Letter To The Editor Format Class 11 Examples, Questions

Letter writing is an essential skill. Despite the prevalence of emails and text messages, everyone has to write letters at some point. Letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, letters requesting changes or – making suggestions – the list goes on and on. Encouraging children to write letters from an early age will improve their communication, social and handwriting skills, and teach them what they need to know about writing and structuring letters.

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Letter To The Editor Format Class 11 English CBSE Example Questions

Letter To The Editor Sample Example for Class 11 CBSE

You came across the following news item while reading the newspaper,

Boy Killed in Accident

NEW DELHI, 29 OCT: A Class 12 student of Kulachi Hans Raj Model School was killed when a Blueline bus hit and run over him this morning.

Letter To The Editor Practice Example for Class 11 CBSE

1. Read the newspaper clipping given below. Then using the given information together with your own ideas, write a letter to the Editor of The Daily Times on how fad diets and junk food create nutritional deficiency leading to malnutrition, and on the importance of eating right.

12 April 20xx
Malnutrition is becoming a severe health problem among primary school children with as high as 66% of them being affected by it. This may affect the scholastic and academic performance of children. According to Dr Umesh Kapil, malnutrition leads to poor cognitive performance, hampers metabolism, lowers stamina and impairs immunity.

2. While reading The National Times, the following editorial caught your eye.

Road Accident Deaths Rise

The spectacular increase in the number of motor vehicles has created a major social problem – loss of valuable lives through road accidents. Rash driving and drunkenness are among the major causes for road accidents in India.

Write a letter to the Editor of the newspaper, expressing your views on the issue.

3. The inadequacy of public transport in Delhi has led to a phenomenal growth in the number of personal vehicles vis – à – vis cars and two-wheelers. The result is air pollution, high – energy consumption, congestion, and the resultant loss of productivity. Write a letter to the Editor of The New Daily Times giving your views on the issue of public transport in Delhi.

4. In recent years, there has been a dramatic shift in the style of film–making, and this has caused concern among conservative Indians. The Indian cinema industry is producing films that are vulgar and too westernized. They are degrading and diminishing India’s true cultural identity. You feel that films constitute a very powerful medium and some kind of restraint has to be exercised over what people, especially the young, see.

Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindu expressing your views. You are Abhinav/Akanksha Jain of A – 67, Green Park, Shimla.

5. Frequent power cuts and electricity failure during examination days are causing a lot of inconvenience to students. Write a letter to the Editor of a local newspaper, complaining about the situation and requesting competent authorities to take action and ensure that the situation improves.

6. A playground in your area is going to be used for building a commercial centre. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily, expressing your concern on the issue. You are Deepak/Deepti of 45/7, Model Town, Rohtak.

7. Look at the given poster.

Write a letter to the Editor of The Times of India about the need to follow traffic rules and the consequences of violating rules that you observe every day. Sign your name as Rahul/Rashmi Bakshi of 56/8, Janak Enclave, Delhi. (100 – 150 words)

8. You are upset about the decline in the performance of our sports/games persons at international levels. Listed below are the reasons for India’s poor performance. Write a letter to the Editor of National Herald conveying your concern and offering suggestions as to how the state of affairs could be improved. You are Payal/Pratap of R – 66, Kailash Colony, Jalandhar.

9. In India, around 13 – 14% of all school children suffer from learning disorders. Unfortunately, most schools fail to lend a sympathetic ear to their problems. As a result, these children are branded as failures. Samir Parikh, a child psychiatrist, opines that early detection of these disorders, acceptance by parents, broad awareness among the academic community, and above all a mature handling of the problem, will help students with LD lead a productive life.

Write a letter to the editor of a national daily, expressing your views on the need for awareness regarding learning disorders.

10. You are Navin/Namitha of Bangalore. Of late, daylight robberies and burglaries have been increasing in your city. You are very much concerned about your aged parents living alone. Write a letter to the editor of The Herald drawing the attention of the concerned authorities and giving your suggestions.

11. You are Kripa/Krishna of Madurai. Write a letter to the editor of The Daily News, Madurai about the speeding vehicles causing road accidents. Draw the attention of the concerned authorities and offer your suggestions.

CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills