Invitations are extended to relatives, friends, acquaintances, and clients on a number of social occasions such as marriages, births, engagements, deaths or other public functions.
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Invitation and Replies Format Class 12 English CBSE Example Questions
Invitations are of two types:
While formal invitations are sent for the above-mentioned occasions, many people also send a handwritten informal invitation beforehand to make these occasions more personal, cordial, and intimate as is appropriate to their relationship. Replying to invitations is essential. It is an essential courtesy to the host who has extended an invitation and also helps the host know how many guests will arrive so that he/she may make arrangements accordingly.
Like the invitations, replies to invitations also may be:
- formal replies to invitations
- informal replies to invitations
Formal Invitations
♦ Guidelines for Writing Formal Invitations
- Does not include the name of the addressees.
- The occasion, name of invitee, name of host, day, date, time, the venue is in this order.
- Details like name, address of organizer, sponsor, the host must be included.
- If a VIP is invited, then the name of the VIP should appear prominently.
♦ Formal Invitations
♦ In a formal invitation card:
- Start with the designation of the organizer.
- Followed by the name and address of the host.
- Details of date, time, venue of the event/function.
- The name of the chief organizer with R.S.V.P on the right/left hand (bottom) corner of the card.
- (R.S.V.P is a French word “Repondez sil vous plait” meaning “please respond”.)
Important points
The invitation is laid out so that each of the following is in a separate line:
- the name(s) of the host(s) issuing the invitation
- the standard expression ‘request the pleasure of the company of …’
- the reason for the invitation
- the time and date of the event
- the venue of the event
- In case a VIP is to be invited (at an official function), his/her name appears prominently.
- In the case of printed cards, the name of the invitee may not figure in the invitation.
- The date of issuing the invitation is not mentioned.
- No punctuation is required at the end of a line.
- There is no signature at the end of the letter.
- The simple present tense is used.
Invitation and Replies Sample Example for Class 12 CBSE
Your school is organizing the Annual Day next month in one of the prestigious auditoriums of your city. Draft an invitation in not more than 50 words giving all the essential details. Do not forget to include necessary instructions against mobile phones and cameras.
The Management, Staff and Students Instructions
You are a student of Sacred Heart Convent School, McLeod Ganj. The school is holding its Annual Function at 5.00 p.m. on 5 September 20XX. The Education Minister of the state has consented to be the Chief Guest. Design an invitation card to be sent to the parents and other invitees. Do not exceed 50 words.
Namita/Namit has come out successful in the XII class examination. She/He has decided to have a party for her/his friends. Draft an invitation in about 50 words giving details of the venue, time, and date. (4 marks) [CBSE Sample Paper 2015]
27, Elizabeth Road Firozshah Road Delhi-110005 May 29, 20XX Dear friends, I am celebrating my success in the Class XII Board Exam with a small puja followed by a party on May 31 at my home, starting at 5 p.m. I will be glad if you come along with your family. We will have great fun (yummy food, loads of games, music, and dance). Looking forward to spending a good time with you. Yours Namita |
Invitation and Replies Practice Example for Class 12 CBSE
1. As the Secretary of the Theatre Club of Birla High School, Kolkata, draft a formal invitation in not. more than 50 words, for the inauguration of the club in your school.
2. Your school is organizing the Annual Day next month in one of the prestigious auditoriums of your city. Draft an invitation in not more than 50 words giving all essential details. Do not forget to include necessary instructions against mobile phones and cameras.
3. You are Sajjan Raj, s/o Sh. Dharam Raj of Greater Kailash, New Delhi. Your father wants you to draft a formal invitation to be sent on the occasion of your sister, Anita Raj’s marriage. Prepare the invitation.
4. As the Sports Captain of Heritage School, Sanawar, write an invitation to be sent to the students of your school on the occasion of the Annual Sports Day of the school. Do not exceed 50 words.
5. As the proprietor Trendz, a new showroom selling ready-made garments for children, at the Community Centre, Jalvayu Towers, Jalandhar. Invite the local residents to the inauguration by the President, Residents’ Welfare Association. Do not exceed 50 words.
6. Your brother has successfully completed his Chartered Accountancy Examinations. You wish to celebrate the occasion by hosting a grand party. Write out the invitation giving details of the date, time and venue. Do not exceed 50 words.
7. Your sister, Chhavi, is getting married to Kapil (s/o Mr and Mrs Varinder Khanna of Patiala) on 26 December 2015. Your father, Mr S.P. Singh, has planned to hold the wedding at Magpie Tourist Complex, Vikaspuri, New Delhi. Design a formal invitation on his behalf inviting guests to the occasion and giving all the necessary details. Do not exceed 50 words.
Replying to Formal Invitations
Replying to an invitation is an essential courtesy for two reasons:
- to appreciate the host’s kindness in inviting you to the occasion
- to let the host know whether you will be attending the function or not in order to enable her/him to make arrangements accordingly.
The layout of a reply to a formal invitation is much the same as the invitation itself.
- The lines may be written in ordinary prose but the language used should be formal.
- The reply is written in the third person and there is no address or date. However, at times, people may put the date at the top right-hand corner or bottom right-hand corner.
An invitation is either accepted or declined.
Sample Accepting Invitation
Sample Declining Invitation
Important: It is an essential courtesy to give reason(s) for declining the invitation.
You are Mohit/Maya. You have been invited by the Lions Club to be one of the judges for a fancy-dress competition for children. But due to a previous engagement, you cannot accept this invitation. Complete the following formal reply to the President of the Club regretting your inability to accept the invitation by filling up the blanks appropriately.
23 May 20XX The President, Lions Club Jaipur Subject: (a) …………………………… Sir,Thank you very much (b) …………………………… for the fancy-dress competition for children. (c) …………………………… Please accept my best wishes for the function. (d) ………………………….. .Yours sincerely Mohit/Maya XYZ Street, Jaipur |
(a) Replying to the invitation
(b) for inviting me
(c) We regret our inability to accept the same due to a prior engagement.
(d) We look forward to being a part of future celebrations at Lions Club.
8. You are Madhu Mudgal. You have received an invitation from Mr Vikram Thapa to the birthday party of his daughter, Ira. You are unable to attend the party. Write your reply to the invitation. Do not exceed 50 words.
9. You are Vivek Guha. You have received an invitation from Mr Sunil Dhar for the graduation party of his son, Akash. Write your reply to the invitation expressing delight at receiving the invitation and informing the host that you will attend the party. Do not exceed 50 words.
10. The Sports Captain of Keshar Public School, Jodhpur, invited Sh. Mohamad Yunus Khan, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, to be the Chief Guest on the occasion of the Annual Sports Day of the school. On behalf of the minister, draft a reply to the invitation expressing your inability to attend the function. Do not exceed 50 words.
11. The Head Girl of St John’s School, Jammu, invited Sh. Haji Nisar Ahmed, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, to be the Chief Guest on the occasion of the Annual Day Celebrations of the school. On behalf of the Minister draft a reply accepting the invitation. Do not exceed 50 words.
12. Your friend’s brother has successfully completed his Chartered Accountancy Examinations. She is hosting a grand party to celebrate the occasion. Write a reply accepting the invitation. Do not exceed 50 words.
13. You have received an invitation to the wedding of Jitsun (d/o Dr Chetan Tsangmo) on 16 January 20XX. Design a reply accepting the invitation. Do not exceed 50 words.
14. You are Akshay/Varsha. You have been invited to attend the wedding of your friend’s sister during summer vacation. Respond to the invitation, regretting your inability to attend it. (50 words)
15. You are Manoj/Mini. You have been invited to attend the birthday party of your closest friend. Respond to this invitation. (50 words)
CBSE Class 12 English Writing Skills
- Advertisement Writing Class 12
- Poster Writing Class 12
- Notice Writing for Class 12
- Formal Letter Writing Topics for Class 12
- Letter Of Enquiry Class 12
- Letter Of Complaint Class 12
- Letter To Editor Class 12
- Letter for Job Application Class 12
- Article Writing Topics for Class 12
- Invitation And Replies Class 12
- Informal Invitation Class 12
- Report Writing for Class 12
- Speech Writing for Class 12