Formal Letter Writing Topics for Class 10 Format, Samples, Examples

Formal Letter: A formal letter is a letter that has a formal purpose. It is the professional way of communicating and language usage is also formal. It is mainly used for professional and official letters.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 10 English Chapter wise.

Letter writing is an essential skill. Despite the prevalence of emails and text messages, everyone has to write letters at some point. Letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, letters requesting changes or – making suggestions – the list goes on and on. Encouraging children to write letters from an early age will improve their communication, social and handwriting skills, and teach them what they need to know about writing and structuring letters.

Formal Letter Writing Topics for Class 10 Format, Samples, Examples PDF

Letter to Editor

Purpose of the Letter

  • To express one’s opinion on a wide range of social issues.
  • To express and share one’s observations and views in a public forum, namely a magazine or a newspaper.

Body of the Letter

  • The presentation should be concise.
  • It should clearly establish a cause-effect relationship.
  • Efforts taken to rectify the cause of the issue must be stated.

Language of the Letter

  • Formal language must be used.
  • Repetition should be avoided.
  • Sentences should not be very long.
  • The letter should be divided into two or three paragraphs.

Important Points

  • The letter must be written in the appropriate format.
  • The word limit of 150 words must be kept in mind.


Sender’s address
Receiver’s address Salutation
Subject: …………………………….Body of the Letter
1. Statement of the problem

  • (Through the columns of your newspaper …………………………….)
  • (I was to read …………………………….)
  • (With reference to the news report ………………… dated …………………, I was ………………… to read …………………)

2. Causes of problem

  • Misalleged
  • is due largely to

3. Results of the problem

  • has led to
  • Asa result

4. Suggestions

  • I feel
  • In my opinion.
  • I suggest

Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely
Name of sender

Sample Formal Letter

You are a resident of 7, Club Road, Hyderabad-13. Write a letter to the Editor of The Hyderabad Times, P.O. Box 350 Hyderabad-1, about the bad quality and inadequate supply of tap water in your locality.
Formal Letter Writing Topics for Class 10

Diagnostic Test – 3

Rohit/Radhika Awasthi reads the news item on the next page in the ‘Daily Times’ about the increasing number of crimes committed by teenagers.

Teen Crimes Stun City!

The last few months have witnessed a spate of crimes committed by school children, including thefts and kidnappings.

The recent cases have revealed that it’s either greed or uncontrollable anger/frustration that leads to crimes.
The driving thought that some youngsters today have is, ‘If he has it, why can’t I?’, for others, ‘it’s to maintain
lifestyle or just to show off,’ avers Nihal Nair (13 years) of Victoria High School. Anger has engulfed teenagers. I’- There is a lot of frustration because of unrealistic parental expectations and societal demands as well.

As Rohit/Radhika, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your views. Complete the following letter in not more than 120 words.

K 911, Hemkunt Towers
20 June, 20 xx
(a) ………………………………..
(b) ………………………………..
ThiruvananthapuramSubject: (c) ………………………………..Sir,
This is with reference to a report recently published in the Daily Times regarding the (d) ……………………………….. which is a matter of (e) ………………………………. . The recent cases have revealed that the teenagers are (f) ………………………………. . Youngsters today also have an ‘If he has it, why can’t I?’ attitude and want to (g) ……………………………….. . There’s a lot of frustration because of (h) ………………………………. . Isn’t it time society woke up, and took notice of the situation? It should be made mandatory for schools and colleges to have counsellors (i) ……………………………….. . Moreover, yoga and meditation (j) ……………………………….. in order to relax their rhinds so that teenagers lose their anger and frustration.(k) ………………………………..
(l) ………………………………..

(a) The Editor
(b) Daily Times
(c) Increasing crime among children
(d) the recent spate of crimes committed by school children, including thefts and kidnappings
(e) grave concern
(f) driven by greed or uncontrollable anger
(g) just show off
(h) unrealistic parental expectations and societal demands
(i) with whom students can discuss their problems
(j) courses should be started in schools
(k) Yours faithfully
(l) Rohit/Radhika Awasthi

3.1.1 You are Revathy and you happen to see a news item in the newspaper about the popularity of Indian handicrafts abroad. But you are unhappy about the lack of recognition given to the artisans by the Government. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the difficulties they face and the steps to be taken to solve their problems. Using the information given below and your own ideas, write the letter in not more than 120 words.

Indian Handicrafts Sought After

New Delhi: Indian handicrafts are in great demand in the US, Europe and the Gulf countries. However, the artisans feel their products are not given the required publicity. Further, the products are bought from them at very low prices by the middlemen and sold later at high prices abroad. The artisans hope that the Government would do something in this regard.

3.1.2 You are Suman Sinha of 13, Dilshad Garden, Delhi. You have observed that the subways in Delhi are seldom used by pedestrians. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of a national daily, highlighting the dire need of creating awareness about it. Based on the points given and ideas from the unit Health and Medicine of the Main Course Book, write a letter in not more than 120 words.

  • infrastructure unutilized
  • pedestrians prone to accidents
  • causes of apathy
    (a) accumulation of filth and garbage
    (b) stagnant water
  • need improvement in regular cleanliness and proper supervision

3.1.3 While reading the newspaper, the following news item caught your attention.

Cut Out the Junk Food

Amita Singh
New Delhi, 20 April 20xx

More worrisome than addictions like cigarettes, alcohol, drug abuse, or even excessive tea or coffee which would earn a frown from the society, junk food addiction not only has the sanction of society as a whole but it is not even considered worth worrying about. Yet this addiction to junk food is a habit that invites a host of diseases, ranging from obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, lethargy, anaemia and depression among others. The problem is that the onset of this addiction is very slow, almost like committing slow suicide, a little bit every day.

Children these days are addicted to many things including instant noodles, pizzas or chips and cookies instead of the balanced meals they need to take.

As Shruti/Sahil Khanna, write a letter to the editor of ‘The Hindustan Times’ in about 120 words, expressing your concern over the situation and suggesting measures to combat the problem. You may use your own ideas and hints from the unit Health and Medicine in the Main Course Book.

3.1.4 The following lines from’ the poem ‘Reaching Out’ in the Main Course Book set you thinking about the need to educate adults. You decided to get involved in the adult education programme.

Taking ideas from the unit ‘Education’, along with your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper in about 120 words, encouraging youngsters to take part in the programme.

3.1.5 In view of the perceived potential for high level growth in the tourist industry, the Government of India adopted various policies to achieve a 7 per cent annual increase in foreign tourists in its seventh . Five-Year Plan. The number of foreign tourists was approximately half of those in Japan, Thailand, and Malaysia. Inadequate road transport facilities for accessing the various tourist sites, a lack of basic infrastructure (including water supply and electriopower), lack of facilities to ensure comfort at the locations, and inadequacies in the tourist attractions themselves were considered to be the major factors underpinning this situation.

You are.Faraz/Farida Naeem. Write a letter to the editor of Bharat Times in about 120 words, giving suggestions for the promotion of the tourism industry and for improving the facilities for developing tourism in India, which has numerous world heritage sites. You may use your own ideas along with ideas from the unit ‘Travel and Tourism’ in your Main Course Book.

3.1.6 The first Child Education Summit was a conference of the students, by the students, and for the students – in thought, spirit, participation, and enthusiasm. It was a platform for students to voice their thoughts about the current curriculum and workload, and its effect on students. Education, they felt, is about learning, but the child’s daily struggle through homework, inescapable tuition, coaching classes, and aggressive competition among classmates is leading to health and other problems among children. Students also voiced their concerns about the current examination system.
Formal Letter Writing Topics for Class 10

The pie chart on the next page shows the students’ views on the problems with our education system.

You are Tanya Pant, President, All India School Students Forum. Write a letter about the fears expressed by the students at the Child Education Summit and their suggestions to the Chairperson, Central Board of Secondary Education, in not more than 120 words, using the information given above in the pie chart, your own ideas and ideas from the unit Education in your Main Course Book.

3.1.7 With the advent of plastic, a new and powerful enemy of the environment has been born. For convenience-crazy humanity, plastic is a great boon, but for the environment, it is a menace.

Tonnes of plastic waste litter the streets, choke drains and pollute the environment. Waste plastic in rubbish dumps and landfill sites is causing the death of many animals. Plastic debris floats in the sea and endangers sea birds.

Look at the given cartoon. Write a letter to the editor of Bharat Times, protesting against the growing plastic menace and giving suggestions about dealing with plastic waste.

Write the letter in not more than 120 words, using the information given, your own ideas and ideas from the unit Environment in your Main Course Book.
Formal Letter Writing Topics for Class 10

3.1.8 Given below are the pollution figures for some major towns and cities in India:

Suspended Particulate Matter Sulphur Dioxide Nitrogen Oxide
Permissible limits 200 80 80
Ludhiana 453 20 64
Delhi 680 124 137
Mumbai 485 27 53
Chennai 262 45 34

Using the information given above, your own ideas and ideas from the unit Environment, write a letter to the editor of Delhi Chetna, New Delhi, expressing your concerns about the increasing environmental pollution and how it has led to health problems in these areas. Also, suggest ways of dealing with the problem. Write the letter in not more than 120 words.