Garbage In Garbage Out Class 6 MCQ Questions With Answers CBSE

Class 6 Science Chapter 16 MCQs Questions With Answers NCERT

We have compiled the NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage In Garbage Out with Answers Pdf free download covering the entire syllabus. Practice MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science with Answers on a daily basis and score well in exams. Refer to the Garbage In Garbage Out Class 6 MCQs Questions with Answers here along with a detailed explanation.

Garbage In Garbage Out Class 6 MCQ

Choose the correct option.

Question 1.
Landfill is
(a) an open area near a river/lake
(b) low-lying open area
(c) high-lying open area
(d) none of these


Answer: (b) low-lying open area

Garbage In Garbage Out Questions with Answers

Question 2.
Which of the following is good for making composting?
(a) Plastic bags, aluminium foil, dry leaves
(b) Vegetable and fruit peels, tea leaves, egg shells
(c) Polythene bags, pieces of clothes, paper
(d) Plastic paper, tin foil, egg shell, leather


Answer: (b) Vegetable and fruit peels, tea leaves, egg shells

Garbage In Garbage Out with Answers

Question 3.
Which one of the following will add to garbage?
(a) Syringe used by a doctor
(b) Tin of a soft drink
(c) Wrapper of food stuff
(d) All of these


Answer: (d) All of these

Question 4.
Which one of the following is not a method of garbage disposal?
(a) Landfill
(b) Vermicomposting
(c) Cycling
(d) Composting


Answer: (c) Cycling

Question 5.
The rotting of garbage is said to be completed when garbage
(a) do not change at all
(b) rot almost completely, but still smell bad
(c) rot only partially
(d) rot completely and not smell


Answer: (d) rot completely and not smell

Question 6.
Which one of the following is used for making vermicomposts?
(a) House flies
(b) Cockroaches
(c) Butterfly
(d) Redworms


Answer: (d) Redworms

Question 7.
Which of the following can be recycled?
(a) Stone
(b) Cloth
(c) Paper
(d) Grass


Answer: (c) Paper

Question 8.
Leaves falling from trees should be
(a) dumped near the ponds and lakes
(b) dried and burnt
(c) used in making compost
(d) dumped in landfill area


Answer: (c) used in making compost

Question 9.
A garbage collector separate items mentioned below in the garbage into red, green and blue containers for their transfer to landfill, composting pit, and recycling unit respectively.
(i) plastic bag
(ii) newspaper and journals
(iii) screw and nuts
(iv) vegetable peels
(v) metal chips
(vi) egg shells
Which item were transferred to which bin?
MCQ Questions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 Garbage In Garbage Out with Answers 1


(c) Red – i, ii, v
Green – iv and vi
Blue – ii only

Question 10.
Garbage from cities are dumped at
(a) riversides
(b) inside ponds and lakes
(c) landfill areas
(d) sewage pit


Answer: (c) landfill areas

Question 11.
The colour of dustbins in which biodegradable garbage is collected is
(a) orange
(b) red
(c) green
(d) blue


Answer: (c) green

Question 12.
The colour of dustbins in which non-biodegradable garbage such as plastics, metals, glass, etc., are col-lected is
(a) red
(b) blue
(c) green
(d) orange


Answer: (b) blue

Question 13.
If you dump kitchen waste in a pit, after sometime, it may
(a) convert into vermicompost
(b) convert into compost
(c) remain as such
(d) remain dried forever


Answer: (b) convert into compost

Question 14.
Which of the following wastes cannot be added in the process of making vermicompost?
(a) Cardboard
(b) Cowdung
(c) Newspaper
(d) Pickles


Answer: (d) Pickles

Question 15.
The liquid waste generated due to domestic activities is known as
(a) sewage
(b) compost
(c) fertiliser
(d) smoke


Answer: (a) sewage

Question 16.
Which of the following can be recycled?
(a) Leather shoes
(b) Animal waste
(c) Waste paper
(d) Kitchen waste


Answer: (c) Waste paper

Question 17.
Which of the following wastes can be recycled?
(a) Plastic
(b) Onion Peel
(c) Eggshell
(d) Banana peel


Answer: (a) Plastic

Question 18.
Dried leaves and plant wastes are best disposed-off by
(a) burning
(b) composting
(c) using as fuel
(d) throwing in ponds


Answer: (b) composting

Question 19.
Which of the following is used for vermicomposting?
(a) Redworms
(b) Earthworms
(c) Blue worms
(d) Tapeworms


Answer: (a) Redworms

Question 20.
The colour of dustbins in which biodegradable garbage is collected is
(a) black
(b) green
(c) yellow
(d) blue


Answer: (b) green

Question 21.
By recycling used paper we can save
(a) metals
(b) paper
(c) trees
(d) glass


Answer: (c) trees

Question 22.
Landfill are is/an
(a) open area
(b) high lying open area
(c) open area near a river/lake
(d) low lying open area


Answer: (d) low lying open area

Question 23.
Leaves falling from trees should be
(a) dumped in landfill areas
(b) dried and burnt
(c) used in making compost
(d) dumped near the ponds and lakes


Answer: (c) used in making compost

Question 24.
Which of the following sets of items is good for making compost?
(a) Plastic paper, tin foil, wrappers
(b) Broken plastic toys, polythene bags, pieces of clothes
(c) Egg shells, vegetable and fruit peels and tea leaves
(d) Aluminium wrappers, plastic bags and dry leaves


Answer: (c) Egg shells, vegetable and fruit peels and tea leaves

Question 25.
The rotting of garbage is said to be completed when the garbage
(a) rots completely and does not smell
(b) rots almost completely but still smells bad
(c) rots only partially
(d) not changes at all


Answer: (a) rots completely and does not smell

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1.
………………. is a low lying area where garbage from the cities are dumped.


Answer: Landfill

Question 2.
We can get best out of waste by ………………. and ……………….


Answer: Composting, recycling

Question 3.
The part of garbage which does not rot in nature is called ……………….


Answer: non-biodegradable

Question 4.
………………. is used in making vermicompost.


Answer: Redworm

Question 5.
The process of converting kitchen and animal wastes into manure is called ……………….


Answer: composting

Question 6.
Burning of leaves produce ……………….


Answer: harmful gases

Question 7.
Two kinds of dustbins provided by municipal corporations are ………………. and ……………….


Answer: blue, green

Question 8.
Redworms or earthworms do not have ……………….


Answer: teeth

Question 9.
Vermicomposting is done in a ………………. and ………………. atmosphere.


Answer: moist, warm

Question 10.
Redworms have a structure called ………………. which helps them in grinding the food.


Answer: gizzard

Question 11.
Safai karamcharis take the ………………. from the bins.


Answer: garbage

Question 12.
Biodegradable wastes could be converted into useful ……………….


Answer: Compost

Question 13.
Drains get choked due to ………………. thrown by us.


Answer: plastic

Question 14.
………………. do not survive in very hot or very cold surroundings.


Answer: Redworms

Question 15.
Biodegradable waste materials are also known as ………………. waste.


Answer: green

Question 16.
………………. do not have teeth.


Answer: Redworms

Question 17.
Plastics have become an integral part of our ……………….


Answer: life

Question 18.
Consuming food packed in ………………. bags could be harmful to our health.


Answer: Plastic

Question 19.
The compost made by using red worms is called ……………….


Answer: vermicompost

Question 20.
Burning of leaves produce charmful ……………….


Answer: gases

True or False

Question 1.
Paper can be recycled to get useful products.


Answer: True

Question 2.
Garbage is harmful to us.


Answer: True

Question 3.
Earthworms are called farmer’s friends.


Answer: True

Question 4.
We should burn plastic bags and other plastic items.


Answer: False

Question 5.
Structure that helps redworms in grinding their food is called gizzard.


Answer: True

Question 6.
It is easy to recycle shiny or plastic coated paper.


Answer: False

Question 7.
Materials that can be recycled are collected in blue bins.


Answer: True

Question 8.
Worms prefer to survive in a dark environment.


Answer: True

Question 9.
The components of garbage which do not rot can be recycled.


Answer: True

Question 10.
All components of garbage cannot be converted into compost.


Answer: True

Question 11.
The packaging material of flour, biscuits and milk go out as garbage.


Answer: True

Question 12.
We generate a lot of garbage in our day-to-day activities.


Answer: True

Question 13.
Garbage contains only non-useful components.


Answer: False

Question 14.
Polythene bags are useful components of garbage.


Answer: False

Question 15.
Garbage heaps of dried leaves should not be burnt.


Answer: True

Question 16.
We should not recycle aluminium products.


Answer: False

Question 17.
Many wastes are non-biodegradable.


Answer: True

Question 18.
We should try to minimise the use of the non-biodegradable substances.


Answer: True

Question 19.
Plastics are biodegradable materials.


Answer: False

Question 20.
Wood and cow dung are biodegradable wastes.


Answer: True

Match the following

Column I Column II
1. Landfill (a) Compost prepared with the help of redworm.
2. Manures (b) Low-lying area used to throw garbage.
3. Vermicompost (c) Product of rotten garbage.
4. Gizzard (d) A non-biodegradable material.
5. Plastic (e) Structure that helps redworm in grinding their food.
6. Recycling (f) Increases microorganisms in a compost pit.
7. Meat (g) Are called farmer’s friend.
8. Earthworms (h) Making useful things from wastes.
9. Kitchen waste (i) Process of decomposition of waste by microorganisms.
10. Composting (j) Can be used for producing compost.


Column I Column II
1. Landfill (b) Low-lying area used to throw garbage.
2. Manures (c) Product of rotten garbage.
3. Vermicompost (a) Compost prepared with the help of redworm.
4. Gizzard (e) Structure that helps redworm in grinding their food.
5. Plastic (d) A non-biodegradable material.
6. Recycling (h) Making useful things from wastes.
7. Meat (f) Increases microorganisms in a compost pit.
8. Earthworms (g) Are called farmer’s friend.
9. Kitchen waste (j) Can be used for producing compost.
10. Composting (i) Process of decomposition of waste by microorganisms.

Column A Column B
1. Low lying open area (a) Paper mache
2. Product of rotten garbage (b) Landfill
3. Increase micro-organisms in a compost pit (c) Manure
4. Compost prepared with the help of red worms (d) Meat
5. A paste made of clay and paper (e) Vermicompost


Column A Column B
1. Low lying open area (b) Landfill
2. Product of rotten garbage (c) Manure
3. Increase micro-organisms in a compost pit (d) Meat
4. Compost prepared with the help of red worms (e) Vermicompost
5. A paste made of clay and paper (a) Paper mache

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