Voice of The Unwanted Girl Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. Voice of The Unwanted Girl Poem is written by Sujata Bhatt. Learncram.com has provided Voice of The Unwanted Girl Poem Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Stanza Wise Summary, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.
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Voice of The Unwanted Girl Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Sujata Bhatt
Voice of The Unwanted Girl Written by Sujata Bhatt Introduction to the Poem
Sujata Bhatt is one of the finest living poets. In this poem, she has voiced her concern about the gender-bias. In our society girls are treated as inferior to boys. The birth of a girl is considered a misfortune. The technique that helps to determine the sex of the unborn child is used against the girl child. If the expected baby is a girl, it is destroyed. That is why, the difference between the numbers of boys and girls is widening day-by-day.
Voice of The Unwanted Girl Poem Summary in English
The speaker in the poem is an unwanted girl who was destroyed before she was born. She is speaking to her mother.
The girl tells her mother how she destroyed her. The doctors told her that the baby would be a girl. She put on her green sari and went to hospital to have the child destroyed because the girl was unwanted. The mother already had one daughter.
The doctors gave an injection to kill the girl. The mother did not even care to look at the girl.
After the girl was destroyed everyone was happy.
The murdered girl child asks her to look for her in vain because she was lost forever. She will not grow up into a beautiful girl to be admired by someone. She tells her mother that she has acted against the will of God. God wanted her to live and grow up naturally.
Voice of The Unwanted Girl Poem Summary in Hindi
कविता में वक्ता एक अनचाही लड़की है जिसे पैदा होने से पहले ही नष्ट कर दिया गया। वह अपनी माँ से संबोधित है।
लड़की अपनी माँ से कह रही है कि उसने उसे कैसे मारा । डॉक्टरों ने उसे बता दिया था कि शिशु लड़की होगी । वह अपनी हरी साड़ी पहन कर बच्ची को नष्ट कराने के लिए अस्पताल गई क्योंकि लड़की अनचाही थी। माँ के पास पहले ही एक बेटी थी।
डॉक्टरों ने बच्ची को मारने के लिए एक इंजेक्शन दिया। माँ ने लड़की को देखना तक न चाहा।
लड़की के नष्ट हो जाने के पश्चात् सभी प्रसन्न थे।
वध की हुई लड़की अपनी माँ से कहती है कि वह उसे खोजे क्योंकि वह सदा के लिए जा चुकी थी। वह कभी बड़ी होकर सुन्दर लड़की न बनेगी जिसकी कोई प्रशंसा करता । वह अपनी माँ से कहती है कि उसने ईश्वर की इच्छा के विरुद्ध कार्य किया है। ईश्वर चाहता था कि वह प्राकृतिक ढंग से बड़ी होती।
Voice of The Unwanted Girl Poem Hindi Translation
First Stanza:
Mother, I am the one You sent away When the Doctor told you I would be A girl-in the end they had to Give me an injection to kill me. Before I died I heard The traffic rushing outside, the monsoon Slush, The wind sulking through Your beloved Mumbai- I could have clutched the neon blue.
Word Meaning: Mother = माँ । Sent away = अस्वीकार करना । Doctor = चिकित्सक । Injection = सूई । Kill = मारना । Before = पहले: Heard = सुना । Traffic – यातायात । Rushing = तेज चाल में चलना । Outside = बाहर ! Monsoon = बरसात । Slush = तेज हवा का झोंका । Sulking = ढीठ । Beloved – पिये। Clutched = पकड़ना।
भावार्थ-अनचाही लड़की की आवाज माँ को सम्बोधित करती है। अनचाही लड़की जो अजन्मी है। माँ के जमीर से सवाल करती है क्योंकि उसने कन्या भ्रूण हत्या की उपेक्षा नहीं की। जब डॉक्टर ने गर्भवती माँ से कहा कि उसे बच्ची पैदा होगी तो उसने डॉक्टर को गर्भ में ही बच्चे को मार डालने का आदेश दिया। अजन्मी बच्ची की हत्या सुई से कर दी गई। यह अजन्मी बच्ची की आवाज है जो कल्पना पर छायी है। यह कविता के रूप में एक जीवित कहानी है। यह मुम्बई की घटना है जहाँ यातायात की भरमार थी और बरसात शुरू हो गई थी। हवा चल रही थी। कवयित्री इस बात को समझ जाती है और इसे अपनी कविता में प्रस्तुत करती है।
Meaning of the Stanza: The voice of the unwanted girl is addressed to the mother. The voice of the unwanted girl questions the mother’s conscience because she did not object female infanticide. When the doctor told the pregnant mother that a girl child would be born to her, she instructed the doctor to destroy the female child in the womb. The infant was killed with the help of injection. This is the pathetic voice of an unborr girl which haunts the imagination. This is a living story in the form of poem. This is the incident of Mumbai where there was heavy traffic and the monsoon set in. The wind is sulking through Mumbai. The poet realised these things and presented it in her poem.
Second Stanza:
No one wanted- No one wanted To touch me – accept later in the autopsy room When they knew my mouth would not search For anything – and my head could be measured. And band and cut apart. I looked like a sliced pomegranate. The fruit you never touched. Mother, I am the one you sent away. When the doctor told you I would be a girl – your second girl. Afterwards, as soon as you could You put on your grass – green saree- The orange stems of the parjatak blossoms glistened in your hair.
Word Meaning: Wanted = चाहना । Touch = स्पर्श । Except = अतिरिक्त । Autopsy room = शव-परीक्षण गृह । Mouth = मुँह । Search = खोजना । Measured = मापा गया । Pomegranate = अनार | Afterwards = इसके बाद । Glistened = चमकता था।
भावार्थ-डॉक्टरी जाँच के रूप में एक मृत व्यक्ति की मेडिकल परीक्षा के कारण का पता चलाने के लिए किया जाता है। जाँच वाले कमरा में गर्भ में अजन्मी बच्ची का जाँच की गयी । डॉक्टर को पता चला कि अजन्मी बच्ची का मुँह किसी तरह नहीं खोजा जाता और उसके सिर माप लिया जाता और काटकर अलग कर दिया । अजन्मी बच्ची को कोई छूना नहीं चाहता। कन्या आगे बताती है कि वह कटे हुए अनार के समान लगती है। यह फल तुम्हारे द्वारा कभी छुआ नहीं गया । वह अपनी माँ को सम्बोधन करती है और कहती है कि यह वही है जिसे उसने हत्या की। जब डॉक्टर ने कहा कि वह एक बच्ची को जन्म देने वाली है। यह दूसरी बच्ची है । बाद में जैसे ही उसने घास के समान हरी साड़ी पहनी तो परीजटक के पीले तने खिल उठते हैं और वह उसके बालों में चमक रहे हैं। यह दुर्घटना उस समय घटी जब डॉक्टर ने माँ को बताया की उसकी दूसरी संतान बच्चा होगी।
Meaning of the Stanza: In an autopsy, room, the medical examination of – a dead person is carried out to discover the cause of death. In the autopsy room, the unborn child in the womb was examined. The doctor knew that the mouth of the unborn child would not search for anything and her head would be measured and cut apart. No one wanted to touch the unborn girl. The girl says further that she looks like a sliced pomegranate. This fruit was never touched by you. She addresses her mother and says that she is the one she killed her. When the doctor told her that she was going to bear a girl child. This is the second girl child. Afterwards as soon as she put on her grass green sari, the orange stems parijatak blossoms and they are glistening to her hair. This tragedy was happened when the doctor told the mother that her second child would be a girl.
Third Stanza:
Afterwards Everyone smiled. But now I ask you To look for me, mother, Look for me because I won’t not come to you in your dreams. Look for me, mother, look Because I won’t become a flower I won’t turn into a butterfly. And I am not a part of anyone’s song.
Word Meaning: Everyone = हर कोई । Smiled = मुस्कुराया। Look for = खोजना | Dream = सपना । Butterfly = तितली।
भावार्थ-हर एक व्यक्ति मुस्कुरा रहा था लेकिन वह अभी अपनी माँ को उसे खोजने के लिए कहती है। उसे जरूर खोजना चाहिए क्योंकि वह उसके सपना में नही आयेगी। वह फिर अपने से कहती है कि वह उसे देखे क्योंकि वह फूल नहीं बनेगी और तितली नहीं होगी । और वह किसी के गाने का अंग नहीं है। अनचाही लड़की कन्याभ्रूण हत्या के बर्बरतापूर्ण अभ्यास का पश्चाताप करती रहती है। अजन्मी कन्या की हत्या ईश्वर की इच्छा के अनुसार नहीं की गई बल्कि सामाजिक दबाव के कारण ।
Meaning of the Stanza: Every one was smiling. But now she asks her mother to look for her. She must look for her because she would not come to her in her dreams. She again tells her mother to look for the girl child because she would not become a flower and she would not turn into a butterfly. And she is not a part of anyone’s songs. The unwanted girl goes on lamenting the cruel practice of female foeticide. The unborn girl child was killed not in accordance with Divine Will but because of social constraints.
Fourth Stanza:
Look, mother, Look for the place where you have sent me. Look for the unspeakable. For the place that can never be described. Look for me, mother, because. This is what you have done. Look for me, mother, because This is not ‘God’s will.’ Look for me, mother Because I smell of formaldehyde- I smell of formaldehyde And still, I wish you would look For me, mother.
Word Meaning: Unspeakable= अकथनीय । Described = वर्णन किया । God’s Will = ईश्वरेक्षा । Smell = गंध । Formaldehyde = एक रंगहीन तीखी गैस ।
भावार्थ-अजन्मी बच्ची फिर अपनी माँ से कहती है कि वह उसे खोजने और उस जगह की तलाश करे जहाँ उसने अपनी बच्ची को भेज दिया है। बिना जीभ के (बोलने में असमर्थ) बच्ची को खोज किया जाना चाहिए । वह उस जगह की खोज करती है जिसे कभी चर्चा नहीं किया जा सकता है। वह अपने को सम्बोधन करती है और देखने के लिए कहती है जिसे उसने किया है। यह काम बिना ईश्वर के इच्छा और सहमति के किया गया है। अजन्मी बच्ची एक गैस के समान थी जिसमें कोई गंध और बिना कोई रंग के होता है और इसे पानी के साथ मिलाकर: प्रयोगशाला में चीजों को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए किया जाता है। लड़की चाहती है कि उसकी माँ उस पर अपनी नजर डाले और वह बार-बार उसे अपनी गलती और बड़े अपराध को समझने के लिए कहती है। . .
Meaning of the stanza: The unborn female child once again tells her mother to look for her and look for the place she has sent her. This unspeakable child must be looked for. She looks for the place that can never be described.
She addresses her mother and look for what she had done. This thing has been done without the disposal and will of God. The unborn girl was like a gas with no colour and a strong smell, used mixed with water to preserve things in the laboratory. The girl wishes to have a look on her and her sin. She again and again tells her to realise her great mistakes as well as a great crime.