The compilation of these Nature and Significance of Management Notes makes students exam preparation simpler and organised.
Coordination and Management in the Twenty-First Century
A group of people walking together towards a point have to move in the same direction. If they are allowed to completely follow their own rhythm, everybody would just scatter around which would result in the dissolution of the group. The group is the team of employees in a company and the common point is the objective. Hence, management and coordination is the key to complete a company’s objectives.
Coordination and Management
Coordination lies at the very core of management. That is because it is the process of synchronisation of activities and plans towards a common goal or objective. To point out, an organisation can be visualised as a structure made up of various interlinked subsystems.
Coordinating ensures that these subsystems work in harmony. Otherwise, a situation of chaos would arise leading to serious implications. As we know now a manager has 5 basic functions. These functions imply that a manager takes care of smooth operations within an organisation. In essence, all of these functions are shades of a bigger picture called coordination.
Coordination binds all the managerial functions together. It ensures that the individual efforts are effectively diverted towards the achievement of a common goal. Thus it is inherent in all the management functions.
Features of Coordination
Integration of Group Efforts
Coordination demands an ordered group effort for the realisation of goals. In other words, it provides a common focus to group efforts, which might be diverse, and ensures that their activities are inter-related, on schedule, and converge towards the preplanned objectives.
Unity of Action
Another purpose of coordinating is the unification of action emerging out of the several departments in an organisation. These departments are separate in their own ranks but contribute towards a common objective. It acts as a binding force between these departments and ensures that their separate actions are in line with the organisation’s plans.
Continuous Process
Coordinating is inherent in all managerial functions. Therefore it is a continuous process which remains in action from the planning stage to the controlling stage.
Pervasive Function
Coordination is spread across all the departments and sections of an organisation. It is required at all levels of management due to its independent nature. Effectively, it integrates the efforts of all the different levels and departments.
Responsibility of all Managers
It is not the duty of one person or a handful of them to ensure coordination. It is the collective lookout and responsibility of all the managers. Top-level managers are needed to coordinate with their subordinates. On the other hand, middle manners have to coordinate with both top-level and first-line managers.
Further, the operational managers coordinate with the workers to ensure the effectiveness of the workforce and movement towards the achievement of objectives.
Coordination and Cooperation
Coordination and cooperation both are required to be induced in a deliberate manner. Even if cooperation is there, coordination gives a direction to the cooperative spirit and hence keeps chaos out. Cooperation without coordination can lead to wasted efforts and effectively lower morale. Whereas, coordination without cooperation can lead to serious dissatisfaction among employees.
Explain how coordination is the responsibility of all three types of managers.
The top-level managers need to coordinate with their subordinates to keep a check on the activities and establish that organisation’s interests are held in high regard. The middle managers are required to coordinate with both the top level and first line managers. Lastly, the first-line managers need to coordinate with employees for the effective implementation of plans.