Village Song Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Sarojini Naidu

Village Song Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. Village Song Poem is written by Sarojini Naidu. has provided Village Song Poem Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Stanza Wise Summary, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

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Village Song Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Sarojini Naidu

Village Song by Sarojini Naidu About the Poet

Sarojini Naidu (1879–1950) is known as the Nightingale of India. She was as patriot and took active part in the National Movement.

Her poems describe Indian scenes beautifully. The village song has an Indian rural setting. A girl goes to the bank of the Jamuna to fill a pitcher of water. There she hears a boatman singing a melodious song. She was so fascinated by the song that she did not notice that the sun had already set and it was getting dark. She was scared as she went homeward on a lonely path.

Village Song Summary in English

Village Song Written by Sarojini Naidu Introduction to the Poem

The poem depicts the atmosphere of the place and her feelings. The speaker is a young girl. She came to the bank of the Jamuna to fill pitchers with water. As she is about to go back home, she hears the song of a boatman. The song is sweet and touching. She is fascinated by the song.

Village Song Summary

Village Song Summary in English

The speaker is a young girl. She came to the bank of the Jamuna to fill pitchers with water. As she is about to go back home, she hears the song of a boatman. The song is sweet and touching. She is fascinated by the song. She stops and listens to it till night falls. Then she feels regret at having stopped to listen to the song. It is dark now. She hears the white crane calling. She hears the hoot of an owl.

There is no moonlight. She is afraid a snake might bite her and she would die. She thinks that her mother and her brother are waiting for her at home. Her brother would be complaining why she has taken so long coming back home. Her mother must be worried about her safety. Once again the fear returns to the girl’s mind. She is afraid a storm might come. There is no place for her to protect herself from rain and lightning. She is afraid she would die.

Village Song Summary in Hindi

वर्णनकर्ता एक युवती है। वह जमना के किनारे घड़ों में पानी भरने आई है। जब वह लौटने लगती है तो उसे एक नाविक का गीत सुनाई पड़ता है। गीत मधुर और मन को छूने वाला है। वह गाने से मुग्ध हो जाती है । वह उसे रात पड़ने तक सुनती रहती है। तब उसे पश्चाताप होता है कि वह गीत सुनने के लिए क्यों रुकी।

अब अंधेरा हो गया है। उसे श्वेत बगुले की पुकार सुनाई पड़ती है। उसे उल्लू की सीटी सुनाई पड़ती है। चाँद का प्रकाश भी नहीं है। उसे डर लगता है कि कोई साँप उसे काट लेगा और वह मर जाएगी।

वह सोचती है कि घर पर उसका भाई और माँ उसकी प्रतीक्षा कर रहे होंगे। उसका भाई शिकायत कर रहा होगा कि उसे घर लौटने में इतनी देर कैसे हो गई है। उसकी माँ को उसकी सुरक्षा की चिंता हो रही होगी।

एक बार फिर उसके मन में भय आ जाता है। उसे डर है कि तूफान आ सकता है। वहाँ कोई भी स्थान नहीं है जहाँ वह बिजली व वर्षा से बच सके । उसे डर है कि वह मर जाएगी।

Village Song Poem Hindi Translation

First Stanza:
Full are my pitchers and far to carry,
Lone is the way and long,
Why, O why was I tempted to tarry
Lured by the boatmen’s song?

Word Meaning: Pitcher= घड़ा । Lone (lonely, deserted)= निर्जन । Tempted = प्रलोभित होना, ललचना । To tarry (to stay, to delay) = रुकना, देर करना । Lured – (charmed) = ललचना । boatmen = नाविक । Song = संगीत ।

Meaning of the Stanza: The speaker is carrying a pitcher full of water. She is a girl. She is carrying the pitcher from a long distance. The way through which she is carrying it is deserted. In the way, some boatmen were singing. The girl (the speaker) was charmed with the sweet song of the boat men. So she was tempted to make delay. The girl asks from herself why she is charmed with the songs of the boatmen and why she is making delay. It means that the girl had very much passion for the boatmen’s song.

भावार्थ-वक्ता पानी से भरा घड़ा ले जा रही है। वह एक लड़की है। वह घड़े को दूर से ला रही है। जिस रास्ते से वह घड़े में पानी ला रही है, वह निर्जन है। रास्ते में कुछ नाविक संगीत गा रहे थे। लड़की नाविकों के मीठे संगीत से मुग्ध थी। इसके कारण उसे देर हो रही थी। वह स्वयं से प्रश्न करती है कि वह क्यों नाविकों के संगीत से मुग्ध है और क्यों देर कर रही है। अर्थात् लड़की नाविक के गीत से बहुत ही प्रभावित थी।

Second Stanza:
Swiftly the shadows of night are falling,
Hear, O hear, is the white crane calling,
Is it the wild owl’s cry?

Word Meaning: Swiftly (quickly and smoothly) = शीघ्रता से, वेग से। Shadow = छाया । Crane = सारस । Wild = जंगली | Owl = उल्लू ।

Meaning of the Stanza: Swiftly the shadows of night are falling. In other words, the fall of night is followed by the dark shadows. The night is swiftly and smoothly passing through. A white crane is crying out in the darkness. The cry of the wild owl is being heard, which is not pleasing to the ear.

भावार्थ-रात्रि की छाया शीघ्रता से फैल रही है। अर्थात् रात्रि का आगमन शुरू हो गया है। अंधेरे में उजले सारस की चिल्लाहट आ रही है । जंगली उल्लू की चिल्लाहट भी सुनाई पड़ रही है। उल्लू की चिल्लाहट कान को अप्रिय लग रही है।

Third Stanza:
There are no tender moonbeams to light me,
If in the darkness a serpent should bite me,
Or if an evil spirit should smite me,
Ram re Ram! I shall die.

Word Meaning: Tender (gentle)= कोमल । Moon beams (ray of moonlight) = चन्द्रमा के प्रकाश की किरण । Darkness = अँधेरा | Serpent = साँप । Bite = काँटना । Evil spirit = प्रेत आत्मा । Smite (cut, slice) = मारना ।

Meaning of the Stanza: The gentle moon-light is not throwing its beams. The serpent may bite her in the darkness. The evil spirit may cut her body into pieces. The scene is, of course, horrible. The poet has painted a lively picture. So, all these things have created a feeling of death in her mind. In these circumstances she utters “Ram Re Ram” remembering God to help her at such a crucial time.

भावार्थ-कोमल चन्द्रमा के प्रकाश की किरणें अपना प्रकाश नहीं बिखेर रही हैं। अँधेरे में उसे साँप काट सकते हैं । प्रेत आत्माएँ उसके शरीर के दो टुकड़े कर सकते हैं। वास्तव में, वहाँ का दृश्य भयावह हैं। कवि ने रात के अंधेरे का सजीव दृश्य प्रस्तुत किया है। अतः ये सभी चीजें उसके मन में मृत्यु का भय उत्पन्न करती हैं। ऐसी स्थिति में “राम रे राम” का उच्चारण कर इस विषम परिस्थिति में सहायता हेतु ईश्वर को याद करती है।

Fourth Stanza:
My brother will murmur, ” Why doth she linger? ”
My mother will wait and weep,
Saying, ” O safe may the great gods bring her,
The Jamuna’s waters are deep. ” …

Word Meaning: Murmur (speak softly) = धीरे से बोलना | doth = does, linger = delay leaving = देर तक घर से बाहर रहना | wait = ठहरना, इंतजार करना।

Meaning of the Stanza: The girl again thinks that her brother would be mentally upset and worried for her. Her mother would be waiting and weeping and praying to God her safe return. Jamuna’s water is deep.

भावार्थ-लड़की फिर सोचती है कि उसका भाई उसके लिए मानसिक रूप से उद्विग्न एवं चिंतित होगा। उसकी माँ उसकी राह देखती होगी एवं रोती होगी। वह ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करती होगी कि उसकी बेटी सुरक्षित घर वापस आ जाय । यमुना का पानी बहुत गहरा है।

Fifth Stanza:
The Jamuna’s waters rush by so quickly,
The shadows of evening gather so thickly,
Like black birds in the sky …

Word Meaning: Rush by = तेजी से बहना । So quickly = बहुत तेजी से। Shadows = छाया । Gather = जमा होना । So thickly = बहुत घना । Black birds = काले पक्षी।

Meaning of the Stanza: Her mother further thinks that the Jamuna’s waters are very deep and flowing very fast. How can see cross the river? Like black birds in the sky, the darkness in the evening in increasing very fast.

भावार्थ उसकी माँ यह सोचकर और भयभीत होती है कि यमुना नदी का पानी बहुत गहरा है। साथ ही नदी की धारा बहुत तेज है । ऐसे में वह यमुना नदी पार कैसे करेगी । साथ ही आकाश अंधेरा तेजी से छा रहा है। ऐसा लगता है कि आकाश में काले पक्षी घूम रहे हैं। .

Sixth Stanza:
O! if the storm breaks, what will betide me?
Safe from the lightning where shall I hide me?
Unless Thou succour my footsteps and guide me,
Ram re Ram! I shall die.

Word-Meaning: Storm = तूफान । Betide (to come to misfortume)= संकट में पड़ना, दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण स्थिति । Lightning (an electric flash in the clouds) = बिजली का कड़कना । Hide = छिपना । Thou= तुम (ईश्वर) | Succour (help) = सहायता । Guide = रास्ता दिखाना।

Meaning of the Stanza: The girl is horrified. The girl had two apprehensions on her way back. The first was that storm might break anytime. Then she asks herself as to who would be helping her. Second, when there would be lightning who would hide and save her. Then she prays to God to guide her at the time of her distress. She also requests Him (God) to provide. her strength in her footsteps, so that she may get rid of the danger. She says to God that if ‘He’ will not help her, she will die. She again uses the words “Ram Re Ram”.

भावार्थ-लड़की भयभीत है। घर जाने के रास्ते में उसे दो आशंकाएं हैं-पहली आशंका थी कि तूफान कभी भी आ सकता है। तब वह अपने आप से पूछती है कि तब उसे कौन सहायता करेगा। द्वितीय, जब बिजली कड़कगी ता कौन उसे छिपायेगा एवं बचायेगा? तब वह ईश्वर की प्रार्थना करती है कि हे ईश्वर! इस संकट की घड़ी में मुझे मार्गदर्शन करें। साथ ही, वह ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करती है कि वह उसकी कदमों में ऐसी शक्ति प्रदान करे कि कह खतरे से मुक्ति पा सके। वह ईश्वर से कहती है कि यदि वह (ईश्वर) उसकी सहायता रहीं करेगा तो वह मर जायेगी। वह फिर “राम रे राम” जैसे शब्दों का प्रयोग करती है।