Determiners are words that come before nouns. They contain several classes of words, including pronouns and adjectives. They determine or limit the noun by giving some additional information about it. Determiners show whether a noun refers to is a general or a specific object, person, or place. They indicate which or how many things the noun refers to. Determiners define or limit a noun to the singular or plural. They indicate the amount or quantity. Determiners and nouns together make noun phrases. They make noun phrases with adjectives too. Determiners may precede numerals too.
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Determiners Exercises With Answers for Class 11 CBSE PDF
Determiners are words that precede and modify nouns. They tell us how many or how much. Selecting the correct determiner depends on your understanding of the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns.
Circle the correct answer.
Question 1.
Come here and do these/those sums.
Question 2.
Will you pass me that/the salt, please?
Question 3.
Do you need some/no help?
Question 4.
I don’t need any/some help.
Question 5.
There is littlel/little tea in the pot. You may have it.
Question 6.
All/Every language is difficult.
Question 7.
There is any/some rice left in the fridge.
Question 8.
We haven’t got more/enough petrol left to reach the next town.
Question 9.
Would you like some/little more sugar in your coffee?
Question 10.
I can write with both/either hand. See!
Determiners are words that precede and modify nouns. They tell us how many or how much. Selecting the correct determiner depends on your understanding of the distinction between countable and uncountable nouns. They also show us whether a noun refers to a general or specific object, person, or place.
Determiners include:
- Articles: a, an, the
- Possessives: my, our, your, his, her, its, their
- Demonstratives: this, that, these, those
- Number expressions: another, many, some, several, few, little, most, enough, lot, plenty
- Quantifiers: much, either, first, etc.
- Interrogatives: what, which, etc.
CBSE Class 11 English Grammar
- Determiners Class 11
- Articles Exercises for Class 11
- Possessive Exercises Class 11
- Tenses Exercise for Class 11
- Clauses Class 11
- Modals Exercises for Class 11
- Jumbled Sentences for Class 11
- Editing And Omission Exercises for Class 11 With Answers
- Sentence Transformation Class 11
- Cloze Passage Exercises Class 11
- Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 11