Notice Writing Format Class 9 Examples, Questions

A notice is a formal means of communication. The purpose of a notice is to announce or display information to a particular group of people. Notices are generally meant to be put up on specific display boards, whether in schools or in public places. Notices issued by the government appear in newspapers.

A Notice gives the reader some information regarding an important event that is about to happen or that has happened. It is usually displayed publicly. It is a formal piece of writing and involves a specific style.

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Notice Writing Format Class 9 English CBSE Example Questions

A Notice gives information regarding an important event that is about to happen or that has happened. A Notice conveys information that is meant for the public. It is meant for others to know and follow.

  • The Notice must contain complete information.
  • The message with essential details:
  • Use a caption that catches the reader’s attention. It should preferably be a phrase.
  • The rest of the details should be concise and in order of importance.
  • The language of the Notice should be impersonal, use the passive voice as far as possible.
  • Mention the name of the body/organization organizing the event.
  • State clearly if the event is for any cause.
  • The Notice must answer the questions: what, why, when, where, how.
  • The Notice must be dated.
  • Do not use first-person, for example, ‘I’ or second person, for example, ‘you’.

Important: The purpose of the Notice should be very clear.

  • Put the Notice in a box.
  • Name of issuing authority/organisation/date
  • The subject of the Notice
  • The message with essential details
  • date, time, venue
  • extra information
  • signature of the person issuing the Notice
  • name of the person issuing the Notice
  • designation of the person issuing the Notice

Notice Writing with Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises

Notice Writing Sample Notice for Class 9 CBSE

You are Mansi Gupta, head girl of St. Mary’s School. Your school is organizing remedial classes for students of classes V to XII, “Revise”, after school hours from 1 August. All students who have secured less than 60% marks in the First Terminal Examination in any subject must attend the classes. Classes will be held from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lunch will also be provided to the students on request. Write a Notice for the school Notice board informing the students about the “Revise” remedial classes. Do not exceed 50 words. Put the Notice in a box.

St. Mary’S School
(“Revise” Remedial Classes)

24 July 20xx

Compulsory remedial classes, “Revise”, for those students of classes V to XII who have secured less than 60% marks in the First Terminal Examination will be organized from 1 August 20xx after school hours from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Lunch will be provided on request. For further details contact the undersigned.

Mansi Gupta
Head Girl

Notice Writing Practice Notice for Class 9 CBSE

Question 1.
Outlook Magazine is organizing a contest ‘Write 2 Win’ for students of classes IX and X. Students are required to write two pages on the most interesting news or book that they have read. The last date for receiving entries is 20 January. You are V.S. Raghavan, the Secretary of the Book Club of your school. In not more than 50 words write a Notice for the school Notice board informing students about the competition and asking them to contact you for the rules and other details about the competition. Put the Notice in a box.

Question 2.
Anjali is the president of the Social Service Society of the school. She receives the following circular from an NGO, Chintan. As Anjali, draft a Notice for your school Notice board asking for donations. Do not exceed 50 words. Put the Notice in a box.

Winter Is Coming: We Need Your Help

Chintan is an NGO that works with rag pickers. They have no homes, often eat from dustbins and live in them too. They have no access to medical facilities, no place to bathe and often, no families to turn to. They suffer from injuries, cuts, illnesses, malnutrition and poverty. We need to help them fight the cold by giving them clothes, shoes, caps etc. If you have old clothes for men, women or children, we need them to redistribute to ragpickers this winter. Will you donate for this noble cause?

Question 3.
The Inter-school Debate Competition which was to be held in your school on Monday, 8 March 20XX has been postponed by a fortnight due to certain unavoidable reasons. Write a Notice for the school Notice board informing participants about the change and any other necessary information in not more than 50 words. Put the Notice in a box.

CBSE Class 9 English Writing Skills