Letter of Enquiry Format Class 11 Examples, Questions

Letter writing is an essential skill. Despite the prevalence of emails and text messages, everyone has to write letters at some point. Letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, letters requesting changes or – making suggestions – the list goes on and on. Encouraging children to write letters from an early age will improve their communication, social and handwriting skills, and teach them what they need to know about writing and structuring letters.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 11 English Chapter wise.

Letter of Enquiry Format Class 11 English CBSE Example Questions

An inquiry letter is usually written to gain some information from the recipient. While writing an inquiry letter it is important to provide some information about yourself so that the recipient can authenticate the source of the inquiry.

Business Letters
There are various types of business letters. These include:

Letter of Enquiry and Replies Sample Examples for Class 11 CBSE

You are. Anand/Anandi of 22, Gandhi. Nagar, Chennai. You saw an advertisement about a course in spoken English, published in “The Times of India” by SPD, International Institute, 83, Meera Nagar Chennai-20. You wish to join the course. Write a letter to the advertiser, inquiring about the details you require. [NCT 2014]

22, Gandhi Nagar

15 February 20XX

SPD International Institute
83, Meera Nagar Chennai
Dear Sir

Subject: Course in Spoken English

This is with reference to your advertisement in the Times of India of 14 February 20XX regarding a Spoken English course conducted by your institute.

I would like to know the fee, the duration of the course and other details. Kindly send me a prospectus at the above address.

I shall appreciate an early response.

Yours faithfully

Letter of Enquiry Format, Topics, Samples

You are Seetha/Surya living in Bangalore. You and your friends are planning a week-long holiday. You come across the following advertisement. Select a destination of your choice. Write a letter making necessary enquiries from the tour operator before you make your final decision.

28, The Mall
12 April 20xx
M/s Sewa Nath Worldwide Holidays
123 – A, Kailash Building,
Goverdhan Road,
City Centre, Malegaon.
Subject: Holiday package to Nepal

Dear Sir
This is with reference to your advertisement in The Daily Times for international holiday packages.
I am interested in visiting Nepal with my family during summer vacations. Before I make the final decision, I would like to know the answers to the following queries:

  • What cities would one visit?
  • Does 37,999 cover the cost of meals?
  • What are the charges for children below 5 years?
  • Would a guided tour of the historical places in the city be organised?
  • Could we give the dates of our choice or do you have tours that leave on specific dates?

I shall confirm the dates after receiving communication from you. Looking forward to an early reply, Yours sincerely, Surya

Letter of Enquiry Topics, Samples, Format

You are Garima/Gaurang. You aspire to be a doctor and are interested in joining a tuition class that will prepare you for the entrance examination. You find the following advertisement in the newspaper. Complete the following letter seeking more information about the institute and coaching facilities offered by filling in the blanks using the clues given.

Looking for a Career in Medicine?
Career Makers offer Correspondence Courses for:
Pre – Medical Entrance Tests
Admissions to the 1-year course open up to 30 April
All requests to be accompanied by Class X mark sheet
For Brilliant Success
Career Makers
4, Defence Colony.
South Delhi

Examination Hall
3 March 20XX
The Director of Career Makers
4, Defence Colony
New Delhi

Dear Sir,
Subject: Enquiry about (a) …………………………… . I am a student of class XI and am interested in (b) …………………………… after my All India Senior Secondary School Examination. I would be obliged if you would (c) …………………………… at the earliest, as it will help me decide, without (d) …………………………….

(i) when the study material will be sent;
(ii) whether or not contact classes are held;
(iii) whether mock exams are conducted for practice;
(iv) fee structure.

I am enclosing (e) …………………………… as desired by you. I shall be looking forward (f) …………………………….

Yours faithfully,
(a) the coaching facility for pre-medical test
(b) appearing for the pre-medical exams
(c) kindly give me the following information
(d) any delay
(e) the Class X certificate
(f) to an early response


  • any delay
  • the Class X certificate
  • the coaching facility for pre-medical test
  • kindly give me the following information
  • appearing for the pre-medical exams
  • to an early response

Letter of Enquiry and Replies Practice Examples for Class 11 CBSE

1. You are Ritika, who has just passed out of class XII Humanities stream with an aggregate of 92%. You are not clear about the available options and courses in colleges. You have come across an advertisement on career counselling by eminent educationists. Write a letter to them, asking them for more details about vocational courses offered by the university. Do not exceed 150 words.

2. Deepak/Divya Khemani wishes to go on a holiday to a seaside resort. He/She sees the following advertisement and writes to Tara Travels requesting additional details.
Letter of Enquiry Class 11

As Deepak/Divya, write the letter to Tara Travels.

3. You are Rajesh Mehrotra, the managing director of V – Discover – an outfit that arranges adventure camps and treks for school and college students. You saw the following advertisement for prefabricated portable rooms. Write a letter to the managing director, Porta – Cab, inquiring about the size, material used, durability, strength, and the cost of rooms.
Letter of Enquiry Class 11

4. You are interested in learning fashion technology through a correspondence course. Write a letter in 150 words to the principal of the National Fashion Institute, C.R. Das Road, Nasik, inquiring about the details of fee and duration of the course. While writing, imagine yourself as Sangeet/Sangeeta Jain who is living at 15, Sangeet Bhawan, Janakpuri.

5. Your sister has just passed the All India Secondary School Examination of the CBSE. She is keen on joining an institute which may help in personality development. She consults her language teacher on the subject who advises hér to join The Centre for Creativity and Development for this purpose. Write a letter to the Director of the Centre, seeking necessary information about her admission to their eight weeks’ summer course in leadership.

B. Replying To An Enquiry

Sample Letter
You are the Sales Officer of Messrs Good Life Electronics, manufacturers of consumer products and appliances. You have received a letter from M/s Jagota Electronics of 14, Rajpur Road, Delhi, inquiring about the various models of stereo systems manufactured by your company and their rates. They also wish to know more about the credit facilities offered by your company. Reply to the enquiry.
Letter of Enquiry Class 11

6. A leading fashion jewellery manufacturer advertised for distributors of Italian fashion jewellery. They received a letter from Ms Anita Behl, proprietor of Ogan Apparels, Mall Road, Shimla. She wanted to know about the jewellery items being manufactured and the initial investment she would have to make for stocking the jewellery. Write a letter, answering her queries.

7. You are the Managing Director of Pearl Travels. Your company organises package tours to London and the Continent. You had advertised in The New Times about the packages/off-season discount being offered by your company. In response to your advertisement, you received a letter from Sri Kamayani School, Gurgaon, asking for the facilities provided by you for differently-abled children during travel. Reply to the letter giving details.

8. You are Asha Lata Khanna, the Principal of St John’s School, Faridabad. Your school is organising a cricket coaching camp during summer vacations. You have received the following letter in response to your circular. Reply to the letter.

1183, Sector 7 D
29 April 20xx
The Principal
St John’s School
Subject: Enquiry about Cricket Coaching CampMadam,
With reference to your Circular No. CC/S/05/04, I would like to know some further details of the camp. I will be grateful if you could provide the following details:

  • duration of camp
  • fees for the camp
  • student: coach ratio

Looking forward to an early reply,

Yours sincerely,
Yoganand Sharma

9. An advertising firm, M/s Creative Lines requires office space in Nehru Place. You are Mr Jagdish Kumar of S – 567, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. You have a commercial flat in Nehru Place. Write a letter to the firm offering your flat for rent.

10. You are Francis D’Souza, General Manager of Pinto’s Lodge, 14, M.G. Road, Panaji, Goa. You received a letter from Dr Sanjeev Awasthi of 67/8, Gumti, Kanpur, inquiring about the availability of rooms from 22 – 27 December. Write a letter to Dr Awasthi regretting the non – availability of rooms during that period as all the double rooms in your lodge are already booked.

CBSE Class 11 English Writing Skills