Sentences Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

A group of words that makes complete sense is called a sentence. It has at least one subject and one verb. Unlike a phrase, a sentence makes complete sense.

Sentences Exercises for Class 7 CBSE With Answers PDF

Based on the function they perform, sentences can be assertive, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory.

  • It is not a rock, Ray. (assertive)
  • What are you doing? (interrogative)
  • Don’t touch that. (imperative)
  • What a beautiful rock it is! (exclamatory)

Transformation Of Sentences
It is possible to change one type of sentence into another type of sentence without changing its meaning.

Assertive Sentence Into Exclamatory Sentence
It is a very sad story. → What a sad story it is!
(The relative pronoun what is added at the beginning and the word order is changed. There is also an exclamation mark at the end.)

Pari has become a brilliant pianist. → What a brilliant pianist Pari has become!
You draw very well. → How well you draw!
The water is cold. → How cold the water is!

Exclamatory Sentence Into Assertive Sentence
What a superb catch that was! → That was a superb catch.
How insane your explanation sounds! → Your explanation sounds insane.
How unfortunate that was! → That was unfortunate.

Interrogative Sentence Into Imperative Sentence
Some interrogative sentences, which are rhetorical in nature or are requests, can be turned into imperative sentences.

Will you lend me your earphones? → Lend me your earphones, please.
Can you come here Mafela? → Please come here, Mafela.
Will you tell us a story? → Please tell us a story.