Sentence Transformation Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers

Transformation of sentences means to change the form of a sentence without changing its meaning. A simple sentence can be changed into a complex or a compound sentence and vice versa. Similarly, an interchange of affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences can be done; without changing their meaning. Given below are some of the ways to transform a sentence.

This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 9 English Chapter wise.

Sentence Transformation Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers Pdf

1. Transform the following sentences as directed within brackets.

(i) The accused is innocent. – (Negative)
(ii) We should be more respectful of our teachers. – (Interrogative)
(iii) She is too clever to get caught. – (Remove ‘too’)
(iv) The dog is the most faithful animal. – (Positive)
(v) Dhoni has played some really superb shots. – (Exclamatory)
(i) The accused is not guilty.
(ii) Shouldn’t we be more respectful of our teachers?
(iii) She is so clever that she can not get caught.
(iv) No other animal is as faithful as the dog.
(v) What some really superb shots has Dhoni played!

2. Given below is a set of instructions for a person suffering from influenza. Use these instructions to complete the paragraph by writing a suitable phrase in each space from the choices given. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

  • Avoid milk and milk products.
  • Make a decoction of about ten mint leaves in a cup of water.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey before drinking it at bedtime.
  • Keep an onion by the side of the bed to inhale.
  • Take a salad prepared from radish twice a day.

Milk and milk products are to be avoided. A decoction of about (a) ………………………. in a cup of water. A teaspoon of (b) ………………………. before it is drunk at bedtime. A cut onion (c) ………………………. so that it can be inhaled. A salad prepared from radish is to be taken twice a day.

3. Read the given recipe to make apple-and-grape punch and then write out the instructions filling in the gaps. Do not copy the complete sentence. Write your answers against the correct blank numbers in your notebooks. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)


  • 1 litre apple juice
  • A litre grape juice
  • 2 teaspoons lemon juice


  • 1 small pear
  • 1 medium apple
  • Add a pinch of cinnamon powder, chill and serve.

At first the juices of the apple, grapes, and the lemons (a) ………………………. together in a punch bowl and refrigerated. Next the fruits (b) ………………………. and then added to the chilled fruit juice. After that a pinch of cinnamon powder (c) ………………………. the drink before it is served in tall glasses.

4. Put the adverbs given at the end of the sentence at the appropriate place within the sentence. One is done for you.

  • They completed the work, (fast/quickly)
  • They completed the work fast.

(a) Mr. Sharma died as the family was getting ready to go for the wedding, (suddenly)
(b) My grandfather arrived to avoid the traffic rush, (early)
(c) The man thanked me before he drove off. (profusely)
(d) The children clapped at the little girl’s extraordinary performance, (admiringly)
(e) The dog bit me when I was coming home from school, (hard)
(f) The police had several photographs of the suspect, (fortunately)
(g) Sunil left the room when he saw the bull coming in. (abruptly)
(a) Mr. Sharma died suddenly as the family was getting ready to go for a wedding.
(b) My grandfather arrived early to avoid the traffic rush.
(c) The man thanked me profusely before he drove off.
(d) The children clapped admiringly at the little girl’s extraordinary performance.
(e) The dog bit me hard when I was coming home from school.
(f) Fortunately, the police had several photographs of the suspect.
(g) Sunil abruptly left the room when he saw the bull coming in.

5. Listed are some simple maintenance measures which are a must for all homes. Read them and complete the blanks given. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

  • Polish wooden furniture regularly to maintain its lustre.
  • Clean the fans and light fittings fortnightly with a soap solution.
  • Regularly air mattresses, pillows, blankets.
  • Clean and disinfect dark cupboards as they make excellent hiding places for mosquitoes and moths.

To make your house look good the wooden furniture (a) ……………………… . The fan and light fittings should (b) ……………………… . The mattresses, pillows, and blankets (c) ……………………… . The dark cupboards, which make excellent hiding places for mosquitoes and moths should be disinfected and cleaned.

6. Read the comic strip given below and narrate the following story in indirect speech. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

During an exhibition, a modem artist was explaining his work to a visitor. He pointed to a completely blank canvas and said (a) ………………………. The surprised visitor asked him (b) ………………………. to which the artist replied that the cow had eaten it. When the visitor wanted to know where the cow was ,the artist asked the visitor (c) ……………………… .

7. Mohini met her friend Rajiv at the bus stand after a gap of five years. Later Mohini writes to her friend, Rekha about their conversation. Read the dialogue given below and complete the letter that follows by choosing the correct option. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

  • Mohini: Hello, Rajiv. I haven’t seen you for ages.
  • Rajiv: I was in the United States for three years. I had gone there to do Masters in Business Administration. I just returned a week ago.
  • Mohini: Did you have a good time there?
  • Rajiv: Yes, I did. I finished my masters in two years and then I worked there for a year.
  • Mohini: Are you back for good?
  • Rajiv: No, I’m here for my brother’s wedding. I’ll be going back next week.

Dear Rekha,
You won’t believe whom I met at a bus stand yesterday! Rajiv. I told him that it was nice to meet him as I hadn’t seen him for ages. He informed me that (a) ………………………. years. He is here for his brother’s wedding and would be going back next week. He told me that he (b) ………………………. a week ago. I asked him (c) ……………………… . He said that he had come back for his brother’s wedding and would be going back the next week

With love,

8. Zubin met his friend Varun. Read their conversation and complete the passage using the indirect speech. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

  • Zubin: How long have you been out of work?
  • Varun: I’m not out of work now. I have just started a new job.
  • Zubin: How did you find the job?
  • Varun: I answered an advertisement in the newspaper.

Zubin met Varun and asked him (a) ……………………… . Varun informed him that (b) ………………………. as he had just started a new job. To Zubin’s enquiry as to how he had found the job, Varun replied that (c) ……………………… .

9. Read the comic strip and complete the passage that follows by using the indirect speech. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

As Anup ran past Shiva’s house, he told his friend (a) ………………………. but Shiva who was feeling iazy, (b) ………………………. Just then Shiva’s mother came out and told her son that (c) ……………………… . Shiva immediately changed his mind and joined Anup.

10. Read the comic strips given and narrate the following story in your own words using the indirect speech. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

Anu asked Brian if his friend Biplav (a) ………………………. Brian replied that (b) ………………………. Later in the day, Biplav went to Joe’s Soda Shop for an ice-cream soda. Joe commented that Biplav looked tired, to which Biplav replied that he hadn’t been getting enough rest as (c ) ………………………..

11. Read the comic strips given below and narrate the following story in your own words by using indirect speech. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

As Anil, Som and Sunny came out of the sci-fi film, Anil commented that (a) Som agreed with him and said that (b) An angry Sunny stopped them and said angrily (c) Som was surprised at this and said that he had just seen the movie. Sunny agreed and added that he might go see it again.

12. Read the dialogue given below and complete the following passage. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

  • Renu: How was the school fete?
  • Rinku: I didn’t like it much. It had no stalls for spicy food items.
  • Renu: Raghu told me that a lot of games were organized to attract the students.
  • Rinku: Yes, he is right. But there were very few prizes for the winners.

Renu asked Rinku (a) ………………………….. Rinku told her (Renu) that (b) ………………………….. as it had had no stalls for spicy food items. Renu said that she had been informed by Raghu a lot of games had been organized to attract the students. Rinku replied that Raghu was right in saying so and added (c) …………………………..

13. Read the dialogue given below and complete the following passage. (1 x 3 = 3 marks)

  • Manu: Is there any problem with the car?
  • Woman: I’ve a flat tyre. But I just don’t know how to change the tyre.
  • Manu: Let me give you a hand.

Manu saw a woman standing near her car by the road. He asked her (a) ………………………….. The woman replied (b) ………………………….. but (c) …………………………. . Manu offered to lend her a hand in changing the tyre.