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How is Temperature on Mars
What is Mars Temperature?
Mars, which is also referred to as “Mangal” in Hindi, has always been a planet of great human inquisitiveness. It’s been more than a decade that various research is going on through multiple space organisations. In this article, we will discuss the Mars temperature.
Scientists with the sole objective to find out the possibility of life on the planet. Mars is also called the red planet, and it falls in the fourth position in our solar system. Mars temperature is mostly cold. Talking about size, it is the second smallest planet in the solar system, the first most minor planet being Mercury.
Whenever we think about establishing a kind of livelihood. Especially on other planets, the living conditions hugely depend upon the temperature and environment of the planet.
Mars Temperature
When talking about the overall temperature of mars, it has been found that Mars is a cold planet. It possesses a much thinner atmosphere than the earth. On average, it has been estimated that mars temperature is around -80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mars has about one-sixth of pressure as compared to the Earth’s atmosphere. It ensures that doesn’t remain heated for long and the temperatures drop down quickly. When there is winter on Mars, the temperature near the poles on Mars can get down to around -195 degrees Fahrenheit which estimates at around -125 degrees Celsius.
However, a regular summer day on Mars can get up to a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit estimating to be about 20 degrees Celsius near the equator. Owing to an astonishing phenomenon, on summer nights the temperatures may drop off to around -100 degrees Fahrenheit estimating to around -73 degrees Celsius.
Mars and its Distance from the Sun
As we have read earlier that Mars falls in the fourth position in the distance from the sun. Mars is approximately 142 million miles away from the sun, and as a result of this vast distance, it receives much lesser heat when compared to Earth, Venus and Mercury.
Mars takes around 687 days to complete a full revolution around the sun, which is approximate twice the time taken by earth to complete one revolution around the sun. This means that the time for which any season exists on Mars is twice the time for which any season exists on Earth.
The main reason due to which human existence has not been possible on Mars is its fragile atmosphere which consists of around 95% of Carbon-Dioxide making the planet too cold to promote human survival.
Climate on Mars
When nights occur on mars, Frost is ubiquitous on rocks, but as the air gets warmer near the dawn, the frost melts and gradually evaporates. Although there is 100% humidity on Mars, even then the living conditions resemble those of the living conditions of the Atacama Desert in South America.
It has been estimated by some researchers that there are probable chances of the existence of some Antarctic lichens on Mars. They may be able to photosynthesize at 70% humidity that can allow their survival on the planet.
As discussed earlier, that there is an enormous presence of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere of Mars. Due to this, in the summers, the carbon dioxide caps in the polar regions. Also, it shrinks and disappears but gradually redevelops when the winter comes.
Some researchers and astronomers believe that there are chances that water in its liquid form traps beneath the Carbon-Dioxide ice sheets. Also, it ensures human survival if strong evidence suggesting such occurrences may suffice.
What is the overall weather condition on mars?
a. Mostly warm
b. Moderate
c. Mostly cold
d. Mostly hot.
c. Mostly cold
Mars’s atmosphere is about 100 times thinner than Earth’s. In addition, without a “thermal blanket,” mars can’t retain any heat energy. However, the average temperature on Mars is about minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 60 degrees Celsius).