Keeping Quiet Class 12 MCQ Questions with Answers English Poem 3

We have compiled NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Flamingo Poem 3 Keeping Quiet with Answers Pdf free download. MCQ Questions for Class 12 English with Answers were prepared according to the latest question paper pattern. Practicing these Keeping Quiet Class 12 English MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all the key concepts.

MCQ Questions for Class 12 English Flamingo Poem 3 Keeping Quiet with Answers

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Question 1.
The poetic device used in the last line ‘when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive’ is
(a) imagery
(b) irony
(c) paradox
(d) transferred epithet


Answer: (b) irony

Question 2.
The poet evokes a symbol in order to invoke that there can be life even with stillness. The symbol is
(a) earth
(b) rain
(c) storm
(d) cloud


Answer: (a) earth

Question 3.
What will counting up to twelve help us with?
(a) achieving harmony, brotherhood
(b) achieving goals and ambitions
(c) fulfilling wishes
(d) winning a race


Answer: (a) achieving harmony, brotherhood

Question 4.
A man should be – with nature
(a) totally compatible
(b) at war
(c) confused
(d) irresponsible


Answer: (a) totally compatible

Question 5.
The man looking at his hurt hands is a
(a) salt gatherer
(b) diamond cutter
(c) rag-picker
(d) surgeon


Answer: (a) salt gatherer

Question 6.
‘Fishermen not harming whales’ means
(a) not causing extinction of whales
(b) not disturbing balance in nature
(c) not going for fishing
(d) not disturbing the sea


Answer: (a) not causing extinction of whales

Question 7.
When the poet says ‘we will’ count to twelve he means
(a) entire mankind
(b) his own family
(c) his friends
(d) his wife and himself


Answer: (a) entire mankind

Question 8.
The poet of ‘Keeping Quiet’ is
(a) P.B Shelley
(b) Vikram Seth
(c) Pablo Neruda
(d) Kamala, Das


Answer: (c) Pablo Neruda

Question 9.
In the end, he again appeals to the people that he would
(a) initiate the state of inactivity
(b) will not bother at all
(c) completely ignore everyone
(d) destroy the earth


Answer: (a) initiate the state of inactivity

Question 10.
We can learn a lesson from
(a) the trees
(b) nature
(c) animals
(d) The earth


Answer: (d) The earth

Question 11.
What, according to the poet, would interrupt the sadness of man’s life?
(a) great laughter
(b) huge silence
(c) arguments
(d) fights


Answer: (b) huge silence

Question 12.
The men in clean clothes would be walking with their
(a) wives
(b) brothers
(c) nephews
(d) friends


Answer: (b) brothers

Question 13.
Who would look at his hurt hands?
(a) man gathering salt
(b) man gathering stones
(c) boys picking rags
(d) grave-diggers


Answer: (a) man gathering salt

Question 14.
Sudden strangeness is one of the following poetic devices:
(a) simile
(b) personification
(c) alliteration
(d) repetition


Answer: (c) alliteration

Question 15.
He advises the people not to speak
(a) French
(b) Spanish
(c) any language
(d) English


Answer: (c) any language

Question 16.
How does the poet perceive life?
(a) as stillness
(b) as silence
(c) a noisy place
(d) a continuous evolution of nature


Answer: (d) a continuous evolution of nature

Question 17.
What are the different kinds of wars mentioned in the poem?
(a) War against humanity
(b) War against nature
(c) War with gases and fire
(d) All these


Answer: (d) All these

Question 18.
Which images in the poem show that the poet condemns or hate violence?
(a) fishermen not harming whales
(b) wars leaving behind no survivors to celebrate
(c) poet’s refusal to deal with death
(d) All these


Answer: (d) All these

Question 19.
What does hurt hand refer to ?
(a) Growing needs of the man
(b) growing greed of man
(c) unfulfilled desires
(d) growing insensitivity of man to pain


Answer: (d) growing insensitivity of man to pain

Question 20.
What is the poet expecting from fishermen?
(a) to find more fish
(b) to go deeper into the sea
(c) to think and stop harming the fish
(d) none


Answer: (c) to think and stop harming the fish

Question 21.
How long is the poet expecting everyone to stay still?
(a) for 10 minutes
(b) for 12 minutes
(c) for 15 minutes
(d) for 1 second till we count 12


Answer: (d) for 1 second till we count 12

Question 22.
Why is the moment of silence called Exotic?
(a) because of the beautiful scenery around
(b) because of the gathering
(c) because of large gathering
(d) because of perfect peace and harmony


Answer: (d) because of perfect peace and harmony

Question 23.
How can the moments of no activity help people?
(a) they will be healthy
(b) they will be happy
(c) they will work easily
(d) to relax and be more thoughtful


Answer: (d) to relax and be more thoughtful

Question 24.
Why does the poet request people to keep quiet?
(a) to maintain silence
(b) to avoid noise
(c) to be friendly
(d) in the hope of becoming more thoughtful and peaceful


Answer: (d) in the hope of becoming more thoughtful and peaceful

Question 25.
What does the earth symbolise?
(a) perseverance and new beginning from seemingly stillness
(b) stillness
(c) greenery
(d) prosperity


Answer: (a) perseverance and new beginning from seemingly stillness

Question 26.
What can be a cure or an antidote to violent actions?
(a) speaking practice
(b) wise words
(c) polished language
(d) Practice of silence


Answer: (d) Practice of silence

Question 27.
Why is silence treated as a big issue?
(a) it helps to search our soul
(b) helps us to analyze our actions
(c) helps us to be thoughtful and find our true self
(d) All these


Answer: (d) All these

Question 28.
What does the poem Keeping Quiet teach us?
(a) how to maintain silence
(b) not to make noise
(c) speaking creates noise
(d) To be peaceful, thoughtful and have feelings of brotherhood


Answer: (d) To be peaceful, thoughtful and have feelings of brotherhood

Question 29.
What is destroying the environment?
(a) unthoughtful actions
(b) violent actions
(c) speaking without thinking
(d) All


Answer: (d) All

Question 30.
How is keeping quiet related to life and can change attitude?
(a) it helps to think and search soul
(b) helps to scratch one’s soul
(c) helps to develop new thinking process
(d) All these


Answer: (d) All these

Question 31.
Why does the poet ask people not to speak?
(a) because it creates noise
(b) he doesn’t like noise
(c) it makes things unpleasant
(d) because it creates barriers or obstacles in the form of misunderstanding amongst people


Answer: (d) because it creates barriers or obstacles in the form of misunderstanding amongst people

Question 32.
What does the poet feel is needed to be at peace?
(a) meeting with people
(b) talking with people
(c) interaction with the people
(d) Soul searching


Answer: (d) Soul searching

Question 33.
What is the original language of the poem ?
(a) English
(b) French
(c) Pali
(d) Spanish


Answer: (d) Spanish

Question 34.
What is poet’s pen name?
(a) Neruda
(b) Pable
(c) Pablo
(d) Pablo Neruda


Answer: (d) Pablo Neruda

Question 35.
What does the poem speak about?
(a) the necessity to be happy
(b) the necessity to introspect, understand and have feelings of brotherhood
(c) the necessity to work quietly
(d) none


Answer: (b) the necessity to introspect, understand and have feelings of brotherhood

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