Where The Mind is Without Fear Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. Where The Mind is Without Fear Poem is written by Rabindranath Tagore. Learncram.com has provided Where The Mind is Without Fear Poem Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.
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Where The Mind is Without Fear Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Rabindranath Tagore
Where The Mind is Without Fear by Rabindranath Tagore About the Poet
Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) was a great poet of India. He was awarded Nobel Prize for Literature in 1913. He also took part in the Freedom Movement.
Where The Mind is Without Fear Written by Rabindranath Tagore Introduction to the Poem
‘Where the Mind is without Fear’ has been taken from Gitanjali. The whole poem is a single sentence. It is a prayer to God. The poet invokes God’s blessings. He prays that his country should be free from narrow-mindedness, knowledge should be free for all, and people should not be slaves to dead habits and customs. Instead, they should make tireless effort to achieve perfection.
Where The Mind is Without Fear Summary in English
The poet prays to God to make his country a heaven of freedom where people live with dignity and without fear. He wishes that people of his country are not divided by narrow considerations of caste and creed.
He wishes people to be truthful and they are not slaves to dead customs and habits. They should ever be making tireless effort to attain perfection. He wishes that in his country knowledge should be accessible to all.
Where The Mind is Without Fear Summary in Hindi
कवि ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करता है कि उसका देश स्वतंत्रता का स्वर्ग हो जहाँ पर लोग निर्भय होकर सम्मानपूर्वक रहें। वह चाहता है कि उसके देश के लोग जातिपात के संकीर्ण विचारों से बँटे हुए न हों।
वह चाहता है लोग सत्यवादी हों और वे मृत आदतों व रिवाजों के गुलाम न हों। वे सदा पराकाष्ठा प्राप्त करने का अनथक प्रयास करते रहें। वह चाहता है कि उसके देश में ज्ञान सबको उपलब्ध हो।
Where The Mind is Without Fear Hindi Translation
First Stanza:
Where the mind is without fear and the head is Held high.
Where knowledge is free.
Substance: The poet prays that his ideal country should have people with fearless minds. People are able to hold their heads high in self-respect. In the free India about which the poet dreams of knowledge should be unrestricted.
भावार्थ-कवि ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करता है कि आदर्श स्वतंत्रता के उसके देश के नागरिक निर्भीक हों। देश के लोग सिर ऊँचा उठाकर आत्म-सम्मान के साथ जीते हों। स्वतंत्र भारत में जिसका सपना कवि देखता है, ज्ञान प्राप्त करने का सभी को अधिकार हो।
Second Stanza:
Where the world has not been broken up into
Fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Substance: There should not be in it any narrow or provincial considerations which act like barriers and break the world into small parts.
भावार्थ-किसी प्रकार की संकीर्ण अथवा प्रादेशिक भावना जो बाधा उत्पन्न करती है तथा संसार को टुकड़ों (छोटे-छोटे भागों में) विभक्त करती है उसे दूर करना चाहिए यही प्रार्थना है।
Third Stanza:
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Substance: In the free India people should speak the truth. They should make unremitting and untiring efforts in order to attain perfection.
भावार्थ-स्वतंत्र भारत के लोग सत्य बोलनेवाले हों। वे उत्कृष्टता प्राप्त करने के लिए अनवरत एवं अथक प्रयास करें।
Fourth Stanza:
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost,
Its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Substance: They should not be slaves of outworn habits and customs and superstitions because these are like a dull desert in which the clear stream of reason loses its way.
भावार्थ-उन्हें गंदी आदतों, बुरे संस्कारों और अंधविश्वासों का दास नहीं होना चाहिए। विवेक की निर्मल सरिता सड़ी-गली मृतवत् आदतों की मरूभूमि में नहीं सूख पायेगी।
Fifth Stanza:
Where the mind is………….country awake.
Substance: Their minds should always be inspired by God into thought and action which always becomes wider. It is the poet’s sincere prayer that his country should wake up from its sleep of slavery and be turned into a heavenly free country.
भावार्थ-मनुष्य को विचार एवं कर्म-पथ पर अग्रसर होने के लिए ईश्वर हमेशा प्रेरणा देते रहे । कवि भी सच्ची प्रार्थना करता है कि उनका देश गुलामी की निद्रा से उठकर स्वतंत्रता के स्वर्ग में जगे।
Where the Mind is Without Fear summary explanation?
The poem is a prayer to God to protect the nation from evil effects. The poem was written by Tagore during the time when India was under the British Rule and people were eagerly waiting to get their freedom. It is a prayer to the Almighty for a nation free from any kind of manipulative or corrupt powers.
Where the Mind is Without Fear summary and question answer?
Answer: ‘Where the mind is without fear’ the title of Tagore’s poem is merely the first line of the poem. It refers to a place where people would be fearless, heaven of freedom that the poets dream of. … So, the title is apt and relevant as it very well expresses what the poet wishes for.
Where the Mind is Without Fear main idea?
The title of the poem: ‘Where the mind is without fear…..! Theme/Central Idea: This is a prayer to God. Tagore asks Him to awaken his country into the heaven of freedom, where there is total freedom of good thoughts, good words, and good actions.
Where the Mind is Without Fear important lines?
Line 1: Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; A person who is truly independent should be allowed to think freely, without any kind of fear. The lives of people with dignity and without fear that brings a healthy life.
What is the main theme of the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear?
The theme of “Where the Mind is Without Fear” by Rabindranath Tagore is freedom from colonization and what it takes to achieve that. Tagore lived in India during British Crown rule of the country. According to the BBC, Britain ruled India from 1858 until 1947. Tagore was born in 1861 and died in 1941.
Where does the poet want to be led in the poem Where the Mind is Without Fear?
Answer: The poet does not want his people to dwell in the mistakes of the past or be possessed by it. He wants the country to be led forward by God into the freedom of broadened attitude and mindset. He requests ‘The Father’ to awaken his country into such a ‘heaven of freedom’.