Articles Exercises for Class 9 CBSE With Answers

Articles are used to indicate the number of singular nouns (a, an) and to specify which noun is being talked about (the). A and an are indefinite articles. They are used to refer to a singular countable noun in general or for the first time.

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

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Exercise on Articles for Class 9 CBSE With Answers

A, an, the are articles.
Given below are some rules for the use of articles:
1. We use a before a singular countable noun beginning with a consonant sound.

  • a man, a chair, a cup, a cat

2. We use an before singular countable nouns that begin with a vowel sound.

  • an apple, an umbrella, an extra chair .

Note: We use a or an when the noun is used for the first time in a text. When that same noun is used for the second time we use the.

  • A man was walking down a street with a dog. The dog ran after a cat.

3. We use a or an when we wish to express surprise, joy, horror, disgust, etc.

  • What a wonderful day!
  • What an extraordinary thing to happen! What a silly fellow!

4. We use a or an in phrases that express speed, quantity, etc.

  • Milk is sixteen rupees a litre.
  • We were travelling at eighty kilometres an hour.

5. We use a before some numbers.

  • a couple of shoes
  • a few oranges a hundred coins

6. We use the with singular and plural nouns and for all genders to denote something particular.

  • Get the red dress.
  • Will all the boys go to the auditorium?
  • Some of the girls have gone for music.

7. We use the before a noun which can refer to only one particular thing or group of things.

  • Mohan is sitting in the study.
  • All the teachers in the school are well qualified.

8. We use the before a noun which is mentioned for the second time.

  • A young boy was attacked by a bull. The boy was walking down the road when the bull hit him.

9. We use the before a singular noun that is used to refer to a class of people, animals, or things.

  • The red panda is an attractive little creature that resembles a toy teddy bear.
  • The yak is found in Ladakh and Nepal.

10. We use the before an adjective that refers to a special class of people.

  • Mother Teresa cared for the old and the infirm.

11. We use the before superlatives and ‘only’.

  • the largest the best the oldest the only

12. We use the before certain numbers like first, second, etc.

  • I remember the first time I met you.

Diagnostic Test 7
Fill in the blanks given below using a, an, the. Put an X where none is required.
Tortoise is (a) …………………………… common name for members of (b) …………………………… family of turtles that live entirely on land. Tortoises are slow-moving animals known for their long life spans, which in some instances may exceed 150 years. Tortoises inhabit all of (c) …………………………… world’s landmasses except for Australia and Antarctica, (d) …………………………… greatest numbers of tortoises are found in (e) …………………………… tropical regions of Africa, South America and Asia. Most tortoises live in dry environments, such as deserts and savannahs, although some species prefer moist habitats, such as (f) …………………………… rainforests and woodlands. Tortoises are protected by heavy shells composed of (g) …………………………… inner, bony layer and (h) …………………………… outer layer made of homy plates.
(a) a
(b) the
(c) the
(d) the
(e) the
(f) x
(g) an
(h) an

Score yourself for each diagnostic test: For each correct answer award yourself 1 mark.
7-8 – good
4-6 – satisfactory
3 or less – You need to develop your grammar skills through adequate practice.