South Delhi Murder Poem Summary in English and Hindi Pdf. South Delhi Murder Poem is written by Tabish Khair. has provided South Delhi Murder Poem Objective Questions and Answers Pdf, Poem Ka Meaning in Hindi, Poem Analysis, Line by Line Explanation, Stanza Wise Summary, Themes, Figures of Speech, Critical Appreciation, Central Idea, Poetic Devices.
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South Delhi Murder Poem Summary in English and Hindi by Tabish Khair
South Delhi Murder Written by Tabish Khair Introduction to the Poem
Tabish Khair studied up to M.A. in Gaya. He is pained to see that Bihar and Biharis no longer enjoy a good reputation in many parts of the country, Biharis are honest and hard-working people. But many poor Biharis work as domestic help. In some cases, it was found that Bihari servants killed their employers and made away with their valuables. The act of a few of them brought a bad name to Bihar and Biharis. Whenever an incident of murder or robbery is committed, the finger of suspicion is pointed at the Bihari servant without any proof or investigation. This prejudice prevails in the Delhi people and police alike.
‘South Delhi Murder’ highlights this attitude of the police and the people.
South Delhi Murder Poem Summary in English
An old couple lived alone in a flat. Their sons were in America. They did their duty to their parents just by sending them valuable presents.
One day a neighbour saw a red fluid spilled from behind the closed door of the old couple. For three days, she believed that the red fluid was red ink or nail polish. But then she noticed that the fluid had dried but the flies buzzed over it. Then she realised it was blood. She rang up the police.
She told her neighbour Mrs Guha about the old couple’s servant Shyam. He was a Bihari. He looked innocent. She found it hard to believe that such an innocent boy could have murdered the old couple. But appearances could be deceptive.
A police officer came with two constables. They broke open the door and went in. The old man had been stabbed and the old woman had been killed with iron rods.
It was a neat job as if the operation was done by professionals. The way the couple had been killed, the police officer could immediately tell that it was the job of a Nepali boy or a Bihari chhokra. It was presumed that in the dead of night when the streets of Delhi are deserted and quiet, Shyam’s accomplices would have come. Shyam would have unlocked the door for them. Then they killed the couple and made away with the valuables. Almost every valuable thing was missing. But they had left the laptop behind. Probably the illiterate Biharis did not know anything about computers. They did not know that laptop was also valuable.
Nabbing Shyam was not difficult at all. His address had been noted. He belonged to a small village in Bihar. The police also got his photo from a film in which he was seen carrying a tray at a party.
When the police caught Shyam, he had only fifty rupees and a sari which he had bought for his mother.
South Delhi Murder Poem Summary in Hindi
एक वृद्ध दम्पति एक फ्लैट में अकेले रहते थे। उनके बेटे अमेरिका में थे। वे अपना कर्तव्य केवल मूल्यवान उपहार भेजकर पूरा कर देते थे।
एक दिन एक पड़ोसन ने देखा कि लाल तरल द्रव्य बंद दरवाजे के पीछे से बह कर आया था। तीन दिन तक वह मानती रही कि वह लाल स्याही या नाखून पॉलिश थी। फिर उसे ध्यान दिया कि वह तरल द्रव्य सूख गया था और मक्खियाँ उस पर भिनभिना रही थीं । तब उसे आभास हुआ कि वह खून था। उसने पुलिस को टेलीफोन किया।
उसने अपनी पड़ोसन मिसेज गुहा को वृद्ध दम्पति के नौकर श्याम के बारे में बताया। वह बिहारी था। वह भोला-भाला प्रतीत होता था । उसे विश्वास न हो रहा था कि ऐसा भोला लड़का वृद्ध दम्पति की हत्या कर सकता था। परन्तु सूरत से धोखा लग सकता है।
एक पुलिस अधिकारी दो सिपाहियों के साथ आया। वे द्वार तोड़कर अन्दर गए। वृद्ध आदमी की हत्या छुरा घोंप कर की गई थी । वृद्धा की हत्या लोहे की सलाखों से की गई थी।
यह काम बड़ी सफाई में किया गया था जैसे किसी पेशेवर का काम हो।
जिस प्रकार हत्या की गई थी, पुलिस अधिकारी ने तुरन्त बता दिया कि यह किसी नेपाली या बिहारी छोकरे का काम है।
माना यह गया कि सुनसान रात में जब दिल्ली की सड़कें खाली व शांत होती हैं, श्याम के साथी आए होंगे। श्याम ने उनके लिए दरवाजा खोल दिया होगा। फिर उन्होंने दम्पति की हत्या कर के मूल्यवान वस्तुएँ लेकर चम्पत हो गए थे। लगभग सभी मूल्यवान वस्तुएँ नदारद थीं। परन्तु वे लैपटॉप छोड़ गए थे। संभवतः अनपढ़ बिहारियों को कम्प्यूटरों के बारे में कुछ पता न था। उन्हें पता न था कि लैपटॉप भी मूल्यवान होता है।
श्याम को पकड़ना कठिन न था । उसका पता लिखा हुआ था । वह बिहार के एक छोटे-से गाँव का रहने वाला था। पुलिस को एक फिल्म से उसका फोटो भी मिल गया था जिसमें वह एक पार्टी में ट्रे लिए हुए था।
जब पुलिस ने श्याम को पकड़ा, उसके पास केवल पचास रुपए तथा एक साड़ी थी जो उसने अपनी माँ के लिए खरीदी थी।
South Delhi Murder Poem Hindi Translation
First Stanza:
For three days she took it for spilled red ink. Or nail-polish. Then a scab of flies Peeled to hint at the wounds shut Behind that door. Her head buzzed As she called the police
Word Meaning: Spilled = छितराया था। Nail polish = नाखून पॉलिश ! Scab = घाव के ऊपर पड़ी हुई पापड़ी । Flies = मक्खी । Peeled = सतह पर की चमड़ी का उखाड़ना । Head = सिर । Buzzed = भनभनाहट । Police = पुलिस ।
भावार्थ-यह एक वर्णात्मक कविता है जो अंग्रेजी के उल्लेखनीय भारतीय कवि, ताबिश खैर के द्वारा लिखा गया है। इन पंक्तियों में कवि साउथ दिल्ली के फ्लैट में रहने वाले उड़े दम्पति की हत्या के बारे में कहता है। उस फ्लैट में रहने वाली एक बृटी असर के पता चला कि वहाँ हत्या हुआ है। यह एक बूढ़ी औरत है। उसने सबसे पहले गलती . जून के निशान को लाल स्याही या नेल पॉलिश का धब्बा समझा। बाद में मक्खियों के झुप’ दर फ्लैट के दरवाजे के पीछे खून के निशान का आभास हुआ ।
Meaning of the stanza: This is a narrative poem written by Tabish Khair a remarkable Indian poet in English. In these lines the poet says about a murder of old couple living in South Delhi flat. A resident of that fiat discovered that a murder had taken place there. This resident was an old woman. She at first mistook the marks of blood for spilled red ink or nailpolish. A swarm of flies suggested the marks of some bloody wounds closed up behind the door of the flat.
Second Stanza:
Such a sweet boy, She later gasped to Mrs Guha, a little dense But smiling and so-sweet, to think he bottle up
In himself the range of 26 stabs, twen-tee-six, You never can tell with these people, no, not ever.
Word Meaning: Sweet = प्यारा, प्रिय | Later = बाद में | Gasped = जल्दी-जल्दी साँस लेना। Dense = बदमाश I, Smiling = मुस्कुराता हुआ | So-sweet = इतना प्रिय । Bottle up = नियंत्रण में रखना । Range = दायरा | Stabs = घाव । Tell = बताना । Ever – हमेशा।
भावार्थ-बूढ़े कत्ल किये गये दम्पत्ति का एक नौकर लड़का है। आधी रन में नौकर के द्वारा फ्लैट का दरवाजा खोला गया । एक बृढी औरत जा बगल के फ्लैट में रहती थी, वह सम्झ गई कि कुछ गलत हुआ है। उसने उस फ्लैट की एक दूसरी औरत मिसेस गुहा का बताया। वह बेतहाशा अंदाज में बोली 26 चाकू के जख्मों को सहन करने मकतूल के लिए सचमुच में कठि काम था । ऐसे लोगों के प्रति इस भयानके अपराध की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती है। यह अपराध दम्पत्ति के नौकर के द्वारा किया गया जिसने बूढ़े दम्पत्ति की हत्या डाकुओं द्वारा उन ही फ्लैट में करा दी गयी।
Meaning of the stanza: The old murdered couple has a serving boy. TI door of the flat was opened by the boy servant at the dead of nighi. Then ti old lady sensed something wrong who was a dweller in adjacent flat. She tol Mrs. Guha, another lady of the flat breathlessly that it was indeed a hard tas for the slain to endure them pain of twenty six stab wounds. These people cd never be imagined for such a heinous crime which was committed by Shyam the boy servant of the old couple with the help of some other criminals.
Third Stanza:
To which Mrs Guha sadly shook her gold earrings. The officer who turned up with two policemen Also shook his head when told of the old couple Who had lived in that flat with one serving boy And presents from guilt-stricken sons in the US. Having broken the door and located the crime, He came out holding a large hanky to his nose, Spat and asked, Nepali boy, no? Bihari Chokkra ?
Word Meaning: Sadly = उदास । Shook = हिलाया । Gold earrings = सोने का कर्णफूल | Turmed = आया । Old couple = वृद्ध दम्पति । Flat = घर । Serving boy = नौकर | Guilt-stricken = दोषी मानते हुए । Broken = टूटा हुआ । Located = दर्शाना । Crime = अपराध । Holding = पकड़े हुए। Hanky = रूमाल ! Spat = थूका।
भावार्थ-यह सुनकर श्रीमती गुहा, एक अन्य पड़ोसिन भी आश्चर्य से भर गई। इसी बीच एक पुलिस अफसर तथा दो पुलिसकर्मी वहाँ पहुँचे । हत्या के साक्ष्य की जाँच कर, अपनी नाक पर रूमाल रखते हुए पुलिस अफसर कमरे से बाहर आया। पुलिस अफसर न जानकारी चाहा कि नौकरी करने वाला लड़का नेपाली या बिहारी छोकरा था।
Meaning of the stanza: Mrs. Guha, another neighbour shook her least sadly, shaking her gold ear-rings. A police officer turned up with two police men. Having located the crime of the bloody murder, the police officer came out of the room, holding up a large handkerchief to his nose. He spat and asked whether the serving boy was a Nepali or a Bihari Chokkra.
Fourth Stanza:
Some clues are so abovious they don’t have to be pinned: The incision of murder is always the outsider’s choice. Someone on the edge of life, driven by ghostly scalpels. Sometime in the morphia of night when the roads of Delhi Were white swatches of loneliness and smog, sometime Three or more nights ago when the occasional truck’s Back lights faded to wavering bandages of yellow
Word Meaning: Clues = सुराग | Obvious = स्पष्ट | Pinned = साथ में जोड़ना । Incision = घाव | Murder= हत्या | Always = हमेशा | Outsider’s choice = बाहरी लोगों का चुनाव | Edge of life = बुढ़ापा । Driven by = ले जाया गया। Ghostly = डरावना । Scalpels = छोटा हल्का चाकू जिसे सर्जरी में इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। Sometime = कभी-कभार | Morphia= दर्द निवारक दवा | Swatches = छोटे कपड़े के टुकड़े जिसे जोड़कर बड़ा बनाया जाता है | Loneliness = एकांत । Smog= कुहासा I Occasional = कभी-कभी । Faded = फिका पड़ना । Wavering = झूलते हुए। Bandages = पट्टियाँ ।
भावार्थ-पुलिस के अनुसार दम्पत्ति की हत्या के सूत्र बिल्कुल स्पष्ट थे। चाकू मार कर हत्या करना हमेशा बाहरी लोगों की पसंद होती है। दम्पत्ति की हत्या निश्चित रूप से बाहरी लोगों का काम ।। हत्यारे ने डॅक्टर द्वारा प्रयोग किये जाने वाले छोटा तेज चाकू निकाला । यह आधी रात का समय था। रात में बिल्कुल खामोशी और कोहरा था । तीन बजे रात या उससे पहले अथवा बाद कभी-कभी आने वाले ट्रक के पीछे की रोशनी धुंधली दिखाई देती और पीले रंगों में लड़खड़ाती नजर आती।
Meaning of the stanza: Some clues about the murder of the couple were quite obvious. The incision of murder is always the outsider’s choice. The murder of the couple was certainly the work of an outsider. The murderer took out small sharp knife used by doctors. It was midnight. There was quite loneliness and smog in the night. Three or more nights age, back lights of the occasional trucks seemed fade and they seemed to be wavering bandages of yellow colours.
Fifth Stanza
Sometime in a gauzed silence broken by yapping Street dogs so-sweet Shyam had crept to the locked Front door and let his accomplices in Steel rods Had been used, and knives; the old man clubbed in bed. His wife surgically stabbed later.
Word Meaning: Gauzed Silence = गहरी शाति । Yapping = तेज मूंकना । Street-dog = गली का कुत्ता । Crept = सरक गया । Locked = बन्द । Front door = आगे का दरवाजा | Accomplices = अपराधी का सहभागी । Steel rods = लोहे का छड़ । knives = चाकू। Clubbed in bed = साथ में बिछावन पर सोये थे । Surgically stabbed = डॉक्टरी ढंग से छुरा भोंका गया।
भावार्थ-कभी-कभी रात की खामोशी भौंकने वाले गली के कुत्तों के द्वारा भंग हो जाया करती है । श्याम, एक लड़का नौकर ने चुपके से फ्लैट के दरवाजा को डाकूओं के प्रवेश के लि. आधी रात में खोल दिया। वे लोग उसके फ्लैट के सामानों को लूटने आये । श्याम ने डाकुओं के साथ साजिश रचा । डाकू लोग चाकू और छड़ के साथ फ्लैट में प्रवेश कर गये । उनलोगों ने बूढ़े दम्पत्ति की बुरी तरह हत्या कर दिया । बूढ़े आदमी को पीट-पीट कर मार डाला गया और उसकी पत्नी को बाद में छूरा मारकर हत्या कर दिया।
Meaning of the stanza: Sometime the silence of the night was broken by yapping street dogs. Shyam, a boy servant quietly opened the door of the flat to admit the robbers. They came here in order to loot the flat’s belongings. Shyam made a conspiracy with the robbers. The robbers entered the flat with knives and rods. They brutally killed the old couple. The old man was beaten to death with a club. His wife was stabbed to death later.
Sixth Stanza:
A Cousin was asked By the officer to make an inventory of missing items. Which was long two TV sets, radio, banarasi saris All the inherited silver, jewellery, cash in fact everything Of value except the laptop, which had been left behind In panic or ignorance of its value.
Word Meaning: Cousin = चचेरा भाई । Inventory= तालिका बनाना । Missin’ = खोया हुआ। Inherited silver = परम्परागत रूप से प्राप्त हुई चाँदी। Jewellery = रहने । Everything = सबकुछ । Except = अलावा । Laptop = छोटा कम्प्यूटर । Panic = आतंक । Ignorance = अज्ञात | Value = महत्त्व।।
भावार्थ-पुलिस अफसर ने इस दम्पत्ति के एक रिश्तेदार को चोरी गये सामानों की एक सूची तैयार करने को कहा । चोरों ने एक लैपटॉप कम्प्यूटर को छोड़कर दो टी०वी० सेट रेडियो, कीमती बनारसी साड़ियाँ, कीमती जेवरात और नकद राशि इत्यादि चुराया था। इस लैपटॉप अथवा कम्प्यूटर को या तो भय से उन्होंने छोड़ दिया या कीमत में कमी के कारण छोड़ दिया।
Meaning of the stanza: When the police officer asked a cousin of the couple to prepare a list of missing things with place, he did so. Two T.V. sets, Radic. Valuable Banarasi Sari, Valuable Jewellery and cash in fact every thing was looted except the laptop or computer. This laptop or computer was left behind either in panic or least in value.
Seventh Stanza:
Scoffed the officer, what do they know of computers. Ora rhabets for that matter. It turned out that this time The hokkra in question had been filmed, holding Loaded trays in parties, and his address noted. Justice was clinical, sweet Shyam nabbed in his village with fifty rupees on him and a sari for his mother.
Word Meaning: Scoffed = गुर्राया Alphabets = वर्णाक्षर | Filmed = फिलमाना । Loaded = परिपूर्ण | Parties = जलसे । Address = पता | Justice was Clinical = चिकित्सा संबंधी न्याय | Nabbed = गलत काम में पकड़ा गया ।
भावार्थ-इस पर पुलिस अफसर ने मजाक से कहा कि बिहारी छोकरे को कम्प्यूटर से लेना-देना नहीं था। उस संदेहशील लड़के को पार्टियों में ट्रे ढोते हुए देखा गया था। अतएव उसका पता नोट कर लिया गया। इस तरह पुलिस के लिए उस बिहारी छोकरे, श्याम को उसके गाँव में ढूँढ लेना आसान था। श्याम को गाँव में गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। उसके पात्र मात्र पचास रुपये और माँ के लिए एक साड़ी थी।
Meaning of the stanza: Upon this the police officer joked that Bihari Chokkras did not hear of laptop. They did not have anything to do with computers and the like. The Chokkra in question had been filmed as an errand by carrying loaded trays in parties and his address had been noted. Thus it was easy for the police to trace out Shyam, the Bihari Chokkra in his native village. The poet says in the concluding stanza that justice was clinical. Shyam with fifty rupees on him nabbed in the village and a sari for his mother.