Neem Baba Extra Questions and Answers Class 6

Neem Baba Extra Question Answer Class 6 English Chapter 7

Neem Baba Very Short Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Who was Amber?
Amber was a school going little girl.

Question 2.
Where was Neem Baba born?
Neem Baba was born million of years ago in worth India or Myanmar.

Question 3.
How do the Iranians call it ‘Neem Baba’.
The Iranians call it ‘Neem’.

Question 4.
In Sanskrit language of India, it is known as _______
Arishta – A curer of diseases

Question 5.
Write four names given to the Neem Baba.
These are – Nim, Leemba, Nimori and Nimbe.

Question 6.
How do the other call the Neem Baba?
For others it is a ‘Magic Tree’.

Question 7.
The Neem barks are useful in curing _______ .
The cough and breathing problem.

Question 8.
What is the use of neem seed powder?
By spraying neem seed powder, mixed with water, is beautiful to save crops from insects and locusts.

Question 9.
What is the use of Neem oil?
Neem oil is useful for making toothpaste and soaps.

Question 10.
How do the termites harm our crops?
The termites eat the roots of the plants.

Question 11.
Who can make the best use of the Neem?
Only the trained and experienced men can made the best use of Neem.

Neem Baba Short Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Where is Amber sitting and what is she doing.
What Amber felt while sitting under the tree?
Amber is a small school going girl. After returning from school, she sits down under the shade of a neem tree in her court yard.
While sitting under the tree, she felt that the tree was going to talk to her. Consequently she looked at it and started talking by saying ‘Namaste’.

Question 2.
How did Neem Baba conduct with Amber?
Neem Baba was very much polite to her. It told that she known to him as she had been playing in his shade since her childhood. It even desired to be called ‘Neem Baba’.

Question 3.
What does Neem Baba tell about its birth as well as existence?
Neem Baba tells it has been born millions of years before in North India or Myanmar. Slowly and steadily it starts expansion and its family too spread outside India. Now it can be seen in many Asian, and African countries. It is also available in some parts of America.

Question 4.
Why is the story of Neem Baba is thought-provoking?
The story of Neem Baba is thought provoking on the fact that Indians gave its name in Sanskrit ie who uses diseases. Indians call it Neem. But it is a miraculous gift of nature to man.

Question 5.
Write some more names of Neem Baba, as you find in the lesson.
In Indian Sanskrit, it is Nimba and Nimbaea. In other places, people call it Nim, Leemba, Nimori, Nimbamond, Nimbe and Nimo. Scientists call ‘bitter Grace of God and Nature’s Gift to man while other call ‘Magic Tree’.

Question 6.
What idea does Neem Baba indicate to Amber about becoming ‘well known’.
Neem Baba indicates that one becomes well – known because of their utility to the public.’It tells as people have seen and experienced the usefulness so they are well known everywhere.

Question 7.
Specify at least two utilities of a Neem tree.
Neem tree is very useful for cleaning our teeth. It twigs kills the germs, removes the foul smell and saves us from Pyorrhea. Its leaves protect our clothes from being infected.

Question 8.
The leaves of a Neem tree serve as a panacia to the patients of measles. write in 2 or 3 sentences.
During measles, one gets almost itching all over the body. By spreading its leaves on the bed of the patient, he gets relief and the germs too do not breed further.

Question 9.
Name the different parts of a Neem Tree. Write some of the uses.
The different parts are roots, stems, twigs, leaves, flowers, fruits and barks. All are usefull in their own way. It is worth nothing that the furniture made from Neem wood is never eaten by the termites and other insects. Its barks are useful for cough and breathing problems. Itching of eyes is curable through neem flower.

Question 10.
Neem Baba is very much particular for the welfare of mankind. So he cautions us very methodically and logically. What is its caution?
In its discussion with Amber on the uses of a Neem tree, it tells that only trained and experienced people should use it. Because it is said, ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing’. Instead of getting relief some untoward happenings had to be avoided. So the Neem Baba gives a caution.

Question 11.
How we can save our crops from harm of insects and termites?
We can save our crops from harm of insects like locusts termites by preparing neem seed powder. It is to be mixed in the water for spraying on the plants and leaves. Further it revokes the breeding of water on the stagnant water. It will be a cost – effective mode to stop mosquitoes from breeding.

Question 12.
In what way we can save our grains from the insects?
The Neem tree is of utmost worth for the human kind. We all need ‘Chapatti’ made from grains. It has to be stored by everyone often it gets eaten by insects like beetles, bugs and pantry pests. These leave nothing. We can save them by using neem powder. They will kill these insects and we can get grain for our use.

Question 13.
Write two or three more benefits of a Neem tree that you find in the lesson.
We can get neem oil from the neem tree. It is used in making soaps and toothpastes. Furniture made from neem wood is never eaten by the termites. By keeping neem leaves in our houses, we can remove foul smell and we can have safety from other insects.

Neem Baba Long Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Reproduce the conversation between Neem Baba and Amber.
What ensured between Neem Baba and Amber?
It happened that Amber after returning from school, she sits down under the shade of a Neem tree in her courtyard. She felt that the tree going to whispering her.
Now goes the conversation.
Amber – After bidding Neem, she showed her intention to have a talk with the tree.
Neem Baba – It showed happiness and told her call Neem Baba.
Amber – She desired to know much about the tree.
It told about its existence and birth in North India and Myanmar millions of years before. It told about its different names like Arishta, Neem, Nimori and so on. It told that knew more about them due to their utilities. It also aware about its expansion in other countries as well.
Amber – She told that she knew its different uses and doctor’s advice to spread neem leaves for the patients of a measels. She indicated how she was recovered from cough and breathing problem with its help Even her father too recovered from itching of eyes.
Neem Baba – It was happy on knowing this then it told that its Neem seeds powder is useful for saving crops from insecticides etc. Its furniture is not eaten by termites. we can even save our grains from its leaves. It purifies our air and rather rejuvinates all life.
Amber – She thanked Neem Baba for sparing the time.

Question 2.
Detail the benefits showered by the Neem tree on the human beings.
Neem is very useful to serve the human beings. Because of its unique utility and quality its is well known very where people call it with different names. Scientists call it ‘Magic Tree’. Due to its chemical properties, it possesses the power to kill the germs and harmful insects. Its leaves are spread on the patients of a measles as it provides comfort. It saves from itching and stops the breeding of germs.

It is useful for farmers. They can use its neem seed powder for spraying on their crops in order to save their from insects and locusts etc. People clean their teeth and protect their clothes. It is useful in making medicines and saving grains from insects. In reality its each and every part is made for our comfort. Let us thank the Nature’s Blessings.

Question 3.
Writing a paragraph pointing out the benefit of Neem tree for the farmers specifically.
How do the farmers can save their crops from insects and other pests with the help of a Neem tree?
The neem;tree provides multiple benefits to the farmers. The one way, being the saviour of crops, its uses are beyond description. Very often the crops is ruined through locusts and other suspects. By spraying neem seeds powder, it will kill the germs and save the crops further it is a cost effective method to stop mosquitoes from breeding.

In addition to this, it can be used in rice fields where water remains standing. Its spray stops mosquito breeding and helps to increase crop yield. It saves the crops from termites and other insects which eat the crops for starting and saving grains, its use is highly praise worthy as it saves from being spoiled by the insects.

Question 4.
Point our some other utilities of a Neem tree.
Certainly the neem tree is a magical blessing of nature. It needs to be explored more and more to enjoy its usefulness. People use its twigs for clean their teeth and the teeth ailments. If we extract its oil, it becomes a useful medicine. We can prepare soaps for bathing and very often the doctors prescribes to use neem oil/neem soap to the patients. It can be used in preparing tooth paste and other medicines. It possesses the qualities of purifying not only our air but also our blood.

It is said that in Jyeshtha month by having newly cropped neem leaves, one can save from from itching of all kinds throughout the year. It serves as a rest house for birds and beasts. Its deep shade gives a refreshing breath in the scorching heart of the sun go we should plant as many neem trees as possible to save the human life and to protect ourselves from the global warming.

Class 6 English Extra Questions