Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English General Comprehension

Tamilnadu State Board Class 10 English General Comprehension

♦ General Comprehension (Text Book Page No.: 8, 38, 111)

Tips to write prose comprehension :

  1. Read the questions first.
    • it will help you to understand the passage better.
  2. Read the passage.
  3. Identify the answers for each question.
  4. Understand and write the answers in your own words in a sentence or two.

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :

1. Discipline is the most essential virtue you should acquire when you are young. It is a complex quality. It shapes your mind to religious, social and economic patterns when you grow up to be an active citizen. At a young age, we do not realize the value of discipline, As children, we merely long for unlimited freedom, without understanding the meaning of discipline. An athlete disciplines himself and keeps himself fit. He refrains from smoking, observes good food habits and keeps good health. Discipline increases the human energy and implies control, resistance and adjustment. Our energy is saved and made vital for a good output.

(a) The word ‘essential’ means:
(i) necessary
(ii) important
(iii) compulsory
(b) How does discipline aid a citizen? (c)
(c) Why don’t children want discipline?
(d) Mention some ways in which an athlete (d) maintains discipline.
(e) How is discipline beneficial to human beings? (e)
(a) (i) necessary
(b) Discipline moulds a citizen to be religious, social and economic and to active.
(c) Children neglect discipline for want of unlimited freedom, without realizing its necessity.
(d) An athlete maintains discipline by following certain good habits in food and health, by keeping fit and refraining from smoking.
(e) Through discipline, man learns to adjust, resist temptations and control his impulse thus increasing his energy. He learns to save it for a better output.
economic and to be active.

2. Once upon a time there was a rich merchant. He was returning home from work. He brought along with himself a large sum of money he had collected throughout the day. He was quite wealthy and valued money the most. On the way he was trapped in heavy rainfall. He got totally drenched and along with him his money also got wet. He started grumbling and cursed the rainfall due to which he had to suffer heavy loss. Sometime later a robber attacked him. He could make out that he was a wealthy man and was carrying the money. He was about to fire, but the gun did not work because the gun powder had got damp and was not working. Meantime the merchant got a chance to escape and saved himself from the loss of his life as well as money. Then he realised that the rain, which he was cursing sometime ago, had actually saved him and his money. He then understood that whatever happens, it always happens for the good.

(a) What did the merchant carry?
(b) Why did he curse the rainfall?
(c) Why could not the robber shoot the merchant?
(d) State whether the following statement is True or False.
The rain was actually a blessing in disguise,
(e) What was the lesson learned by the merchant?
(a) The merchant carried a large sum of money.
(b) He cursed the rainfall because he got totally drenched along with his money.
(c) The gun did not work because the gun powder had got damp and was not working. So, the robber could not shoot the merchant.
(d) True.
(e) The merchant understood that whatever happens, it always happens for the good.

3. It is said that the earliest hospitals known to mankind were those provided by the Buddhist priests in India. In the middle ages, the Christian Monks made it part of their duty to tend the sick. But most of the modern hospitals, both in India and in Europe, are founded and supported either by the government or by the rich benefactors of mankind. Now there is hardly a town in India which has not at least one hospital. In big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai, there are separate hospitals for men and women and children, and for different diseases. These hospitals are staffed with physicians and surgeons and are provided with up-to-date medical and surgical instruments.

In these hospitals, even the poorest, who cannot afford the doctor’s fees, are treated free, and get the best medical aid and the service of trained nurses for nothing.

(a) How did the earliest hospitals originate?
(b) Under whose support do the modern hospitals in India and in Europe function?
(c) State whether the following sentence is True or False.
Almost every Indian town has a hospital now.
(d) Describe the facilities available in hospitals in big cities.
(e) Complete the sentences:
In the hospitals in big cities, the poorest are offered excellent treatment _______
(i) at concessional rates
(ii) free of cost
(iii) with the help of sponsors
(a) The earliest hospitals were originated by the Buddhist priests in India.
(b) The modern hospitals in India and in Europe function with the support either by the government or by the rich benefactors of mankind.
(c) True
(d) In big cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Kotkata and Chennai, there are separate hospitals for men and women and children, and for different diseases. These hospitals are staffed with physicians and surgeons and are provided with up-to-date medical and surgical instruments.
(e) (ii) free of cost

4. In modern world, honesty has lost its meaning. Wealth plays an important role in man’s life today. Value of money has gone high. All religions lay down great stress on honesty.

Honesty should be maintained everywhere, at home, in school, among friends and even in the playground.

An honest person always obeys the law, so he is free from trouble. Honesty gives rise to spiritual stength.

Thç life of Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of our Nation is an example. Since his childhood, he tried to remain honest and truthful. Dishonesty gives benefits sometimes but those benefits are temporary. It kills our soul and snatches away our peace of mind. It is not an easy job to remain honest in this world.

(a) What is being ignored a lot in today’s world?
(b) How can we practice honesty in life?
(c) How is an honest person free from trouble?
(d) How did Gandhi exhibit honesty in his life?
(e) State whether the following statement is true or false.
Hunesty kills our soul and snatches away our peace of mind.
(a) Honesty is being ignored a lot in today’s world.
(b) We can practice honesty everywhere at home, in school, among friends and in the playground.
(c) An honest person always obeys the law, so he is free from trouble.
(d) Gandhi tried to remain honest and truthful.
(e) False.

5. A patriot is a man who loves his country, works for it, and is willing to fight and die for it. Every soldier is bound to do his duty but the best soldiers do more than this. They risk their lives because they love the country they are fighting for. They love its hills and valleys, its cities and villages, its people and their way
of life and they are willing to defend it to the last against enemies who try to conquer it and destroy it.

(a) ‘Risk’ meAnswer:
(i) miss
(ii) lose
(iii) endanger
(iv) meet
(b) Who is a patriot?
(c) Wbat do the best soldiers do?
(d) Why do they risk their lives?
(e) What do they love?
(a) (iii) endanger.
(b) A patriot is a man devoted to his country and is willing to live, work, fight, and die for it.
(c) The best soldiers do not mind risking their lives.
(d) They risk their lives for their country because they love their country.
(e) They love their country’s every features – its hills, valleys, cities, villages, the people and their way of life. Hence risking their lives, they are willing to protect it against the enemies.

6. Compared toarnotor bike or a car, the bicycle is a slow moving vehicle but its popularity has been the increase in recent years. There are many reasons for this. First the bicycle is the cheapest mode of transport which does not require petrol or diesel as a car or motorbike does. In these days of fuel shortage
this is a decided advantage. It is small, light, convenient and draws its power from the rider. There are no parking problems. It takes one to the destination with more certainty than cars or large motorbikes which are often held up in traffic jams.

It causes no noise, no smoke and it is eco-friendly as it produces no pollution. Finally riding a bicycle is a good exercise which reduces the blood sugar and tones up one’s heart and muscles. As a result it makes one keep away form the doctor for ever.

(a) What is the most important reason for the popularity of the bicycle?
(b) How is the bicycle convenient to reach one’s destination of travel?
(c) Is bicycle a health hazard ? Why?
(d) How does cycling keep us fit?
(e) Identify one more reason for the popularity of the bicycle.
(a) Bicycle is the cheapest mode of transport.
(b) It does not get caught in traffic jams and no need of fuel.
(c) No it is not a health hazard. It is an exercise.
(d) Cycling reduces blood pressure and good for fitness.
(e) Cycling is pollution free and produces no smoke.

7. Speech is a great blessing but it can also be great curse, for while it helps us to make our intentions and desires known to others, it can also, if we use it carelessly, make our attitude completely misunderstood. A slip of the tongue, the use of an unusual word, or of an ambiguous word, may create an enemy where we had hoped to win a friend. Again different classes of people use different words, and the ordinary speech of an educated man may create the impression to an uneducated listener that he was showing off with his skill: Unwittingly we may use a word which bears a different meaning to our listener from what it does to a man of his own class. ïhus speech is not a gift to use lightly without thought, but one which demands careful handling: Only a fool would express himself alike to all kinds and conditions of people and situations.

(a) In what way is speech a blessing to mankind?
(b) Describe how words could make an enemy out of someone you would like to be a friend?
(c) Why is an educated man’s speech considered boastful by an uneducated listener?
(d) How should speech be used?
(e) How does one prove himself a fool through his use of language?
(a) Speech helps us to make our intentions and desires known to others.
(b) A slip of the tongue, the use of an unusual word may create an enemy.
(c) The usage of different words gives the impression of showing off to an uneducated listener.
(d) Speech should be handled carefully.
(e) A fool would express himself alike to all kinds and conditions of people and situations.

8. Books are the greatest treasure of mankind and the habit of reading them is the source of pleasure. He who is in the habit of reading books should buy books for himself. He should start collecting books in his youth. The books collected and arranged properly in a room not only decorate the room but also make the presence of their authors felt. Books contain in them eternal truths and are better friends than those of flesh and blood as they not only entertain but also guide us.

(a) What is the precaution to be taken while handling borrowed books?
(b) Why is one’s own book a source of special pleasure?
(c) Are books only adornments? Why do you say so?
(d) How can you hold a conversation with great personalities?
(e) In what way are books better than friends of flesh and blood?
(a) The reader had to be careful in handling borrowed books for they have to be returned as they are not his own.
(b) One’s own book belongs to the reader himself; they give a special pleasure and the reader need not worry about returning them.
(c) Books are not mere adornments. They convey the presence of the authors and great personalities in the room which is very inspiring and refreshing.
(d) When reading books by great personalities, we feel that we are having a heart to heart talk with them.
(e) Books are better than friends of flesh and blood as they contain eternal truths and they guide us besides entertaining us.

Tamilnadu Board Class 10 English Solutions