Archimedes Principle | Definition, Formula, Examples – Hydrostatics

Archimedes’ Principle Definition:
Archimedes’ Principle states that when a body is partially or fully immersed in a liquid, it loses some of its weight and it is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the immersed part of the body.

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Archimedes Principle | Definition, Formula, Examples – Hydrostatics

If a is loss of weight of a body in water and b is loss of weight in another liquid, then

\(\frac{a}{b}=\frac{w_{\text {air }}-w_{\text {liquid }}}{w_{\text {air }}-w_{\text {water }}}\)

If T is the observed weight of a body of density σ when it is fully immersed in a liquid of density ρ, then real weight of the body


Archimedes Principle Formula:
If w1 = weight of body in air, w2 = weight of body in liquid,
Vi = immersed of volume of liquid, ρL= density of liquid and
g = acceleration due to gravity

⇒ \(V_{i}=\frac{w_{1}-w_{2}}{\rho_{L} g}\)

Archimedes Principle of Buoyancy:
The Buoyant force applied by the fluid is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.

Archimedes Principle Examples in our Daily Life

1. On entering a bathtub filled with water, an equal quantity of water is displaced as one weight.
2.  A ship floats in the sea because of the counter-acting buoyant force from the water based on which safe depth is calculated.
3. A small lead shot is embedded in a big lump of ice floating in a jar of water.
4. The mug floats when we try to push it in in water.

Hydrostatics is a property of liquid or fluid in mechanics. A fluid is a material which flows at room temperature, because its upper molecule overlaps the inner molecule, which tends to flow the liquid in forward direction. In hydrostatics, we will learn about the condition of fluids when it is in rest or exerted by an external force. Here we will study the fluids in motion.

Properties of Fluids Thrust
Pressure Pressure Exerted by Liquid
Buoyant Force Pascal’s Law
Archimedes’ Principle Law of Floatation
Density Relative Density
Density of a Mixture