Spring Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Avadh Behari

Spring Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. Spring Poem is written by Avadh Behari. Learncram.com has provided Spring Poem Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Stanza Wise Summary, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.

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Spring Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Avadh Behari

Spring by Avadh Behari About the Poet

Awadh Behari Lal was a Behari. He was born in 1866. He was a student of Patna College and started writing poetry at the age of 17. He wrote descriptive and didactic poetry. His important achievement is “Bihar : A series of Poems” (Part 1: The Country and the Season). This has three cantos (parts)-Spring, Summer and Winter. The present extract ‘Spring’ is taken from the first part entitled “Spring’.

Spring Written by Avadh Behari Introduction to the Poem

The poem “Spring” written by Awadh Behari Lall has revealed a specific identity of Bihar through its plants and animals, seasons and the people. In this poem the poet has described the beauties of Nature.

Spring Poem Summary in English

The poem “Spring” written by Awadh Behari Lall has revealed a specific identity of Bihar through its plants and animals, seasons and the people.

In this poem the poet has described the beauties of Nature. The spring season is a beautiful season specially in Bihar. A wonderful natural beauty is to be seen in this season. In the spring season new fresh leaves are seen on the branches of the trees. The new leaves are green and red. In this season many beautiful and pleasant flowers and fruits are seen. A pleasing and gentle air and soft sounds through the trees are felt and heard. The trees are laden with fragrance and all these elements increase the joys of the poet. in In the Spring flowers were blooming in various sports of ground before the poet’s sight. The flowers were of different colours and kinds. The poet says that they were coloured by the Nature’s profuse hands. The Nature had coloured them with all his greatness, dignity and talent. The poet says that the beauty of the natural flowers will never be copied and no one has copied yet. An artist can imitate the colour of the flowers but the can not bring the natural fragrance in them.

The poet is of the view that the Nature has put them a new dress of various colours. Their colours are red, white, yellow, blue, pink, carnation (rosy pink colour), amaranth, gold, purple (mixture of red and blue), dark, faint and mediocre (moderate). But according to the poet only the red rose is the chief of all. It is the queen of flowers. He says that the red rose is the emblem of love and delight. Rose is the most beautiful flower of Nature.

The poets says that sister flowers of the rose stand in the same row. They seem charming and lovely. The primrose, the eglantine have similar beauties and fragrance. They are jealous of one another. They make rivalry for obtaining the first prize for passing most in the sweetest perfume and loveliest colours.. But the poet rejects their claim. He says that the red rose is the most beautiful and lovely flower. It is the symbol of love and delight.

Spring Poem Summary in Hindi

‘Spring’ कविता अवध बिहारी लाल द्वारा रचित है। इसमें कवि ने बिहार में पाये जाने वाले पौधों, जानवरों एवं ऋतुओं से अपना साक्षात्कार प्रस्तुत किया है। इस कविता में कवि ने प्रकृति
की सुन्दरता का वर्णन किया है। बिहार में बसंत ऋतु एक बड़ी ही सुन्दर ऋतु है। इस ऋतु की प्राकृतिक सुन्दरता बड़ी ही मनोरम है। इस ऋतु में पेड़ों की डालियों में नए पत्ते दिखाई देते हैं। ये नए पत्ते हरे एवं लाल रंग के होते हैं। इस ऋतु में अनेक सुन्दर एवं मनमोहक फूल एवं फल देखने को मिलते हैं। हवा सुखद एवं मधुर होती है। पेड़ों की डालियों की आवाज सुनाई पड़ती है। बसंत ऋतु में पेड़ सुगन्धित होते हैं। कवि की खुशियों बढ़ जाती है।

बसंत ऋतु में एक ही पंक्ति में अनेक प्रकार के फूल पाये जाते हैं। फूल अनेक प्रकार के होते हैं। इनके रंग भिन्न-भिन्न होते हैं। कवि का कहना है कि फूलों के रंग की रचना प्रकृति अपने हाथी से करती है। इन रंगों की नकल कोई भी कलाकार नहीं कर सकता । वह फूलों में रंग दे सकता है, लेकिन सुगन्ध नहीं।

कवि का विचार है कि प्रकृति स्वयं फूलों को नए वस्त्र पहनाती है। फूल लाल. उजले, पीले, नीले, गुलाबी, सुनहले, गहरे, फीके एवं मिले-जुले रंगों के होते हैं। लेकिन कवि के अनुसार केवल लाल गुलाब सब का मुखिया है। यह फूलों की रानी है। यह प्रेम एवं आनन्द का प्रतीक है। अतः गुलाब प्रकृति की सबसे सुन्दर फूल है।

कवि के अनुसार गुलाब से मिलते-जुलते अन्य फूल गुलाब से प्रतिस्पर्धा करते हैं। वे भी मनमोहक एवं सुन्दर. होते हैं। गुलाबी रंग के गुलाब एवं जंगली जवा फूल गुलाब के समान ही सुन्दर एवं सुगन्धित होते हैं। लेकिन वे एक-दूसरे से ईर्ष्या करते हैं। सभी फूल एक-दूसरे से प्रतिस्पर्धा कर प्रथम पुरस्कार लेना चाहते हैं। लेकिन कवि उनका दावा ठुकरा देता है। उनके अनुसार लाल गुलाब का फूल सबसे सुन्दर एवं मनमोहक है। यह प्रेम एवं आनन्द का प्रतीक है।