Animals Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight

In this page you can find Animals Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight, Extra Questions for Class 10 English will make your practice complete.

Animals Extra Questions and Answers Class 10 English First Flight

Animals Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type

Question 1.
What message does the poem “Animals’ wish to convey?
What is the central idea of the poem “Animals”?
The poem “AnimEds” comments upon man’s degraded condition. He himself has dropped his goodness way behind and now, he suffers due to lack of it. So, man should not lose his basic nature—his simplicity, satisfaction, honesty and place. He should not create differences in the name of god.

Animals Extra Questions and Answers

Question 2.
How, according to the poet, have animals got the ‘token’?
According to the poet, humans have been just like animals in their basic nature a long time ago. In their march to civilization, they grew negligent towards it. Thus, they lost their basic nature Eind virtues, but animals still possess their basic nature. The poet imagines that animals got it from where humans lost it and have retained and preserved it since then.

Animals Extra Question and Answer

Question 3.
Write the central idea of the poem “Animals’.
In the poem “Animals’ the poet ‘Walt Whitman’ praises animals for being better than human beings. The human beings have left the qualities of kindness and innocence. The poet wants to live among the company of animals and experience life free of sins. The poet believes that long ago humans possessed those qualities which have been left. The poem teaches us to learn from qualities of animals who live in peace and contentment.

Question 4.
Notice the use of the word ‘turn’ in the first line, “I, think I could turn and live with animals…” What is the poet turning from?
The poet is turning away from living with other humans as he finds them complicated and false. He would rather live with animals that are self-contained and non-complaining.

Animals Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type

Question 1.
‘A friend’s eye is a good mirror’. How far does this apply to the relationships spoken about, between men and animals, in the poem, ‘Animals’?
The author values a friendship with animals above the human relationship because animals impress him with their placid and self-contained demeanor. Unlike men, the poet justifies such friends as they do not labour and lament their condition or suffer self-mortification for their wrongs, as men do. They don’t hold discussions about Man’s duty towards God.

He admires the animals’ disinterest in owning things or kowtowing to seniors or ancestors. The animals he says accept him unconditionally, mirroring his primary self. He realizes that animals mirror his true nature of man and portray it in theirs, like tokens, making the poet enquire about whether he had carelessly dropped his natural characteristics some time in the past.

Question 2.
We must not cry at our work condition rather we must either try to accept or improve if we can’—Explain it with reference to the poem ‘Animals’ composed by Walt Whitman.
Change is the rule of nature. Everything undergoes some change with the passage of time. Some changes face the better conditions while some touch the worse. Being partner of the changing situations, we should be able to accept both happiness and sadness that emerge from the womb of change. They are cyclic. We must not be selective all the time. We must not weep over our sadness.

This is what one of things the poet finds missing among human beings unlike animals. Animals never weep or bother for their worsening condition. They embrace whatever comes in their ways be it joy or pain. They do not set back and start grudging and grumbling about their bad condition. The poem teaches us that we should learn from the qualities of animals who live in peace and content of atmosphere.

Question 3.
It is not complaining but accepting a situation is the key to happiness in life. Elaborate in context of the poem “Animals”.
The greatest quality which a person can posses is to accept the situation quietly. If we learn to do things quietly then earth will sure become nice place to live on. We have dropped certain token of love, fellow feelings, sympathy, respect, co-operation, friendship, these qualities will only make us accept the things as they are and not to lose our identity. A person who has lived in a given situation peacefully, has always strived to the top.

The poem ‘Animals’ gives very important- messages. We human beings are gripped with feelings of ill- will, hatred, despise but animals are faraway from these ideas. We should learn from animals to be happy and let others live happily.

Question 4.
The poet in the poem (Animals’ laments the loss of certain values on part of human beings, where as animals seem to have retained them and are self-contained. Analyse the cause of degeneration of values in today’s hard times.
The poet, Walt Whitman, has got a clear understanding of this universe. He has very rightly brought before us the importance of traditions and values. He has understood that animals are self contained and fully satisfied with their lot. We human beings are never satisfied.

The values of human life are degenerating and rise in materialism is the major cause of these conflicts. Human beings are developing qualities such as ill-will, hatred, bloodshed and cruelty. Due to these conflicts there is no love and understanding. Thus dwindling human values are making people blood thirsty and evil.

Animals Extra Questions and Answers Reference-to-Context Questions

Read the stanza given below and answer the questions that follow:

Question 1.
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition.

(a) Animals are content and never …………… about their condition.

(b) The poet tells us that animals are ………… to humans?

(c) Animals are never satisfied with their condition. (True/False)

(d) Find the same meaning of ‘complain’ in the extract.

Question 2.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,

(a) The animals do not sweep for their ………. because they happy and content.

(b) The animals live in the ………. of nature.

(c) Human beings are troubled and disturbed in doing their duties to God. (True/False)

(d) Find the antonym of ‘smile’ in the extract.

Question 3.
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago,
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole Earth.

(a) It is unique in the animal world that no one is ………….. or unhappy.

(b) Humans …………. to other humans, but the animals do not.

(c) Humans knelt to other humans thousands of years ago. (True/False)

(d) Find the antonym of ‘disrespectable’ in the extract.

The Dear Departed Part 2 Question and Answers