In this page, you can find CBSE Class 10 Civics Chapter 7 Extra Questions and Answers Outcomes of Democracy Pdf free download, NCERT Extra Questions for Class 10 Social Science will make your practice complete.
Class 10 Civics Chapter 7 Extra Questions and Answers Outcomes of Democracy
Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 7 Very Short Answers Type
Question 1.
Why is a democratic government better than other alternatives?
A democratic government is better than other alternatives because it transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizen.
Question 2.
How can you say that democracies are based on political equality?
Democracies are based on political equality as individuals have equal weight in electing representatives.
Question 3.
What is transparency in a democracy?
In a democracy, if a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. He/she has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making. This is known as transparency.
Question 4.
Non-democratic rulers are very quick and efficient in decision making and implementation. What is the reason behind it?
Non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about deliberation in assemblies or worry about majorities and public opinion.
Question 5.
Why is there overwhelming support for the idea of democracy all over the world? Give one reason.
It is because a democratic government is the people’s own government.
Question 6.
What are the basis of democracy?
The passion for respect and freedom of the citizens are the basis of democracy.
Question 7.
“Equal treatment to women” is a necessary ingredient of a democratic society. What does this mean?
It means that women are now treated equality in the political domain.
Question 8.
What is the most distinctive feature of democracy?
Its examination never gets over. As democracy passes one test, it produces another test.
Question 9.
What is the most basic outcome of democracy?
It produces a government that is accountable to the citizens and responsive to the need and expectations of the citizens.
Question 10.
What is the dilemma about democracy?
Democracy is seen to be good in principle, but felt to be not so good in its practice.
Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 7 Short Answers Type
Question 1.
What are the differences between democratic and non-democratic governments in the decision-making process?
Democratic Government | Non-democratic Government |
1. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberations and negotiations. | 1. No such deliberations or negotiations are held. |
2. Democratic government takes into account the public opinion before reaching a decision. | 2. They do not care about public opinions. |
3. There is some delay in taking a decision due to deliberations and negotiations but these decisions are effective. | 3. They can take quick decisions, but these are sometimes less effective and forced on people. |
Question 2.
How is democracy accountable and responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens? Analyse.
(i) Democracy ensures that people will have the right to choose their rulers and they will have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making that effects them all.
(ii) Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures. So, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. He/she has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making.
(iii) Democracy carries regular, free and fair elections. There is open debate on major policies and legislations. Citizens enjoy the right to information about the government and its functioning.
Question 3.
“Some people think that democracy produces a less effective government.” Analyse the statement.
There are many reasons why people think democracy a less effective government—
- Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people and often ignore the demands of a majority of its population.
- Most democracies fall short of elections that provide a fair chance to everyone and is subjecting every decision to public debate.
- Democratic governments do not have a very good record when it comes to sharing information with citizens.
- Democracy is unable to achieve higher economic development. It has also showed failure in reduc¬ing economic inequalities.
- Democratically elected governments do not appear to be as keen to address the question of poverty as we would expect them to.
Question 4.
How is democratic government known as responsive government? Explain with an example.
(i) Democracy produces an accountable government because –
- It provides regular, free and fair elections.
- It carries open public debate on major policies and legislations.
- It gives citizens the right to information about the government and its functioning.
(ii) Democracy produces a responsive government because the government is formed by the elected representatives of the people. These representatives discuss the problems of the society and make
policies and programmes accordingly. Afterwards, they implement these policies and programmes.
(iii) Democracy produces a legitimate government because it is people’s own government. It is they who through their representatives form and run the government for themselves.
(i) Democracy ensures that people will have the right to choose their rulers and they will have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and necessary, citizens should be able to participate in decision making that effects them all.
(ii) Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures. So, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through the correct procedures can find this out. He/she has the right and the means to examine the process of decision making.
(iii) Democracy carries regular, free and fair elections. There is open debate on major policies and legislations. Citizens enjoy the right to information about the government and its functioning.
Question 5.
Why is democratic government known as legitimate government? Explain.
Democracy produces a legitimate government through the following mechanism—
- It conducts regular, free and fair elections, that ensure the accountability of the government and election of representatives to legislate and govern on behalf of people.
- It carries open public debate on major policies and legislations.
- It enables citizens to enjoy the right to information about the government and its functioning.
Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 7 Long Answers Type
Question 1.
Evidence shows that in practice many democracies did not fulfil the expectation of producing economic development in the country. Validate the statement with the help of relevant example.
“In actual life, democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.” Explain by giving examples.
If we consider all democracies and all dictatorships for the fifty years between 1950 and 2000, dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth.
Economic development depends on several factors: country’s population size, global situation, cooperation from other countries, economic priorities adopted by the country, etc.
However, the difference in the rates of economic development between less developed countries with dictatorships and democracies is negligible. Overall, it cannot be said that democracy is a guarantee of economic development. But we can expect democracy not to lag behind dictatorships in this respect.
When such a significant difference in the rates of economic growth between countries under dictatorship and democracy, it is better to prefer democracy as it has several other positive outcomes. Example-In Bangladesh, more than half of its population lives in poverty.
Question 2.
Has democracy led to the promotion of dignity and freedom of citizens? Discuss with example.
Democracy is much superior to any other form of government in promoting dignity and freedom of individuals.
- Democracy ensures that the conflicts that arise among the individuals because they might feel alienated or unequal are checked and equality of socio-political and economic kind is ensured to all.
- The passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy. This principle is universally recognized.
- Most societies are male dominated and women do not get equal chance. In democracies equal respect and treatment to women has been accepted.
- Democracies especially in countries with diversity such as India have recognized the claims of the backward and disadvantaged sections of society and they are granted equal status and opportunity.
- People can publicly express their dissatisfaction with democracy and thus make it more legitimate and responsive.
Question 3.
Explain any four consequences on which democracy has failed.
(i) Democracy is considered a better government than any other forms of government. So it is obvious that one can expect better economic growth and development. But evidences show that in practice many democracies have failed on this point. If we consider all democracies and all dictatorships for the fifty years between 1950 and 2000, dictatorships have slightly higher rate of economic growth.
(ii) Perhaps more than development, it is reasonable to expect democracies to reduce economic disparities. But the fact is that we see a wide gap between the rich and the poor. A small number of ultra rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and incomes. Those at the bottom of the society have very little to depend upon.
(iii) In substantive terms it may be reasonable to expect from democracy a government that is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and is largely free of corruption. The record of democracies is not impressive on these points. Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people and often ignore the demands of a majority of its population.
The routine tales of corruption are enough to convince us that democracy is not free of this evil. We have seen that democratically elected governments do not appear to be as keen to address the question of poverty as we would expect them to. For example, in Bangladesh, more than half of its population lives in poverty.
Question 4.
“Democracy is seen to be good in principle but felt to be not so good in practice.” Justify the statement.
Most of the people support democracy against other alternatives, such as rule by a monarch or military or religious leaders. But not so many of them would be satisfied with the democracies in practice. Although democracies produce good governments, they usually fail to produce development. Evidence shows that in practice many democracies did not fulfil this expectation.
Democracies are based on political equality. All individuals have equal weight in electing representatives. But they fail to bring economic equality. A small number of ultra rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth and incomes. Those at the bottom of the society have very little to depend upon. In actual life, democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.
Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 7 Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Questions
Question 1.
How is democracy a better form of government in comparison with other forms of governments?
Why is democracy better than other forms of governments?
Describe any five characteristics of democracy.
How are the democratic governments better than the other forms of governments compare.
Democracy is a better form of government in comparison with other forms of governments because of the following reasons –
(i) Democracy promotes equality among citizens as it is based on the fundamental principle of political equality. In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
(ii) It enhances the dignity and freedom of the individual. People are not subjects of a ruler, they are the rulers themselves. Even if they make mistakes, they are responsible for their conduct.
(iii) Democracy improves the quality of decision-making. A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions and meetings. So, some delay is bound to take place. But because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective.
(iv) It provides methods to resolve conflicts. These conflicts can be solved by brutal power. But that would lead to resentment and unhappiness. Democracy provides the only peaceful solution to the problem.
(v) It allows room to correct mistakes. There is no guarantee that mistakes cannot be made in democracy. But such mistakes cannot be hidden for long in democracy. There is space for public discussion on these mistakes. And there is a room for correction.
Question 2.
‘Transparency is the most important feature of democracy’. Support the statement.
Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures. So, a citizen who wants to know if a decision was taken through correct procedures can find this out. He/she has the right and means to examine the process of decision making. This is transparency.
In India citizens have been given the Right to Information about government and its functioning. Thus, democratic government develops mechanisms for citizens to hold the government accountable and mechanisms for citizens to take part in decision making whenever they think fit.
Question 3.
“Democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens”. Support the statement with examples.
It will be a fair explanation that democracy should produce a harmonious social life. We have seen in earlier chapters how democracies accommodate various social divisions. For example-In Belgium, the leaders realised that the unity of the country was possible only by respecting the feelings and interests of different communities and regions. Such a realisation resulted in mutually acceptable arrangements for sharing power.
Democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of such tensions becoming explosive or violent. Also, democracy gives a chance to every citizen to express his/her views on any issue freely. This leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens.
Question 4.
Explain any four features that are common in all the democratic setups of government.
- In all the democracies, government is formed by the representatives who are elected by the people.
- In all the democracies, the government is accountable to the people. If the government fails to fulfill the wishes of the people, it has a fair chance to be removed even before its normal tenure.
- They have formed Constitution.
- They have political parties. The one which gets an absolute majority forms the government.
- They gurantee rights of citizens.
Outcomes of Democracy Class 10 Extra Questions and Answer Civics Chapter 7 Value-based Questions (VBQs)
Question 1.
“An ideal government would not keep itself away from corruption but also make fighting corruption and black money a top priority.” Justify the statement by highlighting the values attached to it.
(i) An ideal government ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures. It gives its citizens the right and means to examine the process of decision making. In this, it maintains transparency.
(ii) An ideal government develops mechanisms for citizens to hold the government accountable and mechanisms for citizens to take part in decision making whenever they think fit.
(iii) An ideal government makes all efforts to develop a corruption-free society. It passes anti-corruption laws which have deterrent effects on those who are corrupt.
(iv) It does not only lay stress on education but also gives much importance to people’s morality. It teaches them how to build a national character.
Question 2.
“A democratic government is efficient and effective.” Analyse the statement.
(i) Democracy is a form of government in which people have the right to choose their rulers and have control over them. Whenever possible and necessary, people participate in decision making, that affects them all.
(ii) In a democratic government, elections are held regularly. They offer a choice and fair opportunity to the people to change the current rulers. This choice of opportunity is available to all the people on an equal basis. The exercise of this choice leads to a government limited by basic rules of the Constitution and Citizens’ rights.
(iii) Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. In any society, people are bound to have differences of opinions and interests. They look at the world very differently and have different preferences. The preferences of one group can clash with those of other groups. It is only democracy which is able to accommodate various social divisions and that without any violence.
Question 3.
How has democracy promoted the dignity of women?
(i) Most societies across the world were historically male-dominated. Long struggles by women have created some sensitivity today that respect to and equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society.
(ii) It does not mean that women are actually always treated with respect. But once the principle is recognised, it becomes easier for women to wage a struggle against what is now unacceptable legally and morally. In a non-democratic set up, this unacceptability would not have legal basis.
(iii) Democracy ensures women’s political representation in the government. Although their proportion has been very low, the modern democracy is making all efforts to increase their share in the government by politically empowering them.
Question 4.
Mention five value attached with democracy.
Democracy is a better form of government in comparison with other forms of governments because of the following reasons –
(i) Democracy promotes equality among citizens as it is based on the fundamental principle of political equality. In a democracy, each adult citizen must have one vote and each vote must have one value.
(ii) It enhances the dignity and freedom of the individual. People are not subjects of a ruler, they are the rulers themselves. Even if they make mistakes, they are responsible for their conduct.
(iii) Democracy improves the quality of decision-making. A democratic decision always involves many persons, discussions and meetings. So, some delay is bound to take place. But because it has followed procedures, its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more effective.
(iv) It provides methods to resolve conflicts. These conflicts can be solved by brutal power. But that would lead to resentment and unhappiness. Democracy provides the only peaceful solution to the problem.
(v) It allows room to correct mistakes. There is no guarantee that mistakes cannot be made in democracy. But such mistakes cannot be hidden for long in democracy. There is space for public discussion on these mistakes. And there is a room for correction.