The Chimney Sweeper Poem Summary in English and Hindi by William Blake

The Chimney Sweeper Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. The Chimney Sweeper Poem is written by William Blake. has provided The Chimney Sweeper Poem Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices, The Chimney Sweeper Songs Of Experience, Analysis, Theme, Shmoop, Literary Devices, Rhyme Scheme, Songs Of Innocence And Experience

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The Chimney Sweeper Poem Summary in English and Hindi by William Blake

The Chimney Sweeper by William Blake About the Poet

William Blake was a mystic. His poems are simple but they have very deep meanings. He wrote Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. Both the songs deal with certain themes from two different angles.

The Chimney Sweeper Written by William Blake Introduction to the Poem

The Chimney Sweeper is taken from Songs of Innocence. In the 18th century, small children were employed to sweep chimneys covered with soot inside. It was dangerous work. Some children were trapped or burnt inside them. The life of those poor children was horrible. Tom is the speaker in this poem. He is one of the chimney sweepers. He is a small boy. He was sold to Master Sweep after his mother died. Tom narrates his experience in his childlike innocence. One night he had a dream. An angel appeared to him and showed him the vision of paradise. He assured Tom that if he did his work honestly and cheerfully, God would protect him. Tom believes in his vision and does not care about the hardships of his work.

The Chimney Sweeper Written by William Blake Introduction to the Poem

The Chimney Sweeper Summary in English

Tom a small child is the speaker. He is a chimney sweeper. His mother died and his father sold him. He is employed to sweep chimneys. He goes about crying his trade, though he can hardly speak ‘sweep’. He lisps ‘weep’ instead.

One of Tom’s friends is Tom Dacre. His head has been shaved. His curly hair is gone. But Tom consoles him. He tells Dacre not to cry. Since his hair is gone, soot cannot spoil it.

Tom’s dream: One night Tom had a pleasant dream. An angel had appeared and released all the chimney sweeper children from their dangerous work. The children were free. They had not to carry their soot bags. They had a bath in a river. They looked white and bright. They played on a green field. They rode on clouds. The angel assured Tom that if he worked honestly and without complaint, God would protect him and reward him pain.

The effect of the dream: Tom woke up. It was a chilly morning. But Tom was happy and warm. His spiritual experience made him rise above physical.

The Chimney Sweeper Summary in English

The Chimney Sweeper Summary in Hindi

प्रस्तुत कविता “दी चिमनी स्त्रीपर” विलियम ब्लेक की एक उत्कृष्ट कविता है जो उनकी काव्य रचना “सांग आफ इनोसेन्स” में संग्रहित है । इस कविता में फैक्ट्री की चिमनी में कार्यरत बच्चों की दारूण दशा का चित्रण है। बच्चों को चिमनी की भट्ठी में धुंआ एवं ताप (आग) के बीच चिमनी स्वीपर का कठोर कार्य करना पड़ता है। उनके सिर के बाल मुड़ा दिए गए हैं, क्योंकि चिमनी की भट्ठी की आग केश को जला न दे। उन्हें चिमनी की गंदगी तथा धुंआ के निकट अस्वास्थ्यकर वातावरण में रहना और सोना पड़ता है।

टाम की माँ के देहान्त के बाद उसके पिता ने उसे फैक्ट्री मालिक को बेच दिया । वह अत्यन्त कष्टपूर्ण स्थिति में वहाँ कार्यरत् है। उसे रात-दिन चिमनी की भट्ठी के निकट चिमनी स्वीपर का काम करना पड़ता है।

एक दिन नींद में वह स्वप्न देख रहा था, जिसमें एक देवदूत उसके पास आता दिखाई दिया। देवदूत ने उसे तथा अन्य सभी बच्चों को बंधन मुक्त कर दिया। उसे फैक्ट्री के कठोर कारावास-जीवन से छुड़ाकर आजाद कर दिया। सभी बच्चे प्रसन्नता से उन्मुक्त वातावरण में खेलने लगे। तभी उसकी नींद खुल गई। किन्तु अब वह प्रसन्न था। उसने अपने काम करने के सामान को उठाया तथा चिमनी में काम करने के लिए चल पड़ा।

कवि ने इस कविता में चिमनी स्वीपर का कार्य करने के खिलाफ कानून बनाने का आह्वान किया है। वह इस दु:खद अध्याय को समाप्त करना चाहता है।

The Chimney Sweeper Hindi Translation

First Stanza: When my mother died I was very young.
And my father sold me while yet my tongue
Could scarcely cry “weep !, weep !’, ‘weep’!”
So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.

Word Meaning : Tongue = जुबान | Scarcely = मुश्किल से । Sweep = बुहारना । Stool = राख से भरा फर्श । Curl = घुघराला । Lamb = मेमना । Shave = बाल मुड़ाना । Bare = मुड़बाया हुआ, बालरहित | Soot = चिमनी की आग की लपट | Spoil = नष्ट करना । Sight = दृश्य । Look up = बंद होना । Coffin = ताबूत । Angel = देवदूत । Bright = चमकीला | Open = खोखला | Set free = मुक्त कर देना । Leap = उछलना । Naked = वस्त्रहीन । Want = कमी।

Meanings of the stanza : In this stanza the speaker is a chimney sweeper. He is quite a young boy. He himself says that he was sold by his father to the chimney-master, when his mother had died. He was quite young that time. He says that he was so young that his tongue could hardly cry ‘sweep, sweep, sweep” Here the speaker, the chimney sweeper boy, wants to say that childhood is not a period to cry. It is the period for a boy to read and play. The speaker further speaks to the chimney that it is his (the owner) chimney where he is to do the work of a chimney sweeper and it is his (owner’s) root where he is bound to sleep.

भावार्थ-इस अनुच्छेद में वक्ता, चिमनी में काम करने वाला एक लड़का है। वह अभी एक छोटा बालक है। वह स्वयं कहता है कि उसके पिता ने उसकी माँ के देहान्त के पश्चात उसे एक चिमनी मालिक के हाथ बेच दिया था। उस समय उसकी आयु बहुत कम थी। वह कहता है कि वह उस समय इतनी कम आयु का था कि वह जोर से रो भी नहीं सकता था। उसके कहने का तात्पर्य यह है कि वह बहारो ! बहारो ! कह कर चिल्ला भी नहीं सकता था। बालक के कहने का अभिप्राय यह है कि बाल्यावस्था चिल्लाकर रोने का समय नहीं है। यह बालक के
खेलने तथा पढ़ने का समय है। वक्ता (बालक) चिमनी मालिक से यह भी कहता है वह उस चिमनी में चिमनी स्वीपर का कार्य करता है तथा कोयले की कालिख वाले चिमनी के निकट के स्थान में सोने को बाध्य है।

Second Stanza:
There’s little Tom Dacre, who cried when his head,
That curl’d likealamb’s back, was shav’d : so I said
‘Hush, Tom ! Never mind it for when your head’s bare .
“You know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair.’

Meaning of the Stanza : There is another chimney sweeper boy workings there. His name is Tom Dacre. He had curling beautiful hair on his head. His beautiful hair is being saved. So, he is crying. The speaker on seeing it advises him not to cry. He further adds that now his head is without hair. So he should not worry. Now the soot of the chimney would not spoil his curling and beautiful white hair. In this stanza, the poet has presented a very miserable conditions of a chimney-sweeper boy.

भावार्थ-एक अन्य चिमनी-स्वीपर बालक वहाँ (चिमनी) कार्य करता है। उसका नाम ‘टॉम-डाकरे’ है। उसके सिर में सुन्दर एवं घुघराले सफेद बाल हैं। उसके सुन्दर बालों को काट दिया जाता है। अत: वह चिल्लाने लगता है । वक्ता से देखकर नहीं चिल्लाने की सलाह देता है। वह उससे यह भी कहता है, अब उसके (टॉम-डाकरे) सिर पर बाल नहीं हैं, इसलिए उसे इसकी चिन्ता नहीं करनी चाहिए। अब उसे चिमनी की कालिख उसके सुन्दर एवं घुघराले सफेद बाल को हानि नहीं पहुंचाएगी। इस अनुच्छेद में कवि ने चिमनी-स्वीपर बालक की अत्यन्त दयनीय स्थिति का मार्मिक चित्रण किया है।

Third Stanza:
And so he was quiet and that very night,
As Tom was a sleeping, he had such a sight!
That thousands of sweepers, Dick, Joe, Ned, & Jack,
Were all of them locked up in coffins of black.

Word Meaning: Quiet = शांत, Sight = दृश्य, Lock’d (Locked) up = बंद, Coffins = area, Lock’d up in coffins of black (engaged in their acts of chimney sweeper) = काम के लिए चिमनी में बंद ।

Meaning of the Stanza: On the advice of the speaker Tom-Dacre became quiet and stopped to cry. The same night when Tom was in sound sleep he saw a very horrible scene in his dream. He was highly sad to see that Dick, Joe, Ned, Jack and thousands of other chimney-sweeper boys like him were engaged in their acts of chimney-sweeping in a most miserable condition. It was the most unpleasant scene which terrified him. He felts as if all ot them were locked up in black coffins.
In this stanza the poet had ironically pictured the pathetic conditions of the chimney sweeper children. They had to work hard in (near) the Chimney. According to the poet it was just like locking up in black coffin. Here the poet has compared coffin with the factory where Chimney is located.

भावार्थ-वक्त के समझाने पर टॉम-डाकरे शान्त हो गया तथा चिल्लाना बंद कर दिया। . उस रात जब टॉम गहरी निद्रा में निमग्न था, उसने एक भयानक स्वप्न देखा । डिक, जो, नेड, जैक एवं हजारों अन्य चिमनी स्वीपर बच्चों को दयनीय स्थिति में चिमनी-स्वीपर का कार्य करते देखा । वे लोग उसके समान ही कष्टपूर्ण स्थिति में चिमनी में काम कर रहे थे। उस भयावह दृश्य को देखकर वह काफी दुखी थी।
इस अनुच्छेद में कवि ने व्यंग्यात्मक शैली में चिमनी-स्वीपर बच्चों के जीवन का कारूणिक दृश्य प्रस्तुत किया। चिमनी में कार्यरत बच्चे इस प्रकार लग रहे थे जैसे वे ताबूता (शव रखने का काला बक्सा) में बंद हों। ताबूत से चिमनी के कारखाने की तुलना की गई है।

Forth Stanza:
And by came an Angel who had a bright key,
And he open’d the coffins and set them all free
Then down a green plain leaping, laughing, they run,
And wash in a river, and shine in the Sun.

Word Meaning : Angel = देवदूत | Coffin = ताबूत, शव रखने का बक्सा | Set them all free = चिमनी-स्वीपर के कार्य से मुक्त कर दिया । Plain = मैंदान । Leaping = … उछलते हुए । Shine = चमकना ।।

Meaning of the Stanza:
In the horrible dream Tom saw an Angel coming near him. The Angel had a bright key. He opened the coffins with the key and freed all the children from the coffins. They would now move quickly in the green field, happily in a free atmosphere. They would run with joy. They would take bath and wash their dirt in the river and enjoy the sunny day. Their bodies are shining now.
The poet through these lines wanted to express his feeling against child labour. He is in favour of such a legislation against child labour. It would lead a free and happy life of all these unfortunate child labour. He (poet) had applied his mind over such type of legislation.

हिन्दी अर्थ-स्वप्न में उस भयानक दृश्य के पश्चात् टॉम ने एक देवदूत को अपनी ओर आते हुए देखा । देवदूत के पास एक आकर्षक चाभी थी। उसने उन ताबूतों (शव-पेटियों) के ताला को खोल दिया तथा सभी बालकों को मुक्त कर दिया। वे सभी बच्चे अब बंधन मुक्त होकर . हरे-भरे मैदान में प्रसन्नतापूर्वक खेलने लगे। वे नदी में स्नान करते हुए अपने शरीर एवं वस्त्र की गंदगी साफ करने लगे तथा सूर्य की धूप का आनंद लेने लगे। अब उनका शरीर एक अपूर्व आभा से भर गया।
इन पंक्तियों द्वारा कवि बाल-श्रम के सम्बन्ध में अपने विचार व्यक्त कर रहा है। वह बालश्रम .. के विरोध में इस प्रकार के एक कानून की आवश्यकता पर जोर दे रहा है जो अल्पव्यस्क बच्चों . को इससे मुक्त कर सके । बच्चे दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण शोषण से मुक्ति पाकर सुखी जीवन बिता सकें एवं .. अपना भविष्य निर्माण कर सकें। कवि ने इस प्रकार के एक कानून के पास होने की कल्पना की है तथा अपने विचार व्यक्त किए हैं।

Fifth Stanza:
Then naked and white, all their bags left behind.
They rise upon clouds and sport in the wind :
And the Angel told Tom, if he’d be a good boy,
He’d have God for his father, and never want joy.

Word Meaning: Naked = नंगा । Bags = गट्ठर । Rise = उठना । Sport = खेल । Want = अभाव, कमी । He’d have God for his father, and never want joy = अब उसके लिए ईश्वर उसके पिता होंगे और वे कभी उदास नहीं होंगे।

Meaning of the Stanza: Then they (Chimney sweeper boys) became free from the work of sweeping chimneys and its additional works. They had been relieved of their burden of work. They now became cheerful and Tom felt as if they were rising upon the cloud and playing with the wind happily. Then the Angel advised Tom to be a good boy. He further adds to look up to the Divine father and trust in His assurance and security. Then he and all the children will never be unhappy in life.

हिन्दी अर्थ-इसके पश्चात वे चिमनी-स्वीपर बच्चे चिमनी के कठोर कार्य से मुक्त हो गए। अब वे प्रसन्नचित थे। टॉम को ऐसा अनुभव हुआ कि वह अन्य लड़कों के साथ आकाश में बादलों तथा हवा के बीच खेल रहा है। इस बीच देवदूत ने टॉम को एक अच्छा लड़का बनने का परामर्श दिया। उसने यह भी कहा कि ईश्वर उसके पिता के समान हैं। उस परमपिता परमेश्वर की महान शक्ति पर उसे विश्वास करना चाहिए जो उसे सुरक्षा एवं समृद्धि प्रदान करेगा। इसके द्वारा वह जीवन में कभी दुःखी नहीं रहेगा।

Sixth Stanza:
And so Tom awoke; and we rose in the dark,
And got with our bags and our brushes to work.
Tho the morning was cold, Tom was happy and warm;
So if all do their duty they need not fear harm.

Word Meaning: Awoke= जगा | Tomawoke= टॉम जगा | Rose= (Rise का Past tense) उठना, मुक्तं होना । We rose in the dark = अंधकार से मुक्ति पाया।

Meaning of the Stanza: The speaker says that after a sound sleep Tom had awoken. Then all the Chimney-Sweeper boys took to their work of Chimney Sweeping with their heart turned to God i.e. their Father. It was a cold day. The morning was cold. But inspite of the cold of early morning, Tom was full of sweet tune (melody) of great God and could rise above the physical conditions of life, which appeared as lighter as a thin waterproof garment or the web of a spider floating in the air. As such no harm comes to those who does their work as Divine worship.

भावार्थ-वक्ता का कथन है कि गहरी नींद के बाद टाम की नींद खुला । उसके हृदय का अंधकार दूर हो गया। नवीन आशा का संचार हुआ। इसके साथ सभी चिमनी-स्वीपर साथी भी चिमनी में आए। उन्होंने अपना काम करना प्रारम्भ कर दिया। अब उनका हृदय उस ईश्वर के प्रकाश से भर गया था जो पिता के समान थे। यद्यपि प्रात:काल के वातावरण में काफी ठंड थी, किन्तु-टॉम का हृदय महान ईश्वर की अनन्त सत्ता से पूर्ण था। वह जीवन की भौतिक-शारीरिक स्थिति से काफी ऊपर पहुंच गया था। वह हवा में उड़ते मकड़ी के जाल के समान हल्का हो गया था। अतः जो लोग ईश्वर की आराधना करते है उनकी किसी प्रकार की हानि नहीं होती है।

What is the summary of the poem The Chimney Sweeper?

“The Chimney Sweeper” is a poem by William Blake, published in his 1789 collection Songs of Innocence. The poem is told from the perspective of a young chimney sweep, a boy who has been sold into labor by his father. The sweep meets a new recruit to the chimney sweeping gang named Tom Dacre, who arrives terrified.

What is the theme of The Chimney Sweeper poem?

The theme of “The Chimney Sweeper” is the cruelty of life and society from the perspective of a child. As in much of Blake’s more somber poetry, life and society are intermingled.

What is the meaning of The Chimney Sweeper?

: a person whose occupation is cleaning soot from chimney flues. — called also chimney sweeper.

What would be the conclusion of the poem The Chimney Sweeper?

In the Chimney Sweeper (songs of Innocence) the conclusion of the poem would be when he wakes from his dream. He wakes up, gets back to work in the soot, and although it’s cold, he feels warm because he knows that if he’s good, he’ll make it to heaven. You can go a couple different directions with this ending.

How does Lamb describe the life of chimney sweepers?

Lamb conveys his sincere respect to these chimney-sweepers (the “Africans of our growth”) for they set out for work early in the morning, battle through the freezing climate, and yet preach to mankind a lesson of patience.

What does the lamb symbolize in the poem The Chimney Sweeper?

Blake develops his own symbols in these poems as well as using established ones. He also refers to a Platonic belief that had become common among some Christians. Lamb – A lamb is often associated with innocence and playfulness, whilst a child sweep has been exposed to cruel treatment.