The Bond of Love Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Beehive

In this page you can find The Bond of Love Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Beehive, Extra Questions for Class 9 English will make your practice complete.

The Bond of Love Extra Questions and Answers Class 9 English Beehive

The Bond of Love Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Bond Of Love Extra Questions Question 1.
How did the author’s wife react to the proposal of sending Bruno to Mysore?
The author’s wife was upset when she came to know about the proposal. She was very sad. She was not in a position to console herself. She wept and fretted. For a few days she refused to eat anything.

The Bond of Love Extra Questions and Answers

The Bond Of Love Class 9 Extra Questions And Answers Question 2.
How did Bruno and the author’s wife react when they met at Mysore zoo?
The author’s wife went to see Bruno in the zoo at Mysore. When she was a few yards away from his cage, he recognised her. Baba howled with happiness. She also ran towards him and patted him within the cage.

The Bond of Love Extra Question and Answer

Bond Of Love Class 9 Extra Questions Question 3.
How was Bruno found by the author?
Bruno was found by the author from a sugar cane field near Mysore. His mother was shot dead by one of the friends of the author. The baby bear was riding on its back. The author took the baby bear and gave it to his wife who named it Bruno.

The Bond Of Love Extra Questions Question 4.
What were the things that Bruno ate?
When Bruno was brought, he did not know how to eat and drink. He started drinking milk from a bottle. Within a few days, he started eating and drinking everything else. He used to eat porridge, vegetables, fruits, nuts, meat, eggs and many more things.

The Bond Of Love Class 9 Extra Questions Question 5.
What efforts did the author’s wife make to take Baba back from Mysore zoo?
When the author’s wife visited the zoo and met Bruno, she was disturbed. She wanted to take Bruno back home. She asked the curator if she could do so. He advised her to see the superintendent. The superintendent gave his consent to take Baba back home after she pleaded in the most heart-rending way.

The Bond of Love Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type

Extra Questions Of The Bond Of Love Class 9 Question 1.
Love begets love. Do you agree? Can the company of an animal give undiluted pleasure to a human being? Give some examples from the story The Bond of Love.
Yes, the company of an animal can give undiluted pleasure to a human being. The author captured a baby bear from a sugar cane field. His wife named it ‘Bruno’. It was lovingly called ‘Baba’ by her. The cub became friendly even with the dogs and the children. Bruno became a source of delight for the entire family of the author. He entertained them by his tricks and playful activities. He developed an emotional attachment with the wife of the author. When he was sent to the zoo, he missed her and did not eat for many days. She wept and fretted. Ultimately, she brought him back. They were constant source of great pleasure for each other.

Extra Questions Of Bond Of Love Question 2.
Love is mutual. Do you agree? Illustrate this with reference to ‘The Bond of Love’.
The story ‘The Bond of Love’ is a perfect example of how love begets love. Even the animals understand the language of love. They respond to love in equal measure. Love is mutual. The author’s wife develops deep affection for the pet bear. She nourishes him like a child and takes care of his needs.

When Bruno ate poison accidentally, he was treated as if he was a family member. The love given to Bnino by the family was equally reciprocated by him too. He felt sad when he was sent to the zoo. Both of them fretted, didn’t take food and felt very sad. He recognised the author’s wife even after a gap of three months.

Question 3.
Animals also feel the pleasure of love and pains of separation. What would you have done if you were in place of the author’s family?
Being sensitive, the animals also feel the pleasure of love and the pain of separation. In the story ‘The Bond of Love,’ the relationship between the bear and author’s wife proves it. Bruno, the bear, was loved by the author’s family. Bruno was equally attached to them.

When Bruno grows up in the author’s family, he is sent away to a zoo. In the zoo, ‘Baba’ looked sad and refused to eat. When the author’s wife visited the zoo after a gap of three months, he recognised her and expressed his pleasure by standing on his head. I would have done the same as the wife of the author did. It was a bond of mutual love that every human being appreciates.

Question 4.
What makes you feel that the author’s wife is more attached to Bruno than the other members of the family? Do you think female members of the family are more sensitive than the males?
When Bruno was sent to the Mysore zoo, all of them missed him greatly but they felt relieved too. But the author’s wife was inconsolable. She wept had fretted. Initially, she could not eat anything. She wrote many letters to the curator of the zoo. When the curator replied her telling that Bruno was well but was not eating food, she became desperate. She pleaded the curator to send Bruno back home.

Then she made all efforts to bring Bruno back. She made a special and comfortable house for him. All this shows that she was much more attached to Bruno. Yes, It is generally noticed that female members of the family are more attached to the pets. They are very caring and sensitive. They look after their pets better than the other members of the family. In the story too, it is the wife of the author who was inconsolable after Bruno’s separation.

Question 5.
How was the home made comfortable for the pet bear? If you have a pet, what arrangements would you make for his/her comforts? Do you think domestication of animals is a restriction on their natural liberty?
Bruno had grown very big and heavy. He could not be accommodated in the house. He needed a separate place. A special home was made for him. A twenty-feet long and fifteen-feet wide island surrounded by a dry pit of moat was made in the compound. A wooden box with some straw was provided for him to sleep. Bruno had two precious possessions, a ‘baby’, the gnarled stumps, and a gun.

These were given back to him. Thus, he was provided his natural environment within the house. I personally feel that domestication of animals is in a way cruelty against animals. No doubt, we take care of their health and food, yet we curtail their liberty. They are either chained or imprisoned. Anyway, if I have a pet, I would make its habitat as natural as possible. I would always take it to a qualified vet and give it all the medicines and food. Most of the time I would keep him/her free from chain or cage.

Question 6.
Animals also feel the pleasure of love and pains of separation. Company of an animal gives undiluted pleasure to a human being. But what about the animals’ rights? Should we domesticate the animals for our pleasure at the cost of their natural liberty? Elaborate.
Animals also feel the pleasure of love and pain of separation. The bond of love between author’s wife and Bruno proves it. There is no doubt that the company of animals gives undiluted pleasure to a human being. The bond between a human and an animal is selfless. But domestication of certain animals is a selfish act on the part of human beings.

Putting birds in cages or deer in confined area is a cruelty to them. Domestication of cows, horses and other domestic animals makes sense but domestication, of animals of the free world of forests is an encroachment upon their rights. We have no right to curtail their liberty. We should not domesticate animals for our pleasure at the cost of their natural liberty

The Bond of Love Extra Questions and Answers Reference-to-Context

Read the following extracts carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Question 1.
As we watched the fallen animal, we were surprised to see that the black fur on its back moved and left the prostrate body. Then, we saw it was a baby bear that had been riding on its mother’s back when the sudden shot had killed her.

(a) ‘We’ in the above lines refer to …………..
the author and his friends

(b) The black fur on back of ………….. body moved.
mother bear’s

(c) It was a baby bear that had been lying on the mother bear’s back. (True/False)

(d) The synonym of‘lying on the ground facing downwards’ in the passage is…

Question 2.
One day an accident befell him. I put down poison (barium carbonate) to kill the rats and mice that had got into my library. Bruno entered the library as he often did, and he ate some of the poison. Paralysis set in to the extent that he could not stand on his feet.

(a) One day, an accident had befallen

(b) He was ……….. and could not stand on its feet.

(c) He drank juice kept in the library. (True/False)

(d) The opposite of the word ‘often’ is ………….

Question 3.
Out came his medical books, and a feverish reference to index began: “What poison did you say, sir?” “Barium carbonate.” “Ah yes – B-Ba-Barium Salts-Ah ! Barium carbonate! Symptoms- paralysis-treatment-injections of Just a minute, sir, I’ll bring my syringe and the medicine.”

(a) The …………. took out his medical books and searched the index.

(b) ‘Sir’ in the above lines refers to ……….
the author

(c) Bruno had to take injections that would fight the barium carbonate poison. (True/False)

(d) The word in the passage that means the same as ‘immobility’ is

Question 4.
We all missed him greatly; but in a sense, we were relieved. My wife was inconsolable. She wept and fretted. For the first days, she would not eat a thing. Then she wrote a number of letters to the curator. How was Baba?

(a) …………. was being missed.

(b) She wept and fretted. ‘She’ here refers to the ……………
author’s wife

(c) She had nourished the bear like her son. (True/False)

(d) ……….. in the passage is the synonym of ‘keeper’.

Question 5.
Friends had conjectured that the bear would not recognise her. I had thought so too. But, while she was yet some yards from his cage, Baba saw her and recongised her. He howled with happiness.

(a) According to friends, the bear would not recognise the ………….
author’s wife

(b) ‘I had thought so too’ is the phrase that means ……………..
the author’s wife had the same opinion as that of her friends.

(c) ……..howled with happiness.

(d) ………….. means the same as ‘guessed’.

Question 6.
“Madam, he belongs to the zoo and is Government property now. I cannot give away Government property. But if my boss, the superintendent at Bangalore agrees, certainly you may have him back.”
(a) …………… is the speaker of above lines.
The curator

(b) He is speaking to the ……………….

(c) Bruno, the sloth bear, is referred to as government property here. (True/False)

(d) …………. in the passage means the same as ‘manager’.

Question 7.
Once home, a squad of coollies were engaged for special work in our compound. An island was made for Baba. It was twenty-feet long and fifteen-feet wide, and was surrounded by a dry pit, or moat, six-feet wide and seven-feet deep.

(a) ‘Special work in our compound’ refers to
making/constructing an island

(b) ‘Our compound’ it is the compound of ……………. and ………….. home
the author, his wife’s

(c) The island was seventeen feet long and twenty feet wide. (True/False)

(d) ‘A small group’ means the same as ……….. in the passage.

Question 8.
A wooden box that housed fowls, was brought and put on the island for Baba to sleep in at night. Straw was placed inside to keep him warm, and his ‘baby’, the gnarled stump, along with his ‘gun’, the piece of bamboo, both of which had been sentimentally preserved since he had been sent away to the zoo, were put back for him to play with.

(a) From now on Baba would sleep in a ………..
wooden box

(b) Earlier, the same box housed

(c) Straw was placed inside the box to keep him warm. (True/False)

(d) ‘Sentimentally preserved’ in the passage depicts the
author’s wife’s love and emotions for Bruno.

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