Omission Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

In the passages given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the word in your answer sheet along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it, against each line number.

In the following passage, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the blanks given. The word that forms your answer should be underlined. The first one has been done for you.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

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Omission Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers PDF Download

Omission Practice Exercises for Class 10 CBSE


Before Word After
Wandering along the streets of Mumbai (a) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
my sons and I stopped the eating joints. Wherever we happen to be, we (b) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
make sure we taste the food of (c) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
the restaurant. In Mumbai we (d) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
tasted the regional food was (e) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
sumptuous and tickled taste buds. (f) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

Before – Word – After
(a) streets – of – Mumbai
(b) stopped – at – the
(c) sure – that – we
(d) Mumbai – also – we
(e) food – which – was
(f) tickled – our – taste

2. In the passage given on the next page, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

From humble beginnings a rural French Canadian hometown, (a) ……………………….
Celine Dion risen to international superstardom. Bom in (b) ……………………….
Charlemagne, Celine the youngest of 14 children of (c) ……………………….
a highly musical family. Her parents operated small club, (d) ……………………….
and weekends, the entire family performed before the local (e) ……………………….
population. From the tender age of 5, Celine sang her siblings. (f) ……………………….

3. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

Almost every knows that outdoor air pollution can damage (a) ……………………….
one’s health, the lungs in particular. But not many people aware (b) ……………………….
about indoor air. pollution. In own small way, your house, (c) ……………………….
school work environment all contribute to pollution. (d) ……………………….
In other words, about 80 per cent our time is spent indoors (e) ……………………….
without knowing we are damaging our health. (f) ……………………….

4. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

Basketball is usually played on wooden court. There is a (a) ……………………….
backboard and a hoop each end of the court. The rim of (b) ……………………….
the hoop is 3 metres above the floor. A basketball round like a soccer (c) ……………………….
ball, it is bigger. Players score points by throwing the ball into (d) ……………………….
the basket. Two teams five people play against each other. (e) ……………………….
A team wins a game scoring more points than the other team. (f) ……………………….

5. In the passage that follows, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

The Theory of Evolution states that the plants animals (a) ……………………….
in the world today developed a natural way from earlier (b) ……………………….
forms that simpler. These earlier forms developed from (c) ……………………….
still simpler ancestors and process goes back through millions of (d) ……………………….
years to the very beginning, when life was in simplest form, (e) ……………………….
merely tiny mass of jelly-like protoplasm. (f) ……………………….

6. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

Red, green, blue, yellow, bright beautiful—they are all there, ,, (a) ……………………….
in loveliest colors and designs—works of art, crafted by (b) ……………………….
laboring hands hazardous conditions. Not many realize the (c) ……………………….
an effort that goes into crafting the colorful glass bangles line (d) ……………………….
the shelves shops across the country. Each bangle passes (e) ……………………….
through the hands of about 60 workers before reaches the shops. (f) ……………………….


Before Word After
A group scholars is meeting (a) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
in Jaipur February 10 to discuss (b) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
the issue global warming. (c) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
According the organisers (d) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
it will attended by some (e) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..
well known scientists the world. (f) …………………….. …………………….. ……………………..

Before – Word – After
(a) group – of – scholars
(b) Jaipur – on – February
(c) issue – Of – global
(d) According – to – the
(e) will – be – attended
(f) scientists – from – the

8. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

Russia America decided to stop being enemies. There was (a) ………………………..
no longer any money supports such wars. Americano (b) ………………………..
. longer tests nuclear weapons. However, their piles (c) ………………………..
of nuclear weapons still around. They need to watch over (d) ………………………..
and kept safe. The scientists made the bombs now use (e) ………………………..
their research information peaceful development. (f) ………………………..

9. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

The soil on a rainforest floor is shallow sandy. There are (a) …………………..
frequent downpours a rainforest. Also, winds can (b) …………………..
be quite strong in canopy layer. A rainforest tree, therefore, (c) …………………..
has quite job of staying upright. Rainforest trees have developed (d) …………………..
strong roots called buttresses which stick out the (e) …………………..
sides of the trunks and help anchor the trees the ground. (f) …………………..

10. In the passage given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheets. Ensure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (1/2 x 6 = 3 marks)

Today’s world, non-commercial organizations (a) ……………………..
need superior administrative skills, particularly managing (b) ……………………..
people and systems—which require combination of (c) ……………………..
consistent performance along the nimbleness of mind (d) ……………………..
and body respond to minor crises. No wonder women are (e) ……………………..
better equipped to succeed here well. (f) ……………………..

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar