ \(\frac { 7 }{ 8 } \) = \(\frac { y }{ 200-y } \)
∴ 8y = 7(200 – y)
∴ 8y = 1400 – 7y
∴ 15y = 1400
∴ y = \(\frac { 1400 }{ 15 } \) = \(\frac { 280 }{ 3 } \)
∴ QR = \(\frac { 280 }{ 3 } \) units
RS = 200 – 7 [From (iii)]
= 200 – \(\frac { 280 }{ 3 } \)
= \(\frac{200 \times 3-280}{3}\)
= \(\frac { 600-280 }{ 3 } \)
∴ RS = \(\frac { 320 }{ 3 } \) units

Question 9.
In ∆PQR, seg PM is a median. Angle bisectors of ∠PMQ and ∠PMR intersect side PQ and side PR in points X and Y respectively. Prove that XY || QR
Complete the proof by filling in the boxes.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 17
In ∆PMQ, ray MX is bisector of ∠PMQ.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 18

Question 10.
In the adjoining figure, bisectors of ∠B and ∠C of ∆ABC intersect each other in point X. Line AX intersects side BC in point Y.
AB = 5, AC = 4, BC = 6, then find \(\frac { AX }{ XY } \).
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 19
Let the value of BY be x.
BC = BY + YC [B – Y – C]
∴ 6 = x + YC
∴ YC = 6 – x
in ∆BAY, ray BX bisects ∠B. [Given]
∴ \(\frac { AB }{ BY } \) = \(\frac { AX }{ XY } \) (i) [Property of angle bisector of a triangle]
Also, in ∆CAY, ray CX bisects ∠C. [Given]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 20

Question 11.
In ꠸ABCD, seg AD || seg BC. Diagonal AC and diagonal BD intersect each other in point P. Then show that \(\frac { AP }{ PD } \) = \(\frac { PC }{ BP } \)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 21
seg AD || seg BC and BD is their transversal. [Given]
∴ ∠DBC ≅ ∠BDA [Alternate angles]
∴ ∠PBC ≅ ∠PDA (i) [D – P – B]
In ∆PBC and ∆PDA,
∠PBC ≅ ∠PDA [From (i)]
∠BPC ≅ ∠DPA [Vertically opposite angles]
∴ ∆PBC ~ ∆PDA [AA test of similarity]
∴ \(\frac { BP }{ PD } \) = \(\frac { PC }{ AP } \) [Corresponding sides of similar triangles]
∴ \(\frac { AP }{ PD } \) = \(\frac { PC }{ BP } \) [By altemendo]

Question 12.
In the adjoining figure, XY || seg AC. If 2 AX = 3 BX and XY = 9, complete the activity to find the value of AC.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 22
2 AX = 3 BX [Given]
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 23 Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 24

Question 13.
In the adjoining figure, the vertices of square DEFG are on the sides of ∆ABC. If ∠A = 90°, then prove that DE2 = BD × EC.
(Hint: Show that ∆GBD is similar to ∆ CFE. Use GD = FE = DE.)
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Problem Set 1 25
꠸DEFG is a square.
∴ DE = EF = GF = GD (i) [Sides of a square]
∠GDE = ∠DEF = 90° [Angles of a square]
∴ seg GD ⊥ side BC, seg FE ⊥ side BC (ii)
In ∆BAC and ∆BDG,
∠BAC ≅ ∠BDG [From (ii), each angle is of measure 90°]
∠ABC ≅ ∠DBG [Common angle]
∴ ∆BAC – ∆BDG (iii) [AA test of similarity]
In ∆BAC and ∆FEC,
∠BAC ≅ ∠FEC [From (ii), each angle is measure 90°]
∠ACB ≅ ∠ECF [Common angle]
∴ ∆BAC – ∆FEC (iv) [AA test of similarity]
∴ ∆BDG – ∆FEC [From (iii) and (iv)]
∴ \(\frac { BD }{ EF } \) = \(\frac { GD }{ EC } \) (v) [Corresponding sides of similar triangles]
∴ \(\frac { BD }{ DE } \) = \(\frac { DE }{ EC } \) [From (i) and (v)]
∴ DE2 = BD × EC

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.1

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.1

Question 1.
State whether the given algebraic expressions are polynomials? Justify.
i. y + \(\frac { 1 }{ y }\)
ii. 2 – 5√x
iii. x2 + 7x + 9
iv. 2m-2 + 7m – 5
v. 10
i. No, because power of v in the term 5√x is -1 (negative number).
ii. No, because the power of x in the term 5√x is
i. e. 0.5 (decimal number).
iii. Yes. All the coefficients are real numbers. Also, the power of each term is a whole number.
iv. No, because the power of m in the term 2m-2 is -2 (negative number).
v. Yes, because 10 is a constant polynomial.

Question 2.
Write the coefficient of m3 in each of the given polynomial.
i. m3
ii. \(\sqrt [ -3 ]{ 2 }\) + m – √3m3
iii. \(\sqrt [ -2 ]{ 3 }\)m3 + 5m2 – 7m -1
i. 1
ii. -√3
iii. – \(\frac { 2 }{ 3 }\)

Question 3.
Write the polynomial in x using the given information. [1 Mark each]
i. Monomial with degree 7
ii. Binomial with degree 35
iii. Trinomial with degree 8
i. 5x7
ii. x35 – 1
iii. 3x8 + 2x6 + x5

Question 4.
Write the degree of the given polynomials.
i. √5
ii. x°
iii. x2
iv. √2m10 – 7
v. 2p – √7
vi. 7y – y3 + y5
vii. xyz +xy-z
viii. m3n7 – 3m5n + mn
i. √5 = √5 x°
∴ Degree of the polynomial = 0

ii. x°
∴Degree of the polynomial = 0

iii. x2
∴Degree of the polynomial = 2

iv. √2m10 – 7
Here, the highest power of m is 10.
∴Degree of the polynomial = 10

v. 2p – √7
Here, the highest power of p is 1.
∴ Degree of the polynomial = 1

vi. 7y – y3 + y5
Here, the highest power of y is 5.
∴Degree of the polynomial = 5

vii. xyz + xy – z
Here, the sum of the powers of x, y and z in the term xyz is 1 + 1 + 1= 3,
which is the highest sum of powers in the given polynomial.
∴Degree of the polynomial = 3

viii. m3n7 – 3m5n + mn
Here, the sum of the powers of m and n in the term m3n7 is 3 + 7 = 10,
which is the highest sum of powers in the given polynomial.
∴ Degree of the polynomial = 10

Question 5.
Classify the following polynomials as linear, quadratic and cubic polynomial. [2 Marks]
i. 2x2 + 3x +1
ii. 5p
iii. √2 – \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)
iv. m3 + 7m2 + \(\sqrt [ 5 ]{ 2 }\)m – √7
v. a2
vi. 3r3
Linear polynomials: ii, iii
Quadratic polynomials: i, v
Cubic polynomials: iv, vi

Question 6.
Write the following polynomials in standard form.
i. m3 + 3 + 5m
ii. – 7y + y5 + 3y3 – \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)+ 2y4 – y2
i. m3 + 5m + 3
ii. y5 + 2y4 + 3y3 – y2 – 7y – \(\frac { 1 }{ 2 }\)

Question 7.
Write the following polynomials in coefficient form.
i. x3 – 2
ii. 5y
iii. 2m4 – 3m2 + 7
iv. – \(\frac { 2 }{ 3 }\)
i. x3 – 2 = x3 + 0x2 + 0x – 2
∴ Coefficient form of the given polynomial = (1, 0, 0, -2)

ii. 5y = 5y + 0
∴Coefficient form of the given polynomial = (5,0)

iii. 2m4 – 3m2 + 7
= 2m4 + Om3 – 3m2 + 0m + 7
∴ Coefficient form of the given polynomial = (2, 0, -3, 0, 7)

iv. – \(\frac { 2 }{ 3 }\)
∴Coefficient form of the given polynomial = (- \(\frac { 2 }{ 3 }\))

Question 8.
Write the polynomials in index form.
i. (1, 2, 3)
ii. (5, 0, 0, 0 ,-1)
iii. (-2, 2, -2, 2)
i. Number of coefficients = 3
∴ Degree = 3 – 1 = 2
∴ Taking x as variable, the index form is x2 + 2x + 3

ii. Number of coefficients = 5
∴ Degree = 5 – 1=4
∴ Taking x as variable, the index form is 5x4 + 0x3 + 0x2 + 0x – 1

iii. Number of coefficients = 4
∴Degree = 4 – 1 = 3
∴Taking x as variable, the index form is -2x3 + 2x2 – 2x + 2

Question 9.
Write the appropriate polynomials in the boxes.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 3 Polynomials Practice Set 3.1 1
i. Quadratic polynomial: x2; 2x2 + 5x + 10; 3x2 + 5x
ii. Cubic polynomial: x3 + x2 + x + 5; x3 + 9
iii. Linear polynomial: x + 7
iv. Binomial: x + 7; x3 + 9; 3x2 + 5x
v. Trinomial: 2x2 + 5x + 10
vi. Monomial: x2

Question 1.
Write an example of a monomial, a binomial and a trinomial having variable x and degree 5. ( Textbook pg. no. 3)
Monomial: x5
Binomial: x5 + x
Trinomial: 2x5 – x2 + 5

Question 2.
Give example of a binomial in two variables having degree 5. (Textbook pg. no. 38)
x3y2 + xy

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2

Maharashtra State Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2

Question 1.
Choose the correct alternative answer for the questions given below. [1 Mark each]

i. Which one of the following is an irrational number?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 1

ii. Which of the following is an irrational number?
(A) 0.17
(B) \(1.\overline { 513 }\)
(C) \(0.27\overline { 46 }\)
(D) 0.101001000……..
(D) 0.101001000……..

iii. Decimal expansion of which of the following is non-terminating recurring?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 2
(C) \(\frac { 3 }{ 11 }\)

iv. Every point on the number line represents which of the following numbers?
(A) Natural numbers
(B) Irrational numbers
(C) Rational numbers
(D) Real numbers
(D) Real numbers

v. The number [/latex]0.\dot { 4 }[/latex] in \(\frac { p }{ q }\) form is ……
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 3
(A) \(\frac { 4 }{ 9 }\)

vi. What is √n , if n is not a perfect square number ?
(A) Natural number
(B) Rational number
(C) Irrational number
(D) Options A, B, C all are correct.
(C) Irrational number

vii. Which of the following is not a surd ?
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 4
(C) \(\sqrt [ 3 ]{ \sqrt { 64 } }\)

viii. What is the order of the surd \(\sqrt [ 3 ]{ \sqrt { 5 } }\) ?
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 6
(D) 5
(C) 6

ix. Which one is the conjugate pair of 2√5 + √3 ?
(A) -2√5 + √3
(B) -2√5 – √3
(C) 2√3 – √5
(D) √3 + 2√5
(A) -2√5 + √3

x. The value of |12 – (13 + 7) x 4| is ____ .
(A) – 68
(B) 68
(C) – 32
(D) 32
(B) 68

ii. Since the decimal expansion is neither terminating nor recurring, 0.101001000…. is an irrational number.

iii. \(\frac { 3 }{ 11 }\)
Denominator =11 = 1 x 11
Since, the denominator is other than prime factors 2 or 5.
∴ the decimal expansion of \(\frac { 3 }{ 11 }\) will be non terminating recurring.

v. Let x = [/latex]0.\dot { 4 }[/latex]
∴10 x = [/latex]0.\dot { 4 }[/latex]
∴10 – x = [/latex]4.\dot { 4 }[/latex] – [/latex]0.\dot { 4 }[/latex]
∴9x = 4
∴ x = \(\frac { 4 }{ 9 }\)

vii. \(\sqrt[3]{61}\) = 4, which is not an irrational number.

viii. \(\sqrt[3]{\sqrt{5}}=\sqrt[3 \times 2]{5}=\sqrt[6]{5}\)
∴ Order = 6

ix. The conjugate of 2√5 + √3 is 2√5 – √3 or -2√5 + √3

x. |12 – (13+7) x 4| = |12 – 20 x 4|
= |12 – 80|
= |-68|
= 68

Question 2.
Write the following numbers in \(\frac { p }{ q }\) form.
i. 0.555
ii. \(29.\overline { 568 }\)
iii. 9.315315…..
iv. 357.417417…..
v . \(30.\overline { 219 }\)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 5

ii. Let x = \(29.\overline { 568 }\) …(i)
x = 29.568568…
Since, three numbers i.e. 5, 6 and 8 are repeating after the decimal point.
Thus, multiplying both sides by 1000,
1000x = 29568.568568…
1000 x= \(29568.\overline { 568 }\) …(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii),
1000x – x = \(29568.\overline { 568 }\) – \(29.\overline { 568 }\)
∴ 999x = 29539
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 6

iii. Let x = 9.315315 … = \(9.\overline { 315 }\) …(i)
Since, three numbers i.e. 3, 1 and 5 are repeating after the decimal point.
Thus, multiplying both sides by 1000,
1000x = 9315.315315…
∴1000x = \(9315.\overline { 315 }\) …(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii),
1000x – x = \(9315.\overline { 315 }\) – \(9.\overline { 315 }\)
∴ 999x = 9306
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 7

iv. Let x = 357.417417… = \(357.\overline { 417 }\) …(i)
Since, three numbers i.e. 4, 1 and 7 are repeating after the decimal point.
Thus, multiplying both sides by 1000,
1000x = 357417.417417…
∴ 1000x = 357417.417 …(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii),
1000x – x = \(357417.\overline { 417 }\) – \(357.\overline { 417 }\)
∴ 999x = 357060
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 8

v. Let x = \(30.\overline { 219 }\) …(i)
∴ x = 30.219219
Since, three numbers i.e. 2, 1 and 9 are repeating after the decimal point.
Thus, multiplying both sides by 1000,
1000x= 30219.219219…
∴ 1000x = \(30219.\overline { 219 }\) …(ii)
Subtracting (i) from (ii),
1000x – x = \(30219.\overline { 219 }\) – \(30.\overline { 219 }\)
∴ 999x = 30189
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 9

Question 3.
Write the following numbers in its decimal form.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 10
i. \(\frac { -5 }{ 7 }\)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 11

ii. \(\frac { 9 }{ 11 }\)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 12

iii. √5
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 13

iv. \(\frac { 121 }{ 13 }\)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 14

v. \(\frac { 29 }{ 8 }\)
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 15

Question 4.
Show that 5 + √7 is an irrational number. [3 Marks]
Let us assume that 5 + √7 is a rational number. So, we can find co-prime integers ‘a’ and ‘b’ (b ≠ 0) such that
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 16
Since, ‘a’ and ‘b’ are integers, \(\sqrt [ a ]{ b }\) – 5 is a rational number and so √7 is a rational number.
∴ But this contradicts the fact that √7 is an irrational number.
Our assumption that 5 + √7 is a rational number is wrong.
∴ 5 + √7 is an irrational number.

Question 5.
Write the following surds in simplest form.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 17
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 18

Question 6.
Write the simplest form of rationalising factor for the given surds.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 19
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 20
Now, 4√2 x √2 = 4 x 2 = 8, which is a rational number.
∴ √2 is the simplest form of the rationalising factor of √32 .
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 21
Now, 5√2 x √2 = 5 x 2 = 10, which is a rational number.
∴ √2 is the simplest form of the rationalising factor of √50 .
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 22
Now, 3√3 x √3 = 3 x 3 = 9, which is a rational number.
∴ √ 3 is the simplest form of the rationalising factor of √27 .
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 23
= 6, which is a rational number.
∴ √10 is the simplest form of the rationalising factor of \(\sqrt [ 3 ]{ 5 }\) √10 .
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 24
Now, 18√2 x √2 = 18 x 2 = 36, which is a rational number.
∴ √2 is the simplest form of the rationalising factor of 3√72.

vi. 4√11
4√11 x √11 = 4 x 11 = 44, which is a rational number.
∴ √11 is the simplest form of the rationalising factor of 4√11.

Question 7.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 25
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 26
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 27
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Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 29

Question 8.
Rationalize the denominator.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 30
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 31
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 32
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 33

Question 1.
Draw three or four circles of different radii on a card board. Cut these circles. Take a thread and measure the length of circumference and diameter of each of the circles. Note down the readings in the given table. (Textbook )
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 34
i. 14,44,3.1
ii. 16,50.3,3.1
iii. 11,34.6,3.1
From table, we observe that the ratio \(\sqrt [ c ]{ d }\) is nearly 3.1 which is constant. This ratio is denoted by π (pi).

Question 2.
To find the approximate value of π, take the wire of length 11 cm, 22 cm and 33 cm each. Make a circle from the wire. Measure the diameter and complete the following table.
Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions Chapter 2 Real Numbers Problem Set 2 35
Verify that the ratio of circumference to the diameter of a circle is approximately \(\sqrt [ 22 ]{ 7 }\). (Textbook pg. no. 24)
i. 3.5, \(\sqrt [ 22 ]{ 7 }\)
ii. 7, \(\sqrt [ 22 ]{ 7 }\)
iii. 10.5, \(\sqrt [ 22 ]{ 7 }\)
∴ The ratio of circumference to the diameter of each circle is \(\sqrt [ 22 ]{ 7 }\).

Maharashtra Board Class 9 Maths Solutions

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4

Maharashtra State Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4

Question 1.
The ratio of corresponding sides of similar triangles is 3 : 5, then find the ratio of their areas.
Let the corresponding sides of similar triangles be S1 and S2.
Let A1 and A2 be their corresponding areas.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4 1
∴ Ratio of areas of similar triangles = 9 : 25

Question 2.
If ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR and AB : PQ = 2:3, then fill in the blanks.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4

Question 3.
If ∆ABC ~ ∆PQR, A(∆ABC) = 80, A(∆PQR) = 125, then fill in the blanks.
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4 2

Question 4.
∆LMN ~ ∆PQR, 9 × A(∆PQR) = 16 × A(∆LMN). If QR = 20, then find MN.
9 × A(∆PQR) = 16 × A(∆LMN) [Given]
∴ \(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{LMN})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{PQR})}=\frac{9}{16}\) (i)
Now, ∆LMN ~ ∆PQR [Given]
∴ \(\frac{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{LMN})}{\mathrm{A}(\Delta \mathrm{PQR})}=\frac{\mathrm{MN}^{2}}{\mathrm{QR}^{2}}\) (ii) [Theorem of areas of similar triangles]
∴ \(\frac{\mathrm{MN}^{2}}{\mathrm{QR}^{2}}=\frac{9}{16}\) [From (i) and (ii)]
∴ \(\frac{M N}{Q R}=\frac{3}{4}\) [Taking square root of both sides]
∴ \(\frac{\mathrm{MN}}{20}=\frac{3}{4}\)
∴ MN = \(\frac{20 \times 3}{4}\)
∴ MN = 15 units

Question 5.
Areas of two similar triangles are 225 sq. cm. and 81 sq. cm. If a side of the smaller triangle is 12 cm, then find corresponding side of the bigger triangle.
Let the areas of two similar triangles be A1 and A2.
A1 = 225 sq. cm. A2 = 81 sq. cm.
Let the corresponding sides of triangles be S1 and S2 respectively.
S1 = 12 cm
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4
∴ The length of the corresponding side of the bigger triangle is 20 cm.

Question 6.
∆ABC and ∆DEF are equilateral triangles. If A(∆ABC): A(∆DEF) = 1:2 and AB = 4, find DE.
In ∆ABC and ∆DEF,
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4

Question 7.
In the adjoining figure, seg PQ || seg DE, A(∆PQF) = 20 sq. units, PF = 2 DP, then find A (꠸ DPQE) by completing the following activity.
A(∆PQF) = 20 sq.units, PF = 2 DP, [Given]
Let us assume DP = x.
∴ PF = 2x
Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions Chapter 1 Similarity Practice Set 1.4

Maharashtra Board Class 10 Maths Solutions