Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 10 CBSE With Answers

For sentences in the active voice, the subject performs the action; for those in the passive voice, the subject receives the action. Most grammarians recommend using the active voice whenever possible. Here are some examples to help you distinguish between the voices:

Basic English Grammar rules can be tricky. In this article, we’ll get you started with the basics of sentence structure, punctuation, parts of speech, and more.

We also providing Extra Questions for Class 10 English Chapter wise.

Active And Passive Voice Exercises for Class 10 With Answers CBSE Pdf

  • In the active sentence, the focus is on the doer of the action. Therefore it is in Active Voice.
  • In the passive sentence, the focus is on the receiver of the action. Therefore it is in Passive Voice.

The Active Voice
The active voice is more direct than the passive.

  • The boy hit the ball.
  • The subject (the boy) + an active verb (hit) + an object (the ball).

Sentences in active voice are generally clearer and more direct than those in the passive voice.

The Passive Voice
1. The passive voice calls attention to the receiver of the action rather than the performer.

  • The dog was hit by a stone.

2. The passive voice points out the receiver of the action when the performer is unknown or unimportant.

  • The letters will be posted.

3. It avoids calling attention to the performer of the action (known as the ‘institutional passive’).

  • The donations; will be collected on Monday.
    Active Voice Passive Voice
    1.  He writes a book.
    2.   He is writing a book.
    3.   He has written a book.
    4.   He wrote a book.
    5.   He was writing a book.
    6.   He had written a book.
    7.   He will write a book.
    A book is written by him.
    A book is being written by him.
    A book has been written by him.
    A book was written by him.
    A book was being written by him.
    A book had been written by him.
    A book will be written by him.

Active And Passive Voice Exercises Solved Example With Answers for Class 10 CBSE

Diagnostic Test – 28

Look at the flow chart which contains information on how to prepare rasam. Read the information and complete the passage given below.

It is very easy to cook rasam. First of all, a teaspoonful of jeera, (a) …………………… in a mixer. Then a fistful of tamarind (b) …………………… water and a tomato (c) …………………… cubes. Next a teaspoonful of oil (d) …………………… in it. After that a glass (e) …………………… Finally salt is (f) …………………… and the rasam is ready.
(a) black pepper and dried chillies are blended
(b) is soaked in
(c) is sliced into tiny
(d) is heated and the spices and the tomato cubes are fried
(e) of water along with the tamarind water is added and boiled

Score: For each correct answer award yourself 1 mark.
3-2 – good
2 or less – you need to develop grammar skills through adequate practice

Active And Passive Voice Exercises Practice Example With Answers for Class 10 CBSE

complete the news stories accompanying the following headlines by filling in the blanks.

1. 50 Killed in Bus Accident in Himachal
…………………… early on Friday when their bus returning from Kullu fell into a deep gorge while negotiating a curve in the mountains.

2. Telephone Calls to Become Expensive
Telephone calls …………………… from the 1st of July according to the MTNL spokesperson Mr. Ravinder Verma.

3. Work on Metro Commences on 21 st August
…………………… said the Chairman of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation.

4. Poor Visibility Delays Flight by Almost Three Hours
A number of …………………… fog and poor visibility.

5. Indian Wins Silver Medal at Olympics
Major R.S. Rathore, the shooting champion, made India proud …………………… Olympic Games at Athens.

CBSE Class 10 English Grammar