Subject Verb Concord Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

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Subject-Verb Concord Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers PDF

Here are some rules that govern the agreement of subject and verb:

Rule 1.
A singular subject takes the verb in the singular and a plural subject takes the verb in the plural. Note: All English verbs are plural, we make them singular by adding s or es to the verb.
(i) Naina goes for a walk every day.
(ii) The workers are on strike.

Rule 2.
Two or more singular nouns or pronouns joined by ‘and’ generally take a plural verb.

  • She and I were playing.
  • Both, her books and pen, have been lost.

Rule 3.
When two singular nouns refer to the same person, the verb must be in singular.

  • Her friend and classmate is dead.
  • Ankur’s wife and boss has met with an accident.

Rule 4. When a singular subject is qualified by ‘each’, ‘every’, ‘neither’ or ‘either’, the verb must be in singular.

  • Each one of you has to attend the match
  • Neither of the teams was very strong.

Rule 5.
When two subjects are joined by either-or/neither-nor, the verb agrees with the subject nearest it.

  • Neither the guru nor his disciples are present.
  • Either the boys or the teacher is wrong.

Rule 6.
When the nouns are compound in form, making one unit, the verb must be singular.

  • Bread and butter is their only food.
  • Here comes my friend and philosopher.

Rule 7.
When a sentence begins with introductory ‘there’, the verb must agree with the noun that follows it.

  • There are ten apples in the basket.
  • There is a swimming pool in my house.

Rule 8.
The nouns plural in form but singular in meaning take the verb in singular. ‘

  • The news is true.
  • Mathematics is not an easy subject.

Rule 9.
Collective nouns take verb in singular but when the individuals are taken separately, the verb can be in plural.

  • A herd of cattle is grazing.
  • The jury were divided in their opinion.

Rule 10.
A plural noun referring to distance, weight, height, amount of money represent a single figure or quantity, the verb must be singular.

  • Five kilometers is a long distance for walk.
  • She gives him an old five hundred rupee note.

Rule 11.
Nouns such as food, furniture, crockery, stationery, etc. are singular, so the verb must be singular.

  • The furniture has been polished.
  • The stationery is damaged during the transit.

Rule 12.
Phrases like—‘a lot of’, ‘plenty of’, ‘most of’ are used in singular when they refer to the amount or quantity, but they take plural verb when they refer to number.

  • A lot of work needs to be done.
  • Most of the boys like these candies.

Use the correct form of the words given in brackets to complete the dialogue given below.

People (a) ………………………. (be) seldom aware that their comfortable living (b) ………………………. (depend) upon the work of several thousands of persons. The first thing, for instance, what almost everyone (c) ………………………. (look) forward to in the morning is a hot cup of tea. This cup of tea (d) ………………………. (embody) the work of thousands of people. Consider first the supply of clean drinking water. In large cities, this (e) ………………………. (be) possible because of the construction of huge reservoirs at great cost and the regular maintenance of the water supply system by hundreds of workers.

Diagnostic Test 10

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs in agreement with its subject.
(a) A dog …………………………… a faithful animal.
(b) Neither my parents nor relatives …………………………… present yesterday at the party.
(c) Each of the boys …………………………… honest.
(d) The entire class as well as the principal, …………………………… agreed to the proposal.
(e) Neither Rasipa nor Reeta …………………………… present.
(f) His briefcase and wallet …………………………… been lost.
(g) Politics …………………………… his bread and butter.
(h) The committee …………………………… issued its report.
(i) Three parts of the business …………………………… left for me to do.
(j) Either he or I …………………………… mistaken.
(a) is
(b) were
(c) is/was
(d) has
(e) is/are
(f) have
(g) is
(h) has
(i) is
(j) am

Score: For each correct answer award yourself 1 mark.
5-6 – good
4 or less – You need to develop your grammar skills through adequate practice.

Diagnostic Test 11

Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verb given in brackets.

Besides encountering the strange aborigines, the first English settlers ………………………. (find) themselves in the presence of new and wide variations of climate. In their old home, they ………………………. (accustom) to a moderate temperature. Now they ………………………. (have) before them a great range of climate from the cold coasts of Maine to the hot savannahs of Georgia, with all the gradations from the far North to the deep South. To the exigencies of these variations, all the immigrants, from the British Isles as well as the Continent, ………………………. (have) to adapt themselves. Wherever the colonists set to work, they ………………………. (brave) hostile weather conditions.

  • found
  • had been accustomed
  • had
  • had
  • were braving
Score: For each correct answer award yourself 1 mark.
5 – good
4 or less – You need to develop your grammar skills through adequate practice.

Diagnostic Test 12

Fill in the blanks using suitable words.

Now that I am in charge of the company, I ………………………. be making certain changes. First of all, I ………………………. to improve the standard of efficiency. To ensure this I ………………………. appoint floor-in-charges. They ………………………. not be there to report on you but to help you in case you need help. I also plan to organize various adventure camps and vacations as these ………………………. promote bonding between employees.

  • shall
  • am going
  • will
  • will
  • will
Score: For each correct answer award yourself 1 mark.
5-6 – good
4 or less – You need to develop your grammar skills through adequate practice.

CBSE Class 9 English Grammar